
Chrysoperla ( englanti )

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Chrysoperla is a genus of common green lacewings in the neuropteran family Chrysopidae.[1] Therein they belong to the Chrysopini, the largest tribe of subfamily Chrysopinae.[2] Their larvae are predatory and feed on aphids, and members of this genus have been used in biological pest control.[3] [4]

Taxonomy and phylogeny

The genus Chrysoperla was first described by H. Steinmann in 1964 as a subgenus of Chrysopa as Chrysopa (Chrysoperla). His original diagnosis based on facial markings was found to be unreliable by B. Tjeder in 1966, who revised Steinmann's subgeneric classification based on details of male genitalia. In 1970, H. Hölzel revised these subgenera further and moved Chrysoperla to a subgenus of Atlantochrysa as Atlantochrysa (Chrysoperla). It wasn't until 1977 that Chrysoperla was elevated to a full genus by Y. Séméria, based on the combination of the absence of a gonapsis in males, lack of carrying a debris packet in larvae, and overwintering as an adult.[2] This series of revisions further caused species to be moved between genera several times as the taxa, particularly Chrysopa and Chrysoperla, were being redefined.[5] The monophyly of the genus was verified in the revision of Chrysopidae genera by Brooks and Barnard in 1990.[6][2]

Larva of a Chrysoperla species from Italy

Description and identification

Chrysoperla is one of several green lacewing genera with adults having a pale, yellowish stripe down the middle of the body. It is typically separated from other such genera by the short intramedian cell (im), which doesn't overlap the first crossvein from the radial sector. This genus, however, is defined predominantly based on male genitalia. Chrysoperla is one of six genera possessing an arcuate tignum and three genera to lack a gonapsis. It is distinguished from all other green lacewing genera by the presence of spinellae on the gonosaccus in the male genitalia.[6]

Chrysoperla species may be identical in terms of morphology, but can be readily separated based on the vibration signals used to attract mates.[6] For example, the southern European C. mediterranea looks almost identical to its northern relative C. carnea, but their courtship "songs" are very different; individuals of one species will not react to the other's vibrations.[7]


This genus has a cosmopolitan distribution.[6][2] Species in this genus are particularly common in both Europe and North America.[5]


There are 67 described species of Chrysoperla. New species of the genus are still being described, particularly since the genus contains at least one cryptic species complex.

Provisional taxa

There are at least 8 additional "song species" that have been identified within the Chrysoperla carnea group but have yet to be formally described.[10]

  • Chrysoperla carnea-kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan
  • Chrysoperla downesi-1 - eastern United States
  • Chrysoperla downesi-china - China
  • Chrysoperla downesi-kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyzstan
  • Chrysoperla downesi-western - western United States
  • Chrysoperla nipponensis-a2 - Asia
  • Chrysoperla nipponensis-b - Asia



