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Myzus (Nectarosiphon) persicae (Sulzer 1776)

Associations ( englanti )

tarjonnut BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
Virus / infection vector
Bean Yellow Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Beet Mild Yellowing Virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Beet Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Beet Western Yellows virus is spread by Myzus persicae
Other: major host/prey

Virus / infection vector
Beet Yellows virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Carnation Vein Mottle virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Cauliflower Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Animal / honeydew feeder
Cladosporium feeds on honeydew Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Cucumber Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Cymbidium Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Dahlia Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Iris Mild Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Iris Severe Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Lettuce Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / false gall
Myzus persicae causes swelling of Vicia faba

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Silene dioica

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Magnoliopsida

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of live, severely curled leaf of Prunus persica
Remarks: season: spring
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of live, severely curled leaf of Prunus persica var nectarina
Remarks: season: spring
Other: major host/prey

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Lycopersicon esculentum

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Solanum tuberosum

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Lactuca sativa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Antirrhinum

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Aubrieta deltoidea

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Begonia

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Calceolaria

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Dianthus caryophyllus garden hybrids

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Callistephus chinensis

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Dendranthema

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Pericallis x hybrida

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Hibiscus

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Hyacinthus orientalis

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Lilium

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Myosotis

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Tropaeolum majus

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Orchidaceae

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Arecaceae

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Phlox

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Primula

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Rosa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Tulipa

Foodplant / sap sucker
Myzus persicae sucks sap of Lathyrus odoratus

Virus / infection vector
Narcissus White Streak virus is spread by Myzus persicae

In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Animal / pathogen
Pandora neoaphidis infects Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Pea Leaf Roll virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Pea Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Plum Pox virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Potato Leaf Roll virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Potato Mosaic virus A is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Potato Mosaic virus Y is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Tomato Aspermy virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Tulip Breaking virus is spread by Myzus persicae

Virus / infection vector
Turnip Mosaic virus is spread by Myzus persicae


The peach potato aphis Myzus persicae ( englanti )

tarjonnut EOL authors
The peach potato aphid Myzus persicae is a globally distributed aphid species, located in all but the coldest terrestrial habitats, where it has been found on a wide range of host plants. At present its presence has been recorded from species of nearly 130 plant families. The economic importance of M. persicae is related not only to the direct damages that this species may cause on plants (such as legumes, cucurbits, crucifers and solanaceous crops), but also to the virus transmission (more than 180 plant viruses have been identified as transmitted by the peach potato aphid). The green peach aphid M. persicae is resistant to more insecticides than any other insects. M. persicae indeed has a documented resistance to 71 synthetic chemical insecticides. M. persicae is a notable example of a heteroecious parthenogenetic aphid species. Its reproduction is based on parthenogenesis only from spring to autumn, then as the day length drops below a critical level (about 8 hours), apterous holocyclic viviparae produce gynoparae and males on secondary (herbaceous) hosts which migrate to the primary host, peach, Prunus persica L. (Rosaceae). The gynoparae then give birth to oviparae that lay the overwintering eggs after mating with males. Three other life cycle categories, excluding holocyclic ones, have been described in relation to the photoperiodic response, i.e. anholocyclic, androcyclic and intermediate. Anholocyclic populations are unable to produce the sexual morphs and overwinter as parthenogenetic females on weeds or winter crops. Androcyclic population, under short day conditions, produce parthenogenetic morphs and males, which are able to mate with oviparae of holocyclic or intermediate clones. Intermediate genotypes produce many apterous and alate virginoparae, some males and alate females which give birth both to virginoparae and oviparae. The different overwintering strategies of aphids offer a biological advantage, in terms of spread and survival, since they are able to adapt to various climatic conditions. The standard female karyotype of this species is 2n = 12, but specimens with a chromosome complement of either 2n = 13 or 14 have also been reported. Variations in the chromosome structure have been also observed and they are mainly due to chromosomal translocations and, occasionally, to fragmentations that result in an increased chromosome number. Several populations of M. persicae were heterozygous for a translocation between autosomes 1 and 3 and this particular rearrangement has been shown to be involved in resistance to organophosphate and carbamate insecticides. Chromosomal rearrangements in M. persicae have been hypothesized to affect some complex phenotypic traits, such as the host plant choice. A peculiar example of host adaptation concerns M. persicae strains feeding on tobacco. Morphometric analyses of specific taxonomic markers revealed that they are distinguishable from those living on other host plant so that the tobacco-feeding form was elevated to the status of a separate species. Further molecular evidences failed to confirm the genetic isolation of the population living on tobacco, although other data as well as behavioural/pheromonal evidence suggests that the two forms undergone some significant degree of ecological-evolutionary divergence.
Mauro Mandrioli
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EOL authors

Şaftalı mənənəsi ( azeri )

tarjonnut wikipedia AZ

Şaftalı mənənəsi (lat. Myzodes persicae Sulz.) — buğumayaqlılar tipinin bərabərqanadlılar dəstəsinin mənənələr fəsiləsinə aid olan növ.

Xarici quruluşu

Köçəri mənənədir. İri, bozumtul-qonur rəngdədir. Arxasında uzununa qara ziyil cərgəsi vardır. Zərərverici şaftalı, badam, ərik və alça ağaclarının gövdə qabıqlarında və budaqların aşağı səthlərində çoxlu sayda topalarla yaşayırlar.

Həyat tərzi

Sürfələrin inkişafı martın sonu və aprelin birinci ongünlüyündə havanın orta günlük temperaturu 15-16o C olduqda başa çatır. Onların yaşlı fərdlər mərhələsinə keçməsi üçün 16-30 gün tələb olunur. İlk diri doğan qanadlı dişilər may ayında inkişaf edərək, yay fəsli müddətində artırlar. Onlara sentyabrın sonu və hətta oktyabrın əvvəllərində də rast gəlmək olur. Daimi növ olduğuna görə, mövsümdən asılı olaraq, meyvə ağaclarının üzərində daha çox rast gəlinir. Yumurta qoyan dişilərdə nəsilvermə qabiliyyəti yüksəkdir. Yumurtaların sayı-13-18-ə çatır. Onlar yumurtalarını budaqların aşağı tərəflərinə, kölgəli yerlərə qoyurlar. Yumurtaların inkişafı üçün optimal temperatur 25-28o C hesab olunur. Qışlama dövrü yumurta mərhələsində başa çatır. İl ərzində 8-9 nəsil verir.[1][2]


Şəki-Zaqatala bölgəsində şaftalı və badam ağaclarının ən qorxulu zərərvericisi hesab edilməklə ifraz etdiyi mayenin əmələ gətirdiyi his göbələyi də bu ağaclara ciddi zərər verir.


  1. E.F.Səfərova. Abşeronda bəzək bitkilərinə zərərverən cücülər, onların biotənzimlənməsində entomofaqların rolu (Dissertasiya). Bakı, 2013
  2. Naxçıvan Muxtar Respublikasında çəyirdəkli meyvə ağaclarına zərər verən həşəratlar və onların entomoqafları


  • E.F.Səfərova. Abşeronda bəzək bitkilərinə zərərverən cücülər, onların biotənzimlənməsində entomofaqların rolu (Dissertasiya). Bakı, 2013

Xarici keçidlər

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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Şaftalı mənənəsi: Brief Summary ( azeri )

tarjonnut wikipedia AZ

Şaftalı mənənəsi (lat. Myzodes persicae Sulz.) — buğumayaqlılar tipinin bərabərqanadlılar dəstəsinin mənənələr fəsiləsinə aid olan növ.

Vikipediya müəllifləri və redaktorları
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wikipedia AZ

Pugó verd del préssec ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA
Pugó verd del préssec mort pel fong Pandora neoaphidis (Zygomycota: Entomophthorales) Escala de la barra = 0.3 mm.

