
Biology ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
The female common birdwing lays single eggs, which she attaches to the surface of the Indian birthwort leaves. After hatching about four to five days later, the emerging caterpillar consumes the eggshell and then begins to eat the surrounding leaves, feeding both day and night (2). After around three to four weeks the caterpillar begins its transformation into a pupa, which takes two days. The pupa remains in this state for the next two weeks as the metamorphosis into a butterfly progresses. After a total of 40 or more days from the moment the egg is laid, the adult common birdwing emerges from the pupa, allowing its wings to dry before attempting its first flight. The adult lives for around four to six weeks, feeding and mating before it dies (2).
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Conservation ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
The common birdwing is protected from collection from the wild in Malaysia and Singapore, and the Papua New Guinea government require collectors to only acquire specimens from captive-bred populations (2) (7). This species is also protected in Hong Kong under the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance, where all birdwings are additionally listed under Schedule 1 of the Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance, which regulates the trading and possession of these butterflies (8). In addition, Indian birthwort is protected in Hong Kong under the Forestry Regulations of the Forests and Countryside Ordinance (8). In Singapore the common birdwing is found at the Botanical Gardens and at Singapore Zoo, where its food and breeding plant can still be found (2). Since this beautiful butterfly's success in the wild is inextricably linked to the diversity of Indian birthwort, the continued conservation of this plant is fundamental to maintaining the wide distribution the common birdwing currently enjoys (5).
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Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
The common birdwing is amongst the largest and most beautiful butterflies in Asia (3) (4). The dramatic contrast of golden yellow hind-wings and glossy black forewings gives this species a striking appearance (3), and serves as a protection mechanism by warning potential predators that it is distasteful (2). The upper surface of the golden hind-wings features black boarders and veins, with females additionally possessing a row of large, triangular black spots (4). A prominent pink saddle distinguishes the caterpillar of this species, and the pupa has a leafy appearance that helps to camouflage it from predators (2).
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Habitat ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
Found in primary and secondary forest and scrub from sea-level to 1000 metres elevation (3) (5). This butterfly is also often drawn to cultivated areas where its food plant, Indian birthwort (Aristolochia tagala), can be found (2). Breeding only occurs on the Indian birthwort vine (6).
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Range ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
The common birdwing enjoys the widest distribution of all birdwings, stretching from India and Nepal in the west, to China in the north, and down through Southeast Asia to Indonesia in the south and east (5).
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Status ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
Listed on Appendix II of CITES (1).
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Threats ( englanti )

tarjonnut Arkive
The common birdwing is threatened mainly by habitat loss as forests are removed for urbanisation and conversion to agricultural land. (6) (2). This butterfly is particularly sensitive to habitat loss because of its total reliance on one plant species, the Indian birthwort, for its food and breeding site (6). Thus, the scarcity of this plant has made the common birdwing extremely vulnerable (2). This beautiful butterfly is also highly sought after by collectors, and may be captured from the wild in some parts of its range (2).
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Troides helena ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Troides helena ist ein in Asien vorkommender Schmetterling aus der Familie der Ritterfalter (Papilionidae). Das Artepitheton geht auf Helena (die „schöne Helena“) aus der griechischen Mythologie zurück. Carl von Linné ordnete die Art als Papilio helena in die Gruppe der „Achaischen Ritter“ (Equites Achivi) ein.[1]


Die Flügelspannweite der Falter beträgt 150 bis 180 Millimeter.[2] Zwischen den Geschlechtern besteht ein leichter Sexualdimorphismus. Bei den Männchen ist die Vorderflügeloberseite schwarz, die Hinterflügeloberseite kräftig gelb und mit einer schwarzen Punktreihe am Saum versehen, Schwanzfortsätze fehlen. Weibchen unterscheiden sich durch die weißlich eingefassten Adern auf der Vorderflügeloberseite sowie die doppelte schwarze Punktreihe auf der Hinterflügeloberseite. Die Zeichnung der Unterseite gleicht bei beiden Geschlechtern den Oberseiten.


