
Brachymenes ( englanti )

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Brachymenes is a small neotropical genus of potter wasps currently containing two species, the primarily Andean species B. wagnerianus and the lowland species B. dyscherus.

The first wasp of this species was collected by the German natural scientist Moritz Wagner (born at Bayreuth, Bavaria, on 3 October 1813) during his expedition from Panama over Colombia to Ecuador between 1858 and 1859. The holotype specimen later was described by the nature scientist Henri de Saussure from Geneva, who named the new-found wasp Eumenes wagnerianus in honour of its finder. In 1961, the Italian biologist Antonio Giordano Soika, during his revision of the family Eumenidae, founded, at the 11th Congress of the Entomological Society in Vienna, the new genus Brachymenes and described the new species Brachymenes dyscherus.

Both species are potter wasps. Their nests consist of parallel combined compartments composed of fine clay material which is later covered by a "roof" made of a more grainy structured material, to cover the exact site of the breeding compartments. B. wagnerianus always constructs six compartments in a vertical row in only one layer, in a specific pattern, while B. dyscherus nests can be much more extensive and combine several layers of breeding chambers.

The species distribution is Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela for B. wagnerianus. B. dyscherus is described from Guayana, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Its appearance in Colombia is uncertain.


  • Giordani Soika, A. 1990. Revisione degli Eumenidi neotropicali appartenenti ai generi Pachymenes Sauss., Santamenes n. gen., Brachymenes G. S., Pseudacaromenes G. S., Stenosigma G. S. e Gamma Zav. (Hymenoptera). Boll. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Venezia 39: 71–172.
  • Sarmiento Monroy, C. 1997. Vespidos de Colombia. Dissertation. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Biología, Bogotá.
  • Camillo, E. (1999). A solitary mud-daubing wasp, Brachymenes dyscherus (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) from Brazil with evidence of a life-cycle polyphenism. Rev. Biol. Trop. 47(4): 949–958. 1999
  • Zanger, P. (2004). Die tonbauenden Insekten Kolumbiens und die Architektur ihrer Bauwerke. Teil 1. Lehrbuch-Nest der Eumenide Brachymenes wagnerianus (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea: Eumenidae) aus der zentralkolumbianischen Andenkordillere. 10 pages. CID-Verlag, Weilmünster.http://www.cid-verlag.blogspot.com/
  • Zanger, P. (2008). Die Geschichte der Wespe Eumenes wagnerianus. Internetpublikation / Electronic Book. CID-Verlag, Weilmuenster, Germany. http://www.eumeneswagnerianus.blogspot.com/
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Brachymenes: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Brachymenes is a small neotropical genus of potter wasps currently containing two species, the primarily Andean species B. wagnerianus and the lowland species B. dyscherus.

The first wasp of this species was collected by the German natural scientist Moritz Wagner (born at Bayreuth, Bavaria, on 3 October 1813) during his expedition from Panama over Colombia to Ecuador between 1858 and 1859. The holotype specimen later was described by the nature scientist Henri de Saussure from Geneva, who named the new-found wasp Eumenes wagnerianus in honour of its finder. In 1961, the Italian biologist Antonio Giordano Soika, during his revision of the family Eumenidae, founded, at the 11th Congress of the Entomological Society in Vienna, the new genus Brachymenes and described the new species Brachymenes dyscherus.

Both species are potter wasps. Their nests consist of parallel combined compartments composed of fine clay material which is later covered by a "roof" made of a more grainy structured material, to cover the exact site of the breeding compartments. B. wagnerianus always constructs six compartments in a vertical row in only one layer, in a specific pattern, while B. dyscherus nests can be much more extensive and combine several layers of breeding chambers.

The species distribution is Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela for B. wagnerianus. B. dyscherus is described from Guayana, Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru. Its appearance in Colombia is uncertain.

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Brachymenes ( venäjä )

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Латинское название Brachymenes Giordani Soika, 1961

на Викивидах

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на Викискладе

Brachymenes (лат.) — род одиночных ос (Eumeninae). 2 вида. Между грудкой и брюшком узкий стебелёк — петиоль, который как минимум вдвое уже первого тергита. Голени средней пары ног с одной шпорой[1].


Неотропика, от Центральной Америки до Аргентины.


Для высокогорий Анд характерен вид Brachymenes wagnerianus (de Saussure, 1875), а для низин — вид Brachymenes dyscherus (de Saussure, 1852). Первые экземпляры этих ос был собраны немецким натуралистом и путешественником Moritz Wagner (род.3.10.1813) во время его экспедиции в Панаму, Колумбию и Эквадор в 1858—1859 годах. При описании нового вида по этому голотипу швейцарский биолог Henri de Saussure назвал его в честь первоокрывателя. В 1961 году итальянский энтомолог Antonio Giordano Soika в его ревизии всей группы одиночных ос Eumenidae во время работы на 11-м Международном энтомологическом конгрессе в Вене (Австрия) выделил новый род Brachymenes.


2 вида.


  1. James M. CARPENTER and Bolívar R. GARCETE-BARRETT 2002. A key to the neotropical genera of Eumeninae. // Bol. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat. Parag. Vol. 14 (1-2), Setiembre 2002, pp. 52 — 73
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Brachymenes: Brief Summary ( venäjä )

tarjonnut wikipedia русскую Википедию

Brachymenes (лат.) — род одиночных ос (Eumeninae). 2 вида. Между грудкой и брюшком узкий стебелёк — петиоль, который как минимум вдвое уже первого тергита. Голени средней пары ног с одной шпорой.

Авторы и редакторы Википедии