Atherinosoma microstoma és una espècie de peix pertanyent a la família dels aterínids.[5]
Té lloc a la primavera austral (entre el setembre i l'octubre) i mor poc després de la fresa (la seua esperança de vida és de tan sols 1 any).[8]
Menja crustacis molt petits i insectes.[6]
És un peix d'aigua marina, dolça i salabrosa; pelàgic-nerític; anàdrom[9] i de clima temperat (33°S-40°S), el qual viu entre 0-8 m de fondària a les badies costaneres, estuaris i llacs.[6]
Es troba al Pacífic sud-occidental: és un endemisme d'Austràlia.[6][10][11][12]
És inofensiu per als humans.[6]
Atherinosoma microstoma, commonly known as the small mouth hardyhead, is a species of silverside native to southeastern Australia. It occurs in streams, inland lakes, estuaries and the nearby coastal waters of south-eastern Australia, from Tuggerah Lakes in New South Wales to Lake George in South Australia, as well as in the Bass Strait in Tasmania and Victoria. This species frequently forms schools and they prefer to be among sea grass beds or other aquatic vegetation.[2] This species was described as Atherina microstoma by Albert Günther of the British Museum (Natural History) in 1872 with the type locality given as Tasmania.[3] Francis de LaPorte de Castelnau used the species he had named as Atherinosoma vorax as the type species of the genus he called Atherinosoma but this was a synonym for Günther's Atherina microstoma, which became Atherinosoma microstoma.[4]
Atherinosoma microstoma, commonly known as the small mouth hardyhead, is a species of silverside native to southeastern Australia. It occurs in streams, inland lakes, estuaries and the nearby coastal waters of south-eastern Australia, from Tuggerah Lakes in New South Wales to Lake George in South Australia, as well as in the Bass Strait in Tasmania and Victoria. This species frequently forms schools and they prefer to be among sea grass beds or other aquatic vegetation. This species was described as Atherina microstoma by Albert Günther of the British Museum (Natural History) in 1872 with the type locality given as Tasmania. Francis de LaPorte de Castelnau used the species he had named as Atherinosoma vorax as the type species of the genus he called Atherinosoma but this was a synonym for Günther's Atherina microstoma, which became Atherinosoma microstoma.
Atherinosoma microstoma Atherinosoma generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Atherinidae familian.
Atherinosoma microstoma Atherinosoma generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Actinopterygii klasean sailkatzen da, Atherinidae familian.
Atherinosoma microstoma is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van koornaarvissen (Atherinidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1861 door Günther.
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