Indigenous to Hawaii, very common terrestrial fern from sea level to 6000 ft. This crosier at 3900 ft.
Indigenous to Hawaii, very common terrestrial fern from sea level to 6000 ft.
Indigenous to Hawaii. Very common terrestrial fern.
New stipes and crosier are purple. Indigenous to Hawaiian islands.
Elevation of this plant was around 3700 ft.
All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2004-04-28 Location: Vumba, Jevington road Habitat: Climber near roadside in half shade
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 1998-03-13 Location: Vumba, Jevington road Habitat: Climber near roadside in half shade
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 1998-03-13 Location: Vumba, Jevington road Habitat: Climber near roadside in half shade
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2003-11-17 Location: Aberfoyle, Honde Valley Habitat: Next to river on bank
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2010-12-22 Location: Stapleford, John Meikle Reseach Station Habitat: Near road on rocks at pine forest
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2011-12-27 Location: Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post Habitat: Roadside
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2011-12-27 Location: Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post Habitat: Roadside
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2011-12-27 Location: Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post Habitat: Roadside
Species: Dicranopteris linearis (Burm. f.) Underw. Date: 2011-12-27 Location: Road from Mt Selinda to Espungabera border post Habitat: Roadside