
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Gesneria duchartreoides (C. Wright) Urban

Gesneria duchartreoides (C. Wright) Urban, Symb. Ant. 2:375, 1901 —Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:457, 1957.

Pentarhaphia duchartreoides C. Wright in Sauvalle, Anales Acad. Ci. Méd. Habana 6:316, 1869—Sauv., Fl. Cub. 92, 1873 [“duchartraeoides”].

Gesneria nipensis N. Britton & P. Wilson, Mem. Torrey Bot. Club 16:109, 1920.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:457, 1957. [Type-collection: Sierra Nipe, near Woodfred, Cuba, J. Shafer 3201 (NY, holotype; F, US, isotypes).]

Gesneria norlindii Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:268, 1924.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:458, 1957. [Type-collection: Inter Taco et Nibujón, Cuba, E. Ekman 3730 (S, holotype).]

Gesneria bracteosa Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:269, 1924.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:458, 1957. [Type-collection: Baracoa, Lomas de Cuaba, Cuba, E, Ekman 4296 (S, holotype; K, S, isotypes).]

Gesneria pachyclada Urban, Symb. Ant. 9:270, 1924—Urb., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 21:69, 1925.—Morton in Leon & Alain, Fl. de Cuba 4:458, 1957. [Type-collection: Sierra de Cristal, Cuba. E. Ekman 6822 (S, holotype).]

Shrubs or small trees: stems woody, erect, to 2 m tall, 5–7 mm in diameter immediately below the apex; bark yellow, gray, or reddish-brown, minutely puberulent to glabrous, smooth when young, becoming verrucose with age, lenticels elongated, sometimes erumpent, apex resinous; pith reddish; branches few, from the base, internodes to 2 cm long.

Leaves alternate: petioles sulcate to nearly terete, 0.3–2.5 cm long, 1–3 mm wide, reddish-brown, smooth to verrucose, minutely puberulent to glabrescent, resinous; blades narrowly elliptic to broadly obovate, 3.2–17.7 cm long, 0.8–5.9 cm wide, coriaceous, base cuneate or acute, margin subentire to grossly serrate, apex retuse to acuminate, adaxial surface green, smooth to scabrous, finely puberulent to glabrescent, glossy, abaxial surface green to reddish-brown, glabrous, midvein prominent, verrucose, resinous.

Inflorescences 1– to ∞-flowered: peduncles terete, 2.8–22.1 cm long, 1–5 mm in diameter, green to reddish-brown, puberulent to glabrescent, verrucose; bracts 2 (–3), linear to broadly lanceolate, 0.3–4.2 cm long, 1–8 mm wide, green to reddish-brown, puberulent, apex sometimes caudate, verrucose, resinous; pedicel terete, 0.3–1.2 cm long, elongating in fruit, 1–2 mm in diameter, green to reddish-brown, puberulent, resinous; floral tube narrowly turbinate, 3–6 mm long, 3–6 mm wide, green to yellow or red, puberulent, verrucose, resinous; calyx lobes erect, 5, each triangular, linear to lanceolate, usually sulcate at the base, narrowing toward the terete apex, 0.3–2.5 cm long, 1–4 mm wide, green to reddish-brown, puberulent to glabrous, verrucose outside, inside glandular-resinous; corolla tube nearly cylindrical, 1.0–1.7 cm long, 3–8 mm wide at the base, slightly contracted, then subventricose above the base, the mouth to 7 mm wide, green to yellow or red, pilose, puberulent to glabrescent, resinous outside, inside verrucose, resinous, limb 5-lobed, each lobe semi-orbiculate, 2–3 mm long, sometimes red-spotted, verrucose, sometimes pilose, margin entire, erose to fimbriate; stamens 4, adnate to the base of the corolla tube, included, filaments linear, reddish, 1.2–1.4 cm long, 1 mm in diameter, pilose to glabrescent near the base, glabrescent toward the apex, anthers oblong, 1–2 mm long, 1.5 mm wide, white, coherent in 2 pairs by their apices; ovary inferior, apex puberulent, disc annular, yellow, pubescent with glandular trichomes, style 1.3–1.6 cm long, reddish pilose to glabrescent, stigma bilobed, 1.5 mm wide.

Capsule turbinate to nearly spherical, dehiscing into 2–4 valves, 0.4–1.1 cm long, 0.4–1.1 cm wide, red or yellow to gray-brown, verrucose, costae obscure or prominent; seeds linear, twisted, ca 1 mm long, 0.25 mm wide, reddish to brown (Figure 19n).

TYPE-COLLECTION.—Cuchillas de Baracoa, Cuba, C. Wright sn (GH, holotype; GOET, isotype, Figure 51).

