Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 11Dysidea tupha. a specimen with typical cylindrical processes and finely, irregularly conulose surface; b, c views of the skeleton with fibres variably charged of mineral detritus (LM).
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 8Dysidea avara. a massive specimen (ca. 5 cm in diameter) showing a large osculum b, c the skeletal network with primary (cored) and secondary (almost uncored) fibres.
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 9Dysidea fragilis. a massive specimen (ca. 3 cm in diameter) with an apical osculum; b, c reticulate skeletal network and irregular meshes of primary and secondary fibres with scanty spongin (LM).
Renata Manconi, Barbara Cadeddu, Fabio Ledda, Roberto Pronzato
Figure 10Dysidea incrustans. a close up of a large (ca. 20 cm) encrusting specimen showing scattered small oscula and visible inhalant pores b reticulate skeleton with a secondary network of slimmer fibres almost free of inclusions c main fibres cored of foreign material supporting the conules at the sponge surface.