
Spizella atrogularis ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST
Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Spizella atrogularis ye un ave paseriforme de la familia Emberizidae con distribución en zones grebes d'América del Norte (Estaos Xuníos y Méxicu). Ye una especie parcialmente migratoria.

Mide unos 14 cm en promediu. Ye claramente distintu a les demás especies del xéneru Spizella, con dimorfismu sexual. La cabeza y les partes ventrales son dafechu grises, ensin rayes, pero nos machos rescampla'l color negru en gargüelu y zona loreal (ente'l picu y los güeyos). El picu ye color rosa. El llombu, les nales y la cola son, como nes demás especies del xéneru, pardes llistaes con escuru.

Distribúise dende'l suroeste de los Estaos Xuníos hasta'l sur de Méxicu. Les poblaciones norteñas son migratories, ente que una subespecie mexicana ye residente.

Estrémense cuatro subespecies:

  • S.a. caurina. Zona costera de California. De coloración gris más escura, con delles tonalidaes pardes.
  • S. a. cana. Fasteres de montes del sur de California y norte de Baxa California. Más pequeña, cola más curtia y con dalgún matiz pardu nes partes ventrales.
  • S.a. evura. Dende los montes del centru-esti de California hasta Nuevu Méxicu. Coloración más pálida y parche negru del gargüelu más pequeñu.
  • S.a. atrogularis. Residente dende Sonora y Chihuahua a lo llargo del Altiplanu Central hasta Oaxaca. Más escura y col parche negru del gargüelu más evidente que nes subespecies norteñas.

Habita en fasteres de montes y en zones altes grebes y semiáridas, con vexetación arbustiva abondosa, en chaparrales y en campos de Artemisia. Aliméntase principalmente de granes ya inseutos pequeños.

La fema pon ente 3 y 5 güevos de color verde azuláu con llurdios marrones sobre un nial ellaboráu de campera.



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Spizella atrogularis: Brief Summary ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST
Spizella atrogularis Map marker icon – Nicolas Mollet – Birds – Nature – white.png Les especies d'aves con nome común en llingua asturiana márquense como NOA. En casu contrariu, conséñase'l nome científicu o de la SEO.

Spizella atrogularis ye un ave paseriforme de la familia Emberizidae con distribución en zones grebes d'América del Norte (Estaos Xuníos y Méxicu). Ye una especie parcialmente migratoria.

Mide unos 14 cm en promediu. Ye claramente distintu a les demás especies del xéneru Spizella, con dimorfismu sexual. La cabeza y les partes ventrales son dafechu grises, ensin rayes, pero nos machos rescampla'l color negru en gargüelu y zona loreal (ente'l picu y los güeyos). El picu ye color rosa. El llombu, les nales y la cola son, como nes demás especies del xéneru, pardes llistaes con escuru.

Distribúise dende'l suroeste de los Estaos Xuníos hasta'l sur de Méxicu. Les poblaciones norteñas son migratories, ente que una subespecie mexicana ye residente.

Estrémense cuatro subespecies:

S.a. caurina. Zona costera de California. De coloración gris más escura, con delles tonalidaes pardes. S. a. cana. Fasteres de montes del sur de California y norte de Baxa California. Más pequeña, cola más curtia y con dalgún matiz pardu nes partes ventrales. S.a. evura. Dende los montes del centru-esti de California hasta Nuevu Méxicu. Coloración más pálida y parche negru del gargüelu más pequeñu. S.a. atrogularis. Residente dende Sonora y Chihuahua a lo llargo del Altiplanu Central hasta Oaxaca. Más escura y col parche negru del gargüelu más evidente que nes subespecies norteñas.

Habita en fasteres de montes y en zones altes grebes y semiáridas, con vexetación arbustiva abondosa, en chaparrales y en campos de Artemisia. Aliméntase principalmente de granes ya inseutos pequeños.

