Bienertia is a flowering plant genus that currently is classified in the family Amaranthaceae[1] s.l. (including the family Chenopodiaceae). For long time, the genus was considered to consist only of one species, Bienertia cycloptera, but in 2005 and 2012, two new species have been separated.
Species of this genus have acquired an unusual, single-cell type of C4 carbon fixation without Kranz anatomy, also found in some species of the closely related genus Suaeda.[2][3]
Bienertia is a flowering plant genus that currently is classified in the family Amaranthaceae s.l. (including the family Chenopodiaceae). For long time, the genus was considered to consist only of one species, Bienertia cycloptera, but in 2005 and 2012, two new species have been separated.
Species of this genus have acquired an unusual, single-cell type of C4 carbon fixation without Kranz anatomy, also found in some species of the closely related genus Suaeda.
Bienertia es un género de plantas fanerógamas con tres especies[1] pertenecientes a la familia Amaranthaceae.[2]
Son hierbas ramificadas anuales y carnosas con hojas planas para cilíndricas alternas, algo leñosas en la base. Flores hermafroditas o pistiladas, con brácteas escariosas. Las frutas, con semillas horizontales de testa dura, negra, brillante que se producen durante el otoño.[3]
El género fue descrito por Alexander von Bunge y publicado en Flora Orientalis 4: 945. 1879.[3] La especie tipo es: Bienertia cycloptera
Bienertia es un género de plantas fanerógamas con tres especies pertenecientes a la familia Amaranthaceae.
Bienertia é um género botânico pertencente à família Amaranthaceae.[1][2]
Bienertia é um género botânico pertencente à família Amaranthaceae.
Bienertia là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Amaranthaceae.[1]
Bienertia là chi thực vật có hoa trong họ Amaranthaceae.