
Brief Summary ( englanti )

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The "Mexican jumping bean" consists of a hollow "bean" that houses a larva of the tortricid moth Cydia deshaisiana (commonly encountered synonyms for this moth include Carpocapsa saltitans, Cydia saltitans, Carpocapsa deshaisiana, and Laspeyresia saltitans).Each "bean" is actually a carpel, the basic female reproductive unit in a flower, and the larvae feed on the developing seeds within these capsules. Mexican jumping beans occur in northwestern Mexico (the "Mexican jumping bean capitol of the world" is supposedly near the town of Alamos, Sonora).

In early summer, the female C. deshaisiana deposits her eggs on the developing carpels/capsules of several plant species in the family Euphorbiaceae (Hostplants and Caterpillars Database at the Natural History Museum) and the larva apparently eats its way in. The capsules drop to the ground during the summer rainy season. Summer temperatures in areas where Mexican jumping beans are found may climb extremely high. High temperatures cause the larva to move its capsule more, presumably an adaptive behavior to avoid cooking in the sun. Larvae overwinter within the capsule. In the spring, the larva cuts a circular trapdoor in the capsule, then pupates within it. Following metamorphosis, the newly transformed adult moth pushes open the trapdoor and emerges.

While inside its capsule, the larva attaches itself with silk threads. The motion of the capsule is caused by moving the threads in one of two ways. If the larva walks around the inside surface of the capsule, the capsule rolls. If the larva grabs the shell with its posterior prolegs and rapidly strikes the capsule with its other end, however, the capsule jumps. Activity patterns vary with ambient temperature. For example, at 30° C the capsules may jump 30 times per minute for 15 minutes, followed by an inactive period ofup to 24 h. At 45° C, capsules may move 40 times per minute. West et al. (2012) used computer modeling and experiments with robots and real jumping beans to study the locomotory behavior of these remarkable moth larvae.

The earliest widely disseminated account of Mexican jumping beans was the presentation on "Jumping Seeds and Galls" by the pioneering (British-born) American entomologist C.V. Riley at a meeting of the Academy of Sciences of St. Louis, an account of which was printed in The American Naturalist in 1876. Riley published a version of this account in the Proceedings of the U.S. National Museum in 1883.

(Heckrotte 1983 and references therein; Gilligan and Epstein 2012)

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Cydia deshaisiana ( valencia )

tarjonnut wikipedia CA
Mongeta mostrant la tapadora de la pupa

Cydia deshaisiana o l'arna que salta del fesol és una arna originària de Mèxic que és més coneguda per la seva larva que habita els carpels tde les llavors de diverses espècies d'arbusts del gènere Sebastiania (S. pavoniana o S. palmeri). Aquestes llavors reben el nom comú de mongetes mexicanes saltants.

L'arna pon l'ou en tavelles joves. La larva desclosa entra dins la llavor i tanca el petit forat d'entrada durant el seu creixement. Quan la llavor s'escalfa sobtadament, per exemple per mantenir-la en la palma de la mà, la larva es caragola i té espasmes causant els característics salts. Dir que és un salt és una exageració però el cas és que la llavor es mou.

La larva pot viure diversos mesos dins la llavor i passa per diversos períodes de dormància.

Per pupar necessita una humitat adequada.


Carpocapsa saltitans o Laspeyresia saltitanscarpo indica que viu dins una llavor i l'epítet específic saltitans es refereix als salts.


 src= A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a: Cydia deshaisiana Modifica l'enllaç a Wikidata
  • (1876). Jumping Seeds and Galls. American Naturalist, Vol. 10(4):216-218.

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Cydia deshaisiana: Brief Summary ( valencia )

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 src= Mongeta mostrant la tapadora de la pupa

Cydia deshaisiana o l'arna que salta del fesol és una arna originària de Mèxic que és més coneguda per la seva larva que habita els carpels tde les llavors de diverses espècies d'arbusts del gènere Sebastiania (S. pavoniana o S. palmeri). Aquestes llavors reben el nom comú de mongetes mexicanes saltants.

