There are no negative effects of red-bellied lemurs on humans.
Rred-bellied lemurs have been used in many behavioral studies. The Malagasy names for these animals are: Tongona, Barimas, and Soamiera.
As in other primate species, communication is complex and occurs in a variety of ways. In addition to vocal communication, E. rubriventer uses chemicals to communicate. The prominent forehead scent gland of males is used to help mark territories. Facial expressions and body postures are some of the visual signals these primates use in communication. Finally, tactile communication, through grooming, mating, play, and aggression, also occurs.
Communication Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Perception Channels: visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
All species in this genus are endangered. The red-bellied lemur is listed as vulnerable by IUCN and is on Appendix I of CITES. Populations are estimated between 10,000 and 100,000 animals, and are thought to be declining due to the rapid loss of rainforest habitat in Madagascar (Nowak, 1999). All members of the Lemuridae are listed as endangered by the U.S. Federal government.
US Federal List: endangered
CITES: appendix i
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: vulnerable
Red-bellied lemurs, as well as the other species of lemurs, are charismatic and unique animals, making them valuable for ecotourism. These animals have also been used in behavioral research. They are sometimes hunted for food.
Positive Impacts: food ; ecotourism ; research and education
These lemurs play a role in seed dispersal and germination from seeds contained in the feces (Dew & Wright 1998).
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds
The diet of red-bellied lemurs consists mainly of flowers, fruits and leaves of 67 identified plant species. They also eat some invertebrates. When they eat toxic millipedes, they drool on them first, which may help to neutralize the toxins so these invertebrates are edible. Red-bellied lemurs, as well as other lemur species, may also eat soil (Nowak, 1999; Preston-Mafham, 1992).
Animal Foods: insects
Plant Foods: leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; fruit; flowers
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Frugivore )
Red-bellied lemurs, Eulemur rubriventer, live in the eastern rainforest zone of Madagascar (Nowak, 1999).
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Other Geographic Terms: island endemic
This lemur mainly inhabits rainforest regions, at medium to high altitudes (Macdonald, 1984; Nowak, 1999).
Habitat Regions: tropical ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: rainforest
Red-bellied lemurs live 20 to 25 years in the wild (Duke University Primate Center, 1999).
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 20 to 25 years.
Average lifespan
Status: captivity: 20 years.
Red-bellied lemurs are sexually dichromatic. Females have white bellies with white markings on the neck and chin, whereas males are mostly brown with dramatic white eye patches and a scent gland located on the forehead. Both sexes both have a black tail.
The head and body length is from 36 to 42 cm and the tail length is 46 to 54 cm. These lemurs usually weigh between 2 and 3 kg and are approximately the size of a house cat (SUNY, 1999; Schmid & Smolker, 1998).
Range mass: 2 to 3 kg.
Range length: 36 to 54 cm.
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes colored or patterned differently
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
When feeding, red-bellied lemurs employ a sentinel to keep watch for predators. If a bird of prey or some other predator is detected, the sentinel will utter several low grunts. The other members of the group will either freeze for periods up to 15 minutes or they will take cover. The are preyed upon by fossas (the largest carnivore in Madagascar) and raptors (Preston-Mafham, 1992; Stony Brook State University of New York, 1999). They are also hunted by humans and taken by introduced dogs and cats.
Known Predators:
Red-bellied lemurs are one of the few lemur species to form monogamous pair bonds. These form the core of the social group, which typically consists of the mated pair and their offspring. (Duke University Primate Center, 1999)
Mating System: monogamous
Red-bellied lemurs have a gestation period of 127 days and give birth from September to October. There is usually a single young born, though twins sometimes occur, and birth weight is 60 to 70 grams. An estrous cycle lasts one month and estrous lasts 1 to 2 days (Schmid & Smolker, 1998). Mothers wean their young around the age of 5 months.
Sexual maturity is reached at about 2 years of age. (Duke University Primate Center, 1999)
Breeding interval: These lemurs are capable of breeding annually.
Breeding season: Mating occurs from May through June with births occuring from September to October.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 2.
Average gestation period: 127 days.
