Xyleborus agnatus Eggers, 1923
Cyclorhipidion agnatum (Eggers): Wood and Bright 1992
Truncaudum agnatum (Eggers): Hulcr and Cognato 2010
Xyleborus polyodon (Eggers, 1923), syn. n.
Cyclorhipidion polyodon (Eggers, 1923): Wood and Bright 1992 , syn. n. (complete taxonomic history in Wood and Bright 1992 )
Specimens examined.
Truncaudum agnatum : New Guinea, Hatam (cotype, MCG). Xyleborus polyodon : Philippines, Luzon, Mt. Makiling; (unspecified “type” , SMTD).
Type of Xyleborus polyodon similar to Truncaudum agnatum , except tubercles on and around declivity larger, pointed. Tubercles in homologous position. Eggers’s unspecified “type” in SMTD from the same collection series as lectotype at USNM (Anderson & Andreson, 1971).