
Papilio morondavana ( englanti )

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Papilio morondavana, the Madagascan emperor swallowtail, is a species of butterfly in the family Papilionidae. It is endemic to Madagascar. The habitat consists of forests.[4]

Original description

Papilio morondavana and Papilio erithonioides

Expanse male 4 and 3/8, female 4 and 3/4 inches.

Male. Upperside. Anterior wings marked nearly as in P. erithonioides, the basal third being densely irrorated with stramineous scales in lieu of the small spots or lines of the same colour arranged in nearly parallel rows in Papilio erithonioides. Posterior wings with the subbasal stramineous band broader than Papilio erithonioides, and on the costal margin extending rather broadly round the subapical ocellus, the outer part of the band between the costal and subcostal nervures being brightly ferruginous; the spots in the submarginal row are smaller and less lunulate outwardly, and the black spot at the lower end of the rufous anal spot of P. erithonioides is absent, the rufous spot of P. morondavana being rounder and paler; the space between the submarginal row and the band is more densely irrorated with stramineous scales. Underside. Resembles P. erithonioides, but paler. On the anterior wings the longitudinal stramineous bars at the base are more confluent and less elongated than in P. erithonioides. The space between the end of the cell and the third spot in the discal row of spots is densely irrorated with stramineous scales, which are absent in the corresponding space in P. erithonioides. On the posterior wings the dark markings are less conspicuous, and the subapical ocellus is more elongate-ovate, and surrounded with a narrower black line than in P. erithonioides: on the disk in the spaces between the nervules, and surrounding the outer part of the cell, is an irregular row of triangular black markings (the two uppermost hastate) bordered outwardly with ill-defined silvery bluish-white spots; the submarginal spots are more conical, and nearer the margin; the marginal lunules are narrower and more elongate, those on each side of the tail extending down nearly to its end; the rufous anal spot is sharply triangular, with the apex downwards, instead of being quadrangular with a black bar below; the space above the rufous spot is silvery bluish-white. The antennae of both sexes are red, as are those of the female of P. erithonioides; the antennae of the male of the latter, and of both sexes of P. demoleus are black.

Female. Resembles the male, but larger.

Hab. Mahabo, Marondava River, S.W. Madagascar (Last). In the Collections of Henley Grose Smith and the Hon. Walter Rothschild. Allied to P. Demoleus, Linn., and Papilio erithonioides, Grose Smith; but the anterior wings are narrower, more curved on the costal margin, and more concave on the outer margin. The posterior wings have a tail 3/4 inch long in both sexes. It is interesting to meet with two such very distinct species in Madagascar of a small group like that of P. Demoleus, which is widely distributed, but includes very few species, and these by no means remarkably variable. P. Marondavana was captured in the above locality only, while P. Erithonioides occurred in nearly every locality visited by Mr. Last on his journey down the West Coast as far south as Salarv.


  1. ^ Gimenez Dixon, M. (1996). "Papilio morondavana". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 1996: e.T16001A5349551. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.1996.RLTS.T16001A5349551.en. Retrieved 15 November 2021.
  2. ^ Grose-Smith, H. 1891 Descriptions of four new species of butterflies from south-west Madagascar, captured by Mr. J.T. Last, in the collection of H. Grose-Smith. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 8: 78-81.
  3. ^ Papilio, Site of Markku Savela
  4. ^ "Afrotropical Butterflies: File C – Papilionidae - Tribe Papilionini". Archived from the original on 2014-02-22. Retrieved 2012-05-09.
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Papilio morondavana: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Papilio morondavana, the Madagascan emperor swallowtail, is a species of butterfly in the family Papilionidae. It is endemic to Madagascar. The habitat consists of forests.

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Papilio morondavana ( ranska )

tarjonnut wikipedia FR

Papilio morondavana est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Papilionidae. Cette espèce est endémique de Madagascar.


L'espèce Papilio morondavana a été décrite pour la première fois en 1891 par l'entomologiste Henley Grose-Smith dans The Annals and magazine of natural history[1].

Notes et références

  1. (en) Henley Grose-Smith, « Descriptions of Four new Species of Butterflies from South-west Madagascar, captured by Mr. J. T. Last, in the Collection of H. Grose Smith. », The Annals and magazine of natural history,‎ 1891, p. 78 (lire en ligne)
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Papilio morondavana: Brief Summary ( ranska )

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Papilio morondavana est une espèce de lépidoptères (papillons) de la famille des Papilionidae. Cette espèce est endémique de Madagascar.

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Papilio morondavana ( flaami )

tarjonnut wikipedia NL


Papilio morondavana is een vlinder uit de familie van de pages (Papilionidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1891 door Henley Grose-Smith.

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Paź cesarski madagaskarski ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL
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Paź cesarski madagaskarski (Papilio morondavana) - motyl z rodziny paziowatych występujący naturalnie na Madagaskarze.


  1. Papilio morondavana. Czerwona księga gatunków zagrożonych (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species) (ang.).
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Paź cesarski madagaskarski: Brief Summary ( puola )

tarjonnut wikipedia POL

Paź cesarski madagaskarski (Papilio morondavana) - motyl z rodziny paziowatych występujący naturalnie na Madagaskarze.

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Bướm phượng Madagasca ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Bướm phượng Madagasca, tên khoa học Papilio morondavana, là một loài bướm thuộc họ Papilionidae.

Đây là loài đặc hữu của Madagascar. Môi trường sinh sống của nó gồm các khu rừng[3].

Hình ảnh

Chú thích

  1. ^ M. Gimenez Dixon (1996) Papilio morondavana Trong: IUCN 2009. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Ấn bản 2009.2. www.iucnredlist.org Truy cập ngày 5 tháng 2 năm 2010.
  2. ^ Papilio, Site of Markku Savela
  3. ^ Afrotropical Butterflies: File C – Papilionidae - Tribe Papilionini

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Bướm phượng Madagasca: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Bướm phượng Madagasca, tên khoa học Papilio morondavana, là một loài bướm thuộc họ Papilionidae.

Đây là loài đặc hữu của Madagascar. Môi trường sinh sống của nó gồm các khu rừng.

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