
Associations ( englanti )

tarjonnut BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK
In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Foodplant / parasite
cluster-cup of aecium of Puccinia lagenophorae parasitises live stem of Emilia sonchifolia


Comments ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Emilia sonchifolia is a pantropical weed of Asiatic origin and should be expected as an occasional escape in the flora. D. H. Nicolson (1980) treated the eastern Asian representatives of E. sonchifolia, which have corolla lobes 1.1–1.5 mm, as E. sonchifolia var. javanica (Burman f.) Mattfeld. In the flora, plants of E. sonchifolia have corolla lobes 0.5–0.8 mm and are treated as var. sonchifolia. See Nicolson (p. 398) for discussion of nomenclatural attribution.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of North America Vol. 20: 605, 606 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Description ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Plants 20–80 cm, glabrous or ± villous. Stems 1, erect or somewhat lax, simple or branched. Leaves mostly in proximal 1 / 2 ; usually petiolate; blades ovate to obovate or oblanceolate, mostly 5–12 × 1.5–4.5 cm (distal smaller, bractlike), margins often deeply lobed to lyrate-pinnatifid. Involucres urceolate to campanulate, 9–12 mm, relatively slender, lengths mostly 3–4 times diams. Phyllaries usually 8. Florets 15–30[–40], surpassing involucres by 0–1(–2) mm; corollas usually lavender, pinkish, or purplish, rarely reddish, lobes 0.5–0.7[–1.5] mm; style appendages 0–0.1 mm. 2n = 10.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of North America Vol. 20: 605, 606 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Elevation Range ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
500-1700 m
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal Vol. 0 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Annotated Checklist of the Flowering Plants of Nepal @ eFloras.org
K.K. Shrestha, J.R. Press and D.A. Sutton
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Synonym ( englanti )

tarjonnut eFloras
Cacalia sonchifolia Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 2: 835. 1753
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliografinen lainaus
Flora of North America Vol. 20: 605, 606 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Emilia sonchifolia ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST

Emilia sonchifolia, ye una especie de planta fanerógama' perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae.[1]


Xeneralmente algama un tamañu de menos de 0.6 m d'altu; tarmos frecuentemente pilosos na parte inferior. Fueyes na so mayoría caulinares, les más inferiores lirado-pinnatífidas, les fueyes de la metá del tarmu rápido tornándose auriculado-abrazadoras y sésiles pero entá mayormente lirado-pinnatífidas y dacuando dentaes, les fueyes más altes panduriformes a llanceolaes a lliniales y namái dentaes. Capitulescencias de dellos capítulos en pedúnculos llargos na punta de la exa principal y les sos cañes; capítulos 10–12 mm de llargu; involucros 10–12 mm de llargu; coroles exertes 0.1–0.5 mm, purpúreas, rosaes al ensugase, los llobos siempres menos de l mm de llargu. Aquenios 3 mm de llargu, costielles con tricomas menudos y clavaos; miriguanu 7–8 mm de llargu.[2]

Distribución y hábitat

Especie común, que s'atopa n'árees alteriaes, nes zones pacífica y atlántica; a una altitú de 0–500 m; fl y fr tol añu;[3] con distribución pantropical nativa d'Asia, n'América dende'l sur de los Estaos Xuníos hasta Brasil.


Ye una planta de la Medicina tradicional china llamada ye xia hong (chinu: 葉下紅). Tamién ye una de les "Diez flores sagraes de Kerala n'India, conocida como Dasapushpam.


Emilia sonchifolia contién alcaloides tumorígenos[4]


Emilia sonchifolia describióse por (L.) DC. ex Wight y espublizóse en Contributions to the Botany of India 24. 1834.[2]

  • Cacalia sonchifolia Hort ex L.
  • Crassocephalum sonchifolium (L.) Less.
  • Emilia marivelensis Elmer
  • Emilia purpurea Cass.
  • Emilia rigidula DC.
  • Emilia sinica Miq.
  • Gynura ecalyculata DC.
  • Prenanthes javanica (Burm.f.) Willd.
  • Senecio auriculatus Burm.f.
  • Senecio rapae F.Br.
  • Senecio sonchifolius (L.) Moench
  • Sonchus javanicus (Burm.f.) Spreng.[5][6]


