
Vincetoxicum nigrum ( englanti )

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Vincetoxicum nigrum, a species in the family Apocynaceae, also known as black swallow-wort,[2] Louise's swallow-wort,[3] or black dog-strangling vine,[4] is a species of plant that is native to Europe and is found primarily in Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain.[5] It is an invasive plant species in the northeastern United States, parts of the Midwest, southeastern Canada, and California. In 2020, wild plants were found in Timaru, New Zealand.[6]


Vincetoxicum nigrum is a perennial, herbaceous vine bearing ovate leaves with pointed tips. The leaves are 3–4 inches (7.6–10.2 cm) long, and 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm) wide, occurring in pairs on the stem. The flowers have five petals, and are star-shaped with white hairs. The flowers range in color from dark purple to black. The fruit of Vincetoxicum nigrum is a slender, tapered follicle that ranges in color from green through light brown and is tightly packed with seeds, each bearing a fluffy pappus to allow distribution by the wind.[5]


Vincetoxicum nigrum tends to grow in upland areas and is tolerant to variable light, salt, and moisture levels. In the United States, the vine is often found in abandoned fields, hedgerows, brushy areas, woodlands, river banks, transportation corridors, quarries, agricultural fields, and gardens. In gardens, the plant is seen as a fast-growing weed.[5]



Vincetoxicum nigrum emerges from an underground stem in the spring, and flowers during June and July. Vincetoxicum nigrum is self-pollinating, and follicles form throughout the summer. The number of follicles formed is directly linked to the amount of light the plant receives. If there is a lower level of light, then there are fewer follicles compared to a plant exposed to a higher level of light. The seeds begin to be released by mid-August, and continue to be dispersed by air currents into early October.

Each seed is polyembryonic and contains about one to four embryos per seed, increasing Vincetoxicum nigrum's proliferation. Seeds have delicate fibrous "parachutes" used in wind dispersal over long distances. In addition to seeds for reproduction, Vincetoxicum nigrum also uses rhizomes as a method of propagation, meaning that the plant clones itself underground and produces new plants. After seed dispersal, the plant dies to the ground in the winter, reappearing in the spring.[5]


Black swallow-wort and Japanese knotweed invasive species advisory sign in Lake Allen, Cambridge Township, Michigan

The first sighting of Vincetoxicum nigrum in North America was recorded in Ipswich, Massachusetts in 1854. In 1864, a plant collector recorded that it was "escaping from the botanical garden where it is a weed promising to be naturalized". Vincetoxicum nigrum escaped from a garden in the Cambridge area of Massachusetts and naturalized in the surrounding states and is still spreading today.[5] Massachusetts[7] and New York[8] classify the plant as an invasive species. Beyond the northeastern US, the plant has been reported in Wisconsin and California.[5]

Ecological implications

In the United States and Canada, Vincetoxicum nigrum is a threat to native species because it crowds them out. For example, it can completely replace a field of native goldenrod. Crowding out other species results in a reduced habitat for wildlife, which may become endangered because they can no longer find their optimal habitat.

Vincetoxicum nigrum threatens the rare limestone pavement barren ecosystems by crowding out plants that the native wildlife needs to survive. It may also decrease bird presence in grasslands, which may in turn cause certain insect species populations to increase.

In Vermont, Vincetoxicum nigrum crowds out the endangered species Jesup's milk vetch (Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii). In Rhode Island, Vincetoxicum nigrum has been reported as reducing the effectiveness of electric fences, which may allow livestock to be put into danger or lost.[9]

In addition, Vincetoxicum nigrum crowds out a species of milkweed that monarch butterflies use as their larval food plant. Thus, the spread of this plant threatens populations of monarch butterflies. Overall, Vincetoxicum nigrum reproduces very prolifically, and can easily take over various habitats in a short time. Most of the possible implications of Vincetoxicum nigrum's changing the structure of various ecosystems have not yet been studied.[5]


There are four methods of management that can possibly be used for the management of Vincetoxicum nigrum. These methods are chemical, manual, mechanical, and biological. Only the chemical, manual, mechanical methods are actually used in the United States and Canada. The biological method may be used in the future.[10] Overall, early detection and removal is the best management strategy.


The best chemical management of Vincetoxicum nigrum is through the use of systemic herbicides which prevent seeds from being viable. Garlon 4 (triclopyr) and RoundUp Pro (glyphosate) are the main systemic herbicides that are used to control the vine. The systemic herbicide is most effective when sprayed on the plant after flowering has begun. If the herbicide is used after follicles have formed, it is less effective because viable seeds may still form. The most effective treatment using systemic herbicides is through a cut stem application, consisting of applying the chemical to the recently-cut stems of the swallow-wort vines.[5]


Manual management is the removal of Vincetoxicum nigrum from the ground by digging up its rhizomes so that the plant cannot reproduce.[5] The vine has an extensive rhizome system which must be completely removed to prevent new shoots from growing. Trying to remove the vine by pulling will often cause the plant to detach from its rhizome, allowing the vine to continue to grow new shoots. Seed pods must be disposed of carefully, to avoid inadvertently spreading the seeds to new areas.


Mechanical management is the mowing down of Vincetoxicum nigrum. This method does not stop growth, but it does stop seed crops. No seed crop means that the plant has no offspring.[5]


Biological management is the use of the vine's natural enemies to stop the spread and diminish the population of Vincetoxicum nigrum. In the United States, Vincetoxicum nigrum has no natural enemies, but in its native Europe, certain caterpillars, beetles, and diseases attack the plant. Researchers at Cornell University and the USDA have investigated the use of natural enemies as a way to control the plant. The use of natural enemies is controversial, because the implications of adding more non-native species to threatened areas is unknown.[10] In 2014 Hypena caterpillars were released in Ontario, Canada to help control Vincetoxicum's spread.[11]


  1. ^ 1913 illustration from Britton & Brown, Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada, PD US, Vincetoxicum nigrum
  2. ^ BSBI List 2007 (xls). Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland. Archived from the original (xls) on 2015-06-26. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  3. ^ "Classification for Kingdom Plantae Down to Species Cynanchum louiseae Kartesz & Gandhi". USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. 2008-05-30. Retrieved 2008-05-30.
  4. ^ "Black dog-strangling vine". Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health and USDA APHIS PPQ. 2010-05-24. Retrieved 2011-07-24.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j "Black Swallow-Wort". Fact Sheets. Plant Conservation Alliance, Alien Plant Working Group. 2006-06-27. Archived from the original on 2017-07-16. Retrieved 2008-05-30.
  6. ^ "Black Swallow-Wort (Vincetoxicum nigrum)". iNaturalist NZ. 29 November 2020.
  7. ^ Sally Kerans (May 31, 2007). "Invasive plants: Old standards get bad name". Danvers Herald. Archived from the original on October 24, 2013.
  8. ^ "Interim List of Invasive Plant Species in New York State". Advisory Invasive Plant List. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Archived from the original on 12 May 2013. Retrieved 1 June 2013.
  9. ^ "Swallow-Worts". The Bugwood Network, USDA Forest Service & USDA APHIS PPQ. The University of Georgia - Warnell School of Forest Resources and College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Dept. of Entomology. 2003-11-05. Retrieved 2008-05-30.
  10. ^ a b Ramanujan, Krishna (2006-02-01). "Wanted by Cornell and USDA researchers: A natural enemy to curb two invasive, poisonous vines". Cornell Chronicle Online. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University. Retrieved 2008-05-30.
  11. ^ Campbell, Don; Ali, Dominic (September 9, 2014). "Hungry caterpillar? U of T researchers enlist tiny ally in fight against invasive plant species". University of Toronto. U of T News. Retrieved 2018-07-17. After eight years of research, the very first field releases of Hypena caterpillars in North America were done at several DSV-infested sites throughout Ontario.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Vincetoxicum nigrum, a species in the family Apocynaceae, also known as black swallow-wort, Louise's swallow-wort, or black dog-strangling vine, is a species of plant that is native to Europe and is found primarily in Italy, France, Portugal, and Spain. It is an invasive plant species in the northeastern United States, parts of the Midwest, southeastern Canada, and California. In 2020, wild plants were found in Timaru, New Zealand.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El ornaballo[1]​ o vencetósigo negro (Vincetoxicum nigrum) es una especies de la familia de las asclepiadáceas.