Average weaning age: 5 months.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female): 2 years.
Average age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male): 2 years.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous
Average birth mass: 85.5 g.
Average gestation period: 130 days.
Average number of offspring: 1.
Both male and female parents care for their offspring. The mother nurses and carries the infant for the first 2 weeks of life. From 2 weeks to 5 weeks of age, the young are cared for equally by both parents, although nursing is only accomplished by the mother. After 5 weeks of age, the mother often rejects the young, leaving the father to care for them until they are about 100 days old.
Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male, Female); pre-independence (Protecting: Male)
Eulemur rubriventer[1] a zo ur spesad primated eus kerentiad al Lemuridae.
Brosezat eo er c'hoadegi trovanel a gaver e reter Madagaskar.
El lèmur de panxa vermella (Eulemur rubriventer) és un prosimi de mida mitjana dotat d'un pelatge exuberant de color castany. Aquest lèmur és endèmic de les selves pluvials de l'est de Madagascar i es caracteritza per unes clapes de pell blanca situades a sota dels ulls, que semblen llàgrimes i són més conspícues en els mascles.[1]
El lèmur de panxa vermella (Eulemur rubriventer) és un prosimi de mida mitjana dotat d'un pelatge exuberant de color castany. Aquest lèmur és endèmic de les selves pluvials de l'est de Madagascar i es caracteritza per unes clapes de pell blanca situades a sota dels ulls, que semblen llàgrimes i són més conspícues en els mascles.
Der Rotbauchmaki (Eulemur rubriventer) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Gewöhnlichen Makis (Lemuridae) innerhalb der Lemuren (Lemuriformes).
Rotbauchmakis erreichen eine Kopfrumpflänge von 35 bis 40 Zentimetern, der lange, buschige Schwanz ist mit 43 bis 53 Zentimetern länger als der Rumpf. Das Gewicht beträgt 1,6 bis 2,4 Kilogramm. Das Fell dieser Tiere ist lang und dicht. Bei den Männchen sind der Rücken, die Brust und der Bauch kastanienbraun gefärbt, der Schwanz ist deutlich dunkler, nahezu schwarz. Die Oberseite des Kopfes, das Gesicht und die Schnauze sind dunkelgrau, unter den Augen befinden sich auffällige weiße, tränenähnliche Zeichnung. Aufgrund des dichten Fells im Bereich der Ohren wirkt der Schädel rechteckig. Bei den Weibchen ist der Rücken ebenfalls kastanienbraun und der Schwanz ebenfalls schwarz, die Brust und der Bauch sind allerdings weißgrau. Der Kopf wirkt weniger eckig, seine Oberseite ist nicht dunkel und die weißen Zeichnungen unter den Augen sind deutlich kleiner oder fehlen völlig.
Rotbauchmakis sind auf Madagaskar endemisch, wo sie die Regenwälder im Osten der Insel vom Tsaratanana-Bergland im Norden bis zum Andringitra-Bergland im Süden bewohnen. Sie sind häufiger in mittleren und höheren Höhenlagen zu finden und kommen bis in 2400 Meter Seehöhe vor.
Diese Primaten sind kathemeral, das heißt, sie haben keinen ausgeprägten Tag-Nacht-Rhythmus. Ihr Aktivitätsgrad hängt von der Jahreszeit und vom Nahrungsangebot ab. Sie suchen in allen Höhenstufen der Bäume nach Nahrung und kommen gelegentlich auch auf den Boden. Sie leben meist in Familiengruppen mit 2 bis 6 Tieren, die sich aus einem Männchen, einem Weibchen und dem gemeinsamen Nachwuchs zusammensetzen. Sehr selten findet man auch größere Gruppen mit mehreren erwachsenen Tieren. Die Gruppen bewohnen ein Revier von 10 bis 20 Hektar, das sie mit Drüsensekret markieren verteidigen. Das Weibchen führt die Gruppe an, je nach Nahrungsangebot legen sie täglich 400 bis 1000 Meter zurück.