Ausgewachsene Raupen sind schwarzgrau bis braungrau gefärbt und auf der gesamten Körperoberfläche mit grauen Tuberkeln versehen. In der Körpermitte hebt sich ein weißlicher bis rosafarbener Sattel ab. Um Fressfeinde abzuschrecken, sind die Raupen in der Lage, ein Osmaterium auszustülpen.[3]

Verbreitung, Unterarten und Lebensraum

Die Art kommt im Nordosten Indiens, in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesien, Myanmar, Vietnam und im Süden Chinas vor. In den verschiedenen Vorkommensgebieten werden derzeit 27 Unterarten klassifiziert.[4] Troides helena besiedelt in erster Linie Laubwälder, ist jedoch auch in Gärten und Parkanlagen zu finden.


Aristolochia tagala,
die Nahrungspflanze der Raupe

Die Falter fliegen in aufeinander folgenden Generationen. Sie halten sich gerne in höher gelegenen Baumregionen auf und sind ausdauernde Flieger. Dabei erinnern sie in ihrem Flugstil an Vögel, weshalb sie im englischen Sprachgebrauch als Common Birdwing bezeichnet werden. Zur Nahrungsaufnahme besuchen sie Blüten, beispielsweise Wandelröschen (Lantana). Die Männchen saugen zuweilen am Boden an feuchten Erdstellen, um Flüssigkeiten sowie Mineralstoffe aufzunehmen. Von der Eiablage bis zum Schlüpfen der Falter vergehen durchschnittlich 40 Tage. Die Raupen ernähren sich von den Blättern der Pfeifenblumen (Aristolochia). Da sie mit der Nahrung toxische Aristolochiasäuren aufnehmen und im Körper speichern, sind sie, ebenso wie später auch die Falter giftig und damit vor Fressfeinden weitgehend geschützt. Die gelben Hinterflügel der Falter dienen dem Aposematismus (Warnfarbe).[5]

Gefährdung und Schutz

Da die Raupen von Troides helena ein relativ eng begrenztes Spektrum an Nahrungspflanzenarten haben, ist die Art überall dort gefährdet, wo aufgrund von Urbarmachung die benötigten Nahrungspflanzen verschwinden. Wegen der farblichen Attraktivität der Falter ist die Art auch durch die Entnahme von Exemplaren aus der Natur durch Sammler und Händler gefährdet. In Hongkong wurde die Art von der zuständigen Regierungsstelle, der Wild Animals Protection Ordinance deshalb unter Schutz gestellt. Auch die Nahrungspflanze Aristolochia tagala wurde geschützt.[5]


  1. Carl von Linné: Systema naturæ per regna tria naturæ, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Tomus II. Editio decima, reformata., Holmiae. (Salvius), 1758
  2. Charles Thomas Bingham: The Fauna of British India, including Ceylon and Burma. Butterflies. Vol. II, Taylor & Francis, London, 1907
  3. Entwicklungszyklus
  4. Verbreitung und Unterarten
  5. a b Karen To: The Tragedy of the Beauty – Common Birdwing (Troides helena) In: Green Power, Green Country, Hong Kong, Vol. 125, April 2017 (abgerufen bei http://www.greenpower.org.hk/html5/eng/ws_125.shtml am 15. Februar 2018)
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Troides helena: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Troides helena ist ein in Asien vorkommender Schmetterling aus der Familie der Ritterfalter (Papilionidae). Das Artepitheton geht auf Helena (die „schöne Helena“) aus der griechischen Mythologie zurück. Carl von Linné ordnete die Art als Papilio helena in die Gruppe der „Achaischen Ritter“ (Equites Achivi) ein.

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চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলা ( assami )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলা (ইংৰাজী: Common Birdwing, বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম-Troides helena)এটা ডাঙৰ আকাৰৰ চাতকনেজীয়া পখিলা (Swallowtail butterfly)ৰ প্ৰজাতি৷ এই পখিলাবিধৰ কমেও সোতৰটা উপ-প্ৰজাতি আছে বুলি জনা যায়৷ [1]


মতা চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলাৰ আগফালৰ পাখিৰ বৰণ গাঢ় বেঙুণীয়া৷ পিছফালৰ পাখিৰ কাষবোৰ ক'লা আৰু বাকী অংশ হালধীয়া৷ [2].ইয়াৰ মূৰ, এন্টেনা আৰু থ'ৰাক্সৰ বৰণ ক'লা৷ পেট অংশ হালধীয়া৷ ইয়াৰ থ'ৰাক্স অংশত গাঢ় ৰঙা (crimson) বৰণীয়া এটা দীঘলীয়া দাগ থাকে৷