El pugó verd del presseguer (Myzus persicae), és un àfid petit i una de les plagues més significatives del presseguer als quals causa decreixement de la creixença, enrotllat de les fulles i la mort de diversos teixits. També actua de vector de virus de les plantes com el potato virus Y i potato leafroll virus i diversos virus de mosaic.[3]

Aquest pugó es troba a tot el món i es beneficia en les zones d'hiverns freds de la presència d'hivernacles.[3]

Els adults d'aquest pugó apareixen a l'estiu i fan 1,8 a 2,1 mm de llargada; el cap i el tòrax són negres, i l'abdomen verd groguenc amb una taca negra a la part de darrere.[3] N'hi ha dues subespècies: Myzus persicae nicotianae i Myzus persicae persicae.[2]

Tenen reproducció asexual i els adults pareixen nimfes a gran varietats de plantes com les cols, patates i altres solanàcies i altres incloent males herbes com Chenopodium album i Amaranthus retroflexus. Pot tenir 20 generacions a l'any. Quan la meteorologia es fa més freda es reprodueixen sexualment i ponen ous en l'escorça de plantes del gènere Prunus.[3]

Entre els seus enemics naturals hi ha depredadors i parasitoides incloent coleòpters com les marietes Coccinellidae l'Adalia bipunctata, Coccinella septempunctata) i Adalia decempunctata, també antocòrids dels gèneres Orius i Anthocoris; Neuroptera com Chrysopidae dels gèneres Chrysopa i Chrysoperla, sírfids com Syrphus, Scaeva, Episyrphus, Cecidomyiidae com Aphidolestes, parasitoides dels àfids com Aphidius,[4] i petites vespes parasítiques dins la família Braconidae.[3] També són colonitzats i matats per fongs patògens d'insectes de l'ordre Entomophthorales.[3]

La lluita química és senzilla d'efectuar perquè són insectes xucladors poc mòbils.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Pugó verd del préssec
  1. ITIS (anglès)
  2. 2,0 2,1 Catalogue of Life (anglès)
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 Capinera, John L. «Featured creatures:». University of Florida website - Department of Entomology and Nematology. University of Florida, 2005, October. [Consulta: 7 setembre 2009].
  4. Response of Aphidius matricariae haliday (Hym.: Aphidiidae) from mummified Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hom : Aphididae) to short term cold storage

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Pugó verd del préssec: Brief Summary ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA
 src= Pugó verd del préssec mort pel fong Pandora neoaphidis (Zygomycota: Entomophthorales) Escala de la barra = 0.3 mm.

El pugó verd del presseguer (Myzus persicae), és un àfid petit i una de les plagues més significatives del presseguer als quals causa decreixement de la creixença, enrotllat de les fulles i la mort de diversos teixits. També actua de vector de virus de les plantes com el potato virus Y i potato leafroll virus i diversos virus de mosaic.

Aquest pugó es troba a tot el món i es beneficia en les zones d'hiverns freds de la presència d'hivernacles.

Els adults d'aquest pugó apareixen a l'estiu i fan 1,8 a 2,1 mm de llargada; el cap i el tòrax són negres, i l'abdomen verd groguenc amb una taca negra a la part de darrere. N'hi ha dues subespècies: Myzus persicae nicotianae i Myzus persicae persicae.

Tenen reproducció asexual i els adults pareixen nimfes a gran varietats de plantes com les cols, patates i altres solanàcies i altres incloent males herbes com Chenopodium album i Amaranthus retroflexus. Pot tenir 20 generacions a l'any. Quan la meteorologia es fa més freda es reprodueixen sexualment i ponen ous en l'escorça de plantes del gènere Prunus.

Entre els seus enemics naturals hi ha depredadors i parasitoides incloent coleòpters com les marietes Coccinellidae l'Adalia bipunctata, Coccinella septempunctata) i Adalia decempunctata, també antocòrids dels gèneres Orius i Anthocoris; Neuroptera com Chrysopidae dels gèneres Chrysopa i Chrysoperla, sírfids com Syrphus, Scaeva, Episyrphus, Cecidomyiidae com Aphidolestes, parasitoides dels àfids com Aphidius, i petites vespes parasítiques dins la família Braconidae. També són colonitzats i matats per fongs patògens d'insectes de l'ordre Entomophthorales.

La lluita química és senzilla d'efectuar perquè són insectes xucladors poc mòbils.

Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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wikipedia CA

Mšice broskvoňová ( Tšekki )

tarjonnut wikipedia CZ

Mšice broskvoňová (Myzus persicae) je hmyz poškozující listy dřevin sáním. Mšice broskvoňová je řazena do čeledě mšicovití (Aphididae) , řádu polokřídlí (Hemiptera).[1] Mšice broskvoňová je polyfág, takže někdy jsou jako druhy popisovány mšice napadající některé hostitelské druhy. Například je zpochybňováno systematické zařazení Myzus nicotianae.[2]

EPPO kód



Celosvětově rozšířená. [4]


Dospělci jsou zbarveni odstíny zelené až nažloutlé, někdy hnědočervené. Bývají 1.5 - 2 mm dlouzí.[2]




Deformace listů, žluté skvrnky, krnění a deformace výhonů. Plody jsou deformované. Jedinci sající jednotlivě na spodní straně listu.[6]


Je považována za nejvýznamnějšího přenašeče (především virových) chorob, je vektor až 100 typů virů. Významný je například virus Y (PVY), A (PVA), M (PVM) a S (PVS). Výhradně mšicemi je přenášen virus svinutky (PLRV).[7]

Poškození sáním obvykle není významné. Může dojít k přemnožení a vážnému poškození mladých rostlin, především zeleninové sadby.[5][2]


Mšice má několik generací během roku, z vajíček se líhnou na jaře samice, sají na listech slivoní, často broskvoně. V létě populace poté migruje na dalšího hostitele. Poslední generace se vrací na slivoně, nejčastěji broskvoně.[6]


Lesy, parky, zahrady. Predátoři: slunéčka, střevlíci, dravé ploštice, zlatoočky, larvy pestřenek a bejlomor rodu Aphidoletes, pavouci a další.[8] Bývá napadána některými druhy hub.

Použitzí neselektivních insekticidů může vést ke zvýšenému napadení mšicemi.[6]


  1. a b Biolib - Myzus persicae
  2. a b c d e cropscience.bayer
  4. syngenta
  5. a b agromanual.cz
  6. a b c plantprotection
  7. agro.basf.cz
  8. jikl.cz


  • Josef Kůst: Mšice broskvoňová, Zahrádkář 3/1997, str. 7

Externí odkazy

Wikipedia autoři a editory
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wikipedia CZ

Mšice broskvoňová: Brief Summary ( Tšekki )

tarjonnut wikipedia CZ

Mšice broskvoňová (Myzus persicae) je hmyz poškozující listy dřevin sáním. Mšice broskvoňová je řazena do čeledě mšicovití (Aphididae) , řádu polokřídlí (Hemiptera). Mšice broskvoňová je polyfág, takže někdy jsou jako druhy popisovány mšice napadající některé hostitelské druhy. Například je zpochybňováno systematické zařazení Myzus nicotianae.

Wikipedia autoři a editory
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wikipedia CZ

Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus (Myzus persicae) ist eine Blattlaus aus der Gattung Myzus in der Familie der Röhrenblattläuse (Aphididae). Die Tiere sind Schädlinge. Der Hauptschaden entsteht durch die Übertragung zahlreicher pflanzenpathogener Viren[1].


Die Läuse erreichen eine Körperlänge von zwei Millimetern. Sie kommen in zwei Farbvarianten vor. Die flugunfähigen Tiere der Sommergeneration, die keine Flügel besitzen, sind grün gefärbt; bei den folgenden, flugfähigen Generationen sind Kopf und Teile des Thorax schwarzbraun bis schwarz gefärbt.


Die Tiere leben, anders als die ähnlichen Schwarzen Bohnenläuse, nicht in Kolonien und sind wirtswechselnd. Die Überwinterung erfolgt vorwiegend im Eistadium an Pfirsichbäumen, aber auch als ausgewachsene Imagines an geeigneten Stellen, an denen sie sich auch nach der Überwinterung gleich den im Mai vom Hauptwirt zufliegenden Läusen parthenogenetisch weiterentwickeln. Während des Sommers treten mehrere Generationen auf.


Die hauptsächlichen Symptome eines Befalls durch die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus sind Einrollen der Blätter und bei starkem Befall Vergilbungserscheinungen an den Sommerwirten.


Sie können auch an Kulturpflanzen wie zum Beispiel Kartoffeln Schäden anrichten, weswegen zu ihrer Bekämpfung Insektizide eingesetzt werden. Die Schäden werden aber nicht durch die Tiere selbst, sondern durch die Übertragung von Viren verursacht, die die Blätter vergilben lassen.


  • Horst Börner: Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 7. Auflage, UTB 518, Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, ISBN 978-3540490678


  1. BISZ - Beratung und Information für den süddeutschen Zuckerrübenanbau> Pflanzenschutz> Blatt - Krankheiten> Viröse Vergilbung. (Nicht mehr online verfügbar.) In: bisz.suedzucker.de. Archiviert vom Original am 4. April 2016; abgerufen am 4. April 2016.  src= Info: Der Archivlink wurde automatisch eingesetzt und noch nicht geprüft. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis.@1@2Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/bisz.suedzucker.de
Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Die Grüne Pfirsichblattlaus (Myzus persicae) ist eine Blattlaus aus der Gattung Myzus in der Familie der Röhrenblattläuse (Aphididae). Die Tiere sind Schädlinge. Der Hauptschaden entsteht durch die Übertragung zahlreicher pflanzenpathogener Viren.