L'arna pon l'ou en tavelles joves. La larva desclosa entra dins la llavor i tanca el petit forat d'entrada durant el seu creixement. Quan la llavor s'escalfa sobtadament, per exemple per mantenir-la en la palma de la mà, la larva es caragola i té espasmes causant els característics salts. Dir que és un salt és una exageració però el cas és que la llavor es mou.

La larva pot viure diversos mesos dins la llavor i passa per diversos períodes de dormància.

Per pupar necessita una humitat adequada.

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Cydia saltitans ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Bean showing "trap door", Pupal casing.
The bean and its moth.

Cydia saltitans or jumping bean moth is a moth from Mexico that is most widely known as its larva, where it inhabits the carpels of seeds from several related shrubby trees, mainly Sebastiania pavoniana or Sapium biloculare (syn. Pleradenophora bilocularis).[1] These seeds are commonly known as Mexican jumping beans.

The moth lays the egg on the young capsule. The hatched larva gnaws into the fruit, which closes the minute hole during its growth. The larva attaches itself to the capsule with many silken threads by hooks on its anal and four hind abdominal prolegs. When the fruit is warmed, for instance by being held in the palm of the hand, the larva twitches, pulling on the threads and causing the characteristic hop. "Jump" is often an exaggeration, but the beans nonetheless do move around quite a bit.

The larva may live for months inside the fruit with periods of inactivity. It eats away the seed inside the capsule, making a hollow for itself. If the fruit is cut, the larva will repair the hole with silk.

If the larva has suitable conditions such as moisture, it will live long enough to go into a pupal stage. In preparation for this, it eats a circular hole through the shell and closes it again with a silken plug. This is to enable the jawless adult moth to escape from the fruit. After completion of the exit hole it spins a cocoon within the fruit, with a passageway leading to the opening. During the following pupal stage the larva will not move any more. Normally in the spring, the moth will force its way out of what remains of the fruit, through the round "trapdoor", leaving behind the pupal casing.

The small, jawless silver and gray-colored moth will live for only a few days.


In most of the historical literature prior to 2020, the name of this species is given as deshaisiana and attributed to Lucas, 1858. However, careful examination of the source literature revealed that Lucas' name has never been available (a nomen nudum under the ICZN rules), and also that Westwood's original name, Carpocapsa saltitans, had evidently been introduced earlier in that same year (Westwood's first appeared in July 1858 and Lucas' in November).[2] Westwood coined the name using elements referring to the behavior; carpo and capsa indicating that it lives within a seed (see podocarp), and saltitans referring to its jumping behavior.

See also


  • (1876). Jumping Seeds and Galls. American Naturalist, Vol. 10(4): 216–218.
  1. ^ a b c d Webster, Grady L. (October 1967). "The Genera of Euphorbiaceae in the Southeastern United States". Journal of the Arnold Arboretum (GIF). 48 (4): 386–387. JSTOR 43782494. OCLC 3178505.
  2. ^ Todd M. Gilligan, John W. Brown, Joaquín Baixeras (2020) Immigrant Tortricidae: Holarctic versus introduced species in North America. Insects 11, 594 (59 pp.) doi:10.3390/insects11090594
  3. ^ Humphreys, Kim; Darling, D. Christopher (21 August 2013). "Not looking where you are leaping: a novel method of oriented travel in the caterpillar Calindoea trifascialis (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Thyrididae)". Biology Letters. 9 (5): 20130397. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0397. ISSN 1744-957X. OCLC 5145587411. PMC 3971676. PMID 23966594.
  4. ^ "Jumping Galls". waynesword.palomar.edu. Retrieved 28 July 2018.
  5. ^ Marshall, Michael (18 August 2014). "Zoologger: The secret hop of the Californian flea seed". NewScientist. Retrieved 27 July 2018.

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Cydia saltitans: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN
Bean showing "trap door", Pupal casing. The bean and its moth.

Cydia saltitans or jumping bean moth is a moth from Mexico that is most widely known as its larva, where it inhabits the carpels of seeds from several related shrubby trees, mainly Sebastiania pavoniana or Sapium biloculare (syn. Pleradenophora bilocularis). These seeds are commonly known as Mexican jumping beans.

