Apatelodidae, the American silkworm moths, is a family of insects in the order Lepidoptera. They are a family within the superfamily Bombycoidea,[2][1] though they have in the past been considered a subfamily of Bombycidae.
Species are exclusively found in the New World, with the highest diversity in the Neotropical realm.
Apatelodidae is undergoing taxonomic and phylogenetic revision,[3] as a result of which the exact numbers of genera and species included have been subject to frequent change. "A global checklist of the Bombycoidea" (Kitching et al. 2018) lists twelve genera and 182 species for the family.[1][4]
Not included in the checklist are taxonomic changes that occurred shortly before, or since, publication. Some examples of such changes are the addition of genera Arotros (transferred from Bombycidae in 2019)[4] and Asocia (newly described in 2021)[5] to Apatelodidae, the synonymization of Apatelodes florisa to Apatelodes schreiteri,[3] or the description of several new species such as Apatelodes navarroi,[3] Pantelodes camacana,[6] and seven new species of Arotros.[7]
Apatelodidae has historically been placed as subfamily Apatelodinae within the Bombycidae, alongside Phiditiinae and Epiinae. Recent revisions of the taxonomy of Bombycoidea have seen both Apatelodidae and Phiditiidae elevated to separate families within the superfamily, while Epiinae remains a subfamily of Bombycidae. During those taxonomical revisions, several genera formerly placed in Apatelodinae—such as Anticla and Quentalia—were transferred to Epiinae.[4]
The list below follows the 2018 Global Checklist of Bombycoidea of Kitching et al,[1] with exception of changes since, in which case an additional reference is given.
Apatelodidae, the American silkworm moths, is a family of insects in the order Lepidoptera. They are a family within the superfamily Bombycoidea, though they have in the past been considered a subfamily of Bombycidae.
Les Apatelodidae sont une famille de lépidoptères (papillons) de la super-famille des Bombycoidea.
Ce taxon constituait auparavant une sous-famille de la famille des Bombycidae, sous le nom d'Apatelodinae. Il a été élevé au rang de famille à la suite d'analyses de phylogénétique moléculaire[1].
Les Apatelodidae contiennent environ 180 espèces, réparties dans 12 genres[1] :
Les Apatelodidae sont une famille de lépidoptères (papillons) de la super-famille des Bombycoidea.
Gli Apatelodidi (Apatelodidae Neumoegen & Dyar, 1894) sono una famiglia di lepidotteri di medie dimensioni, diffusi in America settentrionale, centrale e meridionale.[1]
Il corpo è abbastanza robusto e fusiforme, mentre le ali hanno una colorazione di fondo che varia dal bianco al giallo-arancione, fino al brunastro, a seconda della specie.
I dati relativi alla loro fisiologia ed etologia sono piuttosto esigui.
L'areale va dal sud degli Stati Uniti d'America al nord dell'America Meridionale.
La famiglia si suddivide in due sottofamiglie, per un totale di sedici generi:
Non sono stati riportati sinonimi.
Gli Apatelodidi (Apatelodidae Neumoegen & Dyar, 1894) sono una famiglia di lepidotteri di medie dimensioni, diffusi in America settentrionale, centrale e meridionale.
De Apatelodidae zijn een familie van vlinders uit de superfamilie Bombycoidea. Het typegeslacht van de familie is Apatelodes. Deze groep werd traditioneel tot de familie van de echte spinners (Bombycidae) gerekend. Naar aanleiding van fylogenetisch onderzoek waardeerde Zwick in 2008[1] de status van de groep op tot die van zelfstandige familie. Die visie werd in 2011 door Van Nieukerken et al. gevolgd.[2]
Soorten uit deze familie komen uitsluitend voor in de Nieuwe Wereld.
De Apatelodidae zijn een familie van vlinders uit de superfamilie Bombycoidea. Het typegeslacht van de familie is Apatelodes. Deze groep werd traditioneel tot de familie van de echte spinners (Bombycidae) gerekend. Naar aanleiding van fylogenetisch onderzoek waardeerde Zwick in 2008 de status van de groep op tot die van zelfstandige familie. Die visie werd in 2011 door Van Nieukerken et al. gevolgd.
Soorten uit deze familie komen uitsluitend voor in de Nieuwe Wereld.