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Português do Brasil
nimet breadcrumb-navigoinnissa
Kirjaudu sisään
Português do Brasil
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Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
Tieteelliset nimet
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Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
Laji, tunnustanut
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV)
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
Laji, tunnustanut
GBIF classification
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Global Biotic Interactions
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Kansankieliset nimet
Tällä taksonilla ei ole siihen liittyviä yleisnimiä.
Kuratoidut hierarkiat kohteelle Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
African cassava mosaic virus
Ageratum enation virus
Allamanda leaf curl virus
Bean chlorosis virus
Bean golden mosaic virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Cabbage leaf curl virus
Chilli leaf curl India virus
Chilli leaf curl virus
Chino del tomate virus
Cleome golden mosaic virus
Cleome leaf crumple virus
Cnidoscolus mosaic leaf deformation virus
Common bean mottle virus
Cotton leaf crumple virus
Cotton leaf curl Bangalore virus
Cotton leaf curl Multan virus
Dalechampia chlorotic mosaic virus
Duranta leaf curl virus
East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus
East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus
Emilia yellow vein virus
Eupatorium yellow vein virus
Euphorbia yellow leaf curl virus
Hemidesmus yellow mosaic virus
Indian cassava mosaic virus
Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus
Jatropha mosaic India virus
Jatropha mosaic virus
Lycianthes yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium bright mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Malvastrum bright yellow mosaic virus
Malvastrum leaf curl virus
Malvastrum yellow mosaic Jamaica virus
Malvastrum yellow vein virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Yunnan virus
Mimosa yellow leaf curl virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
Okra leaf curl Oman virus
Okra mottle virus
Okra yellow crinkle virus
Oxalis yellow vein virus
Papaya leaf curl China virus
Passionfruit leaf distortion virus
Pea leaf distortion virus
Pepper golden mosaic virus
Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl virus
Pepper yellow vein Mali virus
Ramie mosaic Yunnan virus
Rhynchosia mild mosaic virus
Sida leaf curl virus
Sida micrantha mosaic virus
Sida mottle Alagoas virus
Sida mottle virus
Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus
Soybean blistering mosaic virus
Spilanthes yellow vein virus
Spinach yellow vein virus
Squash leaf curl virus
Squash leaf curl Yunnan virus
Sunn hemp leaf distortion virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Canary virus
Sweet potato leaf curl China virus
Sweet potato leaf curl virus
Sweet potato mosaic virus
Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus
Tobacco leaf curl Yunnan virus
Tomato bright yellow mottle virus
Tomato chlorotic mottle virus
Tomato dwarf leaf virus
Tomato golden mottle virus
Tomato leaf curl Cebu virus
Tomato leaf curl China virus
Tomato leaf curl Comoros virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Tomato leaf curl Laos virus
Tomato leaf curl Madagascar virus
Tomato leaf curl Moheli virus
Tomato leaf curl Sudan virus
Tomato leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato leaf deformation virus
Tomato mottle Taino virus
Tomato mottle wrinkle virus
Tomato rugose yellow leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato yellow leaf distortion virus
Tomato yellow margin leaf curl virus
Triumfetta yellow mosaic virus
West African Asystasia virus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 4
Wissadula golden mosaic virus
323 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
Cucurbit leaf crumple virus
Dalechampia chlorotic mosaic virus
Datura leaf curl virus
Desmodium leaf distortion virus
Desmodium mottle virus
Dicliptera yellow mottle Cuba virus
Dicliptera yellow mottle virus
Dolichos yellow mosaic virus
Duranta leaf curl virus
East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus
East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus
East African cassava mosaic Malawi virus
East African cassava mosaic virus
East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus
Eclipta yellow vein virus
Emilia yellow vein Fujian virus
Emilia yellow vein virus
Eupatorium yellow vein mosaic virus
Eupatorium yellow vein virus
Euphorbia leaf curl Guangxi virus
Euphorbia leaf curl virus
Euphorbia mosaic Peru virus
Euphorbia mosaic virus
Euphorbia yellow mosaic virus