Früchte bilden den Hauptbestandteil der Nahrung. Sind keine Früchte verfügbar, fressen sie auch Blüten, Blätter und anderes Pflanzenmaterial. Kleintiere, insbesondere Tausendfüßer, machen einen kleinen, aber wichtigen Bestandteil der Nahrung aus.
Nach einer rund 125-tägigen Tragzeit bringt das Weibchen im September oder Oktober ein einzelnes Jungtier zur Welt. Zunächst klammert sich das Neugeborene an den Bauch der Mutter, später reitet es auf ihrem Rücken oder dem des Vaters. Ab der fünften Lebenswoche trägt es die Mutter nicht mehr, der Vater hingegen schon noch bis das Junge rund 100 Tage alt ist. Mit rund fünf Monaten wird es entwöhnt und mit rund zwei Jahren geschlechtsreif.
Die Zerstörung ihres Lebensraums durch Brandrodung und Abholzung stellt die Hauptbedrohung für die Rotbauchmakis dar. In manchen Regionen werden sie auch bejagt. Die Populationsdichten sind generell sehr niedrig, und die IUCN schätzt, dass in den vergangenen 24 Jahren (drei Generationen) der Gesamtbestand um mehr als 30 % zurückgegangen ist. Die Art wird deshalb als „gefährdet“ (vulnerable) geführt.
In Europa wird die Art in Berlin und Saarbrücken gepflegt.[1]
Der Rotbauchmaki (Eulemur rubriventer) ist eine Primatenart aus der Familie der Gewöhnlichen Makis (Lemuridae) innerhalb der Lemuren (Lemuriformes).
Eulemur rubriventer (Lemure da a pansa roscia)
Eulemur rubriventer
Nomme: Lemur
I. Geoffroy 1850
The red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) is a medium-sized strepsirrhine primate with a luxuriant chestnut brown coat. This lemur is endemic to eastern Madagascan rainforests and is distinguished by patches of white skin below the eyes, giving rise to a "teardrop" effect, particularly conspicuous in the male.[4]
The species, first identified in 1850, exhibits diurnal behaviour and marked sexual dimorphism. The red-bellied lemur has been studied extensively since the mid-1980s, primarily in Ranomafana National Park.[5][6] This lemur species is designated as vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List, due to threats endangering habitats from slash-and-burn agriculture in Madagascar.
The various Malagasy names for the red-bellied lemur include tongo, tagona, halomena, kirioka, and soamiera. In the French scientific literature (Madagascar's second official language is French, due to prior colonisation by France), the species is called lémur à ventre rouge.
Being sexually dimorphic, the male of the species exhibits a medium-long, dense dorsal coat of intense chestnut brown. Ventrally, he is lighter and redder in hue, while his tail, muzzle and head are black. For the female, the dorsal area and tail resemble the male, whereas the ventral fur is a contrasting white-cream colour. Facial markings are similar to the male, except that "tear drops" are less exaggerated and spiry thick cheek hairs of the male are absent. Whereas the genus Eulemur relatives may exhibit ear tufts or a furry beard, these features are absent for E. rubriventer, which has thickened fur around its ears, lending a fuller facial appearance.
The adult red-bellied lemur has a length of 34 to 40 cm (13 to 16 in) (excluding tail) and a tail length which is almost twenty percent longer than the body itself; that is, body plus tail length may attain a total length of almost 1 m (3 ft 3 in). Typical body mass of a mature individual ranges from 1.6 to 2.4 kg (3.5 to 5.3 lb).[7] The male has scent glands atop his head. Lifespans may easily exceed 20 years for both sexes.
E. rubriventer occurs as far north as the Tsaratanana Massif at an elevation of 2,400 m (7,900 ft), then southerly to the Manampatrana River in a narrow strip of eastern Madagascar rainforest.[3] In previous eras, its range extended further south to the Mananara River. This species is distributed thinly and is restricted only to intact rainforest; it does not occur at all on the Masolala Peninsula.