  1. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). «PLANTS Profile, Emilia sonchifolia». The PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture. Consultáu'l 21 de mayu de 2008.
  2. 2,0 2,1 «Emilia sonchifolia». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultáu'l 3 de marzu de 2014.
  3. Ortiz 2022, Stevens 10534;
  4. Fu, P.P., Yang, Y.C., Xia, Q., Chou, M.C., Cui, Y.Y., Lin G., "Pyrrolizidine alkaloids-tumorigenic components in Chinese herbal medicines and dietary supplements", Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 10, Non. 4, 2002, pp. 198-211 [1]
  5. «Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932». African Plants Database. South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica. Consultáu'l 21 de mayu de 2008.
  6. «The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species».

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

Emilia sonchifolia: Brief Summary ( asturia )

tarjonnut wikipedia AST
Emilia sonchifolia

Emilia sonchifolia, ye una especie de planta fanerógama' perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae.

 src= n'Hyderabad, India.  src= n'Hyderabad, India.
Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia AST

चौलाने झार ( Nepali )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

चौलाने झार चौलाई साग अथवा हिरण खुरो पोथ्रा वर्गमा पर्ने औषधीय गुण भएको वनस्पति हो । यो समशीतोष्ण हावापानी भएको स्थानमा पाइन्छ । बैसाखमा उम्रेर असारतिर र पुसमा उम्रेर चैततिर हराउने यो वनस्पति १-२ फिट अग्लो हुन्छ । यो वर्षमा २/३ पटक उम्रने ३ महिने वनस्पति हो । कलेजी अथवा गाढा फूल फुल्ने यो वनस्पतिको रूप ठूलो दुग्धी जस्तो र स्वाद चम्सुरको जस्तो हुन्छ ।

औषधीय गुण

चौलाने झारको पोथ्रालाई काँचै चपाउँदा गर्मी हटाउने, कलेजोलाई शक्ति प्रदान गर्ने र फलाम तत्व बढाउने गर्दछ । यसमा पेट शुद्धि गर्न र आँखा तेजिलो बनाउने गुण रहेको मानिन्छ । महिलाहरूमा योनीबाट सेतो पानी बग्ने समस्याको उपचार गर्न पनि यस वनस्पतिको उपयोग गरेको पाइन्छ । उपचारका लागि हावामा सुकाइएको धुलो १/१ चम्चा ३-४ पटक, काँचो पोथ्रा १५-२० ग्राम र रस बनाएर ५-१० ग्राम दिनको तीनदेखि पाँच पटक सेवन गर्न सकिन्छ ।

तस्वीर संग्रह

यो पनि हेर्नुहोस्

सन्दर्भ सामग्रीहरू

बाह्य लिङ्कहरू

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
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wikipedia emerging languages

चौलाने झार: Brief Summary ( Nepali )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

चौलाने झार चौलाई साग अथवा हिरण खुरो पोथ्रा वर्गमा पर्ने औषधीय गुण भएको वनस्पति हो । यो समशीतोष्ण हावापानी भएको स्थानमा पाइन्छ । बैसाखमा उम्रेर असारतिर र पुसमा उम्रेर चैततिर हराउने यो वनस्पति १-२ फिट अग्लो हुन्छ । यो वर्षमा २/३ पटक उम्रने ३ महिने वनस्पति हो । कलेजी अथवा गाढा फूल फुल्ने यो वनस्पतिको रूप ठूलो दुग्धी जस्तो र स्वाद चम्सुरको जस्तो हुन्छ ।

विकिपेडिया लेखक र सम्पादकहरू
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wikipedia emerging languages

சுவர் முள்ளங்கி ( tamili )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

சுவர் முள்ளங்கி (Emilia sonchifolia) என்பது அஸ்டிராசியா குடும்ப, எமிலியா இன பூக்கும் தாவரம்.[3]

மூலிகையாக பயன்படுத்தப்படும் இது கேரளத்தின் புனிதப் பூக்களாகக் கருதப்படும் பஞ்ச பூக்களில் ஒன்று.


விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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wikipedia emerging languages

சுவர் முள்ளங்கி: Brief Summary ( tamili )

tarjonnut wikipedia emerging languages

சுவர் முள்ளங்கி (Emilia sonchifolia) என்பது அஸ்டிராசியா குடும்ப, எமிலியா இன பூக்கும் தாவரம்.

மூலிகையாக பயன்படுத்தப்படும் இது கேரளத்தின் புனிதப் பூக்களாகக் கருதப்படும் பஞ்ச பூக்களில் ஒன்று.

விக்கிபீடியா ஆசிரியர்கள் மற்றும் ஆசிரியர்கள்
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wikipedia emerging languages

Emilia sonchifolia ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Emilia sonchifolia, also known as lilac tasselflower or cupid's shaving brush, is tropical flowering species of tasselflower in the sunflower family.[3] It is widespread in tropical regions around the world, apparently native to Asia (China, India, Southeast Asia, etc.) and naturalized in Africa, Australia, the Americas, and various oceanic islands.[4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]

Emilia sonchifolia is a branching, annual herb[12] up to 40 cm (15.5 in) tall. Leaves are lyrate-pinnatilobed, up to 10 cm (4 in) long, sometimes becoming purplish as they get old. One plant can produce several pink or purplish flower heads.[4]

The plant is erect and sparingly hairy, soft-stemmed, and grows to 20 to 70 cm high with a branch tap root. The leaf pattern is alternate with winged petioles. Leaves on the lower end of the stem are round/oval shape, 4 to 16 cm in height, and 1 to 8 cm in width. The leaves on the upper end of the stem are smaller than the leaves on the lower end of the stem and are often coarsely toothed.[12]

The inflorescence is often dichotomous, with 3 to 6 stalked flower heads and whorled bracts below. The urn-shaped flower head has 30-60 florets per head, the outer ray florets are female, and the inner disc florets are bisexual. The flower is any of a range of colors: purple, scarlet, red, pink, orange, white, or lilac. The fruit produced is oval shaped, reddish brown or off-white, has white hairs up to 8 mm long, and exhibits dry indehiscent properties.[12]

Biology and ecology

Emilia sonchifolia completes its life cycle in approximately 90 days. There are two types of seed, which are defined by the color of the achene.[12] The first, a female outer circle of florets of a flower head produces red and brown achenes. The second is the inner, off-white hermaphrodite florets.[13] Most seeds germinate at 27 °C but those that develop from outer florets germinate under deep shade. Plants only emerge from seeds near the surface, however, some seed can germinate (4%) while buried deep (4 cm).[12] The seed carries a pappus of hairs, indicating the use of wind as a dispersal agent.[12]


Emilia sonchifolia is commonly reported as a weed crop. In most areas, it is reported as noninvasive, however, in some cotton producing areas, it is classified as the most problematic weeds.[12]

It has certain effects on individual crops, such as decreases in weight of lettuce(by 70%) and mustard cabbage(by 30%), and a decreased yield of tomato fruit by 18%.[12]

The pathogens associated with Emilia sonchifolia also have effects on certain crops. Emilia sonchifolia is a host of Xanthomonas campestris, which causes a bacterial infection in beans in Brazil and Cuba.[12]


Emilia sonchifolia can grow anywhere from sea level to 1000 meters. It exists over a wide range of conditions from the tropics to grasslands, waste areas, roadsides, and partially shaded areas. It is tolerant of acid conditions.[12]

Food and medicinal uses

The leaves and young shoots of Emilia sonchifolia can be eaten as a vegetable, raw or cooked. For this the leaves are harvested mainly before the plant flowers.[14]

The young leaves are used as food in Java and Puerto Rico.[12]

Emilia sonchifolia in Chinese is called ye xia hong (Chinese: 葉下紅) and in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is considered usable as a medicinal herb.

In India it is one of the "Ten Sacred Flowers of Kerala" (which are collectively known as Dasapushpam).

In Vietnam Emilia sonchifolia has been used in traditional medicine for the treatment of fever, sore throat, diarrhea, eczema and as an antidote for snake bites.[15]

Weed management

Emilia sonchifolia is classified as a weed that grows in the fields of many agriculture crops, but it can be controlled via the use of certain chemicals. For example, in rice, a mixture of pretilachlor and dimethametryn, and a mixture of piperophos with propanil or oxidiazon, are added to the soil after sowing, resulting in 8–12 weeks of growth control against Emilia sonchifolia. In soybean fields, a mixture of bentazone, fomensafen and sethoxydim is used to control Emilia sonchifolia growth. In cotton and soybean fields, sethoxydim is the chemical agent used to control Emilia sonchifolia growth. Lastly, atrazine is the chemical agent used to control the growth of Emilia sonchifolia in sugarcane crops.[12]


Emilia sonchifolia contains tumorigenic pyrrolizidine alkaloids, causing hepatotoxicity.[16]



  1. ^ "Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932". African Plants Database. South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica. Archived from the original on 2012-12-08. Retrieved 2008-05-21.
  2. ^ "The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species".
  3. ^ Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). "PLANTS Profile, Emilia sonchifolia". The PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture. Retrieved 2008-05-21.
  4. ^ a b Flora of China, 一点红 yi dian hong, Emilia sonchifolia (Linnaeus) Candolle
  5. ^ "Atlas of Living Australia". Archived from the original on 2016-03-04. Retrieved 2015-06-20.
  6. ^ Biota of North America Program 2014 county distribution map
  7. ^ Nicolson, D. H. 1980. Summary of cytological information on Emilia and the taxonomy of four Pacific taxa of Emilia (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). Systematic Botany 5(4): 391–407
  8. ^ Nelson, C. H. 2008. Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Honduras 1–1576. Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Tegucigalpa
  9. ^ Berendsohn, W.G. & A.E. Araniva de González. 1989. Listado básico de la Flora Salvadorensis: Dicotyledonae, Sympetalae (pro parte): Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Acanthaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Compositae. Cuscatlania 1(3): 290–1–290–13
  10. ^ Humbert, H. 1963. Composées. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores 189: 623–911
  11. ^ Jeffrey, C. 1986. Notes on Compositae: IV. The Senecioneae in East Tropical Africa. Kew Bulletin 41(4): 873–943
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l "Emilia sonchifolia (red tasselflower)". CABI. CABI. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  13. ^ Marks, M.K, and C Akosim. “Achene dimorphism and germination in three composite weeds.” Invasive Species Compendium, CABI, www.cabi.org/isc/abstract/19840767937.
  14. ^ DC, L. "Emilia sonchifolia". Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future. Retrieved 24 October 2017.
  15. ^ Tanaka, Yoshitaka; Van Ke, Nguyen (2007). Edible Wild Plants of Vietnam: The Bountiful Garden. Thailand: Orchid Press. p. 43. ISBN 978-9745240896.
  16. ^ Fu, P.P., Yang, Y.C., Xia, Q., Chou, M.C., Cui, Y.Y., Lin G., "Pyrrolizidine alkaloids-tumorigenic components in Chinese herbal medicines and dietary supplements", Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 198-211 [1]

Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Emilia sonchifolia: Brief Summary ( englanti )

tarjonnut wikipedia EN

Emilia sonchifolia, also known as lilac tasselflower or cupid's shaving brush, is tropical flowering species of tasselflower in the sunflower family. It is widespread in tropical regions around the world, apparently native to Asia (China, India, Southeast Asia, etc.) and naturalized in Africa, Australia, the Americas, and various oceanic islands.

Emilia sonchifolia is a branching, annual herb up to 40 cm (15.5 in) tall. Leaves are lyrate-pinnatilobed, up to 10 cm (4 in) long, sometimes becoming purplish as they get old. One plant can produce several pink or purplish flower heads.

The plant is erect and sparingly hairy, soft-stemmed, and grows to 20 to 70 cm high with a branch tap root. The leaf pattern is alternate with winged petioles. Leaves on the lower end of the stem are round/oval shape, 4 to 16 cm in height, and 1 to 8 cm in width. The leaves on the upper end of the stem are smaller than the leaves on the lower end of the stem and are often coarsely toothed.