Autoren und Herausgeber von Wikipedia
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wikipedia DE

Myzus persicae ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Green peach aphid that has been killed by the fungus Pandora neoaphidis Scale bar = 0.3 mm.

Myzus persicae, known as the green peach aphid, greenfly, or the peach-potato aphid,[2] is a small green aphid belonging to the order Hemiptera. It is the most significant aphid pest of peach trees, causing decreased growth, shrivelling of the leaves and the death of various tissues. It also acts as a vector for the transport of plant viruses such as cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potato virus Y (PVY) and tobacco etch virus (TEV). Potato virus Y and potato leafroll virus can be passed to members of the nightshade/potato family (Solanaceae), and various mosaic viruses to many other food crops.[3]

Originally described by Swiss entomologist Johann Heinrich Sulzer in 1776, its specific name is derived from the Latin genitive persicae, "of the peach".[4] The syntype specimen of this species is located in the Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection.[5]

Life cycle

Life cycle of the green peach aphid varies depending on temperature. A fully completed generation takes approximately 10 to 12 days with over 20 annual generations reported in mild climates.[6] Aphids overwinter on Prunus plants and once plants break their dormancy, the eggs hatch and nymphs feed on the flowers, young foliage and stems of the plant.[3] After several generations, winged individuals deposit nymphs on summer hosts. In cold climates, adults will return to Prunus plants in the autumn, where mating occurs and eggs are then deposited. All generations except the autumn generation culminating in egg production are parthenogenetic (non-sexual). Females give birth to offspring 6–17 days after birth, with an average age of 10.8 days at first birth. Length of reproduction varies but averages 14.8 days. Average length of life is approximately 23 days, without the presence of predators.[3] The worst damage on plants is in the early summertime for the aphid breeding peak, because winged dispersants from Prunus spp. where the egg of overwintering aphid stage deposit nymphs on summer hosts migrating to tobacco, potatoes and cruciferous vegetables to be harmful continuously after a few generations.[6]


The green peach aphid is found worldwide but is likely of Asian origin, much like its primary host plant, Prunus persica.[7] This species does not prefer areas of extreme temperature or humidity.[7] These particular aphids can be transported great distances by wind and storms.[3] However, previous studies suggest that long-distance migration is uncommon in M. persicae, thus the spread of diverse genotypes over distance geographic regions is likely a result of anthropogenic influence.[8]

These insects are not only a pest towards field crops, but tend to invade greenhouses as well. Thus, when young plants are infested by these aphids in greenhouses and are then transported to other locations, they are widely distributed.[3] This explains their great distribution lengths, as well as their ability of high survival in areas with inclement weather and their ability to be readily transported on plant material.[3]

This species has been introduced into 16 countries or islands (see global distribution figure).[9] It is found in terrestrial habitats, and as mentioned previously, its native range is likely of Asia-Temperate origin.[9] Its European Nature Information System (EUNIS) habitat is classified as lines of trees, small anthropogenic woodlands, recently felled woodland, early-stage woodland and coppice.[9]



Eggs of this species measure about 0.6 millimetres (0.024 in) long and 0.3 millimetres (0.012 in) wide, and are elliptical in shape. The eggs are initially yellow or green but turn black.[3] The nymphs are initially green, but soon turn yellowish and resemble the viviparous adults. Nymphs that give rise to winged females may be pinkish.[3]

Adult winged aphids have a black head and thorax, and a yellowish green abdomen with a large dark dorsal patch. They measure approximately 1.8 to 2.1 millimetres (0.071 to 0.083 in) in length.[3] The wingless adult aphids are yellowish or greenish in colour, with the possibility of medial and lateral green strips being present. Their cornicles match their body colour, are moderately long and unevenly swollen along their length. The appendages are pale.[3] The adult green peach aphid can be yellowish-green, red, or brown in colour because of morphological differences influenced primarily by the host plants, nutrition, and temperature.[8]

Distinguishing morphological traits from this group include their convergent inner faces of the antennal tubercles in dorsal view, and the slightly clavate siphunculi which are dark-tipped and approximately as long as the terminal process of the antenna.[7]


The green peach aphid normally reproduces through cyclical parthenogenesis, where there are several generations of apomictic parthenogenesis followed by a single sexual generation.[10][7] Mating takes palace on the primary host, where eggs are laid and undergo diapause over winter, and when spring comes, the parthenogenetic females hatch in spring and their descendants disperse to secondary host plants where they produce numerous parthenogenetic (asexual) generations. This species accepts secondary host plants across 40 different families, many of which are important crops economically. Due to decreasing day lengths and temperature in autumn, sexual morphs of this species are formed. Some genotypes have lost the ability to sexually reproduce and thus reproduce through parthenogenesis on secondary hosts throughout the year. These types are known as obligate parthenogens.[10]


Host plants of this species during overwintering include tree hosts from the genus Prunus, particularly peach, peach hybrids and apricot and plum trees.[3] During the summer, aphids abandon woody tree hosts for herbaceous hosts which include vegetable crops in the following families: Solanaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Brassicaceae, and Cucurbitaceae.[3] Crops differ in their susceptibility to green peach aphid, but it is actively growing plants, or the youngest plant tissue, that most often harbors large aphid populations.[11] Once the aphids have established colonies, some redistribution may occur throughout the progress of the infestation, and before overcrowding obscures preferences.[6]


Natural enemies of the green peach aphid include lady beetles, soldier beetles, hoverflies, acalyptrate flies, gall midges, flower bugs, leaf bugs, damsel bugs, stink bugs, lacewings, parasitic wasps, mites, fungal pathogens as well as other aphids. Many of the natural enemies of the green peach aphid are limited to them due to their certain chosen habitat or by unsuitability of other aphid species as food.[6] Most enemies of the peach green aphid are general predators that move freely in nearby habitats. Many of their enemies are influenced by the host plant, crop cultural practices and environmental conditions.[3]

Food habits

Some groups of aphids feed predominantly in the parenchymal tissue of plants while most aphid species feed on the phloem sap.[6] The green peach aphid ingests sugary fluids via a membrane.[12] Process of exudation from M. persicae stylets is exhibited to ingest phloem sap on plants with assisted pressure within the plants.[6] On artificial diets, this species is also able to ingest food from a source with negligible pressure and can even produce honeydew on certain diets.[6]


The green peach aphid has 2n=12 chromosomes normally, but there is a form of a chromosomal translation seen worldwide that is relatively common.[13] M. persicae is a highly variable species; strains, races and biotypes have been distinguished by morphology, color, biology, host-plant preference, ability to transmit viruses and insecticide resistance.[6]

This species is a great model for the study of chromosome arrangements since numerous variations regarding both chromosome number and structure have been reported.[14] For instance, several populations of M. persicae were heterozygous for a translocation between autosomes 1 and 3. This rearrangement is involved in the resistance to organophosphate and to carbamate insecticides.[14] Hybridization can occur in these species in regions where the two forms have both a sexual phase on peach which may suggest why certain aphids have the same genes for insecticide resistance.[15]

There have been identifications of M. persicae populations with 13 chromosomes in various countries and diverse fragmentations of the autosome (A) 3, suggesting that different naturally occurring rearrangements of the same chromosomes may be present in the aphid karyotype.[14]

The tobacco specialist subspecies, M. persicae nicotianae, known as the tobacco aphid, is a great example of speciation events that occur in the green peach aphid's evolutionary history. For instance, this subspecies has preserved its genomic integrity throughout time across a wide geographical scale by maintaining it's primarily asexual life cycle.[14]

Genome accessibility and importance

In GenBank, one genome from Myzus persicae has been assembled.[16] It is found to have 17,086 genes and 99,545 nucleotides.[17] RNAi (RNA interference) can impede pest reproduction which is why the understanding of this species genome is important. With this understanding, future methods of pest control can be conducted and controlled for.

Conservation status

Under IUCN,[18] and CITES[19] no information is present on their conservation status. Given that they are an invasive pest distributed worldwide, they are not a species of concern in terms of endangerment.

