Die savannevoëlslang (Thelotornis capensis) is 'n slang wat in die noorde van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Die slang is skraal en die kop is kenmerkend lansvormig. Die vel het ingewikkelde patrone wat baie goeie kamoeflering bied. Die reptiel flits sy tong aanhoudend; die tong is rooi met 'n swart punt. Hy kan ook sy keel opblaas wanneer hy gepla word. Die slang is bedags aktief en boomlewend. Hy leef van verkleurmannetjies, geitjies en voëltjies. Sy gif is hemotoksies en kan noodlottig vir mense wees. Dit staan ook bekend as die takslang.
Die savannevoëlslang (Thelotornis capensis) is 'n slang wat in die noorde van Suid-Afrika voorkom. Die slang is skraal en die kop is kenmerkend lansvormig. Die vel het ingewikkelde patrone wat baie goeie kamoeflering bied. Die reptiel flits sy tong aanhoudend; die tong is rooi met 'n swart punt. Hy kan ook sy keel opblaas wanneer hy gepla word. Die slang is bedags aktief en boomlewend. Hy leef van verkleurmannetjies, geitjies en voëltjies. Sy gif is hemotoksies en kan noodlottig vir mense wees. Dit staan ook bekend as die takslang.
Nyoka-kijiti ni spishi za nyoka wa jenasi Thelotornis katika familia Colubridae. Wakikaa tuli mtini wanafanana na kijiti au kitawi kilichokauka.
Nyoka hawa ni wembamba sana na warefu kiasi: kwa wastani sm 90-130 na kipeo cha m 1.4-1.6 kulingana na spishi. Kichwa kina umbo wa mshale na mboni zina umbo wa tundu la ufunguo. Rangi yao ni kijivu au kahawia lakini kichwa ni kijani kabisa au juu yake tu.
Nyoka-kijiti huishi mitini ambapo huwinda mijusi, vyura na ndege wadogo. Mara nyingi hukaa chini kiasi ili waweze kushambulia mawindo yaliyo ardhini.
Chonge zao ni meno ya nyuma kabisa lakini wanaweza kuingiza sumu waking'ata mtu. Kwa bahati nzuri nyoka hawa ni waraufu na hawang'ati kwa kawaidi. Hata hivyo sumu hii ni toksinidamu kali na hakuna makata na mara nyingine watu hufa baada ya kuumwa. Nyoka hawa wakitishwa shingo yao inafura na kuonyesha mabaka meusi au kahawia.
Nyoka-kijiti ni spishi za nyoka wa jenasi Thelotornis katika familia Colubridae. Wakikaa tuli mtini wanafanana na kijiti au kitawi kilichokauka.
Nyoka hawa ni wembamba sana na warefu kiasi: kwa wastani sm 90-130 na kipeo cha m 1.4-1.6 kulingana na spishi. Kichwa kina umbo wa mshale na mboni zina umbo wa tundu la ufunguo. Rangi yao ni kijivu au kahawia lakini kichwa ni kijani kabisa au juu yake tu.
Nyoka-kijiti huishi mitini ambapo huwinda mijusi, vyura na ndege wadogo. Mara nyingi hukaa chini kiasi ili waweze kushambulia mawindo yaliyo ardhini.
Chonge zao ni meno ya nyuma kabisa lakini wanaweza kuingiza sumu waking'ata mtu. Kwa bahati nzuri nyoka hawa ni waraufu na hawang'ati kwa kawaidi. Hata hivyo sumu hii ni toksinidamu kali na hakuna makata na mara nyingine watu hufa baada ya kuumwa. Nyoka hawa wakitishwa shingo yao inafura na kuonyesha mabaka meusi au kahawia.
