
Conasprella ( saksa )

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Conasprella ist der Name einer Gattung von Schnecken aus der Familie der Kegelschnecken, deren rund 150 Arten in warmen Gewässern des westlichen Atlantischen Ozeans und Karibischen Meers sowie im Indopazifik verbreitet sind und die sich von Vielborstern ernähren.


Die Kegelschnecken der Gattung Conasprella haben einen mehrgewindigen Protoconch mit zweieinhalb Umgängen. Das Schneckenhaus ist kegelförmig, das kegelförmige Gewinde erhaben, und die frühen Umgänge tragen an der Peripherie Knötchen. Der Körperumgang ist in regelmäßigen Abständen mit Schnüren oder Furchen überzogen, die sich von der Mitte bis zur Schulter erstrecken, und auch oben auf den Umgängen des Gewindes können Schnüre verlaufen. Es gibt keine Siphonalkerbe, und die Analkerbe ist tief. Das Periostracum ist glatt, das Operculum klein.

Die mit einer Giftdrüse verbundenen Radulazähne haben eine kurze Schneide, die ein Drittel des Vorderteils des Zahns einnimmt. Es gibt keine hintere Schneide, doch gibt es an der Basis einen Sporn, und der Widerhaken ist kurz. Eine Falte am Schaft und eine innere, hintere Falte sind vorhanden, wenn auch die Falte am Schaft nur schwer zu erkennen ist.

Verbreitung und Lebensraum

Die Kegelschnecken der Gattung Conasprella sind in tropischen Gewässern sämtlicher Weltmeere ohne den Ostatlantik, also sowohl im Indopazifik mit dem Indischen Ozean und dem westlichen Pazifischen Ozean wie im östlichen Pazifischen Ozean als auch im westlichen Atlantischen Ozean mit dem Karibischen Meer verbreitet.


Aus der Form der Giftzähne an der Radula im Vergleich zu anderen Kegelschnecken beziehungsweise Pfeilzünglern, bei denen diese Zähne dem Stechen und Vergiften der Beutetiere dienen, wird geschlossen, dass sämtliche bekannten Arten der Gattung Conasprella generell Vielborster (Polychaeta) erbeuten. Dokumentiert für zwei karibische Arten ist, dass Conasprella jaspidea große Feuerborstenwürmer frisst[1] und dass sich Conasprella puncticulata von kleinen Vielborstern ernährt.[2] In den Mägen des Centurionen-Kegels (Conasprella centurio) wurden dagegen Reste sowohl von Eichelwürmern als auch von Schnecken gefunden.[3]


Zur Gattung Conasprella werden folgende 149 Arten gezählt:


  • Johannes Thiele: Handbuch der systematischen Weichtierkunde. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1929. Band 1, Teil 1, S. 1 – 376, hier Untergattung Conus (Conasprella) Thiele, 1929, S. 373.
  • J. K. Tucker, M.J. Tenorio (2009): Systematic Classification of Recent and Fossil Conoidean Gastropods. ConchBooks, Hankenheim 2009.
  • N. Puillandre, T. F. Duda, C. Meyer, B. M. Olivera, P. Bouchet (2015): One, four or 100 genera? A new classification of the cone snails. Journal of Molluscan Studies 81, S. 1–23.


  1. Rickard Zerpe (2017): Cone snail (Conasprella jaspidea pealii) eating a fireworm. Meerwasser-Lexikon.de
  2. David P. Berschauer, Leo G. Ros, Jordy Wendriks: Microhabitats of Two Perplexiconus Species in Aruba. The Cone Collector 23, S. 3–6, hier S. 4.
  3. Peter L. Percharde (1974): Underwater Observations on Two Rare Southern Caribbean Cones, (Mollusca, Gastropoda) – Conus mappa (Lightfoot) 1786 and Conus centurio Born 1778 in Trinidad & Tobago. Living World 1983–1984, S. 46–53, hier S. 50 und 52.
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Conasprella: Brief Summary ( saksa )

tarjonnut wikipedia DE

Conasprella ist der Name einer Gattung von Schnecken aus der Familie der Kegelschnecken, deren rund 150 Arten in warmen Gewässern des westlichen Atlantischen Ozeans und Karibischen Meers sowie im Indopazifik verbreitet sind und die sich von Vielborstern ernähren.

