Image of Laackmanniella prolongata from the Amundsen Sea, Antarctica. Bouin's-fixed specimen, sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang. Usually the lower portion of the lorica is covered with diatom frustules.
Laackmaniella prolongata. A compiled image using Helicon Focus from 70 images made with a 20 x objective. Bouin's-fixed specimen from a Amundsen Sea sample courtesy of Eun Jin Yang
Likely a cell forming a new shell or lorica. Specimen from a Bouin's-fixed sample taken from the Amundsen Sea, providecby Eun Jin Yang.
Specimen without any diatom frustules attached on the lorica. Bouin's-fixed specimen from a station in the Amundsen Sea with a dense population of Phaeocystis and very few diatoms.
Laackmanniella prolongata from a station with dense diatom populations in the Amundsen Sea.
This specimen appears to have eaten a relatively large diatom. Bouin's-fixed specimen from the Amundsen Sea.
Specimen from the Amundsen Sea in 2011 (Bouin's-fixed)
Specimen from the Amundsen Sea (Antarctica)