The inflorescence is often dichotomous, with 3 to 6 stalked flower heads and whorled bracts below. The urn-shaped flower head has 30-60 florets per head, the outer ray florets are female, and the inner disc florets are bisexual. The flower is any of a range of colors: purple, scarlet, red, pink, orange, white, or lilac. The fruit produced is oval shaped, reddish brown or off-white, has white hairs up to 8 mm long, and exhibits dry indehiscent properties.

Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Emilia sonchifolia ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

Emilia sonchifolia es una especie de planta fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae.[1]


Generalmente alcanza un tamaño de menos de 0.6 m de alto; tallos frecuentemente pilosos en la parte inferior. Hojas en su mayoría caulinares, las más inferiores lirado-pinnatífidas, las hojas de la mitad del tallo rápidamente tornándose auriculado-abrazadoras y sésiles pero aún mayormente lirado-pinnatífidas y a veces dentadas, las hojas más altas panduriformes a lanceoladas a lineares y sólo dentadas. Capitulescencias de varios capítulos en pedúnculos largos en la punta del eje principal y sus ramas; capítulos 10–12 mm de largo; involucros 10–12 mm de largo; corolas exertas 0.1–0.5 mm, purpúreas, rosadas al secarse, los lobos siempre menos de l mm de largo. Aquenios 3 mm de largo, costillas con tricomas menudos y clavados; vilano 7–8 mm de largo.[2]

Distribución y hábitat

Especie común, que se encuentra en áreas perturbadas, en las zonas pacífica y atlántica; a una altitud de 0–500 m; fl y fr todo el año;[3]​ con distribución pantropical nativa de Asia, en América desde el sur de los Estados Unidos hasta Brasil.


Es una planta de la Medicina tradicional china llamada ye xia hong (en chino, 葉下紅). También es una de las "Diez flores sagradas de Kerala en India, conocida como Dasapushpam.


Emilia sonchifolia contiene alcaloides tumorígenos[4]


Emilia sonchifolia fue descrita por (L.) DC. ex Wight y publicado en Contributions to the Botany of India 24. 1834.[2]

  • Cacalia sonchifolia Hort ex L.
  • Crassocephalum sonchifolium (L.) Less.
  • Emilia marivelensis Elmer
  • Emilia purpurea Cass.
  • Emilia rigidula DC.
  • Emilia sinica Miq.
  • Gynura ecalyculata DC.
  • Prenanthes javanica (Burm.f.) Willd.
  • Senecio auriculatus Burm.f.
  • Senecio rapae F.Br.
  • Senecio sonchifolius (L.) Moench
  • Sonchus javanicus (Burm.f.) Spreng.[5][6]


  1. Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). «PLANTS Profile, Emilia sonchifolia». The PLANTS Database. United States Department of Agriculture. Consultado el 21 de mayo de 2008.
  2. a b «Emilia sonchifolia». Tropicos.org. Missouri Botanical Garden. Consultado el 3 de marzo de 2014.
  3. Ortiz 2022, Stevens 10534;
  4. Fu, P.P., Yang, Y.C., Xia, Q., Chou, M.C., Cui, Y.Y., Lin G., "Pyrrolizidine alkaloids-tumorigenic components in Chinese herbal medicines and dietary supplements", Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 198-211 [1]
  5. «Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932». African Plants Database. South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica. Archivado desde el original el 8 de diciembre de 2012. Consultado el 21 de mayo de 2008.
  6. «The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species».
Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Emilia sonchifolia: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ES

Emilia sonchifolia es una especie de planta fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae.​

 src= en Hyderabad, India.  src= en Hyderabad, India.
Autores y editores de Wikipedia
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wikipedia ES

Tempuh wiyang ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID

Tempuh wiyang adalah tanaman obat dari famili Asteraceae yang telah banyak digunakan sebagai campuran anti racun dan anti biotik pada industri farmasi.[2] Tempuh wiyang banyak ditemukan di wilayah Asia tenggara, tanaman imi juga telah disebarluaskan ke Amerika.[3]

Nama-nama lokal

Tempuh wiyang banyak dikenal di Jawa dengan sebutan jonge, jombang (bahasa Sunda), kemondelan, dalgiu, centongan, tespog, serubung gelang, minyawon, ketiu, jawi rawa (bahasa jawa) serta sarap atau sundilan (bahasa madura).[2] Orang Maluku menyebutnya kaho mahiri (bahasa halmahera), gafu saru (bahasa ternate), delo-delo (bahasa tidore), sedangkan orang sulawesi menyebutnya linrapa dan halmah.[2]