মাইকী চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলাৰ পাখিদুখন মতা পখিলাটোৰ সৈতে প্ৰায় একেই৷ কেৱল ইয়াৰ আগফালৰ পাখিৰ দাগবোৰ বহল আৰু বেছি স্পষ্ট হোৱা দেখা যায়৷ তাৰোপৰি ইয়াৰ পিছফালৰ পাখিৰ দুকাষে থকা ক'লা বৰণ বেছি বহল৷

Common Birdwing ( সোনাল)

ইয়াৰ মূৰ, এন্টেনা আৰু থ'ৰাক্স অংশ মতা পখিলাটোৰ সৈতে প্ৰায় একে৷ মাইকী পখিলাৰ পেট অংশ মুগা-ক'লা বৰণীয়া৷


চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলাৰ প্ৰধান উপ-প্ৰজাতিসমূহ হ'ল-

  • T. h. antileuca Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. bunguranensis Ohya, 1982
  • T. h. cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. demeter Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. dempoensis Deslisle, 1993
  • T. h. euthycrates Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. ferrari Tytler, 1926
  • T. h. hahneli Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. heliconoides (Moore, 1877)
  • T. h. hephaestus (Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. hermes Hayami, 1991
  • T. h. hypnos Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. isara Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mopa Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mosychlus Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. neoris Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. nereides Fruhstorfer, 1906
  • T. h. nereis (Doherty, 1891)
  • T. h. orientis Parrott, 1991
  • T. h. propinquus Rothschild, 1895
  • T. h. rayae Deslisle, 1991
  • T. h. sagittatus Fruhstorfer, 1896
  • T. h. spilotia Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. sugimotoi Hanafusa, 1992
  • T. h. typhaon Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. venus Hayami, 1991


সমগ্ৰ বিশ্বৰ নেপাল, ভাৰত, বাংলাদেশ, ম্যানমাৰ, মালয়েছিয়া, ছিংগাপুৰ, ইন্দোনেছিয়া, লাওছ, থাইলেণ্ড, ভিয়েটনাম, দক্ষিণ চীন আৰু হংকং আদি দেশত চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলা দেখিবলৈ পোৱা যায়৷ [1] ভাৰতবৰ্ষত এই পখিলাবিধ মূলত: ছিক্কিমকে আদি কৰি উত্তৰ-পূব ভাৰত, পশ্চিমবংগ আৰু উৰিষ্যা আদি ৰাজ্যত বিস্তৃত হৈ আছে৷ তাৰোপৰি ইয়াক আন্দামান আৰু নিকোবৰ দ্বীপপূঞ্জতো দেখা যায়৷ .[1]


এই পখিলাবিধ ভাৰতবৰ্ষত সতকাই দেখা পোৱা যায়৷ ই সাধাৰণতে বনাঞ্চল সমূহত বাস কৰে৷

পলুৰ খাদ্য

চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলাৰ পলুৱে সাধাৰণতে Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala আৰু Bragantia wallichi. আদি উদ্ভিদৰ খাদ্য খাই জীয়াই থাকে৷


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Collins, N. M. & M. G. Morris. (1985) Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. IUCN. ISBN 2-88032-603-6
  2. Bingham, C. T. 1907. Fauna of British India. Butterflies. Volume 2
  • (1985) Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. IUCN. ISBN 2-88032-603-6
  • (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
  • Gay, T., Kehimkar, I. & J. C. Punetha.(1992) Common Butterflies of India. WWF-India and Oxford University Press, Mumbai, India.
  • Haribal, M. (1994) Butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and their Natural History.
  • Kunte, K. (2005) Butterflies of Peninsular India. Universities Press.
  • Kurt Rumbucher and Oliver Schäffler, 2005 Part 21, Papilionidae XI. Troides IV. helena-group. in Erich Bauer and Thomas Frankenbach Eds. Butterflies of the World. Keltern : Goecke & Evers ISBN 978-3-937783-09-3
  • Wynter-Blyth, M. A.(1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.