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Fusiconus ( englanti )

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Fusiconus is a subgenus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the genus Conasprella, family Conidae, the cone snails and their allies.[1]

In the new classification of the family Conidae by Puillandre N., Duda T.F., Meyer C., Olivera B.M. & Bouchet P. (2015), Fusiconus has become a subgenus of Conasprella: Conasprella (Fusiconus) Tucker & Tenorio, 2009 represented as Conasprella Thiele, 1929 [2]

Distinguishing characteristics

The Tucker & Tenorio 2009 taxonomy distinguishes Fusiconus from Conus in the following ways:[3]

Shell characters (living and fossil species)
The basic shell shape is conical to elongated conical, has a deep anal notch on the shoulder, a smooth periostracum and a small operculum. The shoulder of the shell is usually nodulose and the protoconch is usually multispiral. Markings often include the presence of tents except for black or white color variants, with the absence of spiral lines of minute tents and textile bars.
Radular tooth (not known for fossil species)
The radula has an elongated anterior section with serrations and a large exposed terminating cusp, a non-obvious waist, blade is either small or absent and has a short barb, and lacks a basal spur.
Geographical distribution
These species are found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Feeding habits
These species eat other gastropods including cones.[3]
  • Subgenus Fusiconus da Motta, 1991
Shell characters (living and fossil species)
The shell is fusiform in shape. The protoconch is paucispiral, the spire is scalariform. The anal notch is deep. The early and middle spire whorl are ornamented with a single cord. The body whorl is conspicuously ornamented with has evenly spaced cords or sulci that continue the entire length. The periostracum is smooth, and the operculum is small.
Radular tooth (not known for fossil species)
The anterior sections of the radular tooth is shorter than the posterior section, and the blade is short. The waist and corresponding waist fold are obvious. A basal spur is present, and the barb is short. A shaft fold is present. (Similar to Dalliconus, however the species of Fusiconus do not have a posterior blade.)
Geographical distribution
These species are found in the Indo-Pacific region.
Feeding habits
These species are vermivorous (meaning that they prey on marine worms).[3]

Species list

This list of species is based on the information in the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) list. Species within the genus Fusiconus include:[1]

Significance of "alternative representation"

Prior to 2009, all cone species were placed within the family Conidae and were placed in one genus, Conus. In 2009 however, J.K. Tucker and M.J. Tenorio proposed a classification system for the over 600 recognized species that were in the family. Their classification proposed 3 distinct families and 82 genera for the living species of cone snails, including the family Conilithidae. This classification was based upon shell morphology, radular differences, anatomy, physiology, cladistics, with comparisons to molecular (DNA) studies.[3] Published accounts of genera within the Conidae (or Conilithidae) that include the genus Fusiconus include J.K. Tucker & M.J. Tenorio (2009), and Bouchet et al. (2011).[4]

Testing in order to try to understand the molecular phylogeny of the Conidae was initially begun by Christopher Meyer and Alan Kohn,[5] and is continuing, particularly with the advent of nuclear DNA testing in addition to mDNA testing.

However, in 2011, some experts still use the traditional classification, where all species are placed in Conus within the single family Conidae: for example, according to the current November 2011 version of the World Register of Marine Species, all species within the family Conidae are in the genus Conus. The binomial names of species in the 82 cone snail genera listed in Tucker & Tenorio 2009 are recognized by the World Register of Marine Species as "alternative representations."[6] Debate within the scientific community regarding continues, and additional molecular phylogeny studies are being carried out in an attempt to clarify the issue.[3][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21]

All this has been superseded in 2015 by the new classification of the Conidae [2]


