Larentiinae is a subfamily of moths containing roughly 5,800 species[2] that occur mostly in the temperate regions of the world. They are generally considered a subfamily of the geometer moth family (Geometridae) and are divided into a few large or good-sized tribes, and numerous very small or even monotypic ones which might not always be valid. Well-known members are the "pug moths" of the Eupitheciini and the "carpets", mainly of the Cidariini and Xanthorhoini. The subfamily was described by Philogène Auguste Joseph Duponchel in 1845.
Morphological and DNA sequence data indicate that they are a very ancient lineage of geometer moths; they might even be distinct enough to warrant elevation to full family status in the superfamily Geometroidea. They share numerous plesiomorphic traits – for example at least one areola in the forewing, a hammer-shaped ansa of the tympanal organ and the lack of a gnathos – with the Sterrhinae which are either somewhat less distant from other geometer moths or are part of the same distinct lineage; the Lythriini were until recently placed in the Larentiinae but are apparently Sterrhinae.[3]
But the Larentiinae characteristically tend to have much longer foreleg tarsi and hindleg tibiae than their relatives, and also have hairy or toothed extensions on the upperside sections of the transtilla; their caterpillars often have the abdominal prolegs reduced already (as is typical for the more advanced geometer moths), and the Larentiinae's tympanal organs have a unique and characteristic structure.[3]
Several genera have hitherto not been definitely assigned to a tribe.[4] These include:
Larentiinae is a subfamily of moths containing roughly 5,800 species that occur mostly in the temperate regions of the world. They are generally considered a subfamily of the geometer moth family (Geometridae) and are divided into a few large or good-sized tribes, and numerous very small or even monotypic ones which might not always be valid. Well-known members are the "pug moths" of the Eupitheciini and the "carpets", mainly of the Cidariini and Xanthorhoini. The subfamily was described by Philogène Auguste Joseph Duponchel in 1845.
De Larentiinae zijn een onderfamilie van vlinders in de familie van de spanners (Geometridae).
De Larentiinae zijn een onderfamilie van vlinders in de familie van de spanners (Geometridae).
Larentiinae är en underfamilj till familjen mätare, Geometridae.
De är små till medelstora, smala mätare. Antennerna är ofta smala och fjäderformade hos hanarna och trådformade hos honorna. Vingarna är inte flikade. Framvingarna är oftast kamouflagefärgade och bakvingarna är ofta gråvita. Båda könen har vanligtvis välutvecklade vingar, men undantag finns, speciellt i släktet Operophtera.
Mätarna är fjärilar och tillhör gruppen av insekter med fullständig förvandling som genomgår en metamorfos under utvecklingen. Larverna är oftast väldigt olika de fullbildade insekterna, både i levnadssätt och utseende. Mellan larvstadiet och vuxenstadiet finns ett puppstadium där mätarnas inre och yttre organ ändras. De flesta Larentiinae är nattaktiva, men det finns också några dagaktiva, till exempel Odezia atrata.
Larentiinae är en underfamilj till familjen mätare, Geometridae.