Bulbophyllum frostii (lat. Bulbophyllum frostii) - səhləbkimilər fəsiləsinin bulbofillium cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Bulbophyllum frostii (lat. Bulbophyllum frostii) - səhləbkimilər fəsiləsinin bulbofillium cinsinə aid bitki növü.
Bulbophyllum frostii, commonly known as Frost's Bulbophyllum or Dutchman's shoes is a species of orchid, In the wild it grows as an epiphyte, inhabiting evergreen seasonal lowland rainforests in Vietnam and more rarely in Thailand, including the Malay peninsula. It was more recently reported growing in the Yunnan province of China during a series of botanical surveys between 2017 and 2020. This plant is usually found at elevations of around 1500m above sea level. [1]
Bulbophyllum frostii has green to purple pseudobulbs spaced roughly 1/2" [1.25 cm] apart on a creeping rhizome. Each pseudobulb features a single succulent, dark green, oblong-elliptic leaf. Although this species of bulbophyllum is found in seasonal forests where the winters are noticeably cooler than the summer, it does not shed its leaves in the colder months, unlike some other members of the genus.
This species has a flower size of roughly 1" [2.5 cm]. These flowers possess characteristics such as an unpleasant scent and flowers that mimic carrion, which is a common trait in many other members of the genus bulbophyllum. Both of these characteristics attract flies, which are the main pollinators of this plant. Blooms emerge in small clusters from the base of the pseudobulbs, and can be quite variable from plant to plant, ranging from flowers with fused sepals, to sepals that are completely detached from one another.
Depending on the climate, Bulbophyllum frostii and other epiphytic orchids can be grown in pots filled with fine bark or sphagnum moss, They are also often grown mounted, usually on a wood of some kind such as cork. It thrives in an environment with high humidity and good ventilation, and grows best with frequent but diluted fertilisations. It is a cool to warm growing orchid preferring temperatures of between 18 and 24°C (64 - 75f) In the day and appreciates a night time drop in temperature.
Bulbophyllum frostii belongs to the large genus Bulbophyllum. Bulbophyllum frostii was first described by Victor Samuel Summerhayes in 1928.[2]
Bulbophyllum frostii, commonly known as Frost's Bulbophyllum or Dutchman's shoes is a species of orchid, In the wild it grows as an epiphyte, inhabiting evergreen seasonal lowland rainforests in Vietnam and more rarely in Thailand, including the Malay peninsula. It was more recently reported growing in the Yunnan province of China during a series of botanical surveys between 2017 and 2020. This plant is usually found at elevations of around 1500m above sea level.
Ya, Ji-Dong; Zhang, Ting; Pandey, Tirtha Raj; Liu, Cheng; Han, Zhou-Dong; Ye, De-Ping; He, De-Ming; Liu, Qiang; Yang, Lan; Huang, Li; Zhang, Rong-Zhen; Jiang, Hong (5 October 2021). "New contributions to Goodyerinae and Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae) in the flora of China". Plant Diversity. 43 (5): 362–378. doi:10.1016/j.pld.2021.05.006. ISSN 2468-2659. PMC 8591208. PMID 34816062.Bulbophyllum frostii, es una especie de orquídea epifita originaria de Asia.
Es una orquídea de pequeño tamaño, de crecimiento cálido con hábitos de epífita. Tiene pseudobulbos ovoides comprimidos, agrupados que llevan dos hojas, sésiles, elípticas, carnosas y apicales. Florecen en una inflorescencia corta de 2 cm con un grupo de flores fragantes que aparecen en la primavera.[1]
Se encuentra en Vietnam en los bosques siempreverdes de tierras bajas hasta elevaciones alrededor de 1.450 metros.
Bulbophyllum frostii fue descrita por Victor Samuel Summerhayes y publicado en Bulletin of Miscellaneous Information Kew 76. 1928.[2]
Bulbophyllum: nombre genérico que se refiere a la forma de las hojas que es bulbosa.
frostii: epíteto otorgado en honor del botánico Charles Christopher Frost.[1]
Bulbophyllum frostii est une espèce d'Orchidées du genre Bulbophyllum originaire du Viêt Nam.
Bulbophyllum frostii adalah spesies tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam famili Orchidaceae. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Asparagales. Spesies Bulbophyllum frostii sendiri merupakan bagian dari genus Bulbophyllum.[1] Nama ilmiah dari spesies ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Summerh. 1928.
Bulbophyllum frostii adalah spesies tumbuhan yang tergolong ke dalam famili Orchidaceae. Spesies ini juga merupakan bagian dari ordo Asparagales. Spesies Bulbophyllum frostii sendiri merupakan bagian dari genus Bulbophyllum. Nama ilmiah dari spesies ini pertama kali diterbitkan oleh Summerh. 1928.
Bulbophyllum frostii é uma espécie de orquídea (família Orchidaceae) pertencente ao gênero Bulbophyllum.[1] Foi descrita por Victor Samuel Summerhayes em 1928.[2]
Bulbophyllum frostii é uma espécie de orquídea (família Orchidaceae) pertencente ao gênero Bulbophyllum. Foi descrita por Victor Samuel Summerhayes em 1928.
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Bulbophyllum frostii là một loài phong lan.
Bulbophyllum frostii Summerh., 1928
Bulbophyllum frostii (лат.) (нередко именуется как Бульбофиллюм фрости[2]) — вид однодольных цветковых растений семейства Орхидные (Orchidaceae) рода Бульбофиллюм (Bulbophyllum).[3] Произрастает в Малайзии, Таиланде и Вьетнаме. Эпифит. Часто выращивается в домах как декоративное растение.
Bulbophyllum frostii (лат.) (нередко именуется как Бульбофиллюм фрости) — вид однодольных цветковых растений семейства Орхидные (Orchidaceae) рода Бульбофиллюм (Bulbophyllum). Произрастает в Малайзии, Таиланде и Вьетнаме. Эпифит. Часто выращивается в домах как декоративное растение.