Hedyotis uncinella yellow mosaic virus
Hibiscus golden mosaic virus
Hollyhock leaf curl virus
Hollyhock yellow vein virus
Honeysuckle yellow vein virus
Horsegram yellow mosaic virus
Indian cassava mosaic virus
Jacquemontia yellow mosaic virus
Jacquemontia yellow vein virus
Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus
Jatropha leaf curl virus
Jatropha leaf yellow mosaic virus
Jatropha mosaic India virus
Jatropha mosaic Nigeria virus
Jatropha mosaic virus
Jatropha yellow mosaic virus
Kudzu mosaic virus
Leonurus mosaic virus
Lisianthus enation leaf curl virus
Luffa yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium bright mosaic virus
Macroptilium common mosaic virus
Macroptilium golden mosaic virus
Macroptilium mosaic Puerto Rico virus
Macroptilium yellow mosaic Florida virus
Macroptilium yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Macroptilium yellow vein virus
Malvastrum bright yellow mosaic virus
Malvastrum leaf curl Philippines virus
Malvastrum leaf curl virus
Malvastrum yellow mosaic Helshire virus
Malvastrum yellow mosaic Jamaica virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Cambodia virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Honghe virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Lahore virus
Malvastrum yellow vein virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Yunnan virus
Melochia mosaic virus
Melon chlorotic leaf curl virus
Melon chlorotic mosaic virus
Melon yellow mosaic virus
Merremia mosaic Puerto Rico virus
Merremia mosaic virus
Mirabilis leaf curl virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
Okra enation leaf curl virus
Okra leaf curl Oman virus
Okra mottle virus
Okra yellow crinkle virus
Okra yellow mosaic Mexico virus
Oxalis yellow vein virus
Papaya leaf crumple virus
Papaya leaf curl China virus
Papaya leaf curl Guandong virus
Papaya leaf curl virus
Passionfruit leaf curl virus
Passionfruit leaf distortion virus
Passionfruit severe leaf distortion virus
Potato yellow mosaic Panama virus
Potato yellow mosaic virus
Pouzolzia golden mosaic virus
Pouzolzia mosaic Guangdong virus
Pouzolzia yellow mosaic virus
Pumpkin yellow mosaic virus
Ramie mosaic Yunnan virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Havana virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Sinaloa virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic virus
Rhynchosia mild mosaic virus
Rhynchosia rugose golden mosaic virus
Rhynchosia yellow mosaic India virus
Rhynchosia yellow mosaic virus
Senecio yellow mosaic virus
Sida angular mosaic virus
344 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
African cassava mosaic virus
Ageratum enation virus
Allamanda leaf curl virus
Bean chlorosis virus
Bean golden mosaic virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Cabbage leaf curl virus
Chilli leaf curl India virus
Chilli leaf curl virus
Chino del tomate virus
Cleome golden mosaic virus
Cleome leaf crumple virus
Cnidoscolus mosaic leaf deformation virus
Common bean mottle virus
Cotton leaf crumple virus
Cotton leaf curl Bangalore virus
Cotton leaf curl Multan virus
Dalechampia chlorotic mosaic virus
Duranta leaf curl virus
East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus
East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus
Emilia yellow vein virus
Eupatorium yellow vein virus
Euphorbia yellow leaf curl virus
Hemidesmus yellow mosaic virus
Indian cassava mosaic virus
Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus
Jatropha mosaic India virus
Jatropha mosaic virus
Lycianthes yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium bright mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Malvastrum bright yellow mosaic virus
Malvastrum leaf curl virus
Malvastrum yellow mosaic Jamaica virus
Malvastrum yellow vein virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Yunnan virus
Mimosa yellow leaf curl virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
Okra leaf curl Oman virus
Okra mottle virus
Okra yellow crinkle virus
Oxalis yellow vein virus
Papaya leaf curl China virus
Passionfruit leaf distortion virus
Pea leaf distortion virus
Pepper golden mosaic virus
Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl virus
Pepper yellow vein Mali virus
Ramie mosaic Yunnan virus
Rhynchosia mild mosaic virus
Sida leaf curl virus
Sida micrantha mosaic virus
Sida mottle Alagoas virus
Sida mottle virus
Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus
Soybean blistering mosaic virus
Spilanthes yellow vein virus
Spinach yellow vein virus
Squash leaf curl virus
Squash leaf curl Yunnan virus
Sunn hemp leaf distortion virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Canary virus
Sweet potato leaf curl China virus
Sweet potato leaf curl virus