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wikipedia emerging languages

চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলা: Brief Summary ( assami )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

চৰাইৰ ডেউকাৰ পখিলা (ইংৰাজী: Common Birdwing, বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম-Troides helena)এটা ডাঙৰ আকাৰৰ চাতকনেজীয়া পখিলা (Swallowtail butterfly)ৰ প্ৰজাতি৷ এই পখিলাবিধৰ কমেও সোতৰটা উপ-প্ৰজাতি আছে বুলি জনা যায়৷

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Troides helena ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Troides helena, the common birdwing, is a butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is often found in the wildlife trade due to its popularity with butterfly collectors. The butterfly has seventeen subspecies.[2]

Troides helena cerberus. Video clip


The description of the commonest subspecies of the butterfly in India, T. h. cerberus Felder, is given below:[3]


Upperside of forewings are rich velvety black with adnervular pale streaks on either side of the veins beyond the cell. The cilia is short, black, alternated with pale buffy white in the middle of the interspaces.

Hindwing: the abdominal fold, the apical half obliquely of interspace 1, the termen broadly, the base of the cell and the costal area up to and including the basal half of interspace 7 velvety black, the rest of the wing rich silky yellow; the veins prominently but narrowly black; the inner margin of the terminal black border produced inwards into prominent cone-shaped markings in the interspaces.

All specimens have one or more postdiscal black spots in the interspaces, but never a complete series; in interspace 2 and sometimes also in interspace 3 these spots coalesce with the cone-shaped projections of the terminal black border. Underneath the abdominal fold is a dense mass of buffy-white scented cottony pubescence. Underside similar, the adnervular pale streaks on the forewing broader and more prominent.

Hindwing: dorsal margin broadly black, with an edging of long soft black hairs; interspace 1 with a large oval postdiscal and a terminal black spot; interspace 2 with the postdiscal black spot generally separate from the cone-shaped projection of the black terminal border; the apical and lateral margins of interspaces 2-6 pale yellow irrorated (sprinkled) with black scales.

Antenna, head and thorax black, the collar narrowly crimson; abdomen yellow, shaded above with black; beneath: the thorax with a large lateral patch of crimson, the anal segment prominently buff coloured.


Upper and under sides of the female is similar to those in the male, but with the following differences:

  • Forewing: the adnervular pale streaks broader and more prominent.
  • Hindwing: the black at base and along the costal margin broader, occupying fully one-third of the cell, the area above it and above vein 7, interrupted however, in interspace 7 near the apex of wing, by a transverse yellow mark which is sometimes subobsolete; a postdiscal series of large oval black spots, those in interspaces 2 and 3 often joined on the upperside to the cone-shaped terminal black marks; dorsal margin also more broadly black, without the fringe of black hairs and or course of the abdominal fold. Antenna, head and thorax as in the male; abdomen dark brownish black above.


Flight and nectaring
Common birdwing (সোনাল), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Common birdwing (সোনাল), Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Illustration of males and females
  • T. h. antileuca Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. bunguranensis Ohya, 1982
  • T. h. cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. demeter Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. dempoensis Deslisle, 1993
  • T. h. euthycrates Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. ferrari Tytler, 1926
  • T. h. hahneli Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. heliconoides (Moore, 1877)
  • T. h. hephaestus (Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. hermes Hayami, 1991
  • T. h. hypnos Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. isara Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mopa Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mosychlus Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. neoris Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. nereides Fruhstorfer, 1906
  • T. h. nereis (Doherty, 1891)
  • T. h. orientis Parrott, 1991
  • T. h. propinquus Rothschild, 1895
  • T. h. rayae Deslisle, 1991
  • T. h. sagittatus Fruhstorfer, 1896
  • T. h. spilotia Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. sugimotoi Hanafusa, 1992
  • T. h. typhaon Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. venus Hayami, 1991

Distribution and status

T. helena is widely distributed and locally common in forest areas. Globally it is found in Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, peninsular and eastern Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, southern China including Hainan, and Hong Kong.[2] In the Indonesian archipelago, T. helena is found in Sumatra, Nias, Enggano, Java, Bawean, Kangean Islands, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Great Natuna (Bunguran), Sulawesi, Butung, Tukangbesi, Kalimantan, and Brunei.[2]

In Hong Kong, T. helena is at the northern limit of its range. It is not common in Hong Kong but it is observed that there are stable populations in three sites (the surrounding area of Po Lo Che (Sai Kung District), Shan Liu Road (Tai Po) and Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden in the New Territories). It is also found on Lantau Island and Hong Kong Island.[4]

In India the T. helena is found in the north-east of the country including Sikkim, West Bengal, and Orissa. It is also found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.[2] The subspecies found in India are:[5]

  • T. h. cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865) – Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Orissa, Mizoram, Sikkim, Tripura, W. Bengal.
  • T. h. heliconoides (Moore, 1877) – Andaman Is.
  • T. h. ferrari Tytler, 1926 – South Nicobar Is.