The red-bellied lemur is sympatric with four other Eulemur species: in the extreme north of its range, the white-headed lemur E. albifrons; at mid-range, the common brown lemur E. fulvus; and in its southern range, the red-fronted brown lemur E. rufus and the gray-headed lemur E. cinereiceps. E. rubriventer is, however, easily distinguished from these relatives by the male's distinctive white eye "tear drops" and the rich darkness of the fur of both sexes. A distinction of appearance occurs within E. rubriventer in that northern range males (e.g. Mantadia National Park north) have a more distinctive reddish belly than the southern range counterparts, as in Ranomafana National Park.[8]
The forest type within the red-bellied lemur's range is characterized by dense evergreen vegetation, with a canopy of 25 to 35 m (82 to 115 ft). Typical canopy genera include Dalbergia, Diospyros, Ocotea, Symphonia, and Tambourissa; emergents of Canarium, Albizia and Brochoneura acuminata are also present. The eastern lowland forests also have a rich diversity of Pandanus, bamboo, and epiphytic orchid species.
The red-bellied lemur aggregates in monogamous groups ranging from two to 10 individuals. It is one of the few lemurs to be recognized as cathemeral, having both diurnal and nocturnal activity patterns. The home range is estimated to be 25 to 35 acres (10 to 14 ha) with a typical density of five animals per acre. Groups are typically cohesive as they move within their home range, foraging on over 30 species of plants. Considered by some to be a frugivore, it also feeds on leaves, nectar, and flowers of many plant species; this lemur is believed to be a useful and efficient seed disperser.
A typical and maximum frequency of births is one offspring per female per year, with initial year infant mortality around 50%. Births normally occur in October and November (early summer in this Southern Hemisphere habitat). The young use their prehensile instincts to attach to the mother and father alternately for the first 33 to 37 days of life. At this point, the mother often refuses further transport services, whilst the father may continue to provide such for another 9 weeks.
Modern feeding habits have expanded the species' diet to the introduced "Chinese" (actually Brazilian) guava (Psidium cattleyanum). Groups of the red-bellied lemur have become somewhat habituated to humans along certain trail areas in Ramomafana National Park (around Belle Vue) starting in May and June, and much rarer in some lower trail areas of Montadia National Park starting in April. In both instances, the species exhibits a tame behaviour to approaching humans who are silent and walk softly. The animals will descend from the trees to within 2–3 m (6.6–9.8 ft), staring back at the humans with equal curiosity allowing themselves to be photographed as they cling to vertical trunks of saplings, and occasionally engaging in a terrestrial scamper.
E. rubriventer occurs in five national parks and seven special reserves in eastern Madagascar, but is classified as vulnerable (IUCN Red List) due to ongoing habitat reduction from slash-and-burn farming, illegal logging, and even hunting. The species is the subject of current study in its natural habitat as well as in captivity in research centers such as the Duke Lemur Center.
The red-bellied lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) is a medium-sized strepsirrhine primate with a luxuriant chestnut brown coat. This lemur is endemic to eastern Madagascan rainforests and is distinguished by patches of white skin below the eyes, giving rise to a "teardrop" effect, particularly conspicuous in the male.
The species, first identified in 1850, exhibits diurnal behaviour and marked sexual dimorphism. The red-bellied lemur has been studied extensively since the mid-1980s, primarily in Ranomafana National Park. This lemur species is designated as vulnerable according to the IUCN Red List, due to threats endangering habitats from slash-and-burn agriculture in Madagascar.
El lémur de vientre rojo (Eulemur rubriventer) es una especie de primate estrepsirrino de la familia Lemuridae endémica de las selvas del este de Madagascar.
El lémur de vientre rojo (Eulemur rubriventer) es una especie de primate estrepsirrino de la familia Lemuridae endémica de las selvas del este de Madagascar.
Lemur sabelgorria (Eulemur rubriventer) Eulemur primate lemuriformeetako espezie bat da. Lemur guztiak bezala Madagaskarren baino ez da bizi. Ekialdeko baso euritsuetan bizi da. Kolore arrea du, gorrixka eta begien azpian kolore txuria duen zatia. Sexualki dikromatikoa da.