Similar a Vincetoxicum hirundinaria, pero no tan alta, con la mayoría de tallos sarmentosos y las hojas muy puntiagudas. Flores púrpura oscuro.[2]

Distribución y hábitat

Portugal, centro y sur de España, sur de Francia, Baleares e Italia. Habita en matorrales y lugares rocosos. En melojares.


  1. Colmeiro, Miguel: «Diccionario de los diversos nombres vulgares de muchas plantas usuales ó notables del antiguo y nuevo mundo», Madrid, 1871.
  2. Fuertes Lasala, Esther (1989). «Aportaciones a la flora abulense. El Valle de Amblés I. (Equisetaceae-Violaceae).». Bot. Complutensis Nº 14 123-148. Madrid Universidad Complutense.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El ornaballo​ o vencetósigo negro (Vincetoxicum nigrum) es una especies de la familia de las asclepiadáceas.

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Dompte-venin noir ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Vincetoxicum nigrum

Le dompte-venin noir (Vincetoxicum nigrum) est une plante de la famille des Apocynacées (autrefois Asclépiadacées) poussant en région méditerranéenne, en principe sur sol calcaire. D'allure similaire au dompte-venin officinal, il s'en distingue par ses fleurs, d'une couleur pourprée tirant sur le noir.


Écologie et habitat

Plante vivace poussant dans les fourrés, sur les terrains caillouteux, au bord des routes, parfois dans les lieux humides (fossés), sur sols calcaires le plus souvent. On la rencontre depuis le Portugal jusqu'à l'Italie, elle est également présente aux Baléares.

  • Floraison : de mai à août
  • Pollinisation : entomogame
  • Dissémination : barochore

Morphologie générale et végétative

Plante herbacée de petite taille, légèrement velue, à tiges souvent volubiles. Feuilles simples opposées, à court pétiole, à limbe plus ou moins lancéolé et terminé en pointe.

Morphologie florale

Fleurs groupées en cymes à l'aisselle des feuilles supérieures. Calice à cinq petites dents pointues. Petite corolle (0,5 à 0,8 cm) à cinq pétales étoilés, de couleur pourpre très sombre. Couronne staminale charnue.

Fruit et graines

Les fruits sont des follicules.


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Dompte-venin noir: Brief Summary ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Vincetoxicum nigrum

Le dompte-venin noir (Vincetoxicum nigrum) est une plante de la famille des Apocynacées (autrefois Asclépiadacées) poussant en région méditerranéenne, en principe sur sol calcaire. D'allure similaire au dompte-venin officinal, il s'en distingue par ses fleurs, d'une couleur pourprée tirant sur le noir.

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Zwarte engbloem ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De zwarte engbloem (Vincetoxicum nigrum, synoniem: Cynanchum nigrum) is een zeer giftige klimplant, die tot de maagdenpalmfamilie (Apocynaceae) behoort. Het gif is vincetoxine. De zwarte engbloem is oorspronkelijk geen Nederlandse plant maar hoogstwaarschijnlijk ingevoerd als zaad in voer voor de fazant uit Zuid-Europa. De plant wordt ook in siertuinen gebruikt.