La fema pon ente 3 y 5 güevos de color verde azuláu con llurdios marrones sobre un nial ellaboráu de campera.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Spizella atrogularis ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA

Spizella atrogularis és una espècie d'ocell passeriforme de la família Emberizidae amb distribució en zones àrides d'Amèrica del Nord (Estats Units i Mèxic). És una espècie parcialment migratòria.

Es distribueix des del sud-oest dels Estats Units fins al sud de Mèxic. Les poblacions del nord són migratòries, mentre que una subespècie mexicana és resident.

 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Spizella atrogularis Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
Autors i editors de Wikipedia
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Bras genddu ( kymri )

tarjonnut wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Bras genddu (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: breision genddu) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Spizella atrogularis; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Black-chinned sparrow. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Breision (Lladin: Emberizidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.[1]

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. atrogularis, sef enw'r rhywogaeth.[2] Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.


Mae'r bras genddu yn perthyn i deulu'r Breision (Lladin: Emberizidae). Dyma rai o aelodau eraill y teulu:

Rhestr Wicidata:

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Yellow-billed cardinal (Paroaria capitata).JPG
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Diwedd y rhestr a gynhyrchwyd yn otomatig o Wicidata.

Gweler hefyd


  1. Gwefan Cymdeithas Edward Llwyd; adalwyd 30 Medi 2016.
  2. Gwefan Avibase; adalwyd 3 Hydref 2016.
Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia CY

Bras genddu: Brief Summary ( kymri )

tarjonnut wikipedia CY

Aderyn a rhywogaeth o adar yw Bras genddu (sy'n enw gwrywaidd; enw lluosog: breision genddu) a adnabyddir hefyd gyda'i enw gwyddonol Spizella atrogularis; yr enw Saesneg arno yw Black-chinned sparrow. Mae'n perthyn i deulu'r Breision (Lladin: Emberizidae) sydd yn urdd y Passeriformes.

Talfyrir yr enw Lladin yn aml yn S. atrogularis, sef enw'r rhywogaeth. Mae'r rhywogaeth hon i'w chanfod yng Ngogledd America.

Awduron a golygyddion Wikipedia
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wikipedia CY

Black-chinned sparrow ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The black-chinned sparrow (Spizella atrogularis) is a small bird in the genus Spizella, in the New World sparrow family Passerellidae. It is found in the southwestern United States and throughout much of Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; most populations in the US migrate south after breeding while those in Mexico are resident. It is a slim, long-tailed bird, primarily gray with a reddish-brown back streaked with black, brown wings and tail, a pink beak, and brownish legs and feet. In the breeding season, the male shows black on his throat, chin, and the front of his face. Females, youngsters and nonbreeding males show little or no black in these areas. An unobtrusive bird, it spends much of its time foraging slowly along the ground, either alone or in small groups, sometimes mixing with other Spizella species. It is an omnivore, feeding primarily on seeds during the winter and insects during the summer. It builds a cup-shaped nest of grasses, rootlets, or plant fibers, into which the female lays 2–5 pale blue eggs. The female does most or all of the egg incubation, but both parents feed the hatched nestlings.

The species was first described by Jean Louis Cabanis in 1851. Four subspecies have been identified: one breeds only in the US, one only in Mexico, and the other two breed in both countries. Most northern populations move south—primarily into Mexico—for the winter. Because of its apparently large population size and very large range, it is considered to be a species of least concern. However, increasing global temperatures could have a significantly negative impact on its numbers.


