
Tieteelliset nimet

Vaihtoehtoiset nimet

Afrocaeciliiti Lescure, Renous & Gasc 1986
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), and Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (synonymous original name) mukaan
Herpelinae Laurent 1984
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (synonymous original name), and Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (synonymous original name) mukaan
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Herpelini Lescure, Renous & Gasc 1986
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Herpeliti Lescure, Renous & Gasc 1986
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Herpeloidi Lescure, Renous & Gasc 1986
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Synonym taho(je)n Frost Darrel R 2018 Amphibian Species of the World (new combination or misspelling) mukaan
Siphonopoidi Lescure, Renous & Gasc 1986
Synonym taho(je)n EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 (new combination or misspelling) mukaan

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Kuratoidut hierarkiat kohteelle Herpelidae Laurent 1984