Pest impact

The presence of the green peach aphid can be detrimental to the quality of the crops. In superfluous numbers, it causes water stress, wilt, and reduces the growth rate of the plant. Prolonged aphid infestation can cause an appreciable reduction in the yield of root crops and foliage crops.[20]

The green peach aphid transmits several destructive viruses in pepper including pepper potyviruses and cucumber mosaic viruses, which causes plants to turn yellow and the leaves to curl downward and inward from the edges. It also is capable of transmitting the Potato leafroll virus (PLRV), which can lead to yield reductions of 40-70%.[21]

The green peach aphid can colonize over 100 plant species from 40 diverse families.[8] This is in contrast to other aphid species that tend to specialize on a limited number of hosts, or consist of several host-adapted biotypes that specialize on a subset of the total host range.[8] Through aphids sucking the phloem sap from plants, these plants can lose the nutrients and inhibit their growth and development.[6] Its excreta (honeydew) accumulates on the leaves of crops, encouraging mold growth and affecting their growth and quality.[6] This aphid is also a major vector for the transport of plant viruses and is known to be capable of transmitting over 100 different plant viruses, thus being the world's most versatile aphid viral vector.[21]

Pest Control

Physical and mechanical control

One useful control measure is to take advantage of the negative taxis the green peach aphid has; hanging silver-grey film or using silver grey film nets to cover field crops can inhibit their landing and settlement. Adults can be trapped by taking advantage of their preference for sweet or sour materials. Thus, a 20:2:1 solution of water, vinegar, and brown sugar can be used to trap and kill them.[22]

Farming practices

Farmers usually fight against the green peach aphid through efficacious cultural practices. Adjusting the planting layout; adjusting the sowing time and harvest time; deep plowing and winter turning over; appropriate use of crop fertilizers and timely drainage and irrigation can all be used to minimize the impact.[21]

Biological control

The application of plant secondary substances also plays a pivotal role in population control since people are increasingly putting a premium on environmental protection and sustainable agriculture.

Insect growth regulators like diflubenzuron, chlorbenzuron, and botanical pesticides like nicotine and azadirachtin also manage the orchard-pest ecology, reducing the number of the green peach aphids and the damage they cause. Similarly, the application of artificial insect pheromone or pest induction signal compounds in the field to control pests and attract natural enemies has obtained effective results: E-β-farnesene (EβF), the aphid alarm pheromone, can interfere with aphid location and feeding, and also attract a variety of aphids' natural enemies to control the aphid population.[23]

Chemical control

It is commonly believed that cypermethrin, abamectin, chlorpyrifos, methylamine and imidacloprid could be the first chemical agents for aphid control in the field. Although imidacloprid is a good insecticide for the control of pests who have piercing-sucking mouthparts, frequent reuse may lead to the severe resistance of pests.[24]

Economic importance

Green peach aphids will transmit viruses to crops that they do not colonize, in which insecticides have little to no effect on virus transmission. Aphids are difficult to kill with contact insecticides because they are often under the leaves, or in sheltered areas of plants.[3] Since they are able to colonize on a diverse amount of host plants and reproduce relatively fast, they are able to infect and damage a large amount of crop species while being highly insecticide resistant. This largely affects the production and selling of crops globally, having high economic concerns if this species is not controlled for.


  1. ^ "Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776)". itis.gov. ITIS Report. Retrieved December 12, 2020. Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) – green peach aphid, puceron vert du pêcher
  2. ^ Bass, C; Puinean, A.M; Zimmer, C.T; Denholm, I; Field, L.M (2014). "The evolution of insecticide resistance in the peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae". Department of Biological Chemistry and Crop Protection, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. United Kingdom: Science Direct (published May 20, 2014). 51: 41–51. doi:10.1016/j.ibmb.2014.05.003. ISSN 0965-1748. PMID 24855024. The peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae is a globally distributed crop pest with a host range of over 400 species including many economically important crop plants. The intensive use of insecticides to control this species over many years has led to populations that are now resistant to several classes of insecticide.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n Capinera, John L. (October 2005). "Featured creatures". University of Florida website - Department of Entomology and Nematology. University of Florida. Retrieved 2009-09-07.
  4. ^ Simpson, D.P. (1979). Cassell's Latin Dictionary (5 ed.). London: Cassell Ltd. ISBN 0-304-52257-0.
  5. ^ "Occurrence Detail 3801373202". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 2022-11-21.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Van Emden, HF; Eastop, VF (January 1969). "The ecology of Myzus persicae". Annual Review of Entomology. 14: 197–270. doi:10.1146/annurev.en.14.010169.001213. Retrieved December 12, 2020.
  7. ^ a b c d "Myzus persicae (green peach aphid)". CABI Compendium. 2022. doi:10.1079/cabicompendium.35642. S2CID 253619227. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  8. ^ a b c d Singh, Kumar Saurabh; Cordeiro, Erick M. G.; Troczka, Bartlomiej J.; Pym, Adam; Mackisack, Joanna; Mathers, Thomas C.; Duarte, Ana; Legeai, Fabrice; Robin, Stéphanie; Bielza, Pablo; Burrack, Hannah J.; Charaabi, Kamel; Denholm, Ian; Figueroa, Christian C.; ffrench-Constant, Richard H. (2021-07-07). "Global patterns in genomic diversity underpinning the evolution of insecticide resistance in the aphid crop pest Myzus persicae". Communications Biology. 4 (1): 847. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02373-x. ISSN 2399-3642. PMC 8263593. PMID 34234279.
  9. ^ a b c "Myzus persicae". www.gbif.org. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  10. ^ a b Vorburger, Christoph; Lancaster, Melanie; Sunnucks, Paul (2003). "Environmentally related patterns of reproductive modes in the aphid Myzus persicae and the predominance of two 'superclones' in Victoria, Australia". Molecular Ecology. 12 (12): 3493–3504. doi:10.1046/j.1365-294X.2003.01998.x. PMID 14629364. S2CID 32192796 – via Wiley Online Library.
  11. ^ Heathcote, G. D. (1962). "The suitability of some plant hosts for the development of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer)". Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. 5 (2): 114–118. doi:10.1111/j.1570-7458.1962.tb00573.x. S2CID 85278129 – via Wiley Online Library.
  12. ^ Mittler, T. E.; Dadd, R. H (July 1962). "Artificial feeding and rearing of the aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), on a completely synthetic diet". Nature. 195 (404). doi:10.1038/195404a0. S2CID 4283378.
  13. ^ Blackman, R. L.; Takada, H.; Kawakami, K. (February 1978). "Chromosomal rearrangement involved in insecticide resistance of Myzus persicae". Nature. 271 (5644): 450–452. doi:10.1038/271450a0. S2CID 4299571.
  14. ^ a b c d Mandrioli, Mauro; Zanasi, Federica; Manicardi, Gian Carlo (2014-10-31). "Karyotype rearrangements and telomere analysis in Myzus persicae (Hemiptera, Aphididae) strains collected on Lavandula sp. plants". Comparative Cytogenetics. 8 (4): 259–274. doi:10.3897/CompCytogen.v8i4.8568. ISSN 1993-078X. PMC 4296714. PMID 25610541. CC BY icon.svg Text was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
  15. ^ Field, L. M.; Javed, N.; Stribley, M. F.; Devonshire, A. L. (August 1994). "The peach-potato aphid Myzus persicae and the tobacco aphid Myzus nicotianae have the same esterase-based mechanisms of insecticide resistance". Insect Molecular Biology. 3 (3): 143–148. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2583.1994.tb00161.x. PMID 7894746. S2CID 35596520 – via Royal Entomological Society.
  16. ^ "Genome". NCBI. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  17. ^ "Search: Myzus persicae". NCBI. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  18. ^ "The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2022-1". IUCN Redlist. 2022.
  19. ^ "Species+". speciesplus.net. Retrieved 2022-12-02.
  20. ^ Perring, Thomas M.; Battaglia, Donatella; Walling, Linda L.; Toma, Irena; Fanti, Paolo (2018). Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests of Tomato. Academic Press. pp. 17–19. ISBN 978-0-12-802441-6.
  21. ^ a b c Ramsey, John S.; Wilson, Alex CC; de Vos, Martin; Sun, Qi; Tamborindeguy, Cecilia; Winfield, Agnese; Malloch, Gaynor; Smith, Dawn M.; Fenton, Brian; Gray, Stewart M.; Jander, Georg (2007-11-16). "Genomic resources for Myzus persicae: EST sequencing, SNP identification, and microarray design". BMC Genomics. 8 (1): 423. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-8-423. ISSN 1471-2164. PMC 2213679. PMID 18021414.
  22. ^ Dixon, A.F.G (1985). "11". Aphid Ecology An optimization approach (Hardcover) (2nd ed.). London; New York City: Chapman & Hall (published 1998). p. 300. doi:10.1007/978-94-011-5868-8. ISBN 978-94-010-6480-4. S2CID 10720174. Retrieved December 12, 2020.
  23. ^ Cui, L; Francis, F (2012). "The functional significance of E-β-Farnesene: does it influence the populations of aphid natural enemies in the fields?". Biological Control. 60 (2): 108–112. doi:10.1016/j.biocontrol.2011.11.006. hdl:2268/118155. Retrieved December 12, 2020.
  24. ^ Cho, J.R; Hong, K.J; Yoo, J.K (1997). "Comparative toxicity of selected insecticides to Aphis citricola, Myzus malisuctus (Homoptera: Aphididae), and the predator Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)" (PDF). Journal of Economic Entomology. 90 (1): 11–15. doi:10.1093/jee/90.1.11. Retrieved December 12, 2020.
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Myzus persicae: Brief Summary ( englanti )

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Green peach aphid that has been killed by the fungus Pandora neoaphidis Scale bar = 0.3 mm.

