
Brief Summary ( englanti )

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Tropical Gar (Atractosteus tropicus) may be found in the backwaters and slow moving sections of rivers, lakes, swamps, and shallow lagoons from southern Mexico to northern Costa Rica. They are often found in the warm stagnant waters of lowland areas and may be seen on the surface, where they resemble floating logs. Juvenile gar feed primarily at night, mainly or exclusively on other fishes, although plants and fruit have been reported as possibly part of the adult diet. Tropical Gar grow rapidly, reaching reproductive size at two years of age. Reproductively mature individuals enter shallow lakes at the beginning of the dry season to spawn. Some adults also reproduce in June and July when rains are heaviest and rivers flood their banks, creating excellent spawning habitat with flooded vegetation. Large schools of Tropical Gar deposit thousands of eggs in a gelatinous mass in the shallow waters. The adults return to the river, leaving the fry in the flooded vegetation. (Barrientos-Villalobos and Espinosa de los Monteros 2008 and references therein) In Mexico, Tropical Gar have been collected from the Coatzacoalcos River in Southern Veracruz to the Usumacinta River in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas. Isolated populations occur on the Pacific slope of Chiapas. In Central America, this species has been reported from Guatemala, El Salvador (Zanjón El Chino) and Nicaragua (Rio Negro, Lake Managua, and Lake Nicaragua). The southernmost known population inhabits the San Juan River and other small rivers in the Tortuguero National Park in Costa Rica. (Barrientos-Villalobos and Espinosa de los Monteros 2008 and references therein) In response to concerns about the loss of gar populations in Central America in the early 1980s, Costa Rica declared their populations at risk, but other countries have shown less concern. Tropical Gar remain among the main fish consumed by humans in Tabasco, Mexico. In at least parts of their range, Tropical Gar populations are declining, presumably due to some combination of habitat degradation and loss and overexploitation by fisheries. Genetic evidence suggests the possibility that there may be a distinct cryptic “Tropical Gar” species in Guatemala. (Barrientos-Villalobos and Espinosa de los Monteros 2008 and references therein) 43 Tropical Gar collected from Tabasco, Mexico, ranged in length from 270 to 680 mm. These 43 individuals harbored eight species of helminth parasites, including four trematodes, a cestode, and three nematodes. (Salgado-Maldonado et al 2004)
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Diseases and Parasites ( englanti )

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Cystoopsis Infestation. Parasitic infestations (protozoa, worms, etc.)
Allan Palacio
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Biology ( englanti )

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Inhabit backwaters and slow moving sections of rivers and lakes. Often found in the warm stagnant waters of the lowland. Visible on the surface and resemble floating logs. Enter shallow lakes at the beginning of the dry season to spawn and known to reproduce also in June and July when rains are heaviest and rivers flood their banks providing an ideal spawning habitat of flooded vegetation. Large schools form to cast thousands of eggs in a gelatinous mass in the shallow waters. The adults return again to the river leaving the fry amongst the flooded vegetation (Ref. 36880). The eggs are poisonous to eat (Ref. 4537).
Rainer Froese
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Tropik zirehlisi ( azeri )

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Tropik zirehlisi (lat. Atractosteus tropicus) - atractosteus cinsinə aid heyvan növü.


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Tropik zirehlisi: Brief Summary ( azeri )

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Tropik zirehlisi (lat. Atractosteus tropicus) - atractosteus cinsinə aid heyvan növü.

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Tropischer Knochenhecht ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Der Tropische Knochenhecht (Atractosteus tropicus) ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Knochenhechte (Lepisosteidae), die in Flüssen Südmexikos und Zentralamerikas vorkommt.


Tropische Knochenhechte erreichen eine Körperlänge von bis zu 1,25 Metern und ein Gewicht von maximal etwa drei Kilogramm. Wie bei anderen Knochenhechten ist der Körper annähernd zylindrisch, mit zu einer Schnauze verlängerten Kiefern, weit hinten sitzender Rücken- und Afterflosse sowie tief am Körper ansitzenden Brust- und Bauchflossen. Alle Flossen weisen nur Weichstrahlen auf. Der gesamte Körper ist von rautenförmigen, nicht überlappenden Ganoidschuppen bedeckt. Vor der Rückenflosse liegen 43 bis 48 Schuppen, entlang der Seiten 51 bis 56 Reihen.[1] Der Rücken ist einheitlich graubraun gefärbt, die Bauchseite ist weißlich. Die Flossen sind gelblich-braun.