Lemur sabelgorria (Eulemur rubriventer) Eulemur primate lemuriformeetako espezie bat da. Lemur guztiak bezala Madagaskarren baino ez da bizi. Ekialdeko baso euritsuetan bizi da. Kolore arrea du, gorrixka eta begien azpian kolore txuria duen zatia. Sexualki dikromatikoa da.
Eulemur rubriventer
Le lémur à ventre roux (Eulemur rubriventer) est une espèce de lémurien endémique des forêts tropicales de Madagascar.
L'espèce identifiée en 1850 est considérée aujourd'hui comme vulnérable (VU A2c) par l'UICN du fait principalement de la destruction de son habitat naturel par l'homme.
Eulemur rubriventer
Le lémur à ventre roux (Eulemur rubriventer) est une espèce de lémurien endémique des forêts tropicales de Madagascar.
L'espèce identifiée en 1850 est considérée aujourd'hui comme vulnérable (VU A2c) par l'UICN du fait principalement de la destruction de son habitat naturel par l'homme.
Il lemure dal ventre rosso (Eulemur rubriventer (I. Geoffroy, 1850)) è una specie di lemure endemica del Madagascar[2].
Questi animali misurano circa un metro di lunghezza totale, di cui oltre la metà è rappresentata dalla coda. Il peso varia fra 1,6 e 2,5 kg.
La specie presenta spiccato dimorfismo sessuale, sotto forma di dicromatismo: il maschio ha il pelo del dorso lanoso e di colore bruno-nocciola intenso, che sul ventre diventa più chiaro e tendente al rossiccio (da qui il nome comune della specie), mentre nella femmina il pelo ventrale è bianco-crema.
Ambedue i sessi hanno la coda ed il volto di colore nero e presentano dei disegni facciali bianchi, che nella femmina sono meno estesi rispetto a quelli del maschio, in particolar modo le "lacrime" bianche sotto gli occhi.
I maschi delle zone settentrionali dell'areale hanno solitamente il ventre di un colore più tendente al rosso, rispetto a quelli della zona meridionale.
Tendono a formare gruppi di una decina d'individui che si costituiscono a partire da coppie monogame e si muovono in territori di 10-14 ettari.
Presentano periodi di attività e di riposo alternati durante le 24 ore.
Generalmente ritenuto un frugivoro, al pari dei congeneri, integra tuttavia la dieta con consistenti quantità di foglie, nettare e fiori: si è ben adattato a mangiare anche cibi introdotti dall'uomo, come la guava ed il tamarindo.
Si registra un picco delle nascite fra ottobre e novembre: ogni femmina partorisce un unico piccolo, che si aggrappa alla madre ed al padre alternativamente per il primo mese di vita. Passato questo periodo, solitamente la madre rifiuta di continuare a trasportare il cucciolo, mentre il padre continua a portarlo in giro per altri due mesi.
Questi lemuri vivono in cattività oltre i 25 anni: è quindi probabile che in natura non oltrepassino i 20 anni di vita.
Questi lemuri vivono nella striscia di foresta che dal massiccio dello Tsaratanana va a sud fino al fiume Manampatrana, nella zona orientale del Madagascar.
Condividono l'habitat con numerose specie congeneri: nella zona più settentrionale coabitano col lemure dalla testa bianca (Eulemur albifrons), nella zona centrale col lemure bruno (E. fulvus), a sud col lemure dalla fronte rossa (E. rufus) ed in parte col lemure dalla testa nera (E. cinereiceps).
Preferiscono le zone di vegetazione sempreverde tropicale, dove vivono nella fascia oltre i 20 m d'altezza.
Fino a tempi recenti, erano considerati una sottospecie di Eulemur fulvus, col quale condividono parte dell'areale: recenti analisi del DNA hanno appurato che (così come altre ex-sottospecie di lemure bruno) si tratta di una specie a sé stante.
La IUCN Red List classifica Eulemur rubriventer come specie vulnerabile.
Questa specie è protetta all'interno di diverse riserve naturali tra cui il Parco nazionale di Andringitra, il Parco nazionale di Andasibe-Mantadia, il Parco nazionale di Marojejy, il Parco nazionale di Ranomafana e il Parco nazionale di Zahamena.[1]
Il lemure dal ventre rosso (Eulemur rubriventer (I. Geoffroy, 1850)) è una specie di lemure endemica del Madagascar.