  1. ^ Villenave-Chasset, Johanna; Thierry, Dominique; Al Mamun, Abdullah; Lodé, Thierry; Rat-Morris, Elizabeth (2005). "The pollens consumed by common green lacewings Chrysoperla spp. (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in cabbage crop environment in western France". 2005European Journal of Entomology. 102 (3): 547–552. doi:10.14411/eje.2005.078.
  2. ^ a b c d Brooks, S.J. (1994). "A taxonomic review of the common green lacewing genus Chrysoperla (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)" (PDF). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 63 (2): 137–210. Retrieved 2022-01-24.
  3. ^ New, T. R. (2002). "Prospects for extending the use of Australian lacewings in biological control" (PDF). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 48 (2): 209–216.
  4. ^ Engel, Michael S.; Grimaldi, David A. (2007). "The neuropterid fauna of Dominican and Mexican amber (Neuropterida, Megaloptera, Neuroptera)". American Museum Novitates (3587): 1–58. doi:10.1206/0003-0082(2007)3587[1:TNFODA]2.0.CO;2. S2CID 49393365. Retrieved 2022-01-24.
  5. ^ a b Shakir, Hafiz Usman; Anjum, Najuf Awais; Ali, Qurban; Saleem, Shahzad; Awais, Muhammad; Anwar, Tauqir (2015). "Molecular systematics of Chrysoperla carnea group (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in Punjab, Pakistan". 2015Journal of Global Innovations in Agricultural and Social Sciences. 3 (1): 12–15. doi:10.17957/JGIASS/3.1.677. S2CID 88722322. Retrieved 2022-01-24.
  6. ^ a b c d Brooks, S.J.; Barnard, P.C. (1990). "The green lacewings of the world: a generic review (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)" (PDF). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Entomology. 59 (2): 117–286. Retrieved 2022-01-24.
  7. ^ Henry, Charles S.; Brooks, Stephen J.; Johnson, James B.; Duelli, Peter (1999). "Revised concept of Chrysoperla mediterranea (Hölzel), a green lacewing associated with conifers: courtship songs across 2800 kilometres of Europe (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)". Systematic Entomology. 24 (4): 335–350. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3113.1999.00085.x. S2CID 84665891.
  8. ^ Henry, Charles S.; Taylor, Katherine L.; Johnson, J.B. (2019). "A new lacewing species of the Chrysoperla carnea species-group from central Asia associated with conifers (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae)". Journal of Natural History. 53 (21–22): 1277–1300. doi:10.1080/00222933.2019.1644385. S2CID 202006791.
  9. ^ Canard, Michel; Thierry, Dominique (2020). "Description of a new species of Chrysoperla Steinmann, 1964 of the Ch. mediterranea Hölzel, 1972 group from Europe (Neuropterida, Neuroptera, Chrysopidae)". Linzer biologische Beiträge. 52 (1): 141–149. doi:10.5281/zenodo.5275235.
  10. ^ Oswald, John D. (Jul 2018). "Chrysoperla advanced search results in Neuropterida Species of the World". Lacewing Digital Library. Retrieved 2022-01-24.

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Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Chrysoperla is a genus of common green lacewings in the neuropteran family Chrysopidae. Therein they belong to the Chrysopini, the largest tribe of subfamily Chrysopinae. Their larvae are predatory and feed on aphids, and members of this genus have been used in biological pest control.

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Chrysoperla ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Chrysoperla est un genre d'insectes névroptères de la famille des chrysopidés, dont les larves ont pour proies principalement les pucerons, les acariens, les cochenilles, les psylles, les thrips, les œufs de lépidoptères et d'aleurodes sur les feuillus, les arbres fruitiers, la vigne, les grandes cultures, les cultures légumières et les cultures ornementales. Ces chrysopes peuvent être utilisées comme auxiliaires dans la lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs des cultures.

Contrairement aux espèces du genre Chrysopa où les adultes et les larves sont des prédateurs, seules les larves des espèces du genre Chrysoperla s'attaquent à de petits invertébrés, les adultes se nourrissant de liquides sucrés, de miellat, de pollen.

Liste d'espèces rencontrées en Europe

Selon Fauna Europaea (20 mai 2014)[1] :


Voir aussi

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Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Chrysoperla est un genre d'insectes névroptères de la famille des chrysopidés, dont les larves ont pour proies principalement les pucerons, les acariens, les cochenilles, les psylles, les thrips, les œufs de lépidoptères et d'aleurodes sur les feuillus, les arbres fruitiers, la vigne, les grandes cultures, les cultures légumières et les cultures ornementales. Ces chrysopes peuvent être utilisées comme auxiliaires dans la lutte intégrée contre les ravageurs des cultures.

Contrairement aux espèces du genre Chrysopa où les adultes et les larves sont des prédateurs, seules les larves des espèces du genre Chrysoperla s'attaquent à de petits invertébrés, les adultes se nourrissant de liquides sucrés, de miellat, de pollen.

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Chrysoperla ( Italia )

tarjonnut wikipedia IT

Chrysoperla è un genere di Insetti dell'ordine dei Neurotteri (famiglia Chrysopidae), comprendente specie predatrici.


Larva di Chrysoperla che preda un afide

L'adulto delle Chrysoperla è glicifago; si nutre perciò di liquidi zuccherini. La larva è nuda e non protegge il corpo con spoglie di vittime come avviene in altri generi della famiglia dei Crisopidi.


La specie più rappresentativa è Chrysoperla carnea, abbastanza comune in Italia, ma oggetto di allevamento per l'impiego frequente in lotta biologica, soprattutto in coltura protetta.

