This pair of individuals, which includes the individual shown at the top of the page, were both on the same anenome. Though I did not check thoroughly, I did not see ovigerous legs on either individual suggesting they are both female.
Pycnogonum stearnsi from Little Corona del Mar, CA. Total leg span about 1 cm. Animal was in a tidepool next to the base of an Anthopleura sola anemone. The head with its large proboscis is facing left (there is a bubble at the tip of the proboscis) (Photo by: Dave Cowles, November 2006)
Figure 54.Pycnogonum nodulosum, female; A: Dorsal view; scale 1 mm; B: Dorsal view of trunk with protuberances on dorsal midline; scale 1 mm; C: Lateral view of trunk; scale 1 mm; D: Left 3rd leg with protuberances on femur; scale 400 µm; insert: Dorsal view of protuberances on femur; scale 200 µm; E: Tarsus, propodus, and claw without auxiliary claws (left 3rd leg); scale 100 µm; insert: Spines on propodus; scale 20 µm; F: Hair and slit organ on dorsal side of trunk; scale 5 µm.