The twig snakes (genus Thelotornis), also commonly known as bird snakes or vine snakes, are a genus of rear-fanged venomous snakes in the family Colubridae. The genus is native to Africa. All species in the genus have a slender and elongated profile, a long tail, a narrow head, and a pointed snout. The eye of all species has a horizontal pupil, shaped like a keyhole, which gives twig snakes binocular vision. Twig snakes are greyish-brown with faint light and dark markings. When threatened, they inflate the throat to display bold black markings between the scales. Twig snake bites are potentially deadly: the venom is hemotoxic, affecting the blood clotting mechanism and causing uncontrolled bleeding and internal hemorrhaging.[2] Bites by twig snakes have caused death in humans; famous herpetologist Robert Mertens died after being bitten by his pet savanna vine snake (Thelotornis capensis). However, envenomed bites are extremely rare when not handling the snake, as the fangs can't breach the skin except in a few places like the web between the thumb and fingers.
The genus Thelotornis contains four species which are recognized as being valid.[3]
Nota bene: A binomial authority in parentheses indicates that the species was originally described in a genus other than Thelotornis.
Twig snakes are among the few rear-fanged colubrids whose bite is highly venomous and potentially fatal.[4] The venom is hemotoxic, and although its effects are very slow, and bites are rare, no antivenom has been developed and several fatalities (such as Robert Mertens) have occurred. They prey on birds, lizards and frogs, and conceal themselves in trees, though often at a low enough level to be able to also strike at terrestrial prey, which they may swallow upwards after killing. Their cryptic coloration and apparent ability to freeze or sway gently, as chameleons do, like a twig on a tree (hence the name), makes them hard to spot. Indeed, they may be more abundant in areas than is immediately obvious.
The African twig snakes are distinctive in appearance and unlikely on that continent to be mistaken for any other snake, if indeed the observer notices them. Thelotornis is characterised by a depressed and flat head, keyhole-shaped pupils, and in T. kirtlandii, a projecting canthus rostralis which forms a shallow loreal groove on each side of the head, which allows some binocular vision. In appearance, the head at least is unlikely to be mistaken for any other African snake. Other characteristics include a very long tail and large back fangs. The iris in T. capensis and T. kirtlandii is yellow, and presumably therefore also in T. usambaricus.
The specific name, kirtlandii, is in honor of American naturalist Jared Potter Kirtland.[5]
The twig snakes (genus Thelotornis), also commonly known as bird snakes or vine snakes, are a genus of rear-fanged venomous snakes in the family Colubridae. The genus is native to Africa. All species in the genus have a slender and elongated profile, a long tail, a narrow head, and a pointed snout. The eye of all species has a horizontal pupil, shaped like a keyhole, which gives twig snakes binocular vision. Twig snakes are greyish-brown with faint light and dark markings. When threatened, they inflate the throat to display bold black markings between the scales. Twig snake bites are potentially deadly: the venom is hemotoxic, affecting the blood clotting mechanism and causing uncontrolled bleeding and internal hemorrhaging. Bites by twig snakes have caused death in humans; famous herpetologist Robert Mertens died after being bitten by his pet savanna vine snake (Thelotornis capensis). However, envenomed bites are extremely rare when not handling the snake, as the fangs can't breach the skin except in a few places like the web between the thumb and fingers.
Thelotornis es un género de serpientes venenosas que pertenecen a la familia de los colúbridos.[1] El género agrupa a 4 especies que se distribuyen en África.
Se distinguen las siguientes especies:[1]
Thelotornis es un género de serpientes venenosas que pertenecen a la familia de los colúbridos. El género agrupa a 4 especies que se distribuyen en África.
Liaanimadu (Thelotornis) on maoperekond.[1]
Liaanimadude perekonda klassifitseeritakse roomajate andmebaasis järgmised maoliigid[2]:
Need maod on levinud Aafrikas, sh Sambias[3].
Need päevase eluviisiga Colubridae sugukonna maod ei ole agressiivsed. Ometi on kokkupuuted inimestega lõppenud kas eluohtliku mürgitsusseisundi või koguni surmaga.[4]
Selles artiklis on kasutatud prantsuskeelset artiklit fr:Thelotornis seisuga 26.01.2014.
Theletornis Colubridae familiako narrasti genero bat da. Afrikan bizi dira.
Theletornis Colubridae familiako narrasti genero bat da. Afrikan bizi dira.
