This species is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and is the single Hawaiian species of an Asian genus. Elevation of this photo is around 4000 ft. (1220m).
This species is endemic to the Hawaiian Islands and is the single Hawaiian species of an Asian genus. Elevation of this photo is around 4000 ft. (1220m).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m). This area is a wet forest of Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) with occasional Loulu (Pritchardia beccariana), many tree ferns (Cibotium glaucum and Sadleria cyatheoides) and widespread Uluhe (Dicranopteris linearis).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Also in this photo is Uluhe (Sticherus owhyhensis) which is often associated with Diplopterygium pinnatum. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m). This area is a wet forest of Ohia (Metrosideros polymorpha) with occasional Loulu (Pritchardia beccariana), many tree ferns (Cibotium glaucum and Sadleria cyatheoides) and widespread Uluhe (Dicranopteris linearis & Sticherus owhyhensis).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Sori are exindusiate with 2-6 sporangia. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m).
Endemic to Hawaiian Islands. Photo shows dark, linear to triangular scales. Elevation of this photo is approximately 3200 ft. (976m).