German ornithologist Jean Louis Cabanis first described the black-chinned sparrow in 1851, using a specimen which is thought to have been collected near Mexico City. He called it Spinites atrogularis.[1][3] Within the decade, most authorities had moved it to the genus Spizella, where it has remained since. It is one of six small New World sparrows in the genus,[4] and is known to have hybridized with Brewer's sparrow, a congener.[5][6] Mitochondrial DNA studies have shown that the field sparrow is its closest relative.[7][8] There are four recognized subspecies:

  • S. a. evura, first described by Elliott Coues in 1866, is found in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico (northern Sonora).[4] Also known as the Arizona black-chinned sparrow, it has been considered a distinct species (Spizella evura) by some authors (Coues and Richard Bowdler Sharpe, for instance) in the past.[2]
  • S. a. caurina, first described by Alden H. Miller in 1929, is found in west-central California.[4] This subspecies is also known as the San Francisco black-chinned sparrow.[9]
  • S. a. cana, first described by Coues in 1866, is found in southwestern California, and Baja California in northwestern Mexico.[4] Also known as the California black-chinned sparrow, it has been considered by some in the past (Sharpe, for example) as a distinct species.[9]
  • S. a. atrogularis, the nominate subspecies, was described by Cabinis in 1851. It is found in north-central Mexico,[4] and is also known as the Mexican black-chinned sparrow.[2]

The genus name Spizella is a diminutive of the Ancient Greek word spiza, meaning "finch".[10] The species name atrogularis is a combination of the Latin ater, meaning "black" and gularis, meaning "-throated" (from gula, meaning "throat").[11] The common name "sparrow" is an English word which was in use prior to the 12th century. Though originally used for the house sparrow, a common European species, its usage expanded to the unrelated New World sparrows because of their similar appearance.[12]


The black-chinned sparrow is a small passerine, measuring 5 to 5+34 in. (13–15 cm) in length, with a wingspan of roughly 7+34 in. (19–20 cm).[13][14][15] It weighs 0.3–0.5 oz (9.0–14.8 g), with a median weight of 0.4 oz (11.3 g).[16] Overall, it is a slender, round-headed bird, with a high crown and a long, notched tail, which is proportionately longer than that of other Spizella sparrows.[5][17] The sexes are similar, though the male averages slightly larger.[13] The adult's head and body are gray, and its back is reddish-brown with black streaks.[5] It has a "poorly defined" whitish belly, and its rump and uppertail coverts are an unstreaked gray.[14][15] The feathers in its wings and tail are dark brown with paler edges (white in the tail).[15] In alternate plumage (during the breeding season), the male has extensive black on its chin, throat and the front of its face. It loses most or all of this black during the nonbreeding season; the oldest males may retain some black flecking. The female has little or no black on her face, chin, or throat at any point during the year.[5] In basic plumage, males and females can be difficult to tell apart.[14] The juvenile resembles a nonbreeding adult, but shows indistinct streaking on its underparts, and two faint wingbars.[5] The head and underparts have a brownish wash, and its outer scapulars are tawny-colored.[15] The legs and feet are dark brown or dusky,[13] and the bill is small, stout, and pink.[5][14] Recent fledglings may have darker bills, as well as notably short tails, yellow gapes, and paler gray heads.[18]


Its call is a high, soft tsip or stip.[5][14] In flight it gives a soft ssip, a call said to resemble that of the chipping sparrow.[14] The song is a series of clear, high-pitched whistles that accelerate into a rapid trill, which typically rises in pitch.[5] Though similar to the song of the field sparrow, it is higher-pitched and more "mechanical".[14] The accelerating trill is said to sound like a dropped ping pong ball.[19]

Similar species

Plain gray bird with a pinkish bill perched on a spiky plant leaf
Females, youngsters, and nonbreeding males show few or no black markings on the head, chin and throat.

