Helicolenus hilgendorfii, Hilgendorf's saucord, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the subfamily Sebastinae, part of the family Scorpaenidae. It is found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii was first formally described in 1884 as Sebastes hilgendorfii by the German zoologist Ludwig Heinrich Philipp Döderlein with the type locality given as Tokyo, although no types are known.[2] Döderlein did not state who was honoured in the specific name but it is certainly the German zoologist and palaeontologist Franz Martin Hilgendorf whose work on Japanese fishes was often referred to by Döderlein.[3]
Helicolenus hilgendorfii attains a maximum standard length of 27 cm (11 in).[1] It has an elongated, compressed body with a large head which has weak spines. The orbit protrudes a little over the dorsal profile of the head. They do not have a swim bladder. There are no teeth in the front of the jaws. The preoperculum has 5 spines and the operculum has 2. The body is covered with ctenoid scales and there are 26-27 scales in the lateral line. The dorsal fin has 12 short spines with the membranes between them being slightly notched, and 11-13 soft rays. The anal fin is slightly shorter than the spiny dorsal fin and contains 3 spines and 4-6 soft rays. The pectoral fin extends to just in front of the anus while the pelvic fin has a single spine and 5 soft rays and the caudal fin is truncate. The body is light red in colour with orange-red mottling on the flanks above the lateral line. The spines of the dorsal fin are orange-red with the rest of the fin being a light colour.[4]
Helicolenus hilgendorfii is found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean from Japan and southern Korea southwards into the East China Sea. It is a demersal species which is found in areas of sandy and muddy substrates.[1] it is found at depths of 150 to 300 m (490 to 980 ft).[4]
Helicolenus hilgendorfii is viviparous.[1] This is a carnivorous fish which although specialised to feed on shrimps, especially Crangon hakodatei, it is an opportunistic predator and as the fish grows it consumes less shrimps and more fishes.[5] The krill species Euphausia pacifica has also been recorded as a prey item for this fish.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii, Hilgendorf's saucord, is a species of marine ray-finned fish belonging to the subfamily Sebastinae, part of the family Scorpaenidae. It is found in the northwestern Pacific Ocean.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii Helicolenus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Sebastidae familian sailkatzen da.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii Helicolenus generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Sebastidae familian sailkatzen da.
Helicolenus hilgendorfii, oorspronkelijk aangeduid met Sebastes hilgendorfii[1] is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van schorpioenvissen (Sebastidae).[2]. De Japanse naam voor de vis is Yumekasago[3].
De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1884 door Döderlein. De vis is genoemd naar Franz Martin Hilgendorf, een Duitse zoöloog die tussen 1873 en 1876 in Japan verbleef[4].
De vis is levendbarend en leeft op een diepte van 150-500 meter in zanderige en modderige bodem[5] (marien demersaal) en komt voor rond Japan, Korea en in de Chinese zee. De vis bereikt een lengte van maximaal 27 cm. De vis is een roofvis en eet onder andere garnalen en kleinere vissen[6].
In Japan (Kanazawa, 2013) staat deze vis regelmatig op de menukaart van de betere restaurants[7].
Bronnen, noten en/of referenties无鳔鲉(学名:Helicolenus hilgendorfi)为輻鰭魚綱鮋形目平鮋科平鲉科无鳔鲉属的鱼类。分布于日本以及中国东海等海域,棲息深度150-500公尺,為溫帶海水魚,體長可達27公分,棲息在沙泥底質底層水域,生活習性不明,可做為食用魚。该物种的模式产地在东京。
홍감펭(紅-, Helicolenus hilgendorfi)은 양볼락과에 속하는 물고기이다.[1] 몸길이 30cm 가량으로 빗비늘로 덮이고 부레가 없다. 아가미에 여러 개의 가시가 있으며, 옆구리에 흑갈색 가로무늬가 있다. 수심 200-400m의 깊은 곳에 사는 심해성 물고기로 모래 바닥에 산다. 한국 남부와 동중국해, 일본에 분포한다.[1] 태생 어류이다.[1]
홍감펭(紅-, Helicolenus hilgendorfi)은 양볼락과에 속하는 물고기이다. 몸길이 30cm 가량으로 빗비늘로 덮이고 부레가 없다. 아가미에 여러 개의 가시가 있으며, 옆구리에 흑갈색 가로무늬가 있다. 수심 200-400m의 깊은 곳에 사는 심해성 물고기로 모래 바닥에 산다. 한국 남부와 동중국해, 일본에 분포한다. 태생 어류이다.