
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Gesneria reticulata (Grisebach) Urban

Gesneria reticulata (Grisebach) Urban, Symb. Ant. 1:478, 1900 & 2:378, 1901 [pro parte, as to basionym].

Conradia reticulata Grisebach, Cat. Pl. Cub. 201, 1866.

Conradia reticulata β obovata Grisebach, Cat. Pl. Cub. 201, 1866. [Type-collection: Yunque de Baracoa, C. Wright sn (GOET, holotype).]

Pentarhaphia reticulata (Grisebach) Gómez de la Maza, Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23:280, 1894.

Pentarhaphia reticulata β obovata (Grisebach) Gómez de la Maza, Anales Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 23:280, 1894.

Gesneria cuneifolia var. obovata (Grisebach) Morton, Brittonia 9:19, 1957.

Gesneria cuneifolia var. disjuncta Morton, Brittonia 9:19, 1957. [Type-collection: Río San Juan, Dominican Republic, G. Miller 1244 (US, holotype).]

Subshrubs: stems herbaceous or seldom woody, erect, to 20 cm tall, 2–4 mm in diameter at 5 cm below apex, green or reddish, glandular-resinous at apex, becoming brown to gray below; branches from near the base, internodes to 1.6 cm long, leaf scars prominent above.

Leaves alternate, rosulate or clustered at apex or spread along rapidly growing stems: petioles sulcate, broad, 1–3 mm long, ca 2 mm wide, green or reddish, glandular-pubescent or glabrous; blades oblanceolate, ovate, obovate or spathulate, 1.8–11.4 cm long, 0.7–5.2 cm wide, membranous, smooth or bullate and wrinkled especially at the midvein, base cordate to cuneate, margin entire to serrulate to grossly dentate, often ciliate, apex acute, rounded or rarely emarginate, adaxial surface light to dark green, glabrous or with sparse appressed trichomes, rarely pilose toward the base, abaxial surface lighter green or reddish, glabrous or with sparse appressed pubescence, veins prominent and strongly arching, stomata scattered.

Inflorescences cymose, of 1–3 flowers, usually ca two-thirds the length of the subtending leaves: peduncles terete, 1–7 mm long, usually short, ca 1 mm in diameter, green or red, glandular; bracts linear or oblanceolate, 3–7 mm long, ca 1–2 mm wide, green or red, glabrous; margin entire or serrate, pedicels terete, 1.5–5.4 cm long, ca 1 mm in diameter, green or red, glabrous; floral tube broadly obconic, 2–3 mm long, 4–7 mm wide, green or red, glabrous, alate; calyx 5-lobed, porrect to patent, lobes connate ca 1.5 mm at the base, ovate, 4–7 mm long, ca 2 mm wide at base, 2–4 mm wide at middle, apex acute, margin entire, occasionally ciliate, outside green or reddish, glabrous or sparsely pilose, with 3 prominent veins, inside green or reddish, glabrous; corolla tube cylindric, with a slight bend at throat, tube 1.1–2.7 cm long, 2.5–3.2 mm wide at base, not gibbous, 2.5–3.5 mm at middle, not ventricose, 3.5–4.5 mm in diameter at throat, outside red, orange-red, or pallid yellow, pilose, inside yellow to orange, glabrous, limb flaring to patent, 1.0–2.1 cm wide, sparsely pubescent, lobes 5, serrate or notched, upper lobes obovate, 5–6 mm long, 6–7 mm wide, lateral lobes 5–6 mm long, 4–6 mm wide, basal lobe 4–6 mm long, 5–8 mm wide; stamens 4, adnate for less than 1 mm to base of corolla tube, not exserted, filaments slightly curved, 0.9–2.4 cm long, reddish, yellow, or white, glabrous, anthers oblong, ca 1.5 mm long, 1 mm wide, coherent in two pairs; ovary completely inferior, apex pilose, disc 5– angled, unlobed, yellow, glabrous, style curved, 1.0–1.8 cm long, reddish, yellow to white, glabrous, stigma clavate.

Capsule erect, broad to globose, ca 3–5 mm long, 4–8 mm wide, brown to gray, glabrous, dehiscing at the apex, costae prominent, persistent sepals patent; seeds broadly fusiform, twisted, ca 0.5 mm long, 0.25 mm wide, reddish-brown to black, nitid.

TYPE-COLLECTION.—Yunque de Baracoa, Cuba, C. Wright 3081 (GOET, holotype; BM, G, GH (Figure 70a), K, isotypes).