The common birdwing, though widespread and common in many of the localities in which it occurs, was classified as vulnerable in 1985.[2]


Helen in Greek mythology was the daughter of Zeus. [6] Cerberus or Kerberos, in Greek and Roman mythology, is a multi-headed hound which guards the gates of the Underworld.


This species is protected under Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170 in Hong Kong.[4] The common birdwing is protected in Indonesia and may also require protection in peninsular Malaya also. It is listed in Appendix II of Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) as are all other Troides species.[2]

Food plants

Illustration including larva and pupa of Troides helena

The larval food plants include Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia tagala and Thottea siliquosa. A food plant for the species, Aristolochia tagala has been planted in the Kadoorie Farm and Shan Liu Road in Hong Kong to sustain a healthy population of the species.[4]

Related species

Troides helena is a member of the helena species group. The members of this clade are:

See also

Cited references

  1. ^ "Appendices | CITES". cites.org. Retrieved 2022-01-14.
  2. ^ a b c d e f Collins, N. Mark; Morris, Michael G. (1985). Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World: The IUCN Red Data Book. Gland & Cambridge: IUCN. ISBN 978-2-88032-603-6 – via Biodiversity Heritage Library.
  3. ^ Bingham, C.T. (1907). The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma. Vol. II (1st ed.). London: Taylor and Francis, Ltd.
  4. ^ a b c Hong Kong Lepidopterists' Society webpage on Common Birdwing. Accessed 12 October 2006. Archived 27 September 2006 at the Wayback Machine
  5. ^ Cotton, Adam; Fric, Zdenek Faltynek; Smith, Colin; Smetacek, Peter (March 2013). "Subspecies catalogue of the butterflies of India (Papilionidae): A Synopsis". Bionotes. 15 (1): 5–8.
  6. ^ Greek Mythology


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Troides helena: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Troides helena, the common birdwing, is a butterfly belonging to the family Papilionidae. It is often found in the wildlife trade due to its popularity with butterfly collectors. The butterfly has seventeen subspecies.

Troides helena cerberus. Video clip
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Troides helena ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Troides helena est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Papilionidae.


Troides helena a été décrit par l'entomologiste Carl von Linné en 1758 sous le nom initial de Papilio helena.

Synonymes: Papilio pompeus Cramer, [1775]; Papilio astenous Fabricius, 1775; Papilio helicaon Fabricius, 1793; Amphrisius nymphalides Swainson, 1833; Ornithoptera helena var. leda Staudinger, 1891[1].

Sous espèces

Troides helena revers
  • Troides helena helena; présent à Bali et à Java.
  • Troides helena antileuca Rothschild, 1908
  • Troides helena bunguranensis Ohya, 1982
  • Troides helena cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865); présent dans le nord-est de l'Inde en Indochine et Malaisie
  • Troides helena demeter Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • Troides helena dempoensis Deslisle, 1993
  • Troides helena euthycrates (Fruhstorfer, 1913); présent dans le nord du Viet-Nam
  • Troides helena ferrari Tytler, 1926; présent à Nicobar
  • Troides helena heliconoides (Moore, 1877); présent aux iles Adaman.
  • Troides helena hermes Hayami, 1991
  • Troides helena hypnos Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005; présent dans l'ouest de Sumatra
  • Troides helena hahneli Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • Troides helena hephaestus (Felder, 1865); présent au Sulawesi.
  • Troides helena isara Rothschild, 1908; présent à Nias
  • Troides helena mopa Rothschild, 1908
  • Troides helena mosychlus (Fruhstorfer, 1913); présent dans le nord de Bornéo
  • Troides helena nereis (Doherty, 1891)
  • Troides helena neoris Rothschild, 1908
  • Troides helena nereides Fruhstorfer, 1906
  • Troides helena orientis Parrott, 1991; présent dans le sud de Bornéo
  • Troides helena propinquus Rothschild, 1895
  • Troides helena rayae Deslisle, 1991
  • Troides helena sagittatus (Fruhstorfer, 1896)
  • Troides helena spilotia Rothschild, 1908; présent dans le sud de la Chine
  • Troides helena sugimotoi Hanafusa, 1992
  • Troides helena typhaon Rothschild, 1908; présent dans le sud-ouest de Sumatra
  • Troides helena venus Hayami, 1991[1]

Nom vernaculaire

Troides helena se nomme Common Birdwing en anglais[1].


Troides helena est un grand papillon d'une envergure entre 130 mm à 170 mm, aux ailes postérieures festonnées, à la tête et au thorax noirs et à l'abdomen beige et jaune sur la partie ventrale[2].

Les mâles ont les ailes antérieures noires aux nervures très discrètement soulignées de blanc et les ailes postérieures jaunes veinées de noir avec une dentelure marginale noire.

Les femelles ont les ailes antérieures de couleur marron foncé à noir aux nervures discrètement soulignées de blanc et les ailes postérieures jaune veinées de marron avec une dentelure marginale marron et une ligne submarginale de triangles marron.


Plantes hôtes

Les plantes hôtes de sa chenille sont des aristoloches, Aristolochia acumata, Aristolochia faveolata, Aristolochia indica, Aristolochia kaempferi, Aristolochia tagala et Aristolochia wallichii[1],[2].

Écologie et distribution

Troides helena est présent dans le nord-est de l'Inde, en Indochine (Thaïlande, Vietnam, Birmanie), Malaisie, dans le sud de la Chine, en Indonésie dans l'archipel des Moluques, à Sumatra, à Bornéo à Bali et à Java[1].


Troides helena réside en forêt primaire et secondaire jusqu'à une altitude de 800 m ou 1 000 m[3],[4].


Troides helena est protégé[2].


Ce papillon figure sur une émission de l'île de Jersey de 1995 (valeur faciale : 60 p.).

Troides helena à droite,
Troides brookiana à gauche

Notes et références

  1. a b c d et e « Troides », sur funet.fi (consulté le 19 avril 2012)
  2. a b et c « Troides helena », sur butterflycorner.net (consulté le 18 avril 2012)
  3. « Troides helena », sur learnaboutbutterflies.com (consulté le 18 avril 2012)
  4. « Troides helena », sur nagypal.net (consulté le 18 avril 2012)


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Troides helena: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Troides helena est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Papilionidae.

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Troides helena ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID

Troides helena merupakan spesies kupu-kupu besar yang juga disebut Common Birdwing. Troides helena pertama kali di deskripsikan oleh Linnaeus pada tahun 1758. Bentangan sayapnya berkisar antara 13 sampai 17 cm. Kupu-kupu ini termasuk dalam suku Troidini pada family Papilionidae. Tubuh dan sayap troides helena biasanya berwarna gelap dengan sayap bagian bawah berwarna kuning keemasan dengan bintik hitam. Perbedaan mencolok antara jantan dan betina adalah, kupu-kupu betina memiliki tubuh yang lebih besar daripada kupu-kupu jantan. Kupu-kupu ini sering diperjual-belikan dengan harga yang cukup mahal (biasanya dalam pasar ilegal) dikarenakan popularitas dan keindahannya. Kupu-kupu ini memiliki tujuh belas subspsies.[1]


Troides helena jantan
Photo © by Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; Photographer Thomas Neubauer
Troides helena betina
Photo © by Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; Photographer Thomas Neubauer

Sayap atas Troides helena berwarna hitam. Sayap bawah Troides helena berwarna kuning keemasan. Ruas dan tepi sayap berwarna hitam. Pola corak dan bentuk sayap sebelah kiri biasanya sama dengan sayap yang sebelah kanan.

Kepala dan dada berwarna hitam. Tubuh (perut) Troides helena berwarna coklat muda, dengan bagian bawah berwarna kuning.

Troides helena betina memiliki bentangan sayap yang lebih lebar dari Troides helena Jantan. Dan warna dasar betina lebih banyak didominasi warna coklat gelap atau hitam. Terdapat pola bintik-bintik hitam pada sayap bagian bawah.