Die Art besiedelt stille oder langsam fließende Bereiche in Flüssen und Seen im zentralamerikanischen Flachland. Es sind drei Populationen bekannt. Auf der pazifischen Seite kommt die Art vom südlichen Chiapas in Mexiko bis zum Rio Negro in Nicaragua vor. Von dieser Population stammen wahrscheinlich die weit voneinander getrennten Populationen auf der atlantischen Seite ab, von denen sich eine im Usumacinta und Coatzacoalcos in Süd-Mexiko und Guatemala und die andere im Nicaraguasee und dem Flusssystem des Río San Juan in Nicaragua findet.


Tropische Knochenhechte sind Lauerjäger, die sich vorwiegend von Fischen und möglicherweise auch von Krustentieren ernähren. Laich wird zu Beginn der Trockenzeit in flachen Seen abgesetzt sowie in der Regenzeit im Juni und Juli in der überschwemmten Vegetation an Flussrändern. Die Tiere legen ihre Eier dabei in großen Gruppen in einer gallertartigen Masse ab.



  1. The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 2: Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae). In: K.E. Carpenter (Hrsg.): FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Special Publication. Band 5. FAO, Rom 2002, S. 676 (Volltext [PDF]).
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Tropischer Knochenhecht: Brief Summary ( saksa )

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Der Tropische Knochenhecht (Atractosteus tropicus) ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Knochenhechte (Lepisosteidae), die in Flüssen Südmexikos und Zentralamerikas vorkommt.

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Atractosteus tropicus ( Liguuri )

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Atractosteus tropicus

Regno: Animalia (Metazoa)
Subregno: Eumetazoa
Superphylum: Bilateria: Deuterostomia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Classe: Actinopterygii
Sublasse: Semionotiformes (incertæ)
Famiggia: Lepisosteidae
Genere: Lepisosteus
Speçie: Atractosteus tropicus
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Tropical gar ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) is a species of fish from Central America, where it is found in the Pacific and Atlantic drainages from southern Mexico to Costa Rica.[4] In Central America it is known as gaspar and in Mexico it is known as pejelagarto, a contraction of the words "pez" (fish) and "lagarto" (alligator). This gar inhabits a wide range of fresh and brackish water habitats such as rivers, floodplains, lakes and pools, but avoids areas with a strong current.[5] It reaches lengths of up to 1.25 m (4 ft) (although typically less than half that length) and a weight up to 2.9 kg (6.4 lb).[4] The tropical gar looks very similar to the longnose gar in color and markings, but can be distinguished by its shorter, broader snout. The tropical gar's diet consists mainly of cichlids and other fish.

While gar are not widely eaten, there is a traditional Tabasco dish of the same name that uses chili, limes, and salt to cook the animal.

Conventional and X-ray images


  1. ^ Daniels, A.; Maiz-Tome, L. (2019). "Atractosteus tropicus". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2019: e.T191025A1967012. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2019-2.RLTS.T191025A1967012.en. Retrieved 19 November 2021.
  2. ^ Froese, R.; Pauly, D. (2017). "Lepisosteidae". FishBase version (02/2017). Retrieved 18 May 2017.
  3. ^ "Lepisosteidae" (PDF). Deeplyfish- fishes of the world. Retrieved 18 May 2017.
  4. ^ a b Froese, Rainer; Pauly, Daniel (eds.) (2018). "Atractosteus tropicus" in FishBase. September 2018 version.
  5. ^ "Atractosteus tropicus". SeriouslyFish. Retrieved 28 September 2018.

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Tropical gar: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) is a species of fish from Central America, where it is found in the Pacific and Atlantic drainages from southern Mexico to Costa Rica. In Central America it is known as gaspar and in Mexico it is known as pejelagarto, a contraction of the words "pez" (fish) and "lagarto" (alligator). This gar inhabits a wide range of fresh and brackish water habitats such as rivers, floodplains, lakes and pools, but avoids areas with a strong current. It reaches lengths of up to 1.25 m (4 ft) (although typically less than half that length) and a weight up to 2.9 kg (6.4 lb). The tropical gar looks very similar to the longnose gar in color and markings, but can be distinguished by its shorter, broader snout. The tropical gar's diet consists mainly of cichlids and other fish.

While gar are not widely eaten, there is a traditional Tabasco dish of the same name that uses chili, limes, and salt to cook the animal.