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY.—Of all known species of Gesneria, G. reticulata is the most widespread with a center of distribution in the mountains of Hispaniola and outliers in the Oriente Province of Cuba and in the Luquillo Mountains of eastern Puerto Rico (Figures 54, 65, and 68). Its habitat is usually wet woods, near or at the edge of streams and waterfalls on igneous or limestone rocks from 80 to 1200 meters elevation. This species has been collected with flowers in all months except September. In cultivation, plants may flower continuously.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—CUBA. PROVINCE OF ORIENTE: Taco Bay, 5 December 1914, E. Ekman 3753 (S); on the road to Quibiján, Baracoa, 80 m, 1 January 1960, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 7151 (US); N of El Yunque, Baracoa, 150 m, 13 January 1960, Alain Liogier & J. Acuña 7609 (US); inner valley of El Yunque, Baracoa, ca 500 m, 14 January 1960, Alain Liogier & J. Acuña 7543 (US); at the base of El Yunque de Baracoa, 200 m, 2 January 1960, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 7247 (US); El Yunque in rupibus calcareis, 1718 December 1914, E. Ekman 3912 (S); slopes and summit of El Yunque, near Baracoa, 1000–2000 ft, 30–31 January 1902, C. Pollard & W. Palmer 137 (CU, F, GH, MO, NY, PH, US); El Yunque Mt., Baracoa, March 1903, L. Underwood & F. Earle 622 (NY), 690 (NY), 1062 (NY); Yunque de Baracoa, June [1861], C. Wright sn (GOET, holotype of Conradia reticulata β obovata Grisebach; GH, isotype); Arroyo Frio, Sra. de Imías, So. Baracoa, 950 m, 17 July-4 August 1924, Bro. Leon 12180 (GH, NY, US). LOCALITY UNKNOWN: “Cuba,” 1860–1864, C. Wright 3081 (GOET, holotype of Conradia reticulata Grisebach; BM, G, GH, K, isotypes). HISPANIOLA. HAITI. Département du Sud: Morne de la Hotte, ca 800 m, 10 June 1917, E. Ekman H132 (C, S); Riviére Glace, 750 m, 6 August 1945, L. Holdridge 2184 (US); Massif de la Hotte, group Morne Rochelois, Miragoane, on the path Lebrun to Quatre-Chemins, ca 700 m, 30 March 1927, E. Ekman H7923 (S); Département du Nord: Massif du Nord, Port-de-Paix, top of Haut Piton, 1100–1205 m, 6 April 1925, E. Ekman H3711 (EHH, S, US); vicinity of St. Louis du Nord, 30 March-7 April 1929, E. Leonard & G. Leonard 14245 (GH, K, MO, NY, US), 2 April 1929, E. Leonard & G. Leonard 14248 (US), 6 April 1929, E. Leonard & G. Leonard 14472 (US); Massif du Nord, Bayeux, top of Morne Brigand, 900–1150 m, 20–21 December 1924, E. Ekman H2972 (S); Port Margot to Correil, 1200–1500 ft, 7 August 1903, G. Nash 196 (NY); ravine NW of Marmelade, 2230 ft, 3 August 1905, G. Nash & N. Taylor 1353 (NY). Département de l’Ouest: Morne Fourmi, 900 m, June 1905, W. Buch 765 (IJ); Massif de la Selle, Croix-des-Bouquets, Badeau, ca 1200 m, 14 March 1927, E. Ekman H7851 (A, S); Massif de la Selle, Port-au-Prince, Morne Malanga, ca 1200 m, 27 January 1926, E. Ekman H5457 (EHH, F, G, GH, IJ, NY, S, US). DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Province of Pedernales: Agua Negra, Sierra de Bahoruco, 23 March 1967, E. Marcano 5274 (NY, RDJ); Agua Negra, 750 m, 22 March 1967, T. Talpey 77 (BH); Agua Negra, Sierra del Baoruco, 800 m, 17 February 1969, Alain Liogier 13949 (NY). Province of Barahona: Cañada Maluca, above Barahona, 27 July 1952, R. Howard 12192 (A, US); 1912, M. Fuertes 1411b (K). Province of Monte Cristi: Distr. of Sabaneta, bank of Río Cidra, 5–600 m, 30 November 1930, E. Valeur 569 (US). Province of Santiago: overlooking Río Antonzape Malo, Mata Grande, San José de las Matas, 1000 m, 1–7 October 1968, Alain Liogier 12965 (NY); Arroyo del Toro, Tamboril, 20 February 1965, E. Marcano & J. Jiménez 5121 (E, NY, RDJ, US); Arroyo del Toro, February 1965, T. Talpey 