
Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Trichilia havanensis Jacq. Enum. PI. Carib. 20. 1760
Trichilia odorata Andr. Bot. Repos. pi. 637. 1811.
Trichilia moschata odorata DC. Prodr. 1: 623. 1824.
Moschoxylum odoratum A. Juss. Mem. Mus. Paris 19: 239. 1830.
Trichilia moschata octandra Macfad. Fl. Jam. 1: 171. 1837.
Trichilia minor A. Rich. Ess. Fl. Cuba 301. 1842.
Moschoxylum veragtiasense Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald 93. 1853.
Moschoxylum cuneatum Turcz. Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 31 1 : 413. 1858.
Portcsia 'ovata Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. Ind. 130, in part. 1859. Not P. orala Cav. 1789.
Portesia glabra Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 47. 1866.
Trichilia havanensis lanceolata C. DC. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1: 677. 1878.
Trichilia havanensis multijuga C. DC. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1: 677. 1878.
Trichilia jamaicensis C. DC. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1: 678. 1878.
Trichilia jamaicensis brevifolia C. DC. in DC. Monog. Phan. 1: 679. 1878.
Trichilia Lehmanni C. DC. Bull. Herb. Boiss. 2: 571. 1894.
Trichilia havanensis spatitlata Rose, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 1: 314. 1895. Trichilia alajuelana O. DC; Donn. Smith, Enum. PI. Gnat. S: 13, hyponym. 1899. Trichilia havanensis pilipetala C. DC. Bull. Herb. Boiss. II. 6: 985. 1906. Trichilia Bakeri C. DC. Ann. Cons. Jard. Geneve 10: 158. 1907.
A shrub 2.5-5 m. high, or a small tree, occasionally 11-15 m. tall; twigs brown or grayishbrown, puberulent to glabrous; leaves 7-29 cm. long; petioles and rachis glabrous or pubescent with short more or less scattered and appressed hairs, the rachis often with reflexed, narrow wing-margins; leaflets 3-9, opposite or subopposite, narrowly obovate to broadly obovate, occasionally somewhat spatulate or oblanceolate, elliptic or oval, rounded or acutish at the apex, cuneate at the base, sessile or short-petioluled, glabrous, lustrous above, minutely pellucid-dotted; inflorescence axillary, often congested, corymbiform; flowerslong-pedicelled, the pedicels jointed at the base: calyx deeply 4or 5-lobed, the lobes ovate to suborbicular, acute, hirsutulous to nearly glabrous; petals ovate to oval, 3.5-5 mm. long, 2.5-3 mm. broad, acutish or obtuse, glabrous or nearly so; staminal tube urceolate, sometimes lobed, loosely villose within, glabrous or nearly so without; anthers glabrous; ovary sessile on the disk, glabrous; capsule ovate to subglobose, 9-13 mm. long, 7.5-12 mm. broad, glabrous; seeds 5-6.5 mm. long.
Type locality: In mountain woods around Havana.
Distribution: Cuba. Jamaica, Mexico, and Central America; also in South America.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Trichilia oerstediana C. DC. in DC. Monog. Phan 1: 677. 1878.
Trichilia Donnell-Smilhii C. DC. Bot. Gaz. 19: 2. 1894.
Trichilia Donnell-Smilhii uniovulala C. DC. Bot. Gaz. 19: 3. 1S94.
A shrub or small tree with grayish or grayish-brown branches, the twigs, branches of the inflorescence, petioles, rachis, and under surface of the leaflets more or less densely hispidulous, especially when young; leaves odd-pinnate or occasionally equally pinnate through the suppression of the terminal leaflet, 12-17 cm. long; petioles terete or nearly so, 2.5-4 cm. long; rachis with or without wing-margins, the wings recurved; leaflets 5-11, oblong-obovate to obovate, 5-8 cm. long, 1.5-3 cm. broad, rounded or obtusely short-acuminate at the apex, cuneate at the base, hispidulous above; panicles axillary, shorter than the petioles; flowers short-pedicellate; calyx 4or sometimes 5-parted, the lobes short-ovate or short-triangularovate, hirsute on the back; petals 4 or sometimes 5, broadly elliptic to oval or ovate, 4—4.5 mm. long, 2-3 mm. broad, acute or rounded at the apex, hispidulous on the back; staminal tube subcampanulate, pilose without and on the inside, 8or occasionally 10-lobed, each lobe cleft; anthers sessile between the teeth; ovary subglobose, glabrous, sessile in the shallow saucer-shaped disk; style about as long as the ovary; stigma depressed; capsule 3-valved, coriaceous, the valves dehiscent to the middle or below; seeds 3 or 4, elliptic, flattened, concave on the inner face.
In the variety the young twigs, petioles, and rachis are velvety-hispidulous; leaves 15-22
cm. long; leaflets 3-9, broadly obovate, 5-13 cm. long, 2.5-5.5 cm. broad; ovules solitary in
each cell of the ovary.
Type locality : Nicaragua. Distribution: Guatemala and Nicaragua.
bibliografinen lainaus
John Kunkel Small, Lenda Tracy Hanks, Nathaniel Lord Britton. 1907. GERANIALES, GERANIACEAE, OXALIDACEAE, LINACEAE, ERYTHROXYLACEAE. North American flora. vol 25(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora