Sivun Strigocis vicosensis Lopes-Andrade kuva
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Strigocis vicosensis Lopes-Andrade

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Zookeys
Male holotype (Figs 1–3), measurements in mm: TL 1.70; PL 0.55; PW 0.68; EL 1.15; EW 0.73; GD 0.55. Ratios: PL/PW 0.81; EL/EW 1.59; EL/PL 2.09; GD/EW 0.76; TL/EW 2.34. Body elongate, moderately convex; dorsal and ventral surfaces mostly unicolored, almost black, with reddish brown appendages; dorsal vestiture consisting of stout suberect or decumbent yellowish bristles; ventral vestiture consisting of slender decumbent yellowish setae. Head barely seen from above; dorsal surface concave, glabrous; punctation sparse, consisting of course shallow punctures; frontoclypeal ridge slightly raised and produced, its anterior margin with an emargination at middle forming two short subtriangular plates with relatively rounded apices. Eyes coarsely facetted, each one bearing more than 60 ommattidia; greatest eye width 0.10 mm. Antenna (left antenna measured; FL 0.10 mm; CL 0.16 mm; CL/FL 1.63) with length of antennomeres (in mm) as follows: 0.06; 0.05; 0.04; 0.02; 0.01; 0.01; 0.01; 0.05; 0.05; 0.06; sensillifers of the antennal club whitish, conspicuous (seen in magnification of 50×). Pronotum densely punctate, the punctures being coarse and separated from each other by 0.75× to one puncture-width; in between punctures somewhat microreticulate; the stout bristlesof the pronotal disc are decumbent, so attached to the surface that they resemble small scales and are more easily visible in lateral view; anterior portion produced forward and almost concealing the head when seen from above; anterior margin bearing an emargination at middle, forming two small subtriangular plates that are slightly larger than those of the head (Figs 1–2, 4–5); anterolateral angles (corners) produced forward and rounded; lateral margins slightly crenulate, almost straight, barely visible from above except for their posterior portions. Scutellum very small, so close to the elytra that makes it barely discernible; posterior margin broadly rounded, so that the entire structure resembles a half-circle; surface bearing small punctures very close to each other, giving a creasy appearance to its surface; basal width 0.07 mm. Hind wings fully developed (macropterous species). Elytra with lateral margins subparallel at basal half, then gradually converging to the apex; punctation single and confused, the punctures being coarser than those on pronotum and closer to each other; bristles similar to those on pronotum, but suberect and a little bit bigger; in between punctures smooth and shiny; sutural flange not diverging near apex (slightly divergent when examined in SEM; seeFig. 6, arrows). Ventral sclerites with most of their surfaces finely granulate. Hypomera unpunctate and bearing a few sparse slender setae. Prosternum biconcave and distinctly tumid at the longitudinal midline, carinate. Each protibial with its outer apical angle expanded forming a small acute tooth; apex bearing a row of spines closest to the inner apical angle. Metaventrite with afew very shallow and coarse punctures, barely discernible; discrimen with one-third the length of the ventrite at the longitudinal midline. Abdominal ventrites bearing several slender setae; first abdominal ventrite twice as long as the second, bearing a small oval margined sex patch, with near one-fifth the length of the ventrite at the longitudinal midline.
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
bibliografinen lainaus
Lopes-Andrade C (2011) The first Strigocis Dury (Coleoptera, Ciidae) from the southern Neotropical region and a provisional key to world species ZooKeys 81: 27–37
Cristiano Lopes-Andrade
käy lähteessä