
Diagnostic Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fishbase
Diagnosis: It is distinguished from other species of the subgenus Chromaphyosemion by its blue anal fin with no submarginal red band, vs. species with a submarginal red band present, except for Aphyosemion poliaki, and very rare specimens of A. melanogaster and A. malumbresi (Ref. 119374). It differs from the latter species through a combination of the following features: flanks and venter yellow-orange with no red punctuation vs. flanks bronze and venter brown-orange with regular red dots, flanks yellow-green and venter yellow-green with a black zone and irregular lines of red dots, and flanks bluish-white and venter bluish with a black zone and regular red dots; blue iridescent scales on the ventral region close to the caudal peduncle vs. red scales or black scales; black alpha-shaped mark on the pre- and post-opercular region vs. no alpha-shaped mark, only a few red macules; anal fin blue with an orange portion on the basal region with no punctuation except black dots on basal and/or posterobasal portions vs. anal fin blue-green with many red dots, yellow-green with red dots, bluish-white with red dots (Ref. 119374).Description: Dorsal fin with 10-12 rays; anal fin with 11-14 rays (Ref. 119374). Lateral-line scales 22-26; predorsal scales 11-13; transversal scales 6-8 (Ref. 119374).Colouration: Colouration of live males: flanks and venter yellow-orange with no red punctuation, two greyish lateral stripes on ventral region close to caudal peduncle with some blue iridescent scales, two rows of paradorsal golden scales in dorsal region from operculum to caudal peduncle with few black macules; head yellow-orange; premaxilla and mandible yellow-orange with black lower lips, orange infraorbital region with black macule, orange post-orbital region with two black macules, yellow-orange pre-opercle with two black macules, yellow-orange opercle with two black macules, black macules on pre- and post-opercular region reveal an alpha-shaped mark; the dorsal fin is blue, but more orange near the insertion of the fin, and rows of black dots between rays; anal fin blue with orange portion on basal region of fin, with no punctuation and no submarginal or marginal bands, certain individuals may have some small black dots on basal region; caudal fin blue with many carmine red dots and some carmine red streaks in upper and lower lobes, submarginal and marginal red bands absent; acumens at apex of unpaired fins orange or white for dorsal fin, very short blue acumen for anal fin, and orange or white for caudal fin; colour pattern of pelvic fins identical to anal fin with blue background and no submarginal band; pectoral fins translucent (Ref. 119374). Colouration of live females: flanks and venter pale brown, four lines of red dots from opercle to caudal peduncle, two greyish lateral stripes, venter yellow-green, white on basal portion, two rows of paradorsal golden scales in dorsal region, from operculum to caudal peduncle with red dots; premaxilla brown, mandible pale orange with black lower lips, brown supraorbital region, white infraorbital region with red macule, grey postorbital region with two macules, white pre-opercle, yellow-orange opercle with one red dot; dorsal fin yellow-green, rows of red dots between rays; anal fin yellow-green with rows of red dots between rays; caudal fin yellow-green, blue-green on distal portion, with rows of red dots between rays; pelvic fins translucent with yellow-green reflection, red dots, blue reflection on edges; pectoral fins are translucent (Ref. 119374). Colouration of ethanol-preserved males and females: flanks of males grey-yellow with three short lines of red dots, venter grey-yellow with no red punctuation, two rows of paradorsal red scales in brown dorsal region from operculum to caudal peduncle; flanks of females grey-yellow, three lines of red dots from the opercle to the caudal peduncle, two rows of paradorsal red scales in the brown dorsal region, from the operculum to the caudal peduncle; Premaxilla and mandible of male grey with black lower lips, infraorbital region has red macule, opercle with one red macule, very dark macules in post-opercular region; head of female with black lower lips, infraorbital region with a red macule; male dorsal fin grey-blue with rows of red dots between rays, anal fin grey-blue with some small red dots in posterobasal region, caudal fin grey-blue with many red dots and some carmine red streaks in upper and lower lobes; female dorsal fin greyish, with rows of red dots between rays, anal fin greyish, with rows of red dots between rays, caudal fin greyish, with rows of red dots between rays (Ref. 119374).
Gert Boden
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Morphology ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fishbase
Dorsal spines (total): 0; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10 - 12; Analspines: 0; Analsoft rays: 11 - 14
Gert Boden
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Trophic Strategy ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fishbase
This species lives in small, secondary rivers and small, forest streams, often with a sandy bottom, where it can be found along the riverbanks; it hides quickly in water plants or dead leaves (Ref. 119374).
Gert Boden
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Biology ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fishbase
This species lives in small, secondary rivers and small, forest streams, often with a sandy bottom, where it can be found along the riverbanks; it hides quickly in water plants or dead leaves (Ref. 119374).
Gert Boden
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Importance ( englanti )

tarjonnut Fishbase
Gert Boden
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