DISTRIBUTION AND ECOLOGY.—Gesneria duchartreoides is known only from Oriente Province of Cuba (Figure 52), where it grows on serpentine pine barrens, stream banks, or dry hillsides from 350–1300 m elevation. This species has been collected in every month, but seldom with flowers. Possible hummingbird pollinators might be Calypte helenae and Chlorostilbon ricordii, whose bills are approximately the same length as the corolla tube.

SPECIMENS EXAMINED.—CUBA. ORIENTE PROVINCE: in “charrascales” ad Río Piloto, 21 July 1914, E. Ekman 2115 (S); Sierra de Nipe in “charrascales” ad Río Piloto, 20 April 1919, E. Ekman 9528 (NY, S); Sierra de Nipe (Salto del Sojo), July 1940, Bro. Leon 17971 (US); Sojo cascade, Sierra de Nipe, Mayarí, July 1940, Bro. Leon & Liogier 17971 (GH); Casimba, Sierra de Nipe, 27 July 1940, Bro. Leon 19236 (US); La Casimba, Sierra de Nipe, Mayarí, 17 July 1940, Bro. Leon & Alain Liogier 19236 (GH); banks of Río Guayabo, Sierra de Nipe, Mayarí, 29 July 1941, Bros. Leon & Clemente, & R. Howard 20408 (GH); banks of Río Guayabo, Sierra de Nipe, 29 July 1941, Bro. Leon 20408 (US); Sierra de Nipe in cacum. mont. Loma Mensura loc. rup., ca 1000 m, 16 May 1915, E. Ekman 5738 (G, S); Sierra de Nipe in pinetis ad pedem mont. Loma Mensura, ca 725 m, 18 February 1918, E. Ekman 9061 (S); Cayo de Monte, S of Loma Mensura, Sierra de Nipe, 7 April 1941, Bro. Leon 19973 (US); Loma de la Bandera, Sierra de Nipe, March 1944, Bros. M. Victorin & Clemente in Leon 22093 (LS); bank of creek near Woodfred village, Sierra de Nipe, June-August 1941, R. Howard 6123 (BM, GH, NY, P, S, US); road to “Mina Woodfred,”