Altra specie che talora si incontra in alcune regioni italiane (tra cui Sicilia e Sardegna) è Chrysoperla mediterranea.

Altre specie note:

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Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( Italia )

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Chrysoperla è un genere di Insetti dell'ordine dei Neurotteri (famiglia Chrysopidae), comprendente specie predatrici.

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Chrysoperla ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL


Chrysoperla is een geslacht van insecten uit de familie gaasvliegen (Chrysopidae). Er zijn 58 soorten die vrijwel wereldwijd voorkomen.[1] De bekendste soort is de groene gaasvlieg (Chrysoperla carnea), die ook in België en Nederland voorkomt.



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Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Chrysoperla is een geslacht van insecten uit de familie gaasvliegen (Chrysopidae). Er zijn 58 soorten die vrijwel wereldwijd voorkomen. De bekendste soort is de groene gaasvlieg (Chrysoperla carnea), die ook in België en Nederland voorkomt.

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Chrysoperla ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL
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Chrysoperlarodzaj sieciarek z rodziny złotookowatych (Chrysopidae). Obejmuje gatunki występujące niemal na całym świecie, choć większość ma holarktyczny zasięg występowania. Są trudne do zidentyfikowania ze względu na brak wyraźnych cech diagnostycznych oraz niejednoznaczną terminologię stosowaną przez autorów kluczy do identyfikacji gatunków[2].

Larwa Chrysoperla carnea zjadająca mszycę

Większość gatunków zaliczanych obecnie do tego rodzaju klasyfikowano początkowo w rodzaju Chrysopa. Są wśród nich gatunki bliźniacze, których identyfikacja jest możliwa dopiero na podstawie odgłosów godowych lub morfologii narządów rozrodczych.

W strefie klimatu umiarkowanego Chrysoperla spp. są złotookami spotykanymi najczęściej (i licznie) na terenach pochodzenia antropogenicznego oraz otaczających je drzewach i krzewach. Larwy są drapieżnikami żerującymi na małych stawonogach o miękkim ciele, zwłaszcza na mszycach. Imagines żywią się pokarmem roślinnym o dużej zawartości cukrów. Wiosną i latem jedzą pyłek, nektar i spadź. Jesienią w ich diecie dominuje spadź. Pokarmu poszukują w pobliżu miejsc odpoczynku[3].

Osobniki dorosłe przelatują wiosną z miejsc zimowania na pola. Po okresie żerowania migrują na nowe tereny bogate w kolonie mszyc. Tam przystępują do rozrodu.

Chrysoperla są jedynymi złotookami, które w chłodniejszych strefach klimatycznych zimują w stadium imago[4].

Rodzaj Chrysoperla obejmuje ponad 35 gatunków. W Europie stwierdzono 8 gatunków[2], z których dwa występują w Polsce[5]:

Zobacz też


  1. Chrysoperla, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Michel Canard, Dominique Thierry. A historical perspective on nomenclature within the genus Chrysoperla Steinmann, 1964 in Europe: the carnea-complex. (Neuroptera Chrysopidae). „Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Ferrara”. 8, s. 173-179, 2007 (ang.). (pdf)
  3. Villenave et al. Pollen preference of the Chrysoperla species (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) occurring in the crop environment in western France. „European Journal of Entomology”. 103, s. 771–777, 2006. ISSN 1210-5759 (ang.). (pdf)
  4. Oswald et al: Neuroptera (Neuropterida).. W: Bousquets, J.L. & Morrone, J.J. (red.): Biodiversidad, Taxonomía y Biogeografía de Artrópodos de México: hacia una síntesis de su conocimiento. Vol. 3. Meksyk: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Distrito Federal, 2002, s. 559–581. ISBN 968-36-4857-6. (pdf)
  5. Fauna Polski - charakterystyka i wykaz gatunków. Bogdanowicz W., Chudzicka E., Pilipiuk I. i Skibińska E. (red.). T. II. Warszawa: Muzeum i Instytut Zoologii PAN, 2007. ISBN 978-83-881470-7-4.
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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wikipedia POL

Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL

Chrysoperla – rodzaj sieciarek z rodziny złotookowatych (Chrysopidae). Obejmuje gatunki występujące niemal na całym świecie, choć większość ma holarktyczny zasięg występowania. Są trudne do zidentyfikowania ze względu na brak wyraźnych cech diagnostycznych oraz niejednoznaczną terminologię stosowaną przez autorów kluczy do identyfikacji gatunków.

 src= Larwa Chrysoperla carnea zjadająca mszycę

Większość gatunków zaliczanych obecnie do tego rodzaju klasyfikowano początkowo w rodzaju Chrysopa. Są wśród nich gatunki bliźniacze, których identyfikacja jest możliwa dopiero na podstawie odgłosów godowych lub morfologii narządów rozrodczych.