Troides helena merupakan kupu-kupu dari ecozone Australasia / Indomalaya. Kita dapat menemukan kupu-kupu ini di Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, daerah timur dan semenanjung Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Kamboja, Thailand, Vietnam, daerah selatan China termasuk Hainan, dan Hong Kong.[1]

Di India kupu-kupu ini dapat ditemukan pada bagian tenggara termasuk Sikkim, West Bengal dan Orissa. Juga pada daerah Andaman dan Pulau Nicobar.[1]

Di Indonesia, Common Birdwing atau biasa disebut kupu-kupu raja dapat ditemukan di Sumatra, Nias, Enggano, Jawa, Bawean, Pulau Kangean, Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa, Bunguran (Natuna), Sulawesi, Butung, Tukangbesi, Kalimantan dan Brunei.[1]

Di Hong Kong, Troides helena tersebar pada daerah utara. Meskipun kupu-kupu ini jarang ditemukan di Hong Kong, namun terdapat tiga daerah yang memiliki populasi tetap, yaitu sekitar daerah Po Lo Che (Sai Kung), Shan Liu Road (Tai Po) dan Kadoorie Farm & Botanic Garden di New Territories. Spesies ini juga ditemukan di Lantau Island dan Pulau Hong Kong.[2]

Di Thailand, Troides helena dapat ditemukan di Kaeng Bang Rachan di hulu sungai Wang Thong.


Meskipun kupu-kupu ini tersebar luas dan dapat dijumpai dengan mudah di beberapa daerah, namun Common Birdwing termasuk ke dalam kupu-kupu yang terancam kepunahannya dan wajib dilindungi.[1]


Di Hong Kong, spesies ini dilindungi dengan undang-undang Wild Animals Protection Ordinance Cap 170.[2]. Di Indonesia dan semenanjung Malaya, Common Birdwing termasuk ke dalam binatang yang dilindungi dan terdaftar pada Appendix II dalam Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna (CITES) dimana didalamnya menyatakan bahwa troides helena termasuk ke dalam spesies yang terancam kepunahannya dan perdagangannya harus diawasi dengan ketat seperti layaknya spesies Troides yang lain.[1]

Tumbuhan makanan

Tumbuhan yang biasanya dijadikan makanan bagi larva kupu-kupu yaitu:

  1. Aristolochia acuminata
  2. Aristolochia foveolata
  3. Aristolochia indica
  4. Aristolochia kaempferi
  5. Thottea wallichii
  6. Bragantia wallichi.

Dan tumbuhan Aristolochia tagala telah dibudidayakan di Kadoorie Farm and Shan Liu Road di Hong Kong.


  • T. h. antileuca Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. bunguranensis Ohya, 1982
  • T. h. cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. demeter Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. dempoensis Deslisle, 1993
  • T. h. euthycrates Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. ferrari Tytler, 1926
  • T. h. hahneli Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. heliconoides (Moore, 1877)
  • T. h. hephaestus (Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. hermes Hayami, 1991
  • T. h. hypnos Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. isara Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mopa Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mosychlus Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. neoris Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. nereides Fruhstorfer, 1906
  • T. h. nereis (Doherty, 1891)
  • T. h. orientis Parrott, 1991
  • T. h. propinquus Rothschild, 1895
  • T. h. rayae Deslisle, 1991
  • T. h. sagittatus Fruhstorfer, 1896
  • T. h. spilotia Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. sugimotoi Hanafusa, 1992
  • T. h. typhaon Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. venus Hayami, 1991

Lihat juga

Kutipan referensi

  1. ^ a b c d e f Collins, N. M. & M. G. Morris. (1985) Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. IUCN. ISBN 2-88032-603-6
  2. ^ a b Hong Kong Lepidopteris Society webpage on Common Birdwing. Accessed 12 October 2006.


  • Collins, N. M. & M. G. Morris. (1985) Threatened Swallowtail Butterflies of the World. IUCN. ISBN 2-88032-603-6
  • Evans, W. H. (1932) The Identification of Indian Butterflies. (2nd Ed), Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India
  • Gay, T., Kehimkar, I. & J. C. Punetha.(1992) Common Butterflies of India. WWF-India and Oxford University Press, Mumbai, India.
  • Haribal, M. (1994) Butterflies of Sikkim Himalaya and their Natural History.
  • Kunte, K. (2005) Butterflies of Peninsular India. Universities Press.
  • Wynter-Blyth, M. A. (1957) Butterflies of the Indian Region, Bombay Natural History Society, Mumbai, India.

Pranala luar

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia ID

Troides helena: Brief Summary ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID

Troides helena merupakan spesies kupu-kupu besar yang juga disebut Common Birdwing. Troides helena pertama kali di deskripsikan oleh Linnaeus pada tahun 1758. Bentangan sayapnya berkisar antara 13 sampai 17 cm. Kupu-kupu ini termasuk dalam suku Troidini pada family Papilionidae. Tubuh dan sayap troides helena biasanya berwarna gelap dengan sayap bagian bawah berwarna kuning keemasan dengan bintik hitam. Perbedaan mencolok antara jantan dan betina adalah, kupu-kupu betina memiliki tubuh yang lebih besar daripada kupu-kupu jantan. Kupu-kupu ini sering diperjual-belikan dengan harga yang cukup mahal (biasanya dalam pasar ilegal) dikarenakan popularitas dan keindahannya. Kupu-kupu ini memiliki tujuh belas subspsies.

Penulis dan editor Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
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Troides helena ( Malaiji )

tarjonnut wikipedia MS

Troides helena, atau Common Birdwing, adalah kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kelompok keluarga Papilionidae dan sub-keluarga Papilioninae. Ia mempunyai lebar sayap sekitar 100–140 mm.[1]



  • T. h. antileuca Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. bunguranensis Ohya, 1982
  • T. h. cerberus (C. & R. Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. demeter Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. dempoensis Deslisle, 1993
  • T. h. euthycrates Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. ferrari Tytler, 1926
  • T. h. hahneli Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. heliconoides (Moore, 1877)
  • T. h. hephaestus (Felder, 1865)
  • T. h. hermes Hayami, 1991
  • T. h. hypnos Rumbucher & Schäffler, 2005
  • T. h. isara Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mopa Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. mosychlus Fruhstorfer, 1913
  • T. h. neoris Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. nereides Fruhstorfer, 1906
  • T. h. nereis (Doherty, 1891)
  • T. h. orientis Parrott, 1991
  • T. h. propinquus Rothschild, 1895
  • T. h. rayae Deslisle, 1991
  • T. h. sagittatus Fruhstorfer, 1896
  • T. h. spilotia Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. sugimotoi Hanafusa, 1992
  • T. h. typhaon Rothschild, 1908
  • T. h. venus Hayami, 1991


  1. ^ A field guide to the Butterflies of Singapore.

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Troides helena: Brief Summary ( Malaiji )

tarjonnut wikipedia MS

Troides helena, atau Common Birdwing, adalah kupu-kupu yang termasuk dalam kelompok keluarga Papilionidae dan sub-keluarga Papilioninae. Ia mempunyai lebar sayap sekitar 100–140 mm.

 src= di Samsing di daerah Darjeeling di Bengal Barat, India PompeopteraCerberusRippon.jpg
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裳鳳蝶 ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科
二名法 Troides helena
Linnaeus, 1758

裳鳳蝶學名Troides helena),又名黃扇蝶,為鳳蝶科裳鳳蝶屬下的一種蝴蝶


幼蟲食用印度馬兜鈴;展翅約 105 至 140 毫米。雌雄外觀相異,雌蝶體形略較雄蝶為大, 後翅亞緣有一列黑色的三角形斑紋, 外緣的斑列不具黑色鱗片組成的陰影; 雄蝶後翅亞緣的斑點數量有變異, 臀褶含有發香的毛簇。約在三月至十一月間可見。 [2]


  1. ^ http://www.chinabiodiversity.com/csis_search/content.php?csp_code=060010002[永久失效連結]
  2. ^ 香港生物多樣性數據庫.
 src= 维基共享资源中相关的多媒体资源:裳鳳蝶  src= 维基物种中的分类信息:裳鳳蝶

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裳鳳蝶: Brief Summary ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科

裳鳳蝶(學名,Troides helena),又名黃扇蝶,為鳳蝶科裳鳳蝶屬下的一種蝴蝶

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wikipedia 中文维基百科