Litoria chloristona is a species of frog in the subfamily Pelodryadinae. It is endemic to Papua New Guinea. Scientists have observed it near the Kikori River, from sea level to 500 meters above sea level. The type locality is Port Essington in Australia.[3][1]
The adult male frog measures about 19.6 to 23.8 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female from 23.7 to 27.4 mm. It has large eyes and a pointed nose and a white labial stripe. The skin of the dorsum is bright green, fading into bronze down the sides. The inner thighs are orange-red in color.[1]
The female frog lays eggs in still water. The eggs float to the surface of the water. The tadpoles have wide dorsal fins and narrow ventral fins. They have bands of color.[1]
The name chloristona comes from the Greek words chloros for "green," elaschistos for "small," and ontos for "living thing."[1]
Litoria chloristona is a species of frog in the subfamily Pelodryadinae. It is endemic to Papua New Guinea. Scientists have observed it near the Kikori River, from sea level to 500 meters above sea level. The type locality is Port Essington in Australia.
The adult male frog measures about 19.6 to 23.8 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female from 23.7 to 27.4 mm. It has large eyes and a pointed nose and a white labial stripe. The skin of the dorsum is bright green, fading into bronze down the sides. The inner thighs are orange-red in color.
The female frog lays eggs in still water. The eggs float to the surface of the water. The tadpoles have wide dorsal fins and narrow ventral fins. They have bands of color.
The name chloristona comes from the Greek words chloros for "green," elaschistos for "small," and ontos for "living thing."
Litoria chloristona[1] es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Pelodryadidae.
Esta especie es endémica de Papúa Nueva Guinea. Habita desde Kopi a Port Moresby y Sogeri desde el nivel del mar hasta los 500 m de altitud.[2]
Los machos miden de 19.6 a 23.8 mm y las hembras de 23.7 a 27.4 mm.
Litoria chloristona es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Pelodryadidae.
Litoria chloristona est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Pelodryadidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée[1]. Elle se rencontre de Kopi à Port Moresby et à Sogeri du niveau de la mer à 500 m d'altitude.
Les mâles mesurent de 19,6 à 23,8 mm et les femelles de 23,7 à 27,4 mm[2].
Litoria chloristona est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Pelodryadidae.
Litoria chloristona é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Pelodryadidae.[3][4] Está presente na Papua Nova Guiné.[4] A UICN classificou-a como pouco preocupante.[1]
Litoria chloristona é uma espécie de anfíbio anuro da família Pelodryadidae. Está presente na Papua Nova Guiné. A UICN classificou-a como pouco preocupante.