Associated Organisms
tarjonnut Cybertruffle
Eleusine coracana; Pennisetum typhoideum; Saccharum officinarum; Sorghum sp.
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- cc-by-nc
- tekijänoikeus
- Cybertruffle Foundation
tarjonnut Cybertruffle
Australia; Cuba; Egypt; India (Rajasthan); Nepal.
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- cc-by-nc
- tekijänoikeus
- Cybertruffle Foundation
General Description
tarjonnut Cybertruffle
Conidiophores. Single or in small groups, straight to flexuous, septate, smooth, cylindrical, simple, upper part often geniculate, golden brown, up to 400 μm × 5-10 μm, sometimes with a wider base. Conidiogenous cells. Polytretic, integrated, terminal and intercalary sympodial, cicatrized, with verruculose conidiogenous nodes. Conidia. Straight or rarely curved, cylindrical or rather broader in the middle, tapering towards the ends, rarely obclavate, rounded at the apex, often truncate at the base, 3- to 14-distoseptate, (20-) 40-80 (-135) × 12-20 μm, central cells of mature conidia often dark brown or smoky brown and sometimes quite opaque but the end cells colourless or very pale and frequently cut off by a very dark septum. Ascomata. Brown to black, globose to elliptical, 260-530 μm high, 240-470 μm diam. with an ostiolate beak 40-140μm high; a few colourless cells cover the apex of the ostiolar beak. Asci. Straight to slightly curved, short stalked, vestigial bitunicate, 1- to 8-spored, with spores closely coild in the ascus, 132-208 × 14-23 μm. Ascospores. Filiform, tapering at both ends, colourless, multiseptate, narrower at the septa, 165-242 × 4-6.5 μm. Pseudoparaphyses. Filiform, colourless, septate, branched.
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- cc-by-nc
- tekijänoikeus
- Ahmed Abdel-Azeem
Cochliobolus bicolor: Brief Summary
tarjonnut wikipedia SZL
Cochliobolus bicolor je grzib, co go ôpisoł A.R. Paul & Parbery 1966. Cochliobolus bicolor nŏleży do zorty Cochliobolus i familije Pleosporaceae. Żŏdne podgatōnki niy sōm wymianowane we Catalogue of Life.
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- cc-by-sa-3.0
- tekijänoikeus
- Wikipedia authors and editors