
Distribution ( kastilia )

tarjonnut IABIN
Chile Central
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Pablo Gutierrez

Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut NMNH Antarctic Invertebrates

Lasæa miliaris, Philippi, 1845. Plate 53, fig. 14.

Shell minute, ovato-rotund, inflated, inequilateral, smooth, reddish-brown. Beaks not much raised, rounded, straight, approximate. Anterior end longer than the posterior, slightly oblique, the dorsal margin horizontal, straight; posterior end semicircular, basal margin broadly convex. Sculpture consisting of exceedingly fine concentric striæ. Colour reddish-brown or yellowish with pink on the dorsal parts. Interior of the same colour, smooth. Margins sharp and smooth. Hinge-plate well developed, the right valve with a central small pit and a pustular cardinal in front of it, the 2 anterior laterals very short and stout, the upper tooth mostly reduced to a tubercle, the 2 posterior laterals longer, very often rudimentary; left valve with 2 oblique lamellæ behind the central resilifer, and 2 oblique short lamellæ in front, the inner of which is sometimes minute and may taken as the cardinal tooth. Resilium large, calcareous, extending from the centre along the whole lower posterior part of the hinge-plate. Adductor-scars oval, the anterior larger. Pallial line entire.

Diameter – Ant.-post., 3 mm.; dorso-ventral, 2.5 mm. : thickness, 2 mm.

Hab. – Banks Peninsula; Dunedin Harbour (A. Hamilton); Snares and Bounty Islands, in 50 fathoms (Captain Bollons); Chatham Islands; Auckland Islands (Professor Benham); Campbell Island (Professor Chilton); Macquarie Island (A. Hamilton). The type is from the Mediterranean. The species is also recorded from the North Atlantic, Cape of Good Hope, and Strait of Magellan.”

(Suter, 1913)