Thelotornis est un genre de serpents de la famille des Colubridae[1].
Les espèces de ce genre se rencontrent en Afrique[1].
Les Thelotornis sont appelés serpents lianes africains ou serpents oiseaux, très proches de Dispholidus typus ou boomslang. Quand bien même les Colubridae possèdent des venins relativement peu actifs, les Thelotornis possèdent un venin hémotoxique extrêmement actif sur l'homme, d'ailleurs un herpétologiste de renom comme Mertens a succombé à la morsure de ce reptile. Les yeux de ces espèces ont des pupilles horizontales, en forme de trous de serrure, ce qui leur confèrent une vision binoculaire comme pour les espèces du genre Ahaetulla asiatique. Lorsqu'il se sent menacé, le serpent liane africain gonfle la gorge pour afficher les taches noires entre les écailles. Il convient de ne pas prendre cette parade à la légère car ce reptile est bien plus entreprenant que son cousin le Boomslang.
Selon Reptarium Reptile Database (12 mars 2012)[2] :
Thelotornis est un genre de serpents de la famille des Colubridae.
Ular-ranting Afrika atau genus Thelotornis, adalah genus ular pohon dari suku Colubridae yang terdapat di Afrika.
Semua spesies bertubuh panjang, ramping, dan kecil. Kepala berbentuk seperti anak panah. Mata ular ranting berbentuk horizontal seperti sedang memejamkan mata. Warna tubuh ular ini cokelat kelabu seperti ranting pohon. Ular ini aktif pada malam hari. Mangsanya adalah kadal, burung, cecak, bunglon, dan mamalia kecil pohon. Bisa ular ini dapat membunuh manusia. Ular ini berkerabat dekat dengan ular Boomslang.
Tersebar luas di seluruh Afrika bagian tengah mulai dari Somalia bagian selatan, Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambik, Zomba, Zambia, dan Zimbabwe di sebelah timur hingga Angola, Kongo, Gabon, Guinea Khatulistiwa, Kamerun, dan Nigeria Tenggara di sebelah barat.
Ular-ranting Afrika atau genus Thelotornis, adalah genus ular pohon dari suku Colubridae yang terdapat di Afrika.
Thelotornis[1] este un gen de șerpi din familia Colubridae.[1]
Cladograma conform Catalogue of Life[1]:
(ajutor)Mentenanță CS1: Nume multiple: lista autorilor (link)
Thelotornis kırbaç yılanıgiller familyasından zehirli bir yılan cinsidir. Cinsin bireyleri Dispholidus typus ile yakın akrabadırlar. Modern herpetolojinin kurucusu sayılan Robert Mertens 1975'te bu yılanın ısırığı sonucunda öldü.[1]
Cinse ait türlerin tamamı Afrika'da bulunur. Thelotornis kirtlandii Albertine'in batısından Uganda'ya kadar ve Sudan'ın güneyindeki Imatong Dağları'nda bulunur. Thelotornis usambaricus Tanzanya'nın kuzeybatısındaki kıyı ormanlarında yaygındır.[2] Thelotornis capensis başta Natal olmak üzere Güney Afrika'da ve tropikal kuşağın güneyinde bulunur.[3]
Thelotornis kirtlandii ve Thelotornis usambaricus orman türleridir. Ancak Tanzanya'da eskiden dağ ormanlarında bulunurken günümüzde sadece kıyı ormanlarında bulunmaktadırlar. Thelotornis mossambicanus çok yönlü bir türdür ve orman, çayır mozaiğinde ve kuru çayırlarda bulunabilir. T. capensis geniş ovalara daha çok adapte olabilmiş bir türdür.
Reptile Database sınıflandırmasına göre cinste şu türler yer alır:
Thelotornis kırbaç yılanıgiller familyasından zehirli bir yılan cinsidir. Cinsin bireyleri Dispholidus typus ile yakın akrabadırlar. Modern herpetolojinin kurucusu sayılan Robert Mertens 1975'te bu yılanın ısırığı sonucunda öldü.