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Phyllosticta erythrinicola E. Young 1915

Comprehensive Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut North American Flora
Phyllosticta erythrinicola E. Young, Mycologia 7: 146. 1915
Spots subcircular or more rarely irregular, white or whitish, surrounded by a narrow,
brownish border which gradually blends off into the healthy tissue of the leaf, similar in
appearance on either side of the leaf; pycnidia minute, mostly on the upper side of the leaf,
becoming superficial, reaching a diameter of 50-75 /x; spores minute, about 1X2/;.
On Fabaceae:
Erythrina micropteryx Poepp., Porto Rico. Type locality: Villa Alba, Porto Rico, on Erythrina micropteryx. Distribution: Porto Rico.
bibliografinen lainaus
Fred Jay Seaver. 1922. PHYLLOSTICTALES; PHYLLOSTICTACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 6(1). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
käy lähteessä
North American Flora