Sweet potato mosaic virus
Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus
Tobacco leaf curl Yunnan virus
Tomato bright yellow mottle virus
Tomato chlorotic mottle virus
Tomato dwarf leaf virus
Tomato golden mottle virus
Tomato leaf curl Cebu virus
Tomato leaf curl China virus
Tomato leaf curl Comoros virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Tomato leaf curl Laos virus
Tomato leaf curl Madagascar virus
Tomato leaf curl Moheli virus
Tomato leaf curl Sudan virus
Tomato leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato leaf deformation virus
Tomato mottle Taino virus
Tomato mottle wrinkle virus
Tomato rugose yellow leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato yellow leaf distortion virus
Tomato yellow margin leaf curl virus
Triumfetta yellow mosaic virus
West African Asystasia virus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 4
Wissadula golden mosaic virus
323 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
African cassava mosaic virus
Ageratum enation virus
Allamanda leaf curl virus
Bean chlorosis virus
Bean golden mosaic virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Cabbage leaf curl virus
Chilli leaf curl India virus
Chilli leaf curl virus
Chino del tomate virus
Cleome golden mosaic virus
Cleome leaf crumple virus
Cnidoscolus mosaic leaf deformation virus
Common bean mottle virus
Cotton leaf crumple virus
Cotton leaf curl Bangalore virus
Cotton leaf curl Multan virus
Dalechampia chlorotic mosaic virus
Duranta leaf curl virus
East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus
East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus
Emilia yellow vein virus
Eupatorium yellow vein virus
Euphorbia yellow leaf curl virus
Hemidesmus yellow mosaic virus
Indian cassava mosaic virus
Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus
Jatropha mosaic India virus
Jatropha mosaic virus
Lycianthes yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium bright mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Malvastrum bright yellow mosaic virus
Malvastrum leaf curl virus
Malvastrum yellow mosaic Jamaica virus
Malvastrum yellow vein virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Yunnan virus
Mimosa yellow leaf curl virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus
Mungbean yellow mosaic virus
Okra leaf curl Oman virus
Okra mottle virus
Okra yellow crinkle virus
Oxalis yellow vein virus
Papaya leaf curl China virus
Passionfruit leaf distortion virus
Pea leaf distortion virus
Pepper golden mosaic virus
Pepper leaf curl Lahore virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Pepper yellow leaf curl virus
Pepper yellow vein Mali virus
Ramie mosaic Yunnan virus
Rhynchosia mild mosaic virus
Sida leaf curl virus
Sida micrantha mosaic virus
Sida mottle Alagoas virus
Sida mottle virus
Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus
Soybean blistering mosaic virus
Spilanthes yellow vein virus
Spinach yellow vein virus
Squash leaf curl virus
Squash leaf curl Yunnan virus
Sunn hemp leaf distortion virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Canary virus
Sweet potato leaf curl China virus
Sweet potato leaf curl virus
Sweet potato mosaic virus
Tobacco leaf curl Pusa virus
Tobacco leaf curl Yunnan virus
Tomato bright yellow mottle virus
Tomato chlorotic mottle virus
Tomato dwarf leaf virus
Tomato golden mottle virus
Tomato leaf curl Cebu virus
Tomato leaf curl China virus
Tomato leaf curl Comoros virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Tomato leaf curl Laos virus
Tomato leaf curl Madagascar virus
Tomato leaf curl Moheli virus
Tomato leaf curl Sudan virus
Tomato leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato leaf deformation virus
Tomato mottle Taino virus
Tomato mottle wrinkle virus
Tomato rugose yellow leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Vietnam virus
Tomato yellow leaf distortion virus
Tomato yellow margin leaf curl virus
Triumfetta yellow mosaic virus
West African Asystasia virus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 2
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 4
Wissadula golden mosaic virus
323 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
GBIF classification
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus
Ageratum yellow vein Sri Lanka virus
Asystasia mosaic Madagascar virus
Bhendi yellow vein Bhubhaneswar virus
Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Capraria yellow spot virus
Centrosema yellow spot virus
Chilli leaf curl Kanpur virus
Chilli leaf curl virus
Clerodendron golden mosaic virus
Clerodendron yellow mosaic virus
Cotton leaf curl Alabad virus
Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus
Croton yellow vein mosaic virus