Pemerian dan ekologi

Tanaman semusim ini tumbuh tegak atau berbaring pada pangkalnya dengan tinggi 10 cm hingga 120 cm, tumbuhnya di tepi jalan atau selokan, tebing, kebun, padang rumput mulai dari dataran rendah sampai sekitar 1.750 m di atas permukaan laut.[2] Daunnya tunggal berbentuk segitiga memanjang, tersebar, bagian atas berwarna hijau, bagian bawah agak merah keunguan dan sering terkumpul pada pangakalnya.[2]


Daun tempuh wiyang sering disayur atau menjadi lalapan dengan rasa seperti rempah-rempah yang sedkit pahit, selain itu tanaman ini dapat dipakai untuk mengobati flu, infeksi saluran napas, radang paru-paru, serta infeksi akibat luka, bisul, memar maupun sariawan.[2]


  1. ^ "Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932" (HTML). African Plants Database. Natural History Museum of Geneva. Diakses tanggal 2008-05-21. Teks "South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica " akan diabaikan (bantuan)
  2. ^ a b c d e f Wijayakusuma, H.M Hembing (1994). Tanaman Berkhasiat Obat di Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Kartini. hlm. 129–130. ISBN 979-454-083-8. Parameter |coauthors= yang tidak diketahui mengabaikan (|author= yang disarankan) (bantuan)
  3. ^ Situs Glob-in-Med: Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. diakses 11 Juni 2010

Pranala luar

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Tempuh wiyang: Brief Summary ( Indonesia )

tarjonnut wikipedia ID

Tempuh wiyang adalah tanaman obat dari famili Asteraceae yang telah banyak digunakan sebagai campuran anti racun dan anti biotik pada industri farmasi. Tempuh wiyang banyak ditemukan di wilayah Asia tenggara, tanaman imi juga telah disebarluaskan ke Amerika.

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Serralhinha ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Serralhinha (Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight), também conhecida por flor pincel, é uma erva pertencente ao gênero Emilia (Cass.) Cass., família Asteraceae.[1][2] Encontra-se distribuída em todo o Brasil.[1]

Na China, é utilizada como planta medicinal, onde é conhecida como yang ti cao e yi dian hong.[3]

Nasce com maior frequência no período de maio a novembro.[4] Recebe polinizadores de tomates, pode hospedar o vírus da mancha-amarela do abacaxi que é transmitido por tripes,[5] e os capilares da raiz podem hospedar nematóides como Meloidogyne sp..[6]


A planta contém alcalóides de pirrolizidina, que são toxinas carcinogênicas, sendo fatal para alguns animais.[3]

Ver também


  1. a b Borges, R.A.X. «Emilia». Lista de Espécies da Flora do Brasil (em inglês). Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro. Consultado em 10 de Novembro de 2013
  2. Schaefer, S. «Flor pincel ou serralhinha, Emilia. Fotos, info, dicas - Biologados». Biologados. Consultado em 10 de Novembro de 2013. Arquivado do original em 10 de novembro de 2013
  3. a b Fu, Peter P.; Xia, Q.; Chou, M. W.; Lin, G. (2007). «Detection, Hepatotoxicity, and Tumorigenicity of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Chinese Herbal Plants and Herbal Dietary Supplements». J. Food Drug Anal. 15 (4): 400–415 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
  4. «Falsa serralha / Emilia sonchifolia / Bela emília, pincel, serralhinha». Agro Link. Consultado em 10 de Novembro de 2013
  5. «Doenças» (PDF). Centro de Informações Tecnológicas e Comerciais para Fruticultura Tropical. Consultado em 10 de Novembro de 2013
  6. Pinheiro, J. B.; Madeira, N. R.; Carvalho, A. D. F.; Pereira, R. B.; Aguiar, F. M. (2013). «Nematoides na cultura da mandioquinha-salsa» (PDF). Circular Técnica 123. Embrapa - Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento. Consultado em 10 de Novembro de 