Conventional and X-ray images

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Atractosteus tropicus ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El gaspar o pejelagarto (Atractosteus tropicus), es una especie de pez actinopterigio de la familia Lepisosteidae propio de agua dulce, distribuida en ríos, esteros, humedales y lagunas desde el sur de México hasta Costa Rica, y al sur de Nicaragua.


Es un pez depredador de talla grande, se han llegado a reportar ejemplares con una longitud total (LT) de 125 cm en machos, con un peso máximo publicado de 28.9 kg. Atractosteus tropicus es una especie considerada como un fósil viviente, dado que ha mantenido su fisonomía intacta desde sus ancestros que habitaron en la época de los dinosaurios, hace más 65 de millones de años.


Comienza en el sureste de México, se distribuye en la planicie costera de los estados de Veracruz, Tabasco y Campeche, así como en el estado de Chiapas (probablemente fue introducido), hasta hábitat en Centroamérica, su distribución comprende los humedales tropicales en el litoral de Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua y Costa Rica. Esta especie no se encuentra en peligro de extinción, sin embargo se desconoce el estado de sus poblaciones.


Esta especie como la mayoría de su género gusta de los humedales, ríos y lagunas costeras someras con abundante vegetación riparia y flotante. Generalmente en zonas de clima de tipo tropical en aguas de temperaturas cálidas, que van de un promedio de entre 28 a 32 grados centígrados en verano y hasta 18 grados en los meses fríos del año. Esta especie puede encontrarse en humedales costeros de las zonas lluviosas tropicales del sur de México y Centroamérica.

Es un pez voraz que se alimenta de otros peces, materia orgánica en descomposición, crustáceos, plantas, etc., dependiendo de la disponibilidad de cada uno, prefiriendo hábitos carnívoros, aún se le considera omnívoro.


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Atractosteus tropicus: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El gaspar o pejelagarto (Atractosteus tropicus), es una especie de pez actinopterigio de la familia Lepisosteidae propio de agua dulce, distribuida en ríos, esteros, humedales y lagunas desde el sur de México hasta Costa Rica, y al sur de Nicaragua.

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Atractosteus tropicus ( baski )

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Atractosteus tropicus Atractosteus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lepisosteidae familian sailkatzen da.



  1. Froese, Rainer & Pauly, Daniel ed. (2006), Atractosteus tropicus FishBase webgunean. 2006ko apirilaren bertsioa.

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Atractosteus tropicus: Brief Summary ( baski )

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Atractosteus tropicus Atractosteus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Lepisosteidae familian sailkatzen da.

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Atractosteus tropicus ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Atractosteus tropicus (parfois nommé gaspar ou pejelagarto[3]) est une espèce de poissons actinoptérygiens d'eau douce de la famille des Lepisosteidae. Il se rencontre dans des rivières, étangs, zones humides et lagunes depuis le sud du Mexique jusqu'au Costa Rica.


Depuis le sud-est du Mexique, dans la zone côtière des États de Veracruz, Tabasco et Campeche, ainsi que dans l’État du Chiapas, jusqu'en Amérique centrale. Sa distribution comprend les zones humides tropicales du littoral du Guatemala, du Salvador, du Nicaragua et du Costa Rica. Cette espèce est considérée comme en danger d'extinction.


Cette espèce habite les zones humides, les rivières et les lagunes côtières qui possèdent Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphiaune abondante végétation flottante et où la température de l'eau varie de 18 °C durant la période froide jusqu'à 28 à 32 °C pendant la saison chaude.


Atractosteus tropicus peut mesurer jusqu'à 125 cm[4] pour les mâles, avec un poids maximal publié de 28,9 kg. Cette espèce est considérée comme un fossile vivant, étant donné la similarité avec ses ancêtres présents il y a plus de 65 millions d'années.

Il s'agit d'un poisson omnivore dont l'alimentation se compose d'autres poissons, de matière organique en décomposition, de crustacés, ds plantes, etc.

Publication originale

  • (en) Gill, 1863 : Descriptive enumeration of a collection of fishes from the western coast of Central America, presented to the Smithsonian Institution by Captain John M. Dow. , vol. 15, p. 162-174[5] (texte intégral).

Notes et références

  1. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 2 août 2018
  2. a et b BioLib, consulté le 2 août 2018
  3. Noms vernaculaires non reconnus par FishBase
  4. FishBase, consulté le 2 août 2018
  5. Catalog of Fishes, consulté le 2 août 2018

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Atractosteus tropicus: Brief Summary ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Atractosteus tropicus (parfois nommé gaspar ou pejelagarto) est une espèce de poissons actinoptérygiens d'eau douce de la famille des Lepisosteidae. Il se rencontre dans des rivières, étangs, zones humides et lagunes depuis le sud du Mexique jusqu'au Costa Rica.

