Rana chalconota, the Sundaland forest frog, also known variously as the white-lipped frog, copper-cheeked frog Schlegel's Frog, and brown stream frog, is a common true frog found widely in Southeast Asia.Originally described from Java, it was subsequently described from a wider range to include Thailand through Java, Borneo and Sumatra.Wogan et al. (2008) recently extended its range to include Myanmar.However, it is becoming increasingly clear through detailed morphological and molecular studies that the original R. chalconota species concept actually represents a complex of cryptic species (Inger et al. 2009; Stuart et al. 2006). Inger et al. (2009) estimates this complex consists of at least seven different species, including the very similar and frequently confused R. raniceps and R. labialis, and four others they describe as new species.The IUCN restricts the location of R. chalconota to southern Sumatra, Java and Bali (Indonesia) in its species analysis (van Dijk et al. 2009) and suggests that frogs outside of this range are distinct species.
Rana chalconota is a slender, small to moderate-sized species (adults 30–60 mm snout–vent length). It is generally green on top and white or cream-colored below with a distinctively light-colored upper lip. Its large tympanum is brown. The frogs have extensive webbing on their digits, and the tips of the digits are enlarged and have circummarginal grooves (Inger et al. 2009).
Rana chalconota lives in vegetation along slow-moving streams and swamps in closed canopied lowland forests.It occurs in both pristine and degraded forest.A noctural frog, it can be found at nearly any time of year in low numbers, and large numbers during breeding (year round).Frogs breed on the sides of streams, temporary pools, and even paddy fields in some places.Females lay clutches up to about 2200 eggs (van Dijk et al. 2009).
Chalcorana chalconota is a species of "true frog", family Ranidae. It is endemic to Indonesia and occurs in southern Sumatra, Java,[1][2] Bali, and a few smaller islands.[1] Populations previously assigned to this species now belong to a number of other Chalcorana species, leading to the current delineation of Chalcorana chalconota with a much narrower range.[1][2] This species is also known as the Schlegel's frog, brown stream frog, copper-cheeked frog, or, among with many other species, white-lipped frog.[2]
Chalcorana chalconota are relatively large frogs: adult males measure 34–50 mm (1.3–2.0 in) and females 49–73 mm (1.9–2.9 in) in snout–vent length. The legs are relatively short. The snout is slightly projecting. The tympanum is visible, slightly depressed. The finger tips are much enlarged. Coloration is green; the back may have black spots. Hind limbs may have crossbars. Dorsal skin is granular in females and has many fine spinules in males. Males also have conspicuously protruding humeral glands.[3]
Chalcorana chalconota can be found along small lowland forest streams, but also away from streams in forest and in highland areas at elevations up to 1,571 m (5,154 ft) above sea level. It occurs in both primary and degraded forests, and it can be found in human settlements, plantations, and rubbish-filled ponds. Breeding takes place in a range of aquatic habitats: quiet side pools of forest streams, temporary forest edge ponds, irrigation channels, and ditches in paddy fields. There are no major threats to this common species. It occurs in several protected areas.[1]
Chalcorana chalconota is a species of "true frog", family Ranidae. It is endemic to Indonesia and occurs in southern Sumatra, Java, Bali, and a few smaller islands. Populations previously assigned to this species now belong to a number of other Chalcorana species, leading to the current delineation of Chalcorana chalconota with a much narrower range. This species is also known as the Schlegel's frog, brown stream frog, copper-cheeked frog, or, among with many other species, white-lipped frog.
Chalcorana chalconota[2] es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Ranidae.
Esta especie es endémica de Indonesia. Se encuentra en las islas de Java y Sumatra por debajo de 1571 m sobre el nivel del mar.[3] Su presencia es incierta en Bali.
Hylarana chalconota Hylarana generoko animalia da. Anfibioen barruko Ranidae familian sailkatuta dago, Anura ordenan.
Chalcorana chalconota est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae[1].
Cette espèce est endémique d'Indonésie[1]. Elle se rencontre sur les îles de Java et de Sumatra en dessous de 1 571 m d'altitude. Sa présence est incertaine à Bali.
Chalcorana chalconota est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Ranidae.
Kongkang kolam adalah nama sejenis kodok dari suku Ranidae. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Hylarana chalconota Schlegel, 1837. Orang Sunda (Jawa Barat) menyebutnya bangkong kolé. Sedangkan namanya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah white-lipped frog atau copper-cheeked frog.
Kodok yang berukuran kecil sampai agak besar, panjang tubuhnya antara 30-70 mm SVL (snout-to-vent, dari ujung moncong hingga ke anus). Kodok jantan lebih kecil dari yang betinanya. Moncong meruncing, mata besar menonjol dan tubuh umumnya ramping. Kaki panjang dan ramping, dengan selaput renang penuh hingga ke ujung, kecuali pada ujung jari keempat (jari terpanjang). Jari-jari tangan dan kaki dengan ujung yang melebar serupa cakram.
Warna tubuh berubah-ubah. Dorsal (fase terang) sering berwarna krem kekuningan, atau kehijauan. Sisi tubuh (lateral) keputihan, kekuningan atau hijau kekuningan terang. Pada fase gelap, kebanyakan berwarna coklat atau coklat gelap berbintik-bintik hitam bulat, lk. 1-2 mm diameter, dengan letak tak beraturan. Terdapat sepasang lipatan dorsolateral yang agak samar di punggung. Ventral (sisi bawah tubuh) putih telur berbintik atau bernoda kecoklatan, terutama di sekitar dagu. Kulit ventral halus licin, sedangkan kulit dorsal berbintil-bintil halus.
Bibir atas perak kekuningan, dilanjutkan dengan satu atau beberapa bintik perak hingga di atas lengan. Pipi dengan warna coklat gelap, yang makin muda ke belakang; timpanum coklat muda. Kaki sering dengan warna kemerahan pada sisi bawah, sekitar persendian, dan pada selaput renang.
Aktif terutama di malam hari, kodok ini sering didapati di sekitar kolam, selokan, saluran air atau sungai kecil. Kodok jantan kebanyakan bertengger di semak belukar yang merimbuni tepi air, hingga 1.5 m di atas tanah, sambil berbunyi sesekali untuk memikat betinanya. Bunyinya, ..cuit, ..cuit.. mirip siulan burung, meski tidak terlalu keras. Chalconota berarti banyak bersuara.
Kodok betina kerap didapati di malam hari di atas batu, dan kadang-kadang pula di sesemakan, dekat badan air. Kodok ini memangsa serangga dan laba-laba.
Berudu kongkang kolam berwarna kehijauan, kekuningan, dan kadang-kadang jingga, dengan tiga garis hitam yang berpusat di mata (Iskandar, 1998). Di sisi bawah tubuh, terdapat sederetan kelenjar kecil berwarna putih pada masing-masing sisi perutnya (Inger and Stuebing, 1997). Berudu ini tinggal pada air tenang atau yang menggenang.
H. chalconota menyebar di Sumatra Selatan, Lampung, Jawa dan Bali (Iskandar, 1998).
(Inggris) Amphibian Species of the World 3.0, an Online Reference.
Kongkang kolam adalah nama sejenis kodok dari suku Ranidae. Nama ilmiahnya adalah Hylarana chalconota Schlegel, 1837. Orang Sunda (Jawa Barat) menyebutnya bangkong kolé. Sedangkan namanya dalam bahasa Inggris adalah white-lipped frog atau copper-cheeked frog.