W strefie klimatu umiarkowanego Chrysoperla spp. są złotookami spotykanymi najczęściej (i licznie) na terenach pochodzenia antropogenicznego oraz otaczających je drzewach i krzewach. Larwy są drapieżnikami żerującymi na małych stawonogach o miękkim ciele, zwłaszcza na mszycach. Imagines żywią się pokarmem roślinnym o dużej zawartości cukrów. Wiosną i latem jedzą pyłek, nektar i spadź. Jesienią w ich diecie dominuje spadź. Pokarmu poszukują w pobliżu miejsc odpoczynku.

Osobniki dorosłe przelatują wiosną z miejsc zimowania na pola. Po okresie żerowania migrują na nowe tereny bogate w kolonie mszyc. Tam przystępują do rozrodu.

Chrysoperla są jedynymi złotookami, które w chłodniejszych strefach klimatycznych zimują w stadium imago.

Rodzaj Chrysoperla obejmuje ponad 35 gatunków. W Europie stwierdzono 8 gatunków, z których dwa występują w Polsce:

Chrysoperla carnea (s. l.) Chrysoperla lucasina
Autorzy i redaktorzy Wikipedii
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Chrysoperla ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Chrysoperla là một chi côn trùng cánh gân màu xanh lá cây trong họ côn trùng Chrysopidae thuộc bộ Neuroptera. Cụ thể, trong đó chi này thuộc về Chrysopini, tông lớn nhất của phân họ Chrysopinae.

Các thành viên của chi này và chi Chrysopa rất phổ biến ở Bắc Mỹchâu Âu. Chúng chia sẻ các đặc tính tương tự và một số loài đã được di chuyển từ chi này sang chi kia và ngược lại rất nhiều lần. Ấu trùng của chúng là động vật ăn thịt và ăn rệp và các thành viên của chi này đã được sử dụng làm tác nhân phòng trừ dịch bệnh gây hại.[1]

Loài chọn lọc

Hình ảnh

Cước chú

  1. ^ New (2002), Engel & Grimaldi (2007)

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Chrysoperla  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Chrysoperla
  • Engel, Michael S. & Grimaldi, David A. (2007): The neuropterid fauna of Dominican and Mexican amber (Neuropterida, Megaloptera, Neuroptera). American Museum Novitates 3587: 1–58. PDF fulltext
  • Henry, Charles S.; Brooks, Stephen J.; Johnson, James B. & Duelli, Peter (1999): Revised concept of Chrysoperla mediterranea (Hölzel), a green lacewing associated with conifers: courtship songs across 2800 kilometres of Europe (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). Systematic Entomology 24(4): 335–350. doi:10.1046/j.1365-3113.1999.00085.x PDF fulltext
  • New, T. R. (2002): Prospects for extending the use of Australian lacewings in biological control. Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48(Supplement 2): 209–216. PDF fulltext

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Chrysoperla: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Chrysoperla là một chi côn trùng cánh gân màu xanh lá cây trong họ côn trùng Chrysopidae thuộc bộ Neuroptera. Cụ thể, trong đó chi này thuộc về Chrysopini, tông lớn nhất của phân họ Chrysopinae.

Các thành viên của chi này và chi Chrysopa rất phổ biến ở Bắc Mỹchâu Âu. Chúng chia sẻ các đặc tính tương tự và một số loài đã được di chuyển từ chi này sang chi kia và ngược lại rất nhiều lần. Ấu trùng của chúng là động vật ăn thịt và ăn rệp và các thành viên của chi này đã được sử dụng làm tác nhân phòng trừ dịch bệnh gây hại.

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