Datura leaf distortion virus
Deinbollia mosaic virus
Dolichos yellow mosaic virus
Duranta leaf curl virus
East African cassava mosaic virus
Erectites yellow mosaic virus
Euphorbia yellow mosaic virus
Hollyhock yellow vein mosaic virus
Jatropha leaf curl Gujarat virus
Jatropha mosaic Nigeria virus
Jatropha mosaic virus
Lindernia anagallis yellow vein virus
Luffa yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium golden mosaic virus
Macroptilium mosaic Puerto Rico virus
Macroptilium yellow mosaic Florida virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Macroptilium yellow vein virus
Malvastrum yellow vein virus
Mimosa yellow leaf curl virus
Mirabilis leaf curl virus
Okra mottle virus
Papaya leaf curl China virus
Pavonia yellow mosaic virus
Pepper leaf curl Bangladesh virus
Pouzolzia golden mosaic virus
Pouzolzia mosaic Guangdong virus
Premna leaf curl virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Havana virus
Rhynchosia rugose golden mosaic virus
Rhynchosia yellow mosaic virus
Sauropus leaf curl virus
Senna leaf curl virus
Sida chlorotic vein virus
Sida golden mosaic Florida virus
Sida golden mosaic virus
Sida mosaic Sinaloa virus
Sida mottle Alagoas virus
Sida yellow blotch virus
Sida yellow mosaic China virus
Sida yellow net virus
Solanum mosaic Bolivia virus
South African cassava mosaic virus
Soybean chlorotic blotch virus
Soybean mild mottle virus
Spilanthes yellow vein virus
Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus
Sweet potato leaf curl China virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Sichuan virus 1
Sweet potato mosaic virus
Synedrella yellow vein clearing virus
Tobacco leaf rugose virus
Tobacco mottle leaf curl virus
Tomato bright yellow mosaic virus
Tomato common mosaic virus
Tomato curly stunt virus
Tomato golden leaf spot virus
Tomato golden mottle virus
Tomato golden vein virus
Tomato leaf curl Arusha virus
Tomato leaf curl Burkina Faso virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangdong virus
Tomato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Tomato leaf curl Java virus
Tomato leaf curl Karnataka virus
Tomato leaf curl Madagascar virus
Tomato leaf curl Mindanao virus
Tomato leaf curl Moheli virus
Tomato leaf curl Pune virus
Tomato leaf curl Rajasthan virus
Tomato leaf curl Seychelles virus
Tomato leaf curl Toliara virus
Tomato leaf curl Uganda virus
Tomato mild yellow leaf curl Aragua virus
Tomato mottle Taino virus
Tomato mottle wrinkle virus
Tomato severe leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Mali virus
Tomato yellow margin leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow mottle virus
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 1
Whitefly-associated begomovirus 4
Wissadula yellow mosaic virus
288 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus-[India:Bahraich:2007]
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus-[India:Bhanga:2008]
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus-[India:Kaisargunj:2008]
Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus
Abutilon mosaic virus
African cassava mosaic virus
Allamanda leaf mottle distortion virus
Asystasia mosaic Madagascar virus
Bean chlorosis virus
Bean dwarf mosaic virus
Bean golden mosaic virus
Bhendi yellow vein Haryana virus
Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus
Bitter gourd yellow vein virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Cassava mosaic Madagascar virus
Catharanthus yellow mosaic virus
Centrosema yellow spot virus
Chenopodium leaf curl virus
Coccinia mosaic Tamil Nadu virus
Corchorus yellow vein mosaic virus
Cotton chlorotic spot virus
Cucurbit leaf crumple virus
Dalechampia chlorotic mosaic virus
Datura leaf curl virus
Datura leaf distortion virus
Euphorbia yellow leaf curl virus
Hedyotis uncinella yellow mosaic virus
Hemidesmus yellow mosaic virus
Honeysuckle yellow vein Kagoshima virus
Jacquemontia mosaic Yucatan virus
Jacquemontia yellow mosaic virus
Jatropha mosaic India virus
Jatropha mosaic Nigeria virus
Jatropha yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow net virus
Macroptilium yellow spot virus
Macroptilium yellow vein virus
Malvastrum leaf curl Philippines virus
Malvastrum yellow vein Cambodia virus
Mirabilis leaf curl virus
Okra leaf curl Oman virus
Oxalis yellow vein virus
Pepper leaf curl Yunnan virus
Pepper leafroll virus
Potato yellow mosaic virus
Pouzolzia mosaic Guangdong virus
Premna leaf curl virus
Pumpkin yellow mosaic virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Havana virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic Sinaloa virus
Rhynchosia golden mosaic virus
Rhynchosia rugose golden mosaic virus
Sauropus leaf curl virus
Sida ciliaris golden mosaic virus
Sida golden mosaic Braco virus