Rudapilvis lemūras (lot. Eulemur rubriventer) – lemūrinių (Lemuridae) šeimos primatas.
Kūnas apie 35-40 cm ilgio, uodega – iki 45-50 cm ilgio. Svoris apie 1,6-2,4 kg. Kailis ilgas ir tankus. Patinėlių nugara, krūtinė ir pilvas kaštoninės rudos spalvos, uodega žymiai tamsesnė, beveik juoda. Viršutinė galvos dalis ir snukis tamsiai geltoni, po akimis yra baltos dėmės. Dėl tankaus kailio kaukolė prie ausų atrodo stačiakampės formos. Patelių nugara taip pat kaštoninės spalvos, o uodega juoda, tačiau krūtinė ir pilvas – šviesiai pilki. Galva atrodo mažiau kampuota, viršutinė dalis nėra tamsi, o baltos dėmės po akimis yra gerokai mažesnės arba jų nėra išvis.
Rudapilviai lemūrai yra endeminė Madagaskaro rūšis. Paplitę rytinėje salos dalyje nuo Caratananos kalnyno šiaurėje iki Andringitros kalnyno pietuose. Dažnesni aukštesnėse vietose ir randami iki 2400 m aukštyje virš jūros lygio.
Gyvena grupėmis po 2-5 individus. Minta vaisiais, taip pat lapais.
De roodbuikmaki (Eulemur rubriventer) is een echte maki uit de familie der maki's (Lemuridae). Deze halfapen zijn endemische dieren op het eiland Madagaskar.
Bij roodbuikmaki is er een beetje verschil tussen het mannetje en het vrouwtje. Het mannetje heeft een kastanjebruine vacht op de rug, borst en buik en de staart is bijna zwart. Het vrouwtje heeft dezelfde kleuren op de rug, maar heeft een lichtgrijs gekleurde buik en borst. De vacht is langharig en dichtbehaard. Onder de ogen bevindt zich een witte tekening die lijkt op een masker. De schedel lijkt vierkant door de manier waarop de beharing van de kop over gaat in de beharing van de oren. Een volwassen roodbuikmaki heeft een kop-romplengte van 35 tot 40 cm, een staartlengte van 43 tot 53 cm en een lichaamsgewicht van 1,6 tot 2,4 kg.
De roodbuikmaki leeft in ongeschonden regenwouden en bergbossen tot op een hoogte van 2400 m boven de zeespiegel in het Tsaratanana bergmassief.
Het is een uitgesproken bosbewoner die zowel ’s nachts als overdag actief is. Hij zoekt zijn voedsel in boomkruinen en eet vooral vruchten en is daarom een belangrijke zaadverspreider.
De roodbuikmaki leeft in familiegroepjes, bestaande uit een paartje en hun nakomelingen, dit zijn groepjes van 2 tot maximaal tien dieren.
De roodbuikmaki is kwetsbaar door de vernietiging van zijn leefgebied door zwerflandbouw (slash-and-burn), illegale houtkap en jacht. Populaties zijn beschermd in vier nationale parken en zeven speciale bosreservaten. Daarnaast zijn er betrekkelijk veel dieren die in gevangenschap in dierentuinen gehouden worden. Toch staat de roodbuikmaki als kwetsbaar op de internationale rode lijst.[1]
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe roodbuikmaki (Eulemur rubriventer) is een echte maki uit de familie der maki's (Lemuridae). Deze halfapen zijn endemische dieren op het eiland Madagaskar.
Lemuria czerwonobrzucha[3], lemur czerwonobrzuchy (Eulemur rubriventer) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny lemurowatych (Lemuridae) występujący na wschodnim Madagaskarze, w lasach deszczowych.
Zwierzę o długości 36-54 cm, ważące 2-3 kg. Sierść brązowa, z białymi otoczkami wokół oczu, samice wyróżniają się białym brzuchem i szyją. Czarny ogon mierzy 46-54 cm. Samce posiadają po bokach głowy gruczoły zapachowe, którymi oznaczają swój teren.