The combination of gray head and body is unique among New World sparrows.[14] Though similar in plumage to the dark-eyed junco, the black-chinned sparrow is slimmer, and has a streaked back, brown edges to its wing feathers, and no white in its tail.[13][19]

Range and habitat

The black-chinned sparrow breeds in the southwestern United States and throughout much of Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. It is regularly found from northern California east to western Texas, and as far north as southern Nevada and Utah,[20] and has occurred as a vagrant or occasional breeder in Oregon and Colorado.[21][22] A species of arid and semi-arid places, it lives in chaparral, sagebrush, pine-juniper woodlands, and other brushy shrubland.[5][14][23] Much of its habitat is in remote, rugged, and rocky areas.[24] It is significantly less common in edge habitat, and rare near the coast.[25] It is found at elevations ranging from near sea level to 2,400 m (8,000 ft) in the United States,[24] and from 300 to 2,500 m (980 to 8,200 ft) in Mexico.[26] Some birds in Utah may move into desert ecotones as part of a post-breeding dispersal[27] and some northern populations move into Chihuahuan Desert scrub during the winter.[28] Most northern populations move south – primarily into Mexico – during the winter; some move to lower elevations as well.[26][29] During migration, it is sometimes recorded in montane oak forest, but not in mixed pine-oak forest.[30]


Small gray bird with a black-streaked brown back sitting atop a dense bush
Dense, brushy cover is preferred habitat.

Although the black-chinned sparrow appears to be relatively common where it occurs, it is an inconspicuous species that can be easy to overlook.[3] In Mexico, it is generally found singly or in pairs, and only rarely in small groups.[15] In the United States, it is sometimes found in small, loose groups, occasionally mingling with Brewer's or chipping sparrows.[31] It flies close to the ground, with an undulating flight style.[3][5] Though the species often remains in deep cover, breeding males defy that more typical behavior and pick conspicuous, exposed perches from which to sing.[3]


The black-chinned sparrow forages on or near the ground, spending considerable time working in the same area.[31] Though its diet is not well-known, it appears to feed primarily on seeds as a ground-gleaning granivore in the winter, and on insects as a ground-foraging omnivore in the summer.[31][32] It occasionally captures insects in flight,[8] and may feed on seeds while perched in a bush.[33] It appears to obtain all of the moisture it needs from its food during the summer, but in the winter may travel a considerable distance to reach a water source.[33]


Much of the breeding ecology of the black-chinned sparrow is poorly known. It breeds primarily from late April into June,[3][34] though active nests have been found as late as the middle of July.[35] Males sing from open perches within their territory, which may encompass as much as 2 hectares (4.9 acres).[36] Neighboring males often counter-sing, alternately responding to their singing rivals. They also aggressively chase each other.[36] The nest is a shallow, open cup built of plant material, including grasses, weed stems, rootlets, or yucca fibers.[17][31] This is lined with fibers or fine grasses, and occasionally with hair or feathers.[31] It is located within 4 ft (1.2 m) of the ground, typically at mid-level in a dense shrub.[31][35] The female does the bulk of the nest building, though the male may help.[24] The nest is occasionally parasitized by cowbirds.[3][35]

The female lays 2–5 very pale blue or bluish-green eggs.[3][24] These are typically unmarked, though occasionally speckled with brown spots.[31] Incubation takes roughly 13 days, and is done primarily (or possibly completely) by the female.[31] The young are altricial – featherless with eyes closed upon hatching.[24] Both parents provide food for the nestlings and remove fecal sacs for the 11–13 days it takes for the young to fledge.[31][37] Adults continue to feed the fledglings for several weeks after they leave the nest.[37] Most pairs raise a single brood per year,[24] though there are records of a few pairs attempting multiple broods in southern California.[34] Pairs stay together only for the length of breeding season.[24] Nests suffer a high rate of failure; in one study in southern California, fewer than 30 percent of nesting attempts were successful.[34] Most eggs and young are lost to predators.[34] Garter snakes are known nest predators.[38] Other suspected nest predators include western scrub jays, snakes, lizards, rodents, and ants.[34]