The moth lays the egg on the young capsule. The hatched larva gnaws into the fruit, which closes the minute hole during its growth. The larva attaches itself to the capsule with many silken threads by hooks on its anal and four hind abdominal prolegs. When the fruit is warmed, for instance by being held in the palm of the hand, the larva twitches, pulling on the threads and causing the characteristic hop. "Jump" is often an exaggeration, but the beans nonetheless do move around quite a bit.

The larva may live for months inside the fruit with periods of inactivity. It eats away the seed inside the capsule, making a hollow for itself. If the fruit is cut, the larva will repair the hole with silk.

If the larva has suitable conditions such as moisture, it will live long enough to go into a pupal stage. In preparation for this, it eats a circular hole through the shell and closes it again with a silken plug. This is to enable the jawless adult moth to escape from the fruit. After completion of the exit hole it spins a cocoon within the fruit, with a passageway leading to the opening. During the following pupal stage the larva will not move any more. Normally in the spring, the moth will force its way out of what remains of the fruit, through the round "trapdoor", leaving behind the pupal casing.

The small, jawless silver and gray-colored moth will live for only a few days.

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Cydia deshaisiana ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Cydia deshaisiana (le carpocapse des euphorbiacées) ou papillon du pois sauteur vit au Mexique ; sa larve s'introduit et se développe dans les capsules à trois loges des plantes du genre Sebastiania (S. pavoniana ou S. palmeri). Ces graines sont bien connues sous le nom de pois sauteur du Mexique depuis que le magazine Pif Gadget les a fait[1] connaître en 1971.


Le papillon pond ses œufs sur la jeune graine. La larve la ronge, entre dans la graine, et ferme l’orifice avec un bouchon de soie pour la durée de sa croissance. Elle se fixe à l’intérieur de la fève grâce à de nombreux fils de soie, par des crochets anaux et quatre pattes abdominales. Quand la fève est rapidement réchauffée, par exemple en étant tenue dans la paume de la main, la larve se détend spasmodiquement, tirant sur les fils et provoquant le saut caractéristique. Pois « sauteur » est souvent exagéré, mais les fèves sont néanmoins loin d'être immobiles.

La larve peut vivre pendant des mois à l'intérieur de la fève avec de plus ou moins longues périodes de sommeil. Elle consomme l'intérieur de la fève, puis y tisse un véritable cocon. Si la coque est trouée, la larve la répare avec sa soie.

Si les conditions de chaleur et d’humidité sont favorables, la larve se transforme alors en chrysalide. L’orifice d’entrée refermé avec la soie permettra au papillon de s’échapper de la graine. Pendant cette étape de nymphose, la larve n’est plus active.

Le petit papillon terne gris et argent sort généralement de la fève au printemps, et ne vit ensuite que quelques jours.

Enveloppe de la chrysalide, devant son pois évidé.
Un pois sauteur en mouvement.


Les synonymes usuels de cette espèce sont Carpocapsa saltitans ou Laspeyresia saltitanscarpo indiquant qu’elle vit dans une graine (voir Podocarpaceae), et saltitans faisant référence à son comportement sauteur.

Régions d'origine

L’arbuste de Sebastiania croît principalement au Nord-Ouest du Mexique dans la région de Sonora et Alamo (appelée localement « la capitale mondiale du pois sauteur »), et les régions de Tacámbaro et Turicato dans le sud-ouest (région du Michoacán). On le trouve aussi dans les États du sud, notamment celui de Veracruz.


Le numéro 137 du magazine Pif Gadget du 4 octobre 1971 qui proposait cet étrange cadeau atteindra le tirage record de 1 million d'exemplaires. La formule sera reprise plus tard, notamment dans des éditions régionales.


  • (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé .

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Cydia deshaisiana: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Cydia deshaisiana (le carpocapse des euphorbiacées) ou papillon du pois sauteur vit au Mexique ; sa larve s'introduit et se développe dans les capsules à trois loges des plantes du genre Sebastiania (S. pavoniana ou S. palmeri). Ces graines sont bien connues sous le nom de pois sauteur du Mexique depuis que le magazine Pif Gadget les a fait connaître en 1971.