35 (BH). Province of La Vega: Casabito, 6 April 1968, E. Marcano & T. Talpey 5394 (NY, RDJ); Casabito, 10 April 1968, E. Marcano & T. Talpey 5428 (NY, US 2 sheets); 22 km E of El Río along road toward the Santiago-Sto. Domingo Hwy, 900 m, 12 August 1970, G. Davidse 2660 (BH, MO); road from Bonao to Constanza, 1000 ft, 29 May 1970, M. Meagher 295 (USF); ca 20 km from El Río near road from Bonao to El Río, 16 July 1970, L. Skog 1606 (BH, US 2 sheets); Piedra Blanca, 10 December 1947, H. Allard 17795 (US); 19 January 1948, H. Allard 18902 (BH, US); near Piedra Blanca, at km 73 of the Carretera Duarte, ca 200 m, 12 February 1929, E. Ekman H11544 (K, S, US); banks of Maimon river, 13 April 1954, J. Jiménez 2607 (E, US); near Río Maimon, along the road from Piedra Blanca to Maimon, ca 500 m, 6 July 1970, L. Skog 1586 (BH, US). Province of Puerto Plata: Gurabito de Yaroa, coffee plantations and woods, Yaroa valley, 350–500 m, 1 May 1968, Alain Liogier 11028 (NY); Cordillera de Yaroa, limestone ridge facing Yaroa valley, 800–850 m, 11 May 1968, Alain Liogier 11234 (F, NY, USF). Province of Duarte: Quita Espuela, vicinity of San Francisco de Macorís, 400–1000 m, 5–17 April 1922, W. Abbott 2087 (IJ, NY, US). Provinces of Espaillat or Maria Trinidad Sánchez: Río San Juan, 22 March 1928, G. Miller 1244 (US, holotype of Gesneria cuneifolia var. disjuncta Morton). Province of San Cristóbal: Cabirma de la Loma, 600 m, 28 November 1970, Alain Liogier 17752 (NY); Cabirma de la Loma, 19 March 1967, E. Marcano 5207 (BH, NY, RDJ); Cabirma de la Loma, NW of San Cristóbal, 2000 ft, 9 April 1968, T. Talpey 92 (BH); Los Guineos, San Cristóbal, 24 March 1958, E. Marcano & J. Jiménez 3656 (RDJ, US). Province of Samaná: Yuna river, 28 February 1963, Bro. Basilio Augusto 736 (NY). Province of El Seibo: Liali, banks of Rio Lajiagua, 100–500 m, 8–20 February 1923, W. Abbott 2623 (NY, US). LOCALITY UNKNOWN: “St. Domingo,” 1857, R. Schomburgk sn (K). PUERTO RICO: Sierra de Luquillo, in monte Jiménes, 17 July 1885, P. Sintenis 1343 (BM, G 3 sheets, GH, GOET, K, L, LD, M, P, S, UCWI, US); El Yunque, 6 October 1963, T. Talpey 12 (US); El Yunque forest, km 10 on Route 191, 12 February 1965, T. Talpey 25 (BH, US); at km 10 on Palmer to Florida road through Luquillo Mts., 15 August 1963, R. Wagner 353 (A); on the sides of the waterfall at marker 10.2 km on P.R. Hwy 191, in the Caribbean National Forest (Luquillo Experimental Forest), 500 m, 5 June 1970, L. Skog 1517 (BH), 20 August 1970, L. Skog & J. Skog 1644 (BH); km 14 of Route 191 through Luquillo Mts., 3 April 1965, R. Howard & L. Nevling 15775 (A, US). CULTIVATED: Cornell University, G-784, 7 October 1964, R. Clark sn (BH), 3 October 1969, L. Skog 1412 (BH), 16 February 1966, M. Stone 117 (BH, NA); Cornell University, G-897, 5 October 1969, L. Skog 1413 (BH), 22 December 1967, M. Stone 350 (BH).
bibliografinen lainaus
Skog, Laurence E. 1976. "A study of the tribe Gesneriaceae, with a revision of Gesneria (Gesneriaceae-Gesnerioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-182. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.29

Gesneria reticulata ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Gesneria reticulata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được (Griseb.) Urb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1900.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Gesneria reticulata. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Gesneria reticulata: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Gesneria reticulata là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được (Griseb.) Urb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1900.

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