Pulchrana melanomenta is a species of "true frog" in the family Ranidae. It is endemic to the Sulu Archipelago of the Philippines.[1][2] It occurs in undisturbed and disturbed streams and rivers in lower montane and lowland forests. Breeding probably takes place in streams. It is potentially threatened by deforestation (logging) and by habitat conversion to agriculture, expanding human settlements, and nickel mining.[1]
Pulchrana melanomenta is a species of "true frog" in the family Ranidae. It is endemic to the Sulu Archipelago of the Philippines. It occurs in undisturbed and disturbed streams and rivers in lower montane and lowland forests. Breeding probably takes place in streams. It is potentially threatened by deforestation (logging) and by habitat conversion to agriculture, expanding human settlements, and nickel mining.
Pulchrana melanomenta[2] es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Ranidae.
Esta especie es endémica de las islas Sibutu en el archipiélago de Sulu en el sur de Filipinas.[3]
El holotipo masculino mide 35 mm.
Hylarana melanomenta Hylarana generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Ranidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
Pulchrana melanomenta est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique des îles Sibutu dans l'archipel de Sulu dans le sud des Philippines[1],[2].
Le mâle holotype mesure 35 mm[3].
Pulchrana melanomenta est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae.