Boana ventrimaculata, The Yasuní tree frog, is a frog in the family Hylidae, endemic to Ecuador and Brazil. Scientists have seen it between 64 and 1035 meters above sea level.[1][2]
The adult male frog is measures 44.5 to 60.7 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female frog about 72.9 to 90.5 mm long. They live in dry or flooded forests. This frog is the color of dark or light coffee.[2]
This frog's name has the Latin word for "stain" in it, per the frog's resemblance to coffee stains.[2]
Boana ventrimaculata, The Yasuní tree frog, is a frog in the family Hylidae, endemic to Ecuador and Brazil. Scientists have seen it between 64 and 1035 meters above sea level.
The adult male frog is measures 44.5 to 60.7 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female frog about 72.9 to 90.5 mm long. They live in dry or flooded forests. This frog is the color of dark or light coffee.
This frog's name has the Latin word for "stain" in it, per the frog's resemblance to coffee stains.
Boana ventrimaculata es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Hylidae.[1][2]
Esta especie es endémica del estados de Morona Santiago, Napo, Orellana, Pastaza y Sucumbíos en Ecuador y Estado do Amazonas en Brasil. Se encuentra entre los 64 y 1035 m sobre el nivel del mar. Vive en bosques.[1]
La rana adulta macho mide 5.3 cm de cuerpo, y la hembra 8.2 cm. They live in forests that can be flooded or dry. En color, parece como si feura manchado con café.[2]
Esta especie tiene el nombre ventrimaculata porque las marcas en su piel parencen como machas de café.[2]