  1. ^ a b Bouchet, P. (2015). Fusiconus da Motta, 1991. Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=580186 on 2015-03-18
  2. ^ a b Puillandre N., Duda T.F., Meyer C., Olivera B.M. & Bouchet P. (2015). One, four or 100 genera? A new classification of the cone snails. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 81: 1-23
  3. ^ a b c d e Tucker J.K. & Tenorio M.J. (2009), Systematic Classification of Recent and Fossil Conoidean Gastropods, ConchBooks, Hankenheim, Germany, 295 pp.
  4. ^ Bouchet P., Kantor Yu.I., Sysoev A. & Puillandre N. (2011). "A new operational classification of the Conoidea". Journal of Molluscan Studies 77: 273-308.
  5. ^ Interview of Professor Alan Kohn, Professor Emeritus, Zoology "SEASHELL COLLECTOR | Interview of Pr Alan Kohn, Professor Emeritus, Zoology". Archived from the original on 2012-02-27. Retrieved 2011-12-04.
  6. ^ http://www.marinespecies.org/aphia.php?p=taxdetails&id=14107 Classification: Traditionally, all cone shells have been included in the Linnaean genus Conus. Tucker & Tenorio (2009) have recently proposed an alternative shell- and radula-based classification that recognizes 4 families and 80 genera of cones. In WoRMS, we currently still recognize a single family Conidae (following Puillandre et al. 2011), but Tucker & Tenorio's 80 genera classification is presented as "alternative representation". [P. Bouchet, 14 Aug. 2011]
  7. ^ C.M.L. Afonso & M.J. Tenorio (August 2011), A new, distinct endemic Africonus species (Gastropoda, Conidae) from Sao Vicente Island, Cape Verde Archipelago, West Africa, Gloria Maris 50(5): 124-135
  8. ^ P. Bouchet, Yu I. Kantor, A. Sysoev, and N. Puillandre (March 2011), A New Operational Classification of the Conoidea, Journal of Molluscan Studies 77:273-308, at p. 275.
  9. ^ N. Puillandre, E. Strong, P. Bouchet, M. Boisselier, V. Couloux, & S. Samadi (2009), Identifying gastropod spawn from DNA barcodes: possible but not yet practicable, Molecular Ecology Resources 9:1311-1321.
  10. ^ P.K. Bandyopadhyay, B.J. Stevenson, J.P. Ownby, M.T. Cady, M. Watkins, & B. Olivera (2008), The mitochondrial genome of Conus textile, coxI-conII intergenic sequences and conoidean evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 46: 215-223.
  11. ^ S.T. Williams & T.F. Duda, Jr. (2008), Did tectonic activity stimulate Oligo-Miocene speciation in the Indo-West Pacific? Evolution 62:1618-1634.
  12. ^ R.L. Cunha, R. Castilho, L. Ruber, & R. Zardoya (2005), Patterns of cladogenesis in the venomous marine gastropod genus Conus from the Cape Verde Islands Systematic Biology 54(4):634-650.
  13. ^ T.F. Duda, Jr. & A.J. Kohn (2005), Species-level phylogeography and evolutionary history of the hyperdiverse marine gastropod genus Conus, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34:257-272.
  14. ^ T.F. Duda, Jr. & E. Rolan (2005), Explosive radiation of Cape Verde Conus, a marine species flock, Molecular Ecology 14:267-272.
  15. ^ B. Vallejo, Jr. (2005), Inferring the mode of speciation in the Indo-West Pacific Conus (Gastropoda: Conidae), Journal of Biogeography 32:1429-1439.
  16. ^ Tucker, J. K. & Stahlschmidt, P. (2010) A second species of Pseudoconorbis (Gastropoda: Conoidea) from India. Miscellanea Malacologica 4(3):31-34.
  17. ^ Tucker, J. K., Tenorio, M. J. & Stahlschmidt, P. (2011) The genus Benthofascis (Gastropoda: Conoidea): a revision with descriptions of new species. Zootaxa 2796:1-14.
  18. ^ Puillandre N., Meyer C.P., Bouchet P., and Olivera B.M. (2011), Genetic divergence and geographical variation in the deep-water Conus orbignyi complex (Mollusca: Conoidea), Zoologica Scripta 40(4) 350-363.
  19. ^ Tucker, J. K. & Tenorio, M. J. (2011) New species of Gradiconus and Kohniconus from the western Atlantic (Gastropoda: Conoidea: Conidae, Conilithidae). Miscellanea Malacologica 5(1):1-16.
  20. ^ Petuch, E. J. & Sargent, D. M. (2011) New species of Conidae and Conilithidae (Gastropoda) from the tropical Americas and Philippines. With notes on some poorly-known Floridian species. Visaya 3(3):116-137.
  21. ^ Petuch & Drolshage (2011) Compendium of Florida Fossil Shells, Volume 1 MDM Publications, Wellington, FL., 432 pp.
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Fusiconus: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Fusiconus is a subgenus of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks in the genus Conasprella, family Conidae, the cone snails and their allies.

In the new classification of the family Conidae by Puillandre N., Duda T.F., Meyer C., Olivera B.M. & Bouchet P. (2015), Fusiconus has become a subgenus of Conasprella: Conasprella (Fusiconus) Tucker & Tenorio, 2009 represented as Conasprella Thiele, 1929

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Fusiconus ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Fusiconus est un sous-genre du genre Conasprella, des mollusques gastéropodes marins de la famille des Conidae.

Taxons de rangs inférieurs

Selon BioLib (10 octobre 2019)[2]:


  1. (en) A systematic classification of the gastropod family Conidae at the generic level. AJ Da Motta - 1991 - La Conchiglia.
  2. BioLib, consulté le 10 octobre 2019
  • (en) Puillandre N., Duda T.F., Meyer C., Olivera B.M. & Bouchet P. (2015). One, four or 100 genera? A new classification of the cone snails. Journal of Molluscan Studies. 81: 1-23.,

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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Fusiconus: Brief Summary ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Fusiconus est un sous-genre du genre Conasprella, des mollusques gastéropodes marins de la famille des Conidae.

Auteurs et éditeurs de Wikipedia
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Conasprella ( flaami )

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Conasprella is een geslacht van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken).


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wikipedia NL

Conasprella: Brief Summary ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL

Conasprella is een geslacht van weekdieren uit de klasse van de Gastropoda (slakken).

Wikipedia-auteurs en -editors
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