Trachycephalus cunauaru is a frog in the family Hylidae. It is endemic to Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador, where it lives in rainforest and other forest habitats. Scientists believe it may also live in Colombia and Peru. Scientists have seen it as high as 800 meters above sea level.[1][2]
The adult male frog measures 57.9 to 74.3 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female frog 74.4 to 84.9 mm. This frog has a pattern of dark and light brown or gray on its back. Its toes are light green in color.[2]
This frog is nocturnal. It frog spends almost all of its life cycle in canopy. It reproduces during the rainy season. The male frog finds a water-filled hole or cavity inside a tree. Then it perches between 2 and 32 meters off the ground and sings to attract a female, who lays her eggs in the water. Scientists believe the frogs are territorial and may compete for good nesting sites. The female frog can lay 1000 eggs per clutch.[2]
The name cunauaru comes from the language of the indigenous people of the Amazon area. The name is anomatopoeia for the frog's call and also sounds like "toad wife." It also refers to the way the male frog calls for the female frog on nights when the moon is bright.[2]
Trachycephalus cunauaru is a frog in the family Hylidae. It is endemic to Brazil, Bolivia, and Ecuador, where it lives in rainforest and other forest habitats. Scientists believe it may also live in Colombia and Peru. Scientists have seen it as high as 800 meters above sea level.
The adult male frog measures 57.9 to 74.3 mm long in snout-vent length and the adult female frog 74.4 to 84.9 mm. This frog has a pattern of dark and light brown or gray on its back. Its toes are light green in color.
This frog is nocturnal. It frog spends almost all of its life cycle in canopy. It reproduces during the rainy season. The male frog finds a water-filled hole or cavity inside a tree. Then it perches between 2 and 32 meters off the ground and sings to attract a female, who lays her eggs in the water. Scientists believe the frogs are territorial and may compete for good nesting sites. The female frog can lay 1000 eggs per clutch.
The name cunauaru comes from the language of the indigenous people of the Amazon area. The name is anomatopoeia for the frog's call and also sounds like "toad wife." It also refers to the way the male frog calls for the female frog on nights when the moon is bright.
Trachycephalus cunauaru[1] es una especie de anfibio anuro de la familia Hylidae.
Esta especie se encuentra en Brasil, Bolivia y Perú.[2] Su presencia es incierta en Colombia, Venezuela y Ecuador.
La rana macho adulta mide en promedio 67.2 mm de largo y la hembra 78.2 mm. Es nocturna y vive en los arboles por casi todo de su vida.[3]
El nombre "cunauaru" es del idioma de la gente indígena amazónico: "cunhã" para "esposa" y "arú" para "sapo." Refiriere a que el macho llama a la hembra durante el noche pero también es onamatopoyético para sus voces si mismos.[3]
Trachycephalus cunauaru est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae[1].
Cette espèce se rencontre au Brésil, en Bolivie et au Pérou. Sa présence est incertaine en Colombie, au Venezuela et en Équateur[1].
Trachycephalus cunauaru est une espèce d'amphibiens de la famille des Hylidae.
Trachycephalus cunauaru é uma espécie de anfíbio da família Hylidae. Pode ser encontrada nas áreas orientais, centrais e meridionais da floresta amazônica no Brasil, Bolívia, Peru, Equador, Colômbia e Venezuela.[2]
Trachycephalus cunauaru é uma espécie de anfíbio da família Hylidae. Pode ser encontrada nas áreas orientais, centrais e meridionais da floresta amazônica no Brasil, Bolívia, Peru, Equador, Colômbia e Venezuela.