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Springboonmot ( flaami )

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De Springboonmot (Cydia deshaisiana) is een vlinder uit de familie van de bladrollers (Tortricidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1858 door Lucas.

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Cydia deshaisiana ( portugali )

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Cydia deshaisiana é uma espécie de mariposa da família Tortricidae. Encontrada no México, é mais conhecida por proporcionar o fenômeno dos feijões saltadores, no qual a larva da espécie penetra e se movimenta no interior de sementes de várias espécies de plantas do gênero Sebastiania (S. pavoniana ou S. palmeri).

A mariposa coloca os ovos na vagem jovem. As larvas quando eclodem roem e entram para o interior da semente, que fecha a abertura diminuta durante o seu crescimento. A larva se adere ao feijão com muitos fios de seda através de ganchos na região anal e quatro pseudopatas abdominais. Quando o feijão é abruptamente aquecido, quando por exemplo é colocado na palma da mão, as contrações musculares e espasmos da larva, puxando os fios de seda, causam o característico “pulo”. “Pulo” é muitas vezes um exagero, mas o feijão realmente se move um pouco.

A larva pode viver por meses dentro do feijão, com diferentes períodos de dormência. Ela come o interior do feijão, deixando-o oco. Se a semente é cortada, a larva irá reparar o buraco com seda.

Se a larva tem condições adequadas, tais como umidade, ela vai entrar no estado de pupa. Em preparação para isso ela come um furo circular na casca do feijão em Fevereiro e torna a fecha-lo com um tampão de seda. Isso é para permitir que o adulto mariposa, sem mandíbula, possa escapar da semente. Depois de sair da semente ela cria um casulo dentro da semente com uma passagem que leva até a porta de saída. Durante a fase seguinte a larva pupa não se move mais. Normalmente, na Primavera, a mariposa vai forçar seu caminho através de um “alçapão”, deixando para trás o invólucro pupal.

A pequena mariposa, sem mandíbulas, de cor prata e cinza, viverá por somente alguns dias.

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Cydia deshaisiana ( ruotsi )

tarjonnut wikipedia SV

Cydia deshaisiana är en liten fjäril i familjen vecklare som förekommer i Mexiko. Dess larv lever i frukter från Sebastiana pavoniana, en växt i familjen törelväxter. För att skydda sig mot uttorkning kan larven om den utsätts för allt för hög värme, till exempel på grund av att frukten hamnat i direkt sol, genom sina rörelser få även frukten att röra sig. Genom att kunna flytta bort den frukt den lever ifrån den starkaste solen ökar larven sin chans att överleva, eftersom uttorkning kan döda den. Det förekommer att frukterna med larver av den här fjärilen inuti säljs som hoppande bönor.

Som andra fjärilar har denna lilla vecklare en utveckling som omfattar ett puppstadium. Innan förpuppningen gör larven ett hål i frukten som sedan täcks med silke. Detta för att den fullbildade fjärilen, vilken saknar käkar, skall kunna ta sig ut ur frukten. Den fullbildade fjärilen, imagon, är gråaktig och har en vingbredd på 18-25 millimeter.


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Cydia deshaisiana: Brief Summary ( ruotsi )

tarjonnut wikipedia SV

Cydia deshaisiana är en liten fjäril i familjen vecklare som förekommer i Mexiko. Dess larv lever i frukter från Sebastiana pavoniana, en växt i familjen törelväxter. För att skydda sig mot uttorkning kan larven om den utsätts för allt för hög värme, till exempel på grund av att frukten hamnat i direkt sol, genom sina rörelser få även frukten att röra sig. Genom att kunna flytta bort den frukt den lever ifrån den starkaste solen ökar larven sin chans att överleva, eftersom uttorkning kan döda den. Det förekommer att frukterna med larver av den här fjärilen inuti säljs som hoppande bönor.

Som andra fjärilar har denna lilla vecklare en utveckling som omfattar ett puppstadium. Innan förpuppningen gör larven ett hål i frukten som sedan täcks med silke. Detta för att den fullbildade fjärilen, vilken saknar käkar, skall kunna ta sig ut ur frukten. Den fullbildade fjärilen, imagon, är gråaktig och har en vingbredd på 18-25 millimeter.

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