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Sepia sokotriensis Khromov 1988

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Sepia sokotriensis Khromov, 1988

DIAGNOSIS.—Arms II of male with attenuated tips, markedly longer than other arms; both arms IV hectocotylized. Tentacular club with slightly differing suckers in about 6 longitudinal rows, median suckers distinctly larger. Sepion very narrow. Anterior striae L-shaped. Inner cone narrow, U-shaped, with narrow limbs. Outer cone forming posterior wings. Spine prominent.

ORIGINAL REFERENCE.—Khromov, 1988a:788.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Arabian Sea, Sokotra Island, 12°10′N, 54°25′E, depth 100 m.

TYPES.—Holotype: Zoological Museum, Moscow University, No. 302, male, 77 mm ML.

Paratypes: Zoological Museum, Moscow University, No. 303: 1 male, 58 mm ML; 1 female, 51 mm ML; 2 males, 47 mm ML and 63 mm ML; same location as holotype.

GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.—Western Indian Ocean near Sokotra Island; probably eastern coast of Africa.
bibliografinen lainaus
Voss, N. A. and Sweeney, M. J. 1998. "Systematics and Biogeography of cephalopods. Volume I." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-276. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.586

Sepia sokotriensis ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Sepia sokotriensis is a species of cuttlefish native to the western Indian Ocean, specifically off Sokotra Island, and probably east Africa. It lives at depths to 100 m.[3]

Sepia sokotriensis grows to a mantle length of 80 mm.[3]

The type specimen was collected near Sokotra Island in the Arabian Sea (). It is deposited at the Zoological Museum in Moscow.[4]


  1. ^ Barratt, I.; Allcock, L. (2012). "Sepia sokotriensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2012: e.T162668A941205. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2012-1.RLTS.T162668A941205.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Finn, Julian (2016). "Sepia sokotriensis Khromov, 1988". World Register of Marine Species. Flanders Marine Institute. Retrieved 15 February 2018.
  3. ^ a b Reid, A., P. Jereb, & C.F.E. Roper 2005. Family Sepiidae. In: P. Jereb & C.F.E. Roper, eds. Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of species known to date. Volume 1. Chambered nautiluses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes. No. 4, Vol. 1. Rome, FAO. pp. 57–152.
  4. ^ Current Classification of Recent Cephalopoda

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Sepia sokotriensis: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Sepia sokotriensis is a species of cuttlefish native to the western Indian Ocean, specifically off Sokotra Island, and probably east Africa. It lives at depths to 100 m.

Sepia sokotriensis grows to a mantle length of 80 mm.

The type specimen was collected near Sokotra Island in the Arabian Sea (). It is deposited at the Zoological Museum in Moscow.

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Sepia sokotriensis ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Sepia sokotriensis is een soort in de taxonomische indeling van de inktvissen, een klasse dieren die tot de stam der weekdieren (Mollusca) behoort. De inktvis komt enkel in zout water voor en is in staat om van kleur te veranderen. Hij beweegt zich voort door water in zijn mantel te pompen en het er via de sifon weer krachtig uit te persen. De inktvis is een carnivoor en zijn voedsel bestaat voornamelijk uit vis, krabben, kreeften en weekdieren die ze met de zuignappen op hun grijparmen vangen.

De inktvis komt uit het geslacht Sepia en behoort tot de familie Sepiidae. Sepia sokotriensis werd in 1988 beschreven door Khromov.[1]

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. World Register of Marine Species, Sepia sokotriensis. Marinespecies.org. Geraadpleegd op 3 oktober 2011.
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Depth range ( englanti )

tarjonnut World Register of Marine Species
to 100m


Jereb, P.; Roper, C.F.E. (Eds)(2005). An annotated an illustrated catalogue of cephalopod species known to date. Volume 1: Chambered nautilusses and sepioids (Nautilidae, Sepiidae, Sepiolidae, Sepiadariidae, Idiosepiidae and Spirulidae). FAO Species Catalogue for Fishery Purposes 4(1). FAO, Rome. 262p., 9 colour plates.

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Elien Dewitte [email]
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World Register of Marine Species