Conservation and threats

The black-chinned sparrow is one of the species protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.[39] Its overall population has not been quantified, but its numbers are known to be decreasing.[1] Estimates of its global population range from 450,000 to 1,100,000.[24][40] The North American Breeding Bird Survey shows that the black-chinned sparrow's numbers declined at an average rate of 5.1 percent annually between 1966 and 2003,[41] while Partners in Flight reports that the sparrow's numbers dropped 62 percent between 1970 and 2014.[24] However, it is known to be poorly sampled by breeding bird surveys in several states, including New Mexico and Texas.[28][41] It is considered to be a "Bird of Conservation Concern" by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.[23] On the other hand, the International Union for Conservation of Nature considers it to be a species of least concern, due to its substantial population and very large range.[1]

The black-chinned sparrow is known to carry several blood parasites, including members of the genera Haemoproteus and Trypanosoma.[42][43] Specimens carrying West Nile virus have been found dead.[44] Due to its avoidance of edge habitat, the black-chinned sparrow is vulnerable to habitat fragmentation.[45][46] Because of that vulnerability, it may be a useful species for indicating environmental changes.[47] It may also be adversely affected by climate change; between 2000 and 2020, its breeding range shifted perceptibly northwards. The National Audubon Society predicts that by 2080, none of its current breeding range will still be in use. Its winter range is predicted to be more stable, with some 65 percent of the current area still in use by 2080, and the total area of wintering range in the United States potentially increasing.[48]



  1. ^ a b c d BirdLife International 2021.
  2. ^ a b c Hellmayr 1938, p. 564.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Rising 1996, p. 102.
  4. ^ a b c d e Gill, Donsker & Rasmussen 2021.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Stokes & Stokes 2010, p. 668.
  6. ^ Unitt 2007.
  7. ^ Zink & Dittmann 1993, pp. 408–409.
  8. ^ a b Tenney 2020.
  9. ^ a b Hellmayr 1938, p. 563.
  10. ^ Jobling 2010, p. 363.
  11. ^ Jobling 2010, p. 60.
  12. ^ Merriam-Webster 2021.
  13. ^ a b c d Rising 1996, p. 101.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g h i Sibley 2000, p. 482.
  15. ^ a b c d e Howell & Webb 1995, p. 718.
  16. ^ Dunning 2008, p. 560.
  17. ^ a b Howell & Webb 1995, p. 715.
  18. ^ Hargrove 2010, pp. 66–67.
  19. ^ a b eBird 2021.
  20. ^ Rising 1996, p. 103.
  21. ^ Oregon Natural History Information Center 2007, p. 6.
  22. ^ Semo 2008, p. 43.
  23. ^ a b Johnson et al. 2015, p. 5.
  24. ^ a b c d e f g h i All About Birds 2021b.
  25. ^ Bolger 2002, p. 150.
  26. ^ a b Howell & Webb 1995, p. 719.
  27. ^ Webb 1999, p. 37.
  28. ^ a b Rustay, Norris & Darr 2016.
  29. ^ All About Birds 2021a.
  30. ^ Ffolliott 1992, p. 67.
  31. ^ a b c d e f g h i Kaufman 2021.
  32. ^ De Graaf, Tilghman & Anderson 1985, p. 533.
  33. ^ a b Winter 2002.
  34. ^ a b c d e Hargrove 2010, p. 66.
  35. ^ a b c Unitt 1984, p. 517.
  36. ^ a b Hargrove 2010, p. 63.
  37. ^ a b Hargrove 2010, p. 67.
  38. ^ Pemberton & Carriger 1916, p. 233.
  39. ^ U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 2020.
  40. ^ Partners in Flight 2021.
  41. ^ a b Tweit 2006.
  42. ^ Clark & Swinehart 1969, p. 111.
  43. ^ Carbó-Ramírez & Zuria 2015.
  44. ^ CDC, p. 1.
  45. ^ Bolger 2002, p. 149.
  46. ^ Crooks, Suarez & Bolger 2004, p. 456.
  47. ^ Chase et al. 2000, p. 482.
  48. ^ Audubon 2014.


Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Black-chinned sparrow: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

The black-chinned sparrow (Spizella atrogularis) is a small bird in the genus Spizella, in the New World sparrow family Passerellidae. It is found in the southwestern United States and throughout much of Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; most populations in the US migrate south after breeding while those in Mexico are resident. It is a slim, long-tailed bird, primarily gray with a reddish-brown back streaked with black, brown wings and tail, a pink beak, and brownish legs and feet. In the breeding season, the male shows black on his throat, chin, and the front of his face. Females, youngsters and nonbreeding males show little or no black in these areas. An unobtrusive bird, it spends much of its time foraging slowly along the ground, either alone or in small groups, sometimes mixing with other Spizella species. It is an omnivore, feeding primarily on seeds during the winter and insects during the summer. It builds a cup-shaped nest of grasses, rootlets, or plant fibers, into which the female lays 2–5 pale blue eggs. The female does most or all of the egg incubation, but both parents feed the hatched nestlings.

The species was first described by Jean Louis Cabanis in 1851. Four subspecies have been identified: one breeds only in the US, one only in Mexico, and the other two breed in both countries. Most northern populations move south—primarily into Mexico—for the winter. Because of its apparently large population size and very large range, it is considered to be a species of least concern. However, increasing global temperatures could have a significantly negative impact on its numbers.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Spizella atrogularis ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El gorrión barbinegro[1]​ o chingolo barbinegro[2]​ (Spizella atrogularis) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Passerellidae propia de las zonas áridas de América del Norte (Estados Unidos y México). Es una especie parcialmente migratoria.

Mide unos 14 cm en promedio. Es claramente distinto a las demás especies del género Spizella, con dimorfismo sexual. La cabeza y las partes ventrales son completamente grises, sin rayas, pero en los machos es evidente el color negro en garganta y zona loreal (entre el pico y los ojos). El pico es color rosa. La espalda, las alas y la cola son, como en las demás especies del género, pardas listadas con oscuro.

Se distribuye desde el suroeste de los Estados Unidos hasta el sur de México. Las poblaciones norteñas son migratorias, mientras que una subespecie mexicana es residente.

Se distinguen cuatro subespecies:

  • S.a. caurina. Zona costera de California. De coloración gris más oscura, con algunas tonalidades pardas.
  • S. a. cana. Laderas de montañas del sur de California y norte de Baja California. Más pequeña, cola más corta y con algún matiz pardo en las partes ventrales.
  • S.a. evura. Desde las montañas del centro-este de California hasta Nuevo México. Coloración más pálida y parche negro de la garganta más pequeño.
  • S.a. atrogularis. Residente desde Sonora y Chihuahua a lo largo del Altiplano Central hasta Oaxaca. Más oscura y con el parche negro de la garganta más evidente que en las subespecies norteñas.

Habita en laderas de montañas y en zonas altas áridas y semiáridas, con vegetación arbustiva abundante, en chaparrales y en campos de Artemisia. Se alimenta principalmente de semillas e insectos pequeños.

La hembra pone entre 3 y 5 huevos de color verde azulado con manchas marrones sobre un nido elaborado de pasto.


  1. Sada, Phillips y Ramos, 1984
  2. De Juana, E; Del Hoyo, J; Fernández-Cruz, M; Ferrer, X; Sáez-Royuela, R; Sargatal, J (2012). «Nombres en castellano de las aves del mundo recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Ornitología (Decimosexta parte: Orden Passeriformes, Familias Thraupidae a Icteridae)». Ardeola. Handbook of the Birds of the World (Madrid: SEO/BirdLife) 59 (1): 157-166. ISSN 0570-7358. Consultado el 7 de marzo de 2019.


Autores y editores de Wikipedia
käy lähteessä
wikipedia ES

Spizella atrogularis: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

El gorrión barbinegro​ o chingolo barbinegro​ (Spizella atrogularis) es una especie de ave paseriforme de la familia Passerellidae propia de las zonas áridas de América del Norte (Estados Unidos y México). Es una especie parcialmente migratoria.