De plant is windend en wordt 0,5-2,5 m hoog. Hij heeft gaafrandige, eirond-driehoekige tot lancetvormige, tot 10 cm lange bladeren. De bladvoet is hartvormig en de bladsteel is 1-1,5 cm lang. De plant vormt wortelstokken (rizomen). De zwarte engbloem bloeit in Nederland van mei tot augustus met diep paarszwarte bloemen, waarvan de bloemkroon vijfspletig is. De meeldraden zijn donkergeel. In de bloemknop zijn de slippen gedraaid. De bloem ruikt naar rottend fruit. De bloeiwijze is een gevorkt bijscherm.

De 5-6 cm lange kokervruchten zijn lancetvormig met spitstoelopende top. De zaden zijn voorzien van een haarkuif en worden door de wind verspreid.

De zwarte engbloem komt op droge, kalkrijke grond in duinstruikgewas. In Nederland neemt de plant de laatste 10 jaren toe en overwoekert en verdringt de plant inheemse planten, met name in de Hollandse duinen bij Wassenaar. Daarom probeert duinbeheerder Dunea de plant te bestrijden door te maaien voordat de zaaddozen gemaakt zijn. Daarnaast is er in 2011 een experiment met het bedekken van de zwarte engbloem met donker zeil, zodat de planten geen zonlicht krijgen en mogelijk uitgeput raken en / of doodgaan.[1]


  1. Natuurbericht Zwarte engbloem in het duister | Bericht uitgegeven door FLORON op maandag 22 augustus 2011

Namen in andere talen

  • Duits: Schwarze Schwalbenwurz
  • Engels: Black Swallowwort, Dog-Strangling Vine
  • Frans: Dompte-venin noir

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Zwarte engbloem: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

De zwarte engbloem (Vincetoxicum nigrum, synoniem: Cynanchum nigrum) is een zeer giftige klimplant, die tot de maagdenpalmfamilie (Apocynaceae) behoort. Het gif is vincetoxine. De zwarte engbloem is oorspronkelijk geen Nederlandse plant maar hoogstwaarschijnlijk ingevoerd als zaad in voer voor de fazant uit Zuid-Europa. De plant wordt ook in siertuinen gebruikt.

De plant is windend en wordt 0,5-2,5 m hoog. Hij heeft gaafrandige, eirond-driehoekige tot lancetvormige, tot 10 cm lange bladeren. De bladvoet is hartvormig en de bladsteel is 1-1,5 cm lang. De plant vormt wortelstokken (rizomen). De zwarte engbloem bloeit in Nederland van mei tot augustus met diep paarszwarte bloemen, waarvan de bloemkroon vijfspletig is. De meeldraden zijn donkergeel. In de bloemknop zijn de slippen gedraaid. De bloem ruikt naar rottend fruit. De bloeiwijze is een gevorkt bijscherm.

De 5-6 cm lange kokervruchten zijn lancetvormig met spitstoelopende top. De zaden zijn voorzien van een haarkuif en worden door de wind verspreid.

De zwarte engbloem komt op droge, kalkrijke grond in duinstruikgewas. In Nederland neemt de plant de laatste 10 jaren toe en overwoekert en verdringt de plant inheemse planten, met name in de Hollandse duinen bij Wassenaar. Daarom probeert duinbeheerder Dunea de plant te bestrijden door te maaien voordat de zaaddozen gemaakt zijn. Daarnaast is er in 2011 een experiment met het bedekken van de zwarte engbloem met donker zeil, zodat de planten geen zonlicht krijgen en mogelijk uitgeput raken en / of doodgaan.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NO

Vincetoxicum nigrum er en flerårig urt i gravmyrtfamilien.

Stenglene er 40–200 cm lange, og vekstformen kan være opprett, klatrende, slyngende eller krypende. Bladene er motsatte, 5–12 cm lange, 2–6,5 cm brede, helrandede, tilspissede, eggformede til ovale og litt hårete langs bladranden og på nervene under. Bladstilken er 10–15 mm lang. Blomstene er 5–8 mm i diameter, mørk purpur til svarte og sitter 4–10 sammen i klaser i bladhjørnene. Den befruktede blomsten utvikler seg til én eller to 4–8 cm lange belgkapsler med mange hårete frø.

