
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Boeberastrum anthemidifolium (Benth.) Rydberg
Dyssodia anthemidifolia Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulph. 29. 1844.
A branched annual; stem erect, 1-3 dm. high, glabrous; leaves alternate or the lower
opposite, 3-5 cm. long, pinnatifid into 3-9, fleshy, linear-filiform divisions, each with a round
gland near the apex, and mucronate; peduncles terminating the branches, slightly thickened
above, with a few linear bracts remote from the head; involucre hemispheric, naked at the
base, about 6 mm. high and 12 mm. broad; bracts 8-10, oval, rounded at the apex, membranous
above, in two subequal series, united at the base only, with 3-5 glands; ray-flowers 8; ligules
oval, obtuse or retuse, 8 mm. long; disk-corollas 4 mm. long, glabrous; tube much shorter
than the funnelform throat; achenes 3 mm. long, hirsute on the angles; pappus 3 mm. long;
squamellae 12-15, each divided into 6-10 bristles.
Type locality: Bay of Magdalena, Lower California. Distribution: Lower California.
bibliografinen lainaus
Per Axel Rydberg. 1915. (CARDUALES); CARDUACEAE; HELENIEAE, TAGETEAE. North American flora. vol 34(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
käy lähteessä
North American Flora