Mide unos 14 cm en promedio. Es claramente distinto a las demás especies del género Spizella, con dimorfismo sexual. La cabeza y las partes ventrales son completamente grises, sin rayas, pero en los machos es evidente el color negro en garganta y zona loreal (entre el pico y los ojos). El pico es color rosa. La espalda, las alas y la cola son, como en las demás especies del género, pardas listadas con oscuro.

Se distribuye desde el suroeste de los Estados Unidos hasta el sur de México. Las poblaciones norteñas son migratorias, mientras que una subespecie mexicana es residente.

Se distinguen cuatro subespecies:

S.a. caurina. Zona costera de California. De coloración gris más oscura, con algunas tonalidades pardas. S. a. cana. Laderas de montañas del sur de California y norte de Baja California. Más pequeña, cola más corta y con algún matiz pardo en las partes ventrales. S.a. evura. Desde las montañas del centro-este de California hasta Nuevo México. Coloración más pálida y parche negro de la garganta más pequeño. S.a. atrogularis. Residente desde Sonora y Chihuahua a lo largo del Altiplano Central hasta Oaxaca. Más oscura y con el parche negro de la garganta más evidente que en las subespecies norteñas.

Habita en laderas de montañas y en zonas altas áridas y semiáridas, con vegetación arbustiva abundante, en chaparrales y en campos de Artemisia. Se alimenta principalmente de semillas e insectos pequeños.

La hembra pone entre 3 y 5 huevos de color verde azulado con manchas marrones sobre un nido elaborado de pasto.

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Spizella atrogularis ( baski )

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Spizella atrogularis Spizella generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Emberizidae familian sailkatua dago.


  1. (Ingelesez)BirdLife International (2012) Species factsheet. www.birdlife.org webgunetitik jaitsia 2012/05/07an
  2. (Ingelesez) IOC Master List

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Spizella atrogularis: Brief Summary ( baski )

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Spizella atrogularis Spizella generoko animalia da. Hegaztien barruko Emberizidae familian sailkatua dago.

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Bruant à menton noir ( ranska )

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Spizella atrogularis

Le Bruant à menton noir (Spizella atrogularis) est une espèce de passereau de la famille des Passerellidae originaire du continent nord-américain.

Habitat et répartition

Cet oiseau se trouve généralement dans le chaparral, les bouquets d'armoise, les garrigues arides et les coteaux broussailleux du sud-ouest des États-Unis (ouest du Texas à la Californie méridionale) et il migre en hiver vers le nord du Mexique et la Basse-Californie du Sud. Il y a aussi une population d'oiseaux non-migrateurs dans le centre du Mexique.

Notes et références

Voir aussi

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Bruant à menton noir: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Spizella atrogularis

Le Bruant à menton noir (Spizella atrogularis) est une espèce de passereau de la famille des Passerellidae originaire du continent nord-américain.

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Zwartkingors ( flaami )

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De zwartkingors (Spizella atrogularis) is een zangvogel uit de familie Emberizidae (gorzen).

Verspreiding en leefgebied

Deze soort telt 4 ondersoorten:

  • S. a. evura: de zuidwestelijk Verenigde Staten en noordelijk Sonora (noordwestelijk Mexico).
  • S. a. caurina: het westelijke deel van Centraal-Californië.
  • S. a. cana: zuidwestelijk Californië en noordelijk Baja California (noordwestelijk Mexico).
  • S. a. atrogularis: het noordelijke deel van Centraal-Mexico.

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Zwartkingors: Brief Summary ( flaami )

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De zwartkingors (Spizella atrogularis) is een zangvogel uit de familie Emberizidae (gorzen).