Vincetoxicum nigrum vokser i kratt og på steinete steder og elvebredder. Den er utbredt i Portugal, Spania, Sør-Frankrike, Italia og Balearene. Arten er naturalisert i sørøstlige Canada og nordøstlige USA. Den er ikke blitt så vanlig der som slektningen russesvalerot (Vincetoxicum rossicum), men betraktes likevel som en skadelig invaderende art.


  • M. Blamey og C. Grey-Wilson (2004). Wild Flowers of the Mediterranean (2 utg.). London: A & C Black. s. 178. ISBN 0-7136-7015-0.
  • A. DiTommaso, F.M. Lawlor og S.J. Darbyshire (2005). «The biology of invasive alien plants in Canada. 2. Cynanchum rossicum (Kleopow) Borhidi [= Vincetoxicum rossicum (Kleopow) Barbar.] and Cynanchum louiseae (L.) Kartesz & Gandhi [= Vincetoxicum nigrum (L.) Moench]». Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 85 (1): 243–263. ISSN 1918-1833. doi:10.4141/P03-056.
  • K. Marhold (2011). «Vincetoxicum nigrum». Asclepiadaceae. – In: Euro+Med Plantbase - the information resource for Euro-Mediterranean plant diversity. Besøkt 26. februar 2018.
  • K. Ramanujan (23. april 2014). «Invasive vines swallow up New York's natural areas». Cornell Chronicle. Besøkt 26. februar 2018.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum: Brief Summary ( norja )

tarjonnut wikipedia NO

Vincetoxicum nigrum er en flerårig urt i gravmyrtfamilien.

Stenglene er 40–200 cm lange, og vekstformen kan være opprett, klatrende, slyngende eller krypende. Bladene er motsatte, 5–12 cm lange, 2–6,5 cm brede, helrandede, tilspissede, eggformede til ovale og litt hårete langs bladranden og på nervene under. Bladstilken er 10–15 mm lang. Blomstene er 5–8 mm i diameter, mørk purpur til svarte og sitter 4–10 sammen i klaser i bladhjørnene. Den befruktede blomsten utvikler seg til én eller to 4–8 cm lange belgkapsler med mange hårete frø.

Vincetoxicum nigrum vokser i kratt og på steinete steder og elvebredder. Den er utbredt i Portugal, Spania, Sør-Frankrike, Italia og Balearene. Arten er naturalisert i sørøstlige Canada og nordøstlige USA. Den er ikke blitt så vanlig der som slektningen russesvalerot (Vincetoxicum rossicum), men betraktes likevel som en skadelig invaderende art.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Vincetoxicum nigrum é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asclepiadaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) Moench, tendo sido publicada em Supplementum ad Methodum Plantas: a staminum situ describendi 313. 1802.[1]

O seu nome comum é erva-contra-veneno.[2]


Trata-se de uma espécie presente no território português, nomeadamente em Portugal Continental.

Em termos de naturalidade é nativa da região atrás indicada.


Não se encontra protegida por legislação portuguesa ou da Comunidade Europeia.


  1. Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. 4 de Outubro de 2014 http://www.tropicos.org/Name/2600133>
  2. Vincetoxicum nigrum - Flora Digital de Portugal. jb.utad.pt/flora.


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Vincetoxicum nigrum: Brief Summary ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Vincetoxicum nigrum é uma espécie de planta com flor pertencente à família Asclepiadaceae.

A autoridade científica da espécie é (L.) Moench, tendo sido publicada em Supplementum ad Methodum Plantas: a staminum situ describendi 313. 1802.

O seu nome comum é erva-contra-veneno.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Vincetoxicum nigrum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được Moench miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1802.[1]

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Vincetoxicum nigrum. Truy cập ngày 10 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Vincetoxicum nigrum: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Vincetoxicum nigrum là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ La bố ma. Loài này được Moench miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1802.

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