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Atractosteus tropicus ( Italia )

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Il luccio tropicale (Atractosteus tropicus Gill, 1863) è un pesce della famiglia dei Lepisosteidi. È la specie più meridionale dell'intera famiglia: esemplari ne sono stati finora scoperti nel bacino del fiume Usumacinta vicino alla costa orientale del Messico meridionale e nei fiumi, sfocianti nel Pacifico, della fascia compresa fra l'altopiano del Chiapas (Messico) e la Costa Rica, nonché negli immissari del lago di Nicaragua.


Assai simile al luccio alligatore (si differenzia infatti soltanto nel numero delle serie longitudinali di scaglie), può raggiungere la lunghezza di 1,5 m (sebbene gli esemplari tenuti in cattività siano di dimensioni molto più inferiori). Nel colore ricorda molto il luccio dal naso lungo, dal quale si differenzia per il muso più corto e più largo.


La dieta del luccio tropicale è composta prevalentemente da Ciclidi ed altri pesci.


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Atractosteus tropicus: Brief Summary ( Italia )

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Il luccio tropicale (Atractosteus tropicus Gill, 1863) è un pesce della famiglia dei Lepisosteidi. È la specie più meridionale dell'intera famiglia: esemplari ne sono stati finora scoperti nel bacino del fiume Usumacinta vicino alla costa orientale del Messico meridionale e nei fiumi, sfocianti nel Pacifico, della fascia compresa fra l'altopiano del Chiapas (Messico) e la Costa Rica, nonché negli immissari del lago di Nicaragua.

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Atractosteus tropicus ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL


Atractosteus tropicus is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van kaaimansnoeken (Lepisosteidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1863 door Gill.

Bronnen, noten en/of referenties
  1. (en) Atractosteus tropicus. FishBase. Ed. Ranier Froese and Daniel Pauly. 12 2011 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2011.
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Atractosteus tropicus ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL
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Atractosteus tropicusgatunek ryby z rodziny niszczukowatych (Lepisosteiformes). Ma niewielkie znaczenie gospodarcze.


Rzeki i jeziora Ameryki Środkowej.


Ciało silnie wydłużone pokryte łuskami ganoidalnymi. Osiąga 1,25 m długości. Ryba drapieżna, żywi się rybami i skorupiakami. Ikra jest trująca.


  1. Atractosteus tropicus, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).


  • Atractosteus tropicus. (ang.) w: Froese, R. & D. Pauly. FishBase. World Wide Web electronic publication. www.fishbase.org [dostęp 27 lutego 2009]
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Atractosteus tropicus: Brief Summary ( puola )

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Atractosteus tropicus – gatunek ryby z rodziny niszczukowatych (Lepisosteiformes). Ma niewielkie znaczenie gospodarcze.

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Cá láng nhiệt đới ( vietnam )

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Cá láng nhiệt đới, tên khoa học Atractosteus tropicus, là một loài cá được tìm thấy ở nước ngọt từ miền nam México đến Costa Rica, báo cáo đạt đến độ dài lên đến 1,25 m trong tự nhiên (mặc dù thường nhỏ hơn nhiều trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt). Cá thể nặng nhất được biết đến khối lượng từ 2,89 kg (6,4 lb). Cá láng nhiệt đới trông rất giống Lepisosteus osseus về màu sắc và các đốm, nhưng có thể được phân biệt bởi mõm ngắn, rộng hơn. Chế độ ăn uống của cá láng nhiệt đới bao gồm chủ yếu là các loài cichlidae và cá.

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Cá láng nhiệt đới: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Cá láng nhiệt đới, tên khoa học Atractosteus tropicus, là một loài cá được tìm thấy ở nước ngọt từ miền nam México đến Costa Rica, báo cáo đạt đến độ dài lên đến 1,25 m trong tự nhiên (mặc dù thường nhỏ hơn nhiều trong điều kiện nuôi nhốt). Cá thể nặng nhất được biết đến khối lượng từ 2,89 kg (6,4 lb). Cá láng nhiệt đới trông rất giống Lepisosteus osseus về màu sắc và các đốm, nhưng có thể được phân biệt bởi mõm ngắn, rộng hơn. Chế độ ăn uống của cá láng nhiệt đới bao gồm chủ yếu là các loài cichlidae và cá.

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