Sierra de Nipe, 26 July 1940, Bro. Leon 19142 (US); camino de la Mina Woodfred, Sierra de Nipe, 6 April 1941, Bro. Leon 19830 (US); along Río Medio near Woodfred, Sierra Nipe, 500 m, 18 October 1941, C. Morton & J. Acuña 3276 (BM, F, G, GH, MO, NY, S, US 2 sheets); Sierra Nipe, near Woodfred, 450–550 m, 17 December 1909, J. Shafer 3201 (NY, holotype of Gesneria nipensis N. Britton & P. Wilson; F, US, isotypes); “charrascales” of Loma del Winch, Sierra de Nipe, 26 February 1956, M. Lopez F. 2573 (US); El Prado, Nicaro, Mayarí, 26, 27 May 1955, J. Acuña & F. Zayas 19786 (SV, US 2 sheets); charrascales de los pinares de Micara, 2–7 April 1956. J. Acuña, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. sn (US 2 sheets); charrascales, Sierra de Micara, “Corea” lumber camp, 27 December 1955, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 4640 (GH, IJ, US 2 sheets); Sierra de Micara, in pinelands, ca 750 m, 13 December 1922, E. Ekman 15918 (G, LS, NY 2 sheets, S); Sierra de Micara, in pinelands, 700–850 m, 17 December 1922, E. Ekman 16020 (S); charrascales de la subida al Sierra Cristal, 2–7 April 1956, J. Acuña, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. sn (US 2 sheets); Arroyo Cristal, Sierra de Cristal, 29 December 1955, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 4802 (US); Sierra de Cristal prope cacum. mont. in “charrascales-tibisiales,” 1200–1300 m, 8 March 1916, E. Ekman 6822 (S, holotype of Gesneria pachyclada Urban); Pico del Cristal, Sierra del Cristal, 1900–3750 ft, 25 August 1959, M. Lopez F. 84 (US); entre Las Milis (?) y la Corea, camino de Ulayan abajo a la Sierra del Cristal, 27–28 August 1959, M. Lopez F. 273 (US); Guantánamo, Monte Libanon, San Fernandez in pinetis, ca 700 m, 24 December 1919, E. Ekman 10257 (S); Camp La Gloria, south of Sierra Moa, 24–30 December 1910, J. Shafer 8135 (NY); Camp La Gloria, south of Sierra Moa, 24–30 December 1910, J. Shafer 8171 (NY); Prês l’arroyo Jocotea, sud de Moa, 22 July 1941, Bros. Leon & Clemente 20153 (LS); Moa, April 1943, Bro. M. Victorin & Alain Liogier 21440 (LS); minas de Iberia ad Taco Bay, ca 800 m, 7–8 December 1914, E. Ekman 3813 (S); Camp La Gloria, Monte La Breña, Moa, 5 November 1945, J. Acuña 13347 (SV, US 3 sheets); Moa, Río Yagrumajes, 14 April 1945, J. Acuña 12720 (SV, US 2 sheets); banks of Cayoguán River, Moa region, 13–14 July 1949, Alain Liogier & Bro. Clemente 899 (US); Mina Aromita [?], Cayoguán, Punta Gorda, 24 July 1944, Bro. Clemente, Alain Liogier & Bro. Chrysogone 4066 (US); valley of Cayoguán river, Moa, 30 March 1942, Bros. Leon, M. Victorin & Clemente 20931 (US); thickets, El Coco, Moa region, August 1945, Bros. Leon, Clemente & Alain Liogier 22639 (US); Pinal de Peña Prieta, 22 July 1953, Alain Liogier 3181 (US); inter Taco et Nibujón in “charrascales-pinales” prope amnem, 4 December 1914, E. Ekman 3730 (S, holotype of Gesneria norlindii Urban); slopes of Sierra Azul, Quibijón, Baracoa, 400 m, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 7318 (US); pine barrens, N. of El Yunque de Baracoa, 13 January 1960, Alain Liogier & J. Acuña 7626 (US); Baracoa in pinet. prope El Yunque (ad septentr. versus), 20 December 1914, E. Ekman 3564 (S); Baracoa, Lomas de Cuaba, edge of manacales, 17 January 1915, E. Ekman 4296 (S, holotype of Gesneria bracteosa Urban; K, S, isotypes); on top of El Yunque de Baracoa, 520 m, 2 January 1960, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 7179 (US); northern slope of El Yunque de Baracoa, 450 m, 2 January 1960, Alain Liogier & M. Lopez F. 7179 bis (US); El Yunque (prope Baracoa) in cacum. montis. solo calcareo., 17–18 December 1914, E. Ekman 3953 (S, US); south of Monte Cristo, Baracoa, 7 February 1952, J. Acuña & Diaz Barreto 17384 (SV, US 2 sheets); Baracoa, Lomas de Cuaba in fruticetis, 23 November 1914, E. Ekman 3611 (S); Cuchillas de Baracoa, 21 June 1860–1864, C. Wright sn (GH, holotype of Pentarhaphia duchartreoides C. Wright; GOET, isotype); 5 km S of Sabanilla, Vía Azul, 350 m, 17 January 1960, Alain Liogier & J. Acuña 7707 (US); 5 km S of Sabanilla, Vía Azul, 17 January 1960, 350 m, Alain Liogier & J. Acuña 7710 (US); on the Via Azul between Sabanilla and Cajababo, at 5 km from Sabanilla, ca 500 m, 14 January 1956, C. Morton & Alain Liogier 9077 (US); banks of a rivulet, pinelands, km 7 S of Sabanilla, Vía Azul, Baracoa, 14 January 1956, Alain Liogier & C. Morton 5129 (IJ); Pinelands, km 7 south of Sabanilla, Vía Azul, Baracoa, 14 January 1956, Alain Liogier & C. Morton 5140 (IJ); on the Vía Azul between Sabanilla and Cajababo, at km 7 from Sabanilla, ca 600 m, 14 January 1956, C. Morton & Alain Liogier 9089 (BM, US); on the Vía Azul between Sabanilla and Cajababo, at km 20 from Sabanilla, ca 800 m, 14 January 1956, C. Morton & Alain Liogier 9121 (BM, US); on the Vía Azul between Sabanilla and Cajababo, at km 22 from Sabanilla, ca 900 m, 12, 14 January 1956, C. Morton & Alain Liogier 8992 (US); Sabanilla to Yamurí [sic] Arriba, 30 January-1 February 1911, J. Shafer 8420 (NY, US).
bibliografinen lainaus
Skog, Laurence E. 1976. "A study of the tribe Gesneriaceae, with a revision of Gesneria (Gesneriaceae-Gesnerioideae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-182. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.0081024X.29

Gesneria duchartreoides ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Gesneria duchartreoides là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được (C.H.Wright) Urb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Gesneria duchartreoides. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Gesneria duchartreoides: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Gesneria duchartreoides là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Tai voi. Loài này được (C.H.Wright) Urb. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.

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