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Spizella atrogularis ( romania )

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Spizella atrogularisBlack-chinned Sparrow (Spizella atrogularis) (16690054929).jpgStare de conservareStatus iucn3.1 LC ro.svg
risc minim de disparițieClasificare științificăSupradomeniu[*]BiotaSupraregn[*]EukaryotaRegnAnimaliaSubregnBilateriaInfraregn[*]DeuterostomiaÎncrengăturăChordataSubîncrengăturăVertebrataInfraîncrengătură[*]GnathostomataSubîncrengăturăVertebrataSupraclasă[*]TetrapodaClasăAvesSubclasă[*]NeognathaeSupraordin[*]NeoavesOrdinPasseriformesFamilieEmberizidaeGenSpizellaNume binomialSpizella atrogularis[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12]Modifică date / text Consultați documentația formatului

Spizella atrogularis este o specie care are o gamă foarte largă și, prin urmare, nu se apropie de pragurile pentru Vulnerabil în conformitate cu criteriul dimensiunii intervalului (Existența <20.000 km2 combinată cu o dimensiune a intervalului de scădere sau fluctuant, a dimensiunii / calității habitatelor sau a dimensiunii populației și a unui număr mic de locații sau fragmentare severă). În ciuda faptului că tendința populației pare să scadă, declinul nu este considerat a fi suficient de rapid pentru a se apropia de pragurile pentru Vulnerabil în cadrul criteriului de tendință a populației (declin de peste 30% în decurs de zece ani sau trei generații). Dimensiunea populației este foarte mare și, prin urmare, nu se apropie de pragurile pentru Vulnerabil în funcție de criteriul mărimii populației (<10.000 persoane mature cu o scădere continuă estimată la> 10% în zece ani sau trei generații sau cu o structură specifică a populației) . Din aceste motive, specia este evaluată ca cea mai mică preocupare.


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Spizella atrogularis: Brief Summary ( romania )

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Spizella atrogularis este o specie care are o gamă foarte largă și, prin urmare, nu se apropie de pragurile pentru Vulnerabil în conformitate cu criteriul dimensiunii intervalului (Existența

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Chaparralsparv ( ruotsi )

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Chaparralsparv[2] (Spizella atrogularis) är en fågel i familjen amerikanska sparvar inom ordningen tättingar.[3]

Utbredning och systematik

Chaparralsparv delas in i fyra underarter med följande utbredning:[3]

Status och hot

Arten har ett stort utbredningsområde och en stor population, men tros minska i antal, dock inte tillräckligt kraftigt för att den ska betraktas som hotad.[1] Internationella naturvårdsunionen IUCN kategoriserar därför arten som livskraftig (LC).[1]


Chaparral är en sorts buskväxtlighet, framför allt på halvön Baja California och i Kalifornien.


  1. ^ [a b c] Birdlife International 2012 Spizella atrogularis Från: IUCN 2015. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2015.4 www.iucnredlist.org. Läst 2016-02-01.
  2. ^ Sveriges ornitologiska förening (2017) Officiella listan över svenska namn på världens fågelarter, läst 2017-02-14
  3. ^ [a b] Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, D. Roberson, T. A. Fredericks, B. L. Sullivan, and C. L. Wood (2017) The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 2017 http://www.birds.cornell.edu/clementschecklist/download, läst 2017-08-11

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Chaparralsparv: Brief Summary ( ruotsi )

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Chaparralsparv (Spizella atrogularis) är en fågel i familjen amerikanska sparvar inom ordningen tättingar.

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Spizella atrogularis ( vietnam )

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Spizella atrogularis là một loài chim trong họ Emberizidae.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Clements, J. F., T. S. Schulenberg, M. J. Iliff, B.L. Sullivan, C. L. Wood, and D. Roberson (2012). “The eBird/Clements checklist of birds of the world: Version 6.7.”. Truy cập ngày 19 tháng 12 năm 2012.

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Spizella atrogularis: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Spizella atrogularis là một loài chim trong họ Emberizidae.

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