Żyją w niewielkich grupach liczących ok. 5 osobników, które zazwyczaj tworzy para dorosłych i ich młode. Stadu przewodzi samica. Prowadzą dzienny tryb życia. Żywią się głównie roślinami - kwiatami, owocami i liśćmi, czasem zjadają też bezkręgowce. Porozumiewają się za pomocą głosu, a także za pomocą sygnałów zapachowych. W kontaktach między osobnikami dużą rolę odgrywa również iskanie.
Zwierzęta te są monogamiczne, łączą się w pary na całe życie. Okres godowy wypada w maju i czerwcu, samica po ok. 127 dniach ciąży rodzi 1-2 młode, które następnie karmi mlekiem przez ok. 5 miesięcy. Przez pierwsze dwa tygodnie młodymi zajmuje się wyłącznie matka, potem samiec zaczyna pomagać przy opiece. Po pięciu tygodniach często zdarza się, że dziećmi zajmuje się głównie ojciec. Lemury czerwonobrzuche osiągają dojrzałość płciową w wieku 2 lat, na wolności żyją 20-25 lat.
Lemurie czerwonobrzuche zostały zakwalifikowane jako gatunek zagrożony wyginięciem. Ich populacja liczy 10 000 do 100 000 osobników. Głównym zagrożeniem jest dla nich wycinka lasów deszczowych. Zwierzęta te są także chwytane przez ludzi i gatunki przybyłe na Madagaskar z człowiekiem, takie jak psy i koty. Naturalnymi wrogami lemurów są fossy i węże.
Lemuria czerwonobrzucha, lemur czerwonobrzuchy (Eulemur rubriventer) – gatunek ssaka z rodziny lemurowatych (Lemuridae) występujący na wschodnim Madagaskarze, w lasach deszczowych.
Lêmure-de-ventre-vermelho (Eulemur rubriventer) é uma espécie de lêmure pertencente à família Lemuridae.[1]
Lêmure-de-ventre-vermelho (Eulemur rubriventer) é uma espécie de lêmure pertencente à família Lemuridae.
Rödbukad maki eller rödbukad lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) är ett däggdjur i familjen lemurer som förekommer på Madagaskar.
Individerna når en kroppsläng (huvud och bål) mellan 35 och 40 cm och därtill kommer en 43 till 53 cm lång svans. Vikten ligger mellan 1,6 och 2,4 kg. Pälsen är på ovansidan hos båda kön kastanjebrun och hos hannar fortsätter den bruna färgen även på buken medan honor har en vit buk. Under ögonen har den rödbukade lemuren vita fläckar men hos honor är de tydlig mindre än hos hannar. Övriga delar av ansiktet är mörkgrå och den yviga svansen är svart.[2]
Utbredningsområdet sträcker sig från Madagaskars norra bergstrakter till en smal landremsa längs öns östkust. Djuret förekommer upp till 2 400 meter över havet. Habitatet utgörs av regnskogar och tempererade skogar.[1]
Rödbukad maki kan vara aktiv på dagen och på natten. Individerna bildar grupper med omkring 10 medlemmar som vanligen består av ett föräldrapar och deras ungar. Flocken har ett revir som är 12 till 15 hektar stort. Territoriet försvaras mot främmande individer men grupper som lever i angränsande revir respekterar vanligen gränsen utan strider.[2]
Arten livnär sig av växtdelar som frukter, frön, blad och blommor från många olika växtarter. Mycket sällan äter den ryggradslösa djur.[2]
Ungarna föds i september eller oktober. Upp till 50 procent av ungarna dör under första levnadsåret. Ungdjuret rider först på moderns och senare även på faderns rygg.[1][2]
Rödbukad maki hotas främst av habitatförstörelse då svedjebruk är vanlig i regionen. I vissa områden sker jakt på dessa lemurer. IUCN listar arten som sårbar (VU).[1]
Rödbukad maki eller rödbukad lemur (Eulemur rubriventer) är ett däggdjur i familjen lemurer som förekommer på Madagaskar.
