tarjonnut eFloras
Herbs perennial. Stems 40-90 cm tall, glabrous, narrowly winged on angles. Stem leaves opposite; petiole less than 1 cm; leaf blade ovate, rhombic to ovate-oblong, 3.5-15 × 1.2-6.7 cm, membranous or papery, adaxially olive green, scurfy-strigillose, glabrescent, abaxially greenish, glabrous, with scattered brown or dark glands, base broadly cuneate to ± truncate-attenuate, margin crenate, apex acute. Panicles terminal, 4.5-35 × 3.2-7(-10) cm; cymes 3-15-flowered, pedunculate, short papillose velutinous; floral leaves subsessile or sessile, lanceolate, ca. 5 mm, upper floral leaves bractlike; bracteoles linear, 1-2 mm. Pedicel 4-10 mm. Calyx campanulate, ca. 2.5 × 3 mm, reddish brown glandular, short papillose velutinous, slightly 2-lipped; teeth almost 1/2 as long as calyx, broadly ovate-triangular, apex acute, lower 2 teeth slightly longer; fruiting calyx 4-4.5 mm, obliquely tubular-campanulate, teeth much shorter than calyx tube. Corolla mostly yellow or yellowish, rarely rose, ca. 7 mm, limb with scattered red glands. Stamens exserted. Style exserted. Nutlets greenish, ovoid, ca. 1 mm, glabrous. Fl. and fr. Sep-Nov.
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- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- tekijänoikeus
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
tarjonnut eFloras
* Mixed forests, wet forest margins; 1500-2600 m.
- lisenssi
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- tekijänoikeus
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
tarjonnut eFloras
Plectranthus flavidus Handel-Mazzetti, Symb. Sin. 7: 942. 1936.
- lisenssi
- cc-by-nc-sa-3.0
- tekijänoikeus
- Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA