Mixophyes és un gènere de granotes de la família Myobatrachidae que es troba a Austràlia i a Nova Guinea.
Mixophyes és un gènere de granotes de la família Myobatrachidae que es troba a Austràlia i a Nova Guinea.
The barred frogs are a group of frogs in the genus Mixophyes. They are the largest of the Australian ground frogs, from the family Myobatrachidae.
The barred frogs are native to the eastern coast of Australia, with one species inhabiting New Guinea. They are restricted to rainforests and wet sclerophyll forests. They often habit under moist leaf litter, where they hunt small invertebrates. The males will also call from leaf litter close to a water source. It is suspected that the barred frog tadpoles eat carrion, if available, after both great barred frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus) and Fleay's barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi) tadpoles have both been observed eating carrion.[1]
The genus consists of large frogs; the giant barred frog is the second largest frog in Australia. All species have visible tympanums, maxillary and vomerine teeth, powerful legs, and webbed feet.
The barred frogs are a group of frogs in the genus Mixophyes. They are the largest of the Australian ground frogs, from the family Myobatrachidae.
The barred frogs are native to the eastern coast of Australia, with one species inhabiting New Guinea. They are restricted to rainforests and wet sclerophyll forests. They often habit under moist leaf litter, where they hunt small invertebrates. The males will also call from leaf litter close to a water source. It is suspected that the barred frog tadpoles eat carrion, if available, after both great barred frog (Mixophyes fasciolatus) and Fleay's barred frog (Mixophyes fleayi) tadpoles have both been observed eating carrion.
The genus consists of large frogs; the giant barred frog is the second largest frog in Australia. All species have visible tympanums, maxillary and vomerine teeth, powerful legs, and webbed feet.
Mixophyes es un género de ranas de la familia Myobatrachidae que se encuentra en Australia y Nueva Guinea.
Mixophyes es un género de ranas de la familia Myobatrachidae que se encuentra en Australia y Nueva Guinea.
Mixophyes anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Myobatrachidae familian sailkatua.
Mixophyes anfibio genero bat da, Anura ordenaren barruko Myobatrachidae familian sailkatua.
Mixophyes est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Myobatrachidae[1].
Les 8 espèces de ce genre se rencontrent dans l'est de l'Australie et dans le sud de la Nouvelle-Guinée[1].
Ce genre des Myobatrachidae depuis Frost, 2006 était classé avant dans les Limnodynastidae.
Selon Amphibian Species of the World (11 juin 2017)[2] :
Mixophyes est un genre d'amphibiens de la famille des Myobatrachidae.
Mixophyes is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Australische fluitkikkers (Myobatrachidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Albert Carl Lewis Gotthilf Günther in 1864. Later werd abusievelijk de wetenschappelijke naam Myxophyes gebruikt.[1]
Er zijn acht soorten die voorkomen in oostelijk Australië en zuidelijk Nieuw-Guinea.[2]
Geslacht Mixophyes
Mixophyes is een geslacht van kikkers uit de familie Australische fluitkikkers (Myobatrachidae). De groep werd voor het eerst wetenschappelijk beschreven door Albert Carl Lewis Gotthilf Günther in 1864. Later werd abusievelijk de wetenschappelijke naam Myxophyes gebruikt.
Er zijn acht soorten die voorkomen in oostelijk Australië en zuidelijk Nieuw-Guinea.
Mixophyes – rodzaj płazów bezogonowych z rodziny żółwinkowatych, obejmujący gatunki występujące we wschodniej Australii i południowej Nowej Gwinei[2].
Do rodzaju należą następujące gatunki[2]:
Nazwa naukowa i autor Nazwa zwyczajowa Mixophyes balbus Straughan, 1968 Mixophyes carbinensis Mahony, Donnellan, Richards & McDonald, 2006 Mixophyes coggeri Mahony, Donnellan, Richards & McDonald, 2006 Mixophyes fasciolatus Günther, 1864 Mixophyes fleayi Corben & Ingram, 1987 Mixophyes hihihorlo Donnellan, Mahony & Davies, 1990 Mixophyes iteratus Straughan, 1968 Mixophyes schevilli Loveridge, 1933Mixophyes – rodzaj płazów bezogonowych z rodziny żółwinkowatych, obejmujący gatunki występujące we wschodniej Australii i południowej Nowej Gwinei.
Mixophyes é um gênero de anfíbios anuros, nativos da Austrália, pertencentes à família Myobatrachidae. São nativos da costa leste da Austrália, com uma espécie que habita a Nova Guiné e são restritos à floresta tropical e à vegetação esclerófila. O gênero consiste em grandes rãs e todas as espécies possuem tímpanos visíveis, maxilares e poderosas pernas.
Barker, J.; Grigg, G.C. & Tyler, M.J. (1995). A Field Guide to Australian Frogs. [S.l.]: Surrey Beatty & Sons. ISBN 0-949324-61-2
Mixophyes é um gênero de anfíbios anuros, nativos da Austrália, pertencentes à família Myobatrachidae. São nativos da costa leste da Austrália, com uma espécie que habita a Nova Guiné e são restritos à floresta tropical e à vegetação esclerófila. O gênero consiste em grandes rãs e todas as espécies possuem tímpanos visíveis, maxilares e poderosas pernas.
Mixophyes là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Myobatrachidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 8 loài và 38% bị đe dọa hoặc tuyệt chủng.[1]
Mixophyes là một chi động vật lưỡng cư trong họ Myobatrachidae, thuộc bộ Anura. Chi này có 8 loài và 38% bị đe dọa hoặc tuyệt chủng.