Vượn cáo bụng đỏ (Eulemur rubriventer) là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Lemuridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được I. Geoffroy mô tả năm 1850.[2]
Vượn cáo bụng đỏ (Eulemur rubriventer) là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Lemuridae, bộ Linh trưởng. Loài này được I. Geoffroy mô tả năm 1850.
Eulemur rubriventer (I. Geoffroy, 1850)
СинонимыРыжебрюхий лемур (лат. Eulemur rubriventer) — примат из семейства лемуровых. Эндемик Мадагаскара.[1][2]
Цвет шерсти самцов и самок отличается. Шерсть на спине самцов средней длины, густая, тёмно-коричневого цвета. Брюхо светлее, с красноватым оттенком. Хвост и морда чёрные. Самки также имеют коричневую спину и чёрный хвост, однако брюхо светло-кремового цвета.
Взрослое животное составляет в длину от 34 до 40 см (не считая хвоста), хвост на 20 % длиннее, чем тело. Вес составляет от 1,6 до 2,4 кг.[3] Самцы несут на голове пахучие железы.
Рыжебрюхие лемуры встречаются в восточной части Мадагаскара, на севере ареал ограничен массивом Царатанана, где водится на высоте до 2400 м над уровнем моря; на юг ареал простирается до реки Манампатрана.[4]
Рыжебрюхий лемур (лат. Eulemur rubriventer) — примат из семейства лемуровых. Эндемик Мадагаскара.
Цвет шерсти самцов и самок отличается. Шерсть на спине самцов средней длины, густая, тёмно-коричневого цвета. Брюхо светлее, с красноватым оттенком. Хвост и морда чёрные. Самки также имеют коричневую спину и чёрный хвост, однако брюхо светло-кремового цвета.
Взрослое животное составляет в длину от 34 до 40 см (не считая хвоста), хвост на 20 % длиннее, чем тело. Вес составляет от 1,6 до 2,4 кг. Самцы несут на голове пахучие железы.
Рыжебрюхие лемуры встречаются в восточной части Мадагаскара, на севере ареал ограничен массивом Царатанана, где водится на высоте до 2400 м над уровнем моря; на юг ареал простирается до реки Манампатрана.
アカハラキツネザル(Eulemur rubriventer)は、霊長目キツネザル科チャイロキツネザル属に分類される霊長類。
体長35 - 40センチメートル[4]。尾長43 - 53センチメートル[4]。体重1.6 - 2.4キログラム[4]。長い体毛で密に被われる[4]。背面は赤褐色[4]。尾は黒い[4][5]。
熱帯雨林に生息する。樹上棲で、主に樹冠部に生息する。10 - 20ヘクタールの行動圏内を、1日あたり400 - 500メートルの距離を移動しながら生活する[4]。このとき地位の高いメスが先導すると考えられている[4]。オスの縄張りの中に複数のメスの縄張りが含まれることもある。2 - 6頭からなる家族群を形成して生活するが、大規模な群れを形成して生活することもある[4]。昼夜を問わずに活動する[4]。
繁殖形態は胎生。妊娠期間は123 - 127日[2]。9 - 10月に1回に1頭の幼獣を産む[2][4][5]。出産直後はメスが幼獣を腹部にしがみつかせて運ぶが、生後35 - 100日にかけては雌雄が交互に背中にしがみつかせて運ぶ[4]。生後2年で性成熟する[5]。野生下での寿命は20 - 25年[5]。
アカハラキツネザル(Eulemur rubriventer)は、霊長目キツネザル科チャイロキツネザル属に分類される霊長類。
붉은배여우원숭이 (Eulemur rubriventer)는 중간 크기의 원원류 원숭이로 화려한 밤색 털을 지니고 있다. 이 여우원숭이의 원 서식지는 마다가스카르 섬 동부 지역의 우림이며, 특이한 것은 눈 아래의 흰색 피부 반점으로 특히 수컷에게 일종의 "눈물 방울" 효과가 뚜렷하게 나타난다.[3]