tarjonnut iArczoo
Body transparent, colorless or with a greenish tint.
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- Ershova, Elizaveta
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- Ershova, Elizaveta
tarjonnut iArczoo
Found on the shelf of most sub-Arctic seas.
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- Ershova, Elizaveta
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- Ershova, Elizaveta
tarjonnut iArczoo
Neritic species, found at depths less than 25 m.
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- tekijänoikeus
- Ershova, Elizaveta
- kääntäjä
- Ershova, Elizaveta
tarjonnut iArczoo
Female: Brood chamber (shell) is oval in shape or almost triangular, ending with a sharp point or small spine-like protrusion. There is no dent between head and brood chamber. The frontal antennae carry 3-4 aesthetacs. The muscles of the well developed antennae are directed toward the back as two parallel bands. Legs relatively short. Exopodites of legs carry 2, 2, 1, and 1 distal setae. The endopodite of leg 1 carries 4, 1, and 2 long curved setae on segments 1-3, respectively. The segments of the endopodite of legs 2-3 carry 2 setae each. The endopodite of leg 4 carries a long seta and a short spine. The postabdomen is split into 2 parts, each of which ends with a small claw. Small caudal setae sit on a short protrusion.
Shell is almost triangular in shape, less developed than in female. Larger head is separated from the body with a small dent. The antennae protrude stronger than in female. Copulatory organs are cylindrical in shape.
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- tekijänoikeus
- Ershova, Elizaveta
- kääntäjä
- Ershova, Elizaveta
tarjonnut iArczoo
Length about 0.5 mm, height up to 1.2 mm.
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- tekijänoikeus
- Ershova, Elizaveta
- kääntäjä
- Ershova, Elizaveta
tarjonnut World Register of Marine Species
Gulf of St. Lawrence (unspecified region), southern Gaspe waters (Baie des Chaleurs, Gaspe Bay to American, Orphan and Bradelle banks; eastern boundary: eastern Bradelle Valley), lower St. Lawrence estuary, Prince Edward Island (from the northern tip of Miscou Island, N.B. to Cape Breton Island south of Cheticamp, including the Northumberland Strait and Georges Bay to the Canso Strait causeway), lower North Shore, Laurentian Channel (bathyal zone)(=Esquiman Channel); western slope of Newfoundland, including the southern part of the Strait of Belle Isle but excluding the upper 50m in the area southwest of Newfoundland; to Long Island Sound
North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
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- WoRMS Editorial Board
tarjonnut World Register of Marine Species
epipelagic, glacial and superficial
North-West Atlantic Ocean species (NWARMS)
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- WoRMS Editorial Board