Sida golden mosaic Buckup virus
Sida golden mosaic Lara virus
Sida golden mosaic Liguanea virus
Sida mosaic Alagoas virus
Sida mottle Alagoas virus
Sida yellow blotch virus
Sida yellow mosaic Alagoas virus
Sida yellow mosaic China virus
Sida yellow mottle virus
Sida yellow net virus
Soybean chlorotic spot virus
Spinach yellow vein virus
Squash leaf curl virus
Squash yellow mild mottle virus
Sri Lankan cassava mosaic virus
Sweet potato leaf curl China virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Guangxi virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Henan virus
Sweet potato leaf curl Uganda virus
Sweet potato leaf curl virus
Sweet potato mosaic virus
Tomato bright yellow mosaic virus
Tomato chlorotic leaf distortion virus
Tomato curly stunt virus
Tomato dwarf leaf virus
Tomato enation leaf curl virus
Tomato golden leaf spot virus
Tomato golden mosaic virus
Tomato interveinal chlorosis virus
Tomato latent virus
Tomato leaf curl Liwa virus
Tomato leaf curl Nigeria virus
Tomato mild yellow leaf curl Aragua virus
Tomato mottle virus
Tomato mottle wrinkle virus
Tomato rugose mosaic virus
Tomato rugose yellow leaf curl virus
Tomato severe rugose virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Indonesia virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
Tomato yellow leaf curl Yunnan virus
Vernonia yellow vein Fujian virus
Vigna yellow mosaic virus
Vinca leaf curl virus
West African Asystasia virus 1
West African Asystasia virus 2
326 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Mesta yellow vein mosaic Bahraich virus
(tämä sivu)
Abutilon mosaic Brazil virus
Abutilon mosaic virus
Ageratum enation virus
Ageratum leaf curl Cameroon virus
Ageratum leaf curl virus
Ageratum yellow vein Hualian virus
Ageratum yellow vein Sri Lanka virus
Ageratum yellow vein virus
Allamanda leaf curl virus
Alternanthera yellow vein virus
Bean bushy stunt virus
Bean calico mosaic virus
Bean chlorosis virus
Bean dwarf mosaic virus
Bean golden mosaic virus
Bean golden yellow mosaic virus
Bean latent virus
Bean yellow mosaic Mexico virus
Bhendi yellow vein Bhubhaneswar virus
Bhendi yellow vein Haryana virus
Bhendi yellow vein India virus
Bhendi yellow vein mosaic virus
Bitter gourd yellow vein virus
Blechum interveinal chlorosis virus
Cabbage leaf curl Jamaica virus
Cabbage leaf curl virus
Chayote yellow mosaic virus
Chilli leaf curl virus
Chino del tomate Amazonas virus
Cleome golden mosaic virus
Cleome leaf crumple virus
Clerodendron golden mosaic virus
Corchorus golden mosaic virus
Corchorus yellow vein Cuba virus
Corchorus yellow vein virus
Cotton leaf crumple virus
Cotton leaf curl Alabad virus
Cotton leaf curl Bangalore virus
Cotton leaf curl Gezira virus
Cotton leaf curl Kokhran virus
Cotton leaf curl Multan virus
Cowpea golden mosaic virus
Croton yellow vein mosaic virus
Cucumber chlorotic leaf virus
Cucurbit leaf crumple virus
Datura leaf distortion virus
Desmodium leaf distortion virus
Dicliptera yellow mottle Cuba virus
Dicliptera yellow mottle virus
Dolichos yellow mosaic virus
East African cassava mosaic Cameroon virus
East African cassava mosaic Kenya virus
East African cassava mosaic Malawi virus
East African cassava mosaic virus
East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus
Eclipta yellow vein virus
Erectites yellow mosaic virus
Eupatorium yellow vein mosaic virus
Eupatorium yellow vein virus
Euphorbia leaf curl Guangxi virus
Euphorbia leaf curl virus
Euphorbia yellow mosaic virus
Hibiscus yellow vein leaf curl virus
Hollyhock leaf crumple virus
Hollyhock leaf curl virus
Honeysuckle yellow vein Kagoshima virus
Honeysuckle yellow vein mosaic virus
Honeysuckle yellow vein virus
Horsegram yellow mosaic virus
Hybanthus yellow mosaic virus
Jacquemontia mosaic Yucatan virus
Kenaf leaf curl virus
Kudzu mosaic virus
Leonurus mosaic virus
Lindernia anagallis yellow vein virus
Ludwigia yellow vein Vietnam virus
Ludwigia yellow vein virus
Luffa yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium golden mosaic virus
Macroptilium mosaic Puerto Rico virus
Macroptilium yellow mosaic Florida virus
Macroptilium yellow mosaic virus
Macroptilium yellow net virus
Ocimum golden mosaic virus
Ocimum mosaic virus
Ocimum yellow vein virus
Papaya severe leaf curl virus 1
Papaya severe leaf curl virus 2
Papaya yellow leaf curl virus
Pepper blistering leaf virus
Polygala garcinii virus
Sida chlorotic leaf virus
Sida interveinal bright yellow virus
Sida yellow golden mosaic virus
Tobacco leaf curl virus
Tomato leaf curl Kunene virus
Tomato mosaic severe dwarf virus
Tomato vein clearing leaf deformation virus
Tomato yellow leaf deformation dwarf virus
Verbena mottle virus
376 taksonia jätetty pois lyhyyden vuoksi.
Koko listan löydät