Myzus persicae, known as the green peach aphid, greenfly, or the peach-potato aphid, is a small green aphid belonging to the order Hemiptera. It is the most significant aphid pest of peach trees, causing decreased growth, shrivelling of the leaves and the death of various tissues. It also acts as a vector for the transport of plant viruses such as cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), potato virus Y (PVY) and tobacco etch virus (TEV). Potato virus Y and potato leafroll virus can be passed to members of the nightshade/potato family (Solanaceae), and various mosaic viruses to many other food crops.

Originally described by Swiss entomologist Johann Heinrich Sulzer in 1776, its specific name is derived from the Latin genitive persicae, "of the peach". The syntype specimen of this species is located in the Illinois Natural History Survey Insect Collection.

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Myzus persicae ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El pulgón del melocotonero (Myzus persicae), también conocido como pulgón verde del melocotonero o piojo del melocotonero (aunque nada tiene que ver con los piojos) es una especie de homóptero de la familia Aphididae ampliamente distribuida por todo el mundo, propagándose fácilmente, ya sea por acción humana (a través del transporte de especies vegetales) o por el viento, consiguiendo de este modo desplazarse grandes distancias. Por consiguiente, es una especie invasora. Constituye una seria plaga en la fruticultura, por los daños directos que provoca y por su capacidad para transmitir virus entre las plantas.

Ciclo biológico

Si durante el año consigue encontrar plantas hospedantes, no necesita recurrir a la reproducción sexual o la puesta de huevos; por consiguiente es vivípara. Si no encuentra alimento, los huevos son puestos por las formas ovíparas en plantas del género Prunus. Al inicio de la primavera, las ninfas se alimentan de savia extraída de las flores, hojas y brotes. En el verano se suelen dispersar a otros cultivos o plantas.[1]

Los huevos tienen una coloración verde o amarilla, volviéndose rápidamente negros. De forma elíptica, miden cerca de 0,6 mm largo y 0,3 mm de ancho. Las formas aladas, con grandes alas traslúcidas, que generalmente aparecen unas ocho generaciones después del nacimiento de las primeras hembras virginíparas tienen la cabeza y el tórax negros, com el abdomen verde-amarillento y una gran mancha dorsal. Colonizan, durante la época favorable casi todas las especies de plantas a su alcance, dando origen a que algunas hembras pasen de una planta a otra, de ahí su gran capacidad como vectores de virosis. Las forma ápteras que se desarrollan en los huéspedes secundarios suelen ser de coloración verdosa o amarillenta, con los sifones moderadamente largos y del mismo color que el cuerpo. Las ninfas que dan origen a las hembras aladas (que aparecen cuando baja la cantidad o calidad del alimento disponible) pueden tener el cuerpo rosado.[1]

También se alimenta de muchas otras plantas de una variedad de familias como Solanaceae, Brassicaceae, Amaranthaceae y otras.

Enemigos naturales

Entre los enemigos naturales de Myzuss persicae se pueden encontrar predadores y parasitoides, entre ellos encontramos escarabajos tales como las mariquitas Adalia bipunctata, Coccinella septempunctata y Coccinella decempunctata. Antocóridos como Orius y Anthocoris. Neurópteros como Chrysopa y Chrysoperla. Sírfidos como Syrphus, Scaeva y Episyrphus. Cecidómidos como Aphidoletes y afidinos como Lysiphlebus.[1]


  1. a b c Capinera, John L. (octubre de 2005). «Featured creatures:». University of Florida website - Department of Entomology and Nematology. University of Florida. Consultado el 7 de septiembre de 2009.
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Myzus persicae: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

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El pulgón del melocotonero (Myzus persicae), también conocido como pulgón verde del melocotonero o piojo del melocotonero (aunque nada tiene que ver con los piojos) es una especie de homóptero de la familia Aphididae ampliamente distribuida por todo el mundo, propagándose fácilmente, ya sea por acción humana (a través del transporte de especies vegetales) o por el viento, consiguiendo de este modo desplazarse grandes distancias. Por consiguiente, es una especie invasora. Constituye una seria plaga en la fruticultura, por los daños directos que provoca y por su capacidad para transmitir virus entre las plantas.

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Persikkakirva (Myzus persicae) on maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävänä viljelykasvien tuholaisena tunnettu kirvoihin kuuluva hyönteinen. Sitä pidetään maailman vahingollisimpana kirvalajina[1].

Suomessa laji on luokiteltu haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi.[2]

Koko ja ulkonäkö

Siivettömät aikuiset ovat himmeäpintaisia, pituussuunnassa soikeita ja litteitä kirvoja, joiden väri vaihtelee valkeahkosta tai kellanvihreästä vihreään tai vaaleanpunaisesta punaiseen. Kylmällä säällä yksilöistä tulee tavallista tummempia. Raajat ja vaharauhasputket ovat vaaleat tummentuen kärkiä kohti. Siivellisten yksilöiden pää ja keskiruumis ovat tummat ja takaruumis keltainen tai kellanvihreä. Takaruumiin tyviosassa on muutama tumma poikkiraita ja takaruumiin kärkiosan selkäpuoli on usean jaokkeen pituudelta kokonaan tumma. Koiraat ovat naaraita hoikempia. Tuntosarvet ovat 6-jaokkeiset ja suunnilleen ruumiin pituiset. Vaharauhasputket ovat pitkät ja levenevät hieman kärkeä kohti. Ruumiin pituus on 1,2–2,3 mm.[3][4][1]

Lämpimän ilmaston maissa esiintyvät munivat naaraat ovat väriltään punaisesta lähes mustaan, joskin nymfeinä vihreitä. Raajat ja vaharauhasputket ovat tummat ja takimmaisen raajaparin reidet paksuuntuneet.[1]

Lajin kromosomiluku 2n=12. Lähes pelkästään tupakoilla elävä Myzus nicotianae katsotaan usein persikkakirvan alalajiksi Myzus persicae nicotianae.[3]


Lajin arvellaan olevan alkujaan Itä-Aasiasta, mutta levinneisyys on nykyään jokseenkin maailmanlaajuinen.[3]

Elinympäristö ja elintavat

Riittävän lämpimillä alueilla persikkakirvan primääri-isäntinä toimivat persikat sekä eräät muut lämpimän ilmaston Prunus-suvun puulajit ja sekundääri-isäntinä varsin monet eri kasvilajit. Kirvakolonia aiheuttaa persikan lehtien käpertymisen. Mikäli primääri-isäntää ei elinympäristössä kasva, isäntäkasvin vaihtoa ei tapahdu ja kirvat elävät koko elämänkaarensa sekundääri-isännillä. Näin tapahtuu etenkin trooppisilla alueilla sekä kasvihuoneissa.[3] Kasvihuoneissa koloniat hajoavat ja kirvat elävät erillään.[5]

Laji talvehtii munina, joista kuoriutuu primääri-isännällä ensimmäinen neitseellisesti lisääntyvä sukupolvi keväällä. Nämä kantaemot tuottavat kukin noin 40 jälkeläistä, jotka puolestaan lisääntyvät neitseellisesti kunnes kesäkuussa syntyy enää siivekäs sukupolvi. Siivelliset kirvat vaihtavat ravintokasvia sekundääri-isännille ja tuottavat siellä useita sukupolvia. Kirvojen aikuisvaihe kestää +5 °C lämpötilassa noin kolme kuukautta ja +25 °C lämpötilassa noin 10 vuorokautta. Aikuisuutta edeltävä nymfivaihe puolestaan kestää 21 vuorokautta +10 °C lämpötilassa ja viikon +25 °C lämpötilassa. Kukin aikuinen tuottaa noin 80 nymfiä ja siivettömät aikuiset tuottavat enemmän jälkeläisiä kuin siivelliset. Yli +30 °C lämpötilassa lisääntymiskyky heikkenee. Lopulta syksyllä alkaa syntyä siivekäs sukupolvi, jossa on sekä koiraita että naaraita. Nämä palaavat primääri-isännälle parittelemaan ja munimaan. Talvehtivat munat munitaan silmujen tyvelle.[5]

Primääri-isännän puuttuessa munivaa sukupolvea ei kehity ja persikkakirva selviytyy talven yli vain neitseellisesti lisääntyvinä sukupolvina kasvihuoneissa. Kuitenkin Tanskasta tunnetaan havainto lajin selviytymisestä talvesta ulkona lauhana talvena 1988-1989. Lisäksi sen tiedetään talvehtineen Tanskassa 1950–1970-luvuilla sokerijuurikaskasoissa, joissa lämpötila ei ole laskenut talven aikana alle +4 °C. [1]

Kasvinesteiden imemisen lisäksi persikkakirvan arvellaan levittävän ainakin 180 erilaista kasvien virustautia.[6] Suomessa persikkakirva on luokiteltu haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi[2].


Primääri-isäntä on persikka (Prunus persicae), mutta sekundääri-isäntinä ovat yli 40 kasviheimoon kuuluvat kasvilajit, myös muut Prunus-suvun puut.[3] Laji elää huomattavan monilla viljelyskasveilla, kuten perunalla, kaaleilla, salaateilla.[5] Se elää myös paprikoilla ja chileillä, joille se on eräiden tutkimusten mukaan näiden vahingollisin tuholainen[7][8].


  1. a b c d Ole E. Heie. The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. V, Family Aphididae part 2. Brill 1993. ISBN 978-9004098992 s. 30–32
  2. a b Vieraslajit.fi: Persikkakirva (Myzus persicae)
  3. a b c d e Aphids on Worlds Plants (englanniksi)
  4. Aphid identification (englanniksi)
  5. a b c HYPP Zoology (englanniksi)
  6. AphID (englanniksi)
  7. Biological control of aphids on Capsicum (englanniksi)
  8. Myzus persicae (Homoptera:Aphididae) and Capsicum annuum (Solanaceae) volatiles: their effect on predators attraction (englanniksi)

Aiheesta muualla

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Persikkakirva: Brief Summary

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Persikkakirva (Myzus persicae) on maailmanlaajuisesti merkittävänä viljelykasvien tuholaisena tunnettu kirvoihin kuuluva hyönteinen. Sitä pidetään maailman vahingollisimpana kirvalajina.

Suomessa laji on luokiteltu haitalliseksi vieraslajiksi.

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Puceron vert du pêcher ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Myzus persicae

Le puceron vert du pêcher (Myzus persicae) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères, un puceron ravageur majeur du pêcher auquel il transmet de nombreux virus dont la sharka. Son action provoque généralement le flétrissement des feuilles et une nécrose des tissus.

Ce ravageur peut également s'attaquer à la pomme de terre et à la betterave.

Liste des sous-espèces

Selon Catalogue of Life (29 octobre 2014)[1] :

  • sous-espèce Myzus persicae nicotianae Blackman, 1987
  • sous-espèce Myzus persicae persicae (Sulzer, 1776)

Selon NCBI (29 octobre 2014)[2] :

  • sous-espèce Myzus persicae nicotianae
  • sous-espèce Myzus persicae persicae


Le puceron vert du pêcher est long de 2,2 mm à 2,5mm. Les adultes peuvent être aillé ou non aillé.

Du stade larve au stade puceron aillé , il se passe 8 jours

Cycle biologique

Le cycle biologique de Myzus persicae varie selon les conditions climatiques. C'est en général un parasite holocyclique[3] hétéroécique, alternant entre des hôtes d'hiver, des arbres du genre Prunus (en général le pêcher), et des hôtes secondaires d'été, avec une reproduction sexuée pendant une partie du cycle biologique. Il devient anholocyclique[4] sur des hôtes secondaires (d'été) dans de nombreuses régions du monde, là où le pêcher est absent et les températures assez douces pour permettre à l'insecte de survivre l'hiver sous forme de stades actifs. Il est généralement anholocyclique dans les zones tropicales et subtropicales, avec toutefois des exceptions[5].

Aire géographique

Espèce polyphage, le puceron vert du pêcher est répandu dans le monde entier où il colonise un grand nombre de plantes, soit des hôtes primaires, soit des hôtes secondaires. En France dans la région Nord où le nombre d'individus capturés par an dépasse le millier, sa présence est liée aux cultures de betterave et de pomme de terre tandis que dans la vallée du Rhône (200 individus capturés/an) sa présence est corrélée aux arbres fruitiers[6].


Pêcher infesté de pucerons.

Chez la pomme de terre, les attaques de ce puceron provoquent la déformation des feuilles et l'exsudation de miellat, qui se transforme ensuite en fumagine sous l'action de champignons[7].

La principale forme de dégâts causés par Myzus persicae est la transmission de phytovirus à de nombreuses espèces de plantes cultivées. Ce puceron est considéré par des chercheurs comme le plus important vecteur de virus chez les plantes. Ce sont surtout les adultes, plus mobiles, qui jouent le rôle de vecteur, mais les nymphes peuvent aussi transmettre des virus. Myzus persicae est impliqué dans la transmission de plus de 100 espèces de virus. La transmission se fait sur le mode persistant, ou semi persistant; selon les virus en cause.

Parmi les maladies particulièrement néfastes transmise par le puceron vert du pêcher, figurent plusieurs maladies virales de la pomme de terre, dont la maladie de l'enroulement, des virus A, S et Y, des mosaïques du concombre et de la luzerne, virus transmis également à d'autres Solanaceae. Ce puceron transmet aussi, entre autres, la jaunisse de la betterave et la jaunisse occidentale de la betterave à des Chenopodiaceae, la mosaïque de la laitue à des Asteraceae la mosaïque du chou-fleur et la mosaïque du navet à des Brassicaceae, la mosaïque du concombre et la mosaïque de la pastèque à des Cucurbitaceae[8].


Des essais ont été mis en place par le CTIFL depuis 2005, afin d’évaluer l’efficacité d’un produit à base d’argile kaolinite, le Surround WP suivant sa période d’application, dans un verger conduit soit en agriculture biologique soit en protection raisonnée permettant la comparaison avec l’utilisation d’aphicide chimique. L’argile peut être positionnée soit à la chute des feuilles pour contrarier les pontes, soit au printemps pour empêcher l’installation des fondatrices. L’argile positionnée en automne permet de réduire d’environ 50 % les pontes d’œufs d’hiver. Au printemps, le Surround seul appliqué à l’automne n’est pas suffisant pour limiter les foyers de puceron, mais il peut s’intégrer dans une stratégie de protection raisonnée, associé à l’application d’huiles minérales en fin d’hiver.

Parmi les ennemis naturels de Myzus persicae, on trouve à la fois des prédateurs et des parasitoïdes, notamment:

Notes et références

  1. Bánki, O., Roskov, Y., Vandepitte, L., DeWalt, R. E., Remsen, D., Schalk, P., Orrell, T., Keping, M., Miller, J., Aalbu, R., Adlard, R., Adriaenssens, E., Aedo, C., Aescht, E., Akkari, N., Alonso-Zarazaga, M. A., Alvarez, B., Alvarez, F., Anderson, G., et al. (2021). Catalogue of Life Checklist (Version 2021-10-18). Catalogue of Life. https://doi.org/10.48580/d4t2, consulté le 29 octobre 2014
  2. NCBI, consulté le 29 octobre 2014
  3. Holocyclique signifie que le cycle biologique du puceron est complet et comporte une génération sexuée et plusieurs générations asexuées par an. La forme de survie hivernale est l'œuf fécondé, pondu à l’automne sur l'hôte principal (le pêcher).
  4. Anholocyclique signifie que le cycle biologique est incomplet et ne comporte pas de phase de reproduction sexuée.
  5. (en) « Myzus persicae », sur Invasive Species Compendium, CAB International (consulté le 29 octobre 2014).
  6. M.Hullé, E. Turpeau, Y.Robert, Y.Monnet, les pucerons des plantes maraichères éd. de l'INRA 1999 pp.122-123 (ISBN 2-7380-0857-7)
  7. Wolfgang Radtke et Walter Rieckmann, Maladies et ravageurs de la pomme de terre, Th. Mann - Gelsenkirchen-Buer, 1991, 168 p. (ISBN 3-7862-0090-4), p. 90
  8. (en) « Green peach aphid », Entomology and Nematology Department, université de Floride (consulté le 29 octobre 2014).

