
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Evagetes mohave (Banks)
Sophropompilus quadrispinosus Banks, 1919, Canad. Ent., 51: 82 [Type: 2, New York: Long Beach, L. I., Aug. (Shannon) (MCZ, no. 13, 703)]. Preoccupied in Evagetes by Klug, 1886.
Mop 23
• Evogeles asignus Dreisbach A Evogetes ingenuus (Cresson) O Agenioideus humilis (Cresson)
spp. widely distr. in U.S.)
Sophropompilus mohave Banks, 1933, Psyche, 40: 6 [Type: 9, Arizona: Tempe, Aug. (JB) (MCZ, no. 17, 034)]. Erroneously placed in synonymy with hyacinthinus by Evans, 1950.
Evagetes mohave Krombein, 1953, Wasmann Jour. Biol., 10: 320-323. — Krombein, 1958, U. S. Dept. Agri. Monogr. 2, First Suppl., p. 180.
Krombein (1953) has redescribed this species and presented characters for separating it from hyacinthinus and asignus.
Female. — Length 8-13 mm. Black, pubescence brilliant bluish, bluegreen, or somewhat violaceous, silvery on the clypeus and lower part of the front. Fore wing moderately to rather heavily infuscated, with a darker band on the outer margin; hind wing subhyaline, darker at tip. Head and thorax with sparse, short hair; front femora somewhat hairy; propodeum always with numerous erect hairs. MID .60-.67 X TFD; UID .89-.98 X LID. POL and OOL subequal, or OOL slightly the greater, ocellar region somewhat humped. Third antennal segment about twice as long as its maximum width, from .33 to .42 X UID. Propodeum with an oblique declivity. Front basitarsus with four somewhat flattened, pale-tipped comb-spines, the apical one subequal in length to the second tarsal segment. SMC3 much narrowed above, but never triangular.
Male. — Length 5-9 mm. Black, pubescence as in female except silvery not only on front and clypeus, but also on sides of scutellum, metanotum, and
posterior part of propodeum, sometimes much more extensively than this. Propodeum with at least at few setae extending above the pubescence. MID .61.66 X TFD; UID 1.07-1.20 X LID; POL and OOL subequal, or either may be slightly the greater; vertex slightly humped at the ocellar triangle, as in the female. Antennal segment three 1.2-1.3 X as long as thick, 1.3-1.4 X as long as two, much shorter than four. Apical segment of front tarsus weakly lobed on inner margin, therefore asymmetrical. SGP as in parvus, with a pair of sclerotized basal points. Parameres less slender than in asignus and the digiti less produced mesad apically and somewhat more sparsely setose.
Distribution. — This species occurs transcontinentally in southern United States, in the East as far north as Long Island. All Mexican records thus far are from the western part, chiefly at lower elevations than parvus. I have seen no specimens from south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, but females from Bolivia and Argentina assigned by Banks (1947, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 99: 432) to coeruleus Taschenberg are strikingly similar to mohave and may be conspecific. (Map 24.)
Mexican specimens examined. — 19 5 9,11 $ 6. Chihuahua: 1 5 , 82 mi. S Juarez, 4000 feet, 15 Aug. 1957 (HAS) [OSU]; 1 S , Matachic, 7 July 1947 (CDM) [AMNH]. Sonora: 1 9 , Sonoyta, 4 April 1949, 1500 feet (G. M. Bradt) [AMNH]; 1 $ , Cocorit, 11 June 1961 (FDP) [UCD]. Baja California: 1 8 , Descanso, 1 Sept. 1955 (RMB) [UCD]; 1 8 , Punta Lobos, 1 mi. SE Todos Santos, 25 Dec. 1959 (HBL) [CAS]; 1 9 , La Paz, June [CAS]. Sinaloa: 1 9, Mazatlan, 15 Aug. 1962 (HEE) [MCZ]; 2 9 9,2 8 8,
8 mi. SE Elota, 18 May 1962 (FDP) [UCD]. Nayarit: 4 8 8 , San Bias, 20 July 1951 (HEE & PDH) [MCZ], [CIS]. Jalisco: 2 9 9, Guadalajara, July, Aug. (HEE, RRD) [MCZ, MSU]; 1 9, Lake Chapala, 7 July 1953 (C. & P. Vaurie) [AMNH]. Puebla: 1 9, 3 mi. NW Petlalcingo, 3 Apr. 1962 (FDP) [UCD]. Morelos: 4
9 9,1 S , Cuernavaca, Mch.-May 1959, 4500-5500 feet (HEE) [CU, MCZ]; 1 9, 3 mi. N Alpuyeca, 3400 feet, 18 April 1959 (HEE) [MCZ]; 3 9 9, Tetecala, 2800 feet, 10 Aug. 1962 (HEE) [MCZ]. Guerrero: 1 9 , Canyon de Zopilote, 2000 feet, 30 July
bibliografinen lainaus
Evans, H.E. 1966. A Revision of the Mexican and Central American Spider Wasps of the Subfamily Pompilinae (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 20. Philadelphia, USA