Voir aussi

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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Puceron vert du pêcher: Brief Summary ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Myzus persicae

Le puceron vert du pêcher (Myzus persicae) est une espèce d'insectes hémiptères, un puceron ravageur majeur du pêcher auquel il transmet de nombreux virus dont la sharka. Son action provoque généralement le flétrissement des feuilles et une nécrose des tissus.

Ce ravageur peut également s'attaquer à la pomme de terre et à la betterave.

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Myzus persicae ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) è un piccolo afide di colore verde appartenente alla famiglia Aphididae.



Quest'afide sverna come uovo su pesco, dove compie alcune generazioni primaverili; da giugno compaiono le forme migranti che si portano sugli ospiti erbacei secondari, per tornare sul pesco, a fine estate-autunno per deporre le uova svernanti.

Relazioni con l'uomo

Si ritiene che si tratti dell'insetto più pericoloso del pesco, che manifesta danni sulle foglie, con marcati accartocciamenti, e sui germogli; su questi organi provoca arresto di sviluppo sulla pianta, con successive necrosi sui vari organi. Il danno è determinato da punture trofiche degli afidi nella pagina inferiore delle foglie ed elevata produzione di melata che imbratta gli organi, provocando parziale asfissia, accettuando le ustioni dai raggi solari, favorendo lo sviluppo di fumaggini.

Probabilmente è anche vettore del "virus del mosaico del pesco"; se gli attacchi si verificano su particolari cultivar di pesco sensibili, si può avere un danno diretto sui frutticini, i quali si deformano durante lo sviluppo e subiscono alterazioni cromatiche; se l'attacco si verifica in fioritura, si verificano aborti fiorali e colature dei fiori.

Tipologie di lotta

La lotta è di tipo chimica; essa può seguire criteri di lotta guidata ed integrata, oppure essere effettuata preventivamente:

La Lotta preventiva si esegue in zone ad alto rischio; i trattamenti si eseguono in prefioritura. I prodotti da utilizzare sono: ‘'Thiametoxam'’, ‘'Acetamiprid'’, ‘'Metamidofos'’, ‘'Pimetrozine'’, ‘'Fluvalinate'’, ‘'Lambdacyhalothrine'’, ecc.

La Lotta guidata si deve tener conto della presenza degli afidi eseguendo il trattamento solo al superamento della soglia.

La lotta microbiologica, che attualmente sta sperimentando alcuni funghi parassitari, come l’Entomophora freseni ed il Verticillum lecanii.


La metodologia di intervento prevede:

  • campionamenti sui germogli: contando circa 100 germogli valutando su di essi la presenza dell'afide;
  • le soglie d'intervento sono: in prefioritura 3% degli organi infestati, fine fioritura 10% degli organi infestati, post-fioritura mantenendo la soglia del 3% di organi infestati.

I trattamenti si effettuano con:

  • aficidi come: ‘'Pimetrozine'’, ‘'Pirimicarb'’;
  • aficidi specifici come: ‘'Thiametoxam'’, ‘'Acetamiprid'’ e/o ‘'Metamidofos'’;
  • Piretroidi Fluvalinate come: ‘'’'Lambda-cialotrina'’; si utilizzano in casi di scarsa efficacia degli aficidi o con presenza massiccia di fondatrici in prefioritura.

Antagonisti naturali

Tra i nemici naturali degli afidi vi sono sia predatori che parassitoidi, come:

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
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Myzus persicae: Brief Summary ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Myzus persicae (Sulzer, 1776) è un piccolo afide di colore verde appartenente alla famiglia Aphididae.

Autori e redattori di Wikipedia
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Persiku laputs ( Latvia )

tarjonnut wikipedia LV

Persiku laputs (latīņu: Myzus persicae) ir laputu suga.


Persiku laputi pirmo reizi aprakstījis Sulcers (Sulzer) 1776. gadā darbā Aphis persicae.[2]


Pieaugušas bezspārnu partenoģenētiskās mātītes ir ar ovālu ķermeni, kas sasniedz 1,2—2,1 mm garumā; ķermeņa krāsa ļoti variē — balti zaļš, bāli dzelteni zaļš, pelēcīgi brūns, zaļš, tumši zaļš, rozā vai sarkans. Formām, kas dzīvo uz īstās tabakas, vēl vairāk variē ķermeņa nokrāsa, tās var būt gan gaiši dzeltenas, gan gandrīz melnas.[2]


  1. Aphid Species File. (Version 5.0/5.0) 2018
  2. 2,0 2,1 CABI. Invasive Species Compendium
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Persiku laputs: Brief Summary ( Latvia )

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Persiku laputs (latīņu: Myzus persicae) ir laputu suga.

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Groene perzikluis ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De groene perzikluis (Myzus persicae) is een insect dat behoort tot de bladluizen en de familie Aphididae. Een infestatie van de luis is te herkennen aan het omkrullen van de bladeren.

De groene perzikluis is schadelijk in de tuinbouw, vooral door het overbrengen van plantenvirussen. Zo wordt het voor Prunus-soorten zeer schadelijke sharka-virus door deze luis overgebracht.

De luis is ongeveer 1,2 tot 2,6 mm lang en heeft opvallende naar elkaar wijzende voorhoofdknobbels. De uitsteeksels aan het achterlijf (sifons) zijn gemiddeld van lengte en de antennen komen tot aan de sifons. De ongevleugelde luizen van de zomergeneraties zijn in het begin groen en verkleuren al snel geelachtig. Elke 10 tot 12 dagen kan er een nieuwe generatie tot ontwikkeling komen. De luizen vermeerderen zich door parthenogenese (maagdelijke voortplanting). Tijdens de zomermaanden kunnen ook gevleugelde luizen voorkomen. De kop en een deel van het achterlijf van de gevleugelde luizen is zwartbruin tot zwart. Aan het eind van het seizoen worden alleen gevleugelde luizen gevormd. Deze luizen vliegen naar de winterwaardplant waarop ze na paring eieren afzetten. Het elliptische ei is 0.6 mm lang en 0.3 mm breed. Pas afgezette eitjes zijn geel of bruin, die al snel zwart verkleuren.

De luizen leven in tegenstelling tot de zwarte bonenluis niet in kolonies. De groene perzikluis heeft twee verschillende soorten waardplanten: winterwaardplanten en zomerwaardplanten. De overwintering gebeurt als ei op Prunus-soorten en als volwassen exemplaren op daarvoor geschikte plaatsen, zoals in kassen. Na het uitkomen van de eieren blijven enkele generaties luizen nog op de Prunussoort, waarna gevleugelde exemplaren gevormd worden. In Nederland is de Amerikaanse vogelkers een belangrijke winterwaardplant. In mei vliegen deze luizen naar de zomerwaardplanten, zoals aardappel, suikerbiet, kool, spinazie, tomaat, paprika, aubergine, sla en verscheidene snijbloemen. Bij de suikerbiet kunnen ze de vergelingsziekte overbrengen.

Met behulp van gele vangbakken wordt wekelijks gecontroleerd wanneer de gevleugelde luizen verschijnen en bestrijding in aardappelen en suikerbieten zinvol is.

Groene perzikluis geparasiteerd door Pandora neoaphidis. (Schaal streepje = 0,3 mm.)


  • Horst Börner, Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, 7. Auflage, UTB 518, Verlag Eugen Ulmer Stuttgart

Externe link

Wikimedia Commons Mediabestanden die bij dit onderwerp horen, zijn te vinden op de pagina Myzus persicae op Wikimedia Commons.
Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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wikipedia NL

Groene perzikluis: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De groene perzikluis (Myzus persicae) is een insect dat behoort tot de bladluizen en de familie Aphididae. Een infestatie van de luis is te herkennen aan het omkrullen van de bladeren.

De groene perzikluis is schadelijk in de tuinbouw, vooral door het overbrengen van plantenvirussen. Zo wordt het voor Prunus-soorten zeer schadelijke sharka-virus door deze luis overgebracht.

De luis is ongeveer 1,2 tot 2,6 mm lang en heeft opvallende naar elkaar wijzende voorhoofdknobbels. De uitsteeksels aan het achterlijf (sifons) zijn gemiddeld van lengte en de antennen komen tot aan de sifons. De ongevleugelde luizen van de zomergeneraties zijn in het begin groen en verkleuren al snel geelachtig. Elke 10 tot 12 dagen kan er een nieuwe generatie tot ontwikkeling komen. De luizen vermeerderen zich door parthenogenese (maagdelijke voortplanting). Tijdens de zomermaanden kunnen ook gevleugelde luizen voorkomen. De kop en een deel van het achterlijf van de gevleugelde luizen is zwartbruin tot zwart. Aan het eind van het seizoen worden alleen gevleugelde luizen gevormd. Deze luizen vliegen naar de winterwaardplant waarop ze na paring eieren afzetten. Het elliptische ei is 0.6 mm lang en 0.3 mm breed. Pas afgezette eitjes zijn geel of bruin, die al snel zwart verkleuren.

De luizen leven in tegenstelling tot de zwarte bonenluis niet in kolonies. De groene perzikluis heeft twee verschillende soorten waardplanten: winterwaardplanten en zomerwaardplanten. De overwintering gebeurt als ei op Prunus-soorten en als volwassen exemplaren op daarvoor geschikte plaatsen, zoals in kassen. Na het uitkomen van de eieren blijven enkele generaties luizen nog op de Prunussoort, waarna gevleugelde exemplaren gevormd worden. In Nederland is de Amerikaanse vogelkers een belangrijke winterwaardplant. In mei vliegen deze luizen naar de zomerwaardplanten, zoals aardappel, suikerbiet, kool, spinazie, tomaat, paprika, aubergine, sla en verscheidene snijbloemen. Bij de suikerbiet kunnen ze de vergelingsziekte overbrengen.

Met behulp van gele vangbakken wordt wekelijks gecontroleerd wanneer de gevleugelde luizen verschijnen en bestrijding in aardappelen en suikerbieten zinvol is.

 src= Groene perzikluis geparasiteerd door Pandora neoaphidis. (Schaal streepje = 0,3 mm.)
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Myzus persicae ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Myzus persicae (ou Myzodes persicae) é o nome científico de um afídio vulgarmente conhecido como pulgão-verde-do-pessegeiro ou pulgão-do-pessegueiro (com as variantes afídeo, afídio e piolho, no lugar de "pulgão" no seu nome composto). É uma espécie ubíqua (encontra-se vastamente distribuído por todo o mundo), propagando-se facilmente, seja por acção humana (através do transporte de espécies vegetais), como pelo vento, conseguindo espalhar-se por longas distâncias. Constitui uma série praga na fruticultura, principalmente devido à sua capacidade para transmitir vírus de plantas.


Se, durante o ano, conseguir encontrar sempre plantas hospedeiras, não necessita de recorrer à reprodução sexuada e consequente postura de ovos. Contudo, se tal não acontecer, os ovos são postos pelas formas sexúparas em plantas do género Prunus. No início da Primavera, as ninfas vão alimentar-se da seiva das flores, folhas e caules. No Verão, dispersam-se por entre outras culturas.

Os ovos têm uma coloração verde ou amarela, tornando-se rapidamente negros. De forma elíptica, medem cerca de 0,6 mmm de comprimento e 0,3 mm de largura. As formas aladas, com grandes asas translúcidas, que geralmente aparecem oito gerações após o nascimento das primeiras fêmeas virginíparas têm cabeça e tórax negros, com um abdómen verde-amarelado e uma grande mancha dorsal. Colonizam, durante a época favorável, quase todas as espécies de planta disponíveis, dando origem a algumas fêmeas numa planta e passando logo a outra, advindo daí a sua grande capacidade como vectores de doenças. As formas ápteras que se desenvolvem nos hospedeiros secundários costumam ser esverdeadas ou amareladas, com sifúnculos moderadamente longos e com a mesma cor do corpo. As ninfas que dão origem às fêmeas aladas (que aparecem quando a qualidade do alimento se deteriora) podem ter o corpo rosado.

Referências bibliográficas

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Myzus persicae: Brief Summary ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Myzus persicae (ou Myzodes persicae) é o nome científico de um afídio vulgarmente conhecido como pulgão-verde-do-pessegeiro ou pulgão-do-pessegueiro (com as variantes afídeo, afídio e piolho, no lugar de "pulgão" no seu nome composto). É uma espécie ubíqua (encontra-se vastamente distribuído por todo o mundo), propagando-se facilmente, seja por acção humana (através do transporte de espécies vegetais), como pelo vento, conseguindo espalhar-se por longas distâncias. Constitui uma série praga na fruticultura, principalmente devido à sua capacidade para transmitir vírus de plantas.

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Siva breskova uš ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia SL

Siva breskova uš (znanstveno ime Myzus persicae) je listna uš, ki je škodljivec na breskovih drevesih.


Odrasle živali dosežejo v dolžino med 1,9 in 3,3 mm, s tipalkami, dolgimi približno toliko kot telo. Glava je črne barve, zadek je zelen s črnimi zaplatami. Oprsje je črno. Krilata uš ima dva para dolgih prosojnih kril, od katerih sta krili v prvem paru precej večji. Nekrilate oblike povsem svetlo zelene barve in so nekoliko manjše, saj v dolžino dosežejo le do 2 mm. Cevčici na zadku (siphonae) in repek (cauda) so krajši kot pri krilatih oblikah. Sifona sta temna in s konicami nekoliko nagnjena drug proti drugemu. Na čelu med tipalkama ima siva breskova uš značilni grbici.[2]

Nimfe so sprva zelenkaste barve, kasneje postanejo rumenkaste, tiste, ki se kasneje spremenijo v krilate samice pa so lahko nekoliko rožnate barve.[3]


Siva breskova uš je polifagna vrsta, saj zajeda prek 400 rastlinskih vrst.[2] Za rastline ni nevarna le zaradi sesanja rastlinskih sokov, saj je siva breskova uš tudi prenašalka virusov na rastlinah[3], ki pripadajo prek 30 družinam, med njimi najbolj na razhudnikovkah, sladkorni pesi, papriki, špinači, solati, kapusnicah, grahu, fižolu, bobu, korenju, špargljih, sadnem drevju in še mnogih drugih vrstah. Napada tudi številne okrasne rastline, kot so nageljni, krizanteme, vrtnice in tudi druge.[2]

Naravni sovražniki

Med naravnimi sovražniki sive breskove uši so znani številni plenilci in zajedavci. Z njimi se hranijo dvopikčasta, sedempikčasta in desetpikčasta polonica iz družine polonic, pa tudi hrošči iz rodov Orius in Anthocoris (družina antokorid). Nanje prežijo tudi mrežekrilci, med katerimi so najpomembnejše tenčičarice iz rodov Chrysopa in Chrysoperla ter trepetavke iz rodov Syrphus, Scaeva in Episyrphus ter hržice, kot so predstavniki rodu Aphidolestes, zajedajo pa jih ličinke različnih najezdnikov,[4] in parazitske ose iz družine brakonid.[3]

Pri biološkem nadzoru škodljivcev so pomembne še patogene glive iz redu Entomophthorales, ki napadajo sive breskove uši.[3] V Sloveniji je za biološki nadzor sive breskove uši registriranih in dovoljenih pet naravnih sovražnikov: dvopikčasta polonica, plenilska hržica (Aphidoletes aphidimyza), navadna tenčičarica, navadna zimska trepetavka in brakonida vrste Aphidius matricariae.[5]


  1. "Myzus persicae". Integrirani taksonomski informacijski sistem.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 "SIVA BRESKOVA UŠ - MYZUS PERSICAE (Sulzer)". Fito-info. Pridobljeno dne 26. januarja 2017.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 Capinera, John L. (October 2005). "Featured creatures:". University of Florida website - Department of Entomology and Nematology. University of Florida. Pridobljeno dne 2009-09-07.
  4. Response of Aphidius matricariae haliday (Hym.: Aphidiidae) from mummified Myzus persicae Sulzer (Hom : Aphididae) to short term cold storage
  5. "Seznam komercialnih proizvodov za biotično varstvo rastlin in podjetij, ki imajo dovoljenje za trženje teh proizvodov v RS". Biotično varstvo rastlin (Uprava RS za varno hrano, veterinarstvo in varstvo rastlin). 22.11.2016. http://www.uvhvvr.gov.si/fileadmin/uvhvvr.gov.si/pageuploads/DELOVNA_PODROCJA/Zdravje_rastlin/2013/Bioticno_varstvo_rastlin/SEZNAM_splet_22_november_2016.xls. Pridobljeno 28.11.2016.
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Siva breskova uš: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

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Siva breskova uš (znanstveno ime Myzus persicae) je listna uš, ki je škodljivec na breskovih drevesih.

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桃蚜 ( kiina )

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二名法 Myzus persicae
Sulzer, 1776

桃蚜学名Myzus persicae)为常蚜科瘤蚜屬下的一个种。



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桃蚜: Brief Summary ( kiina )

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桃蚜(学名:Myzus persicae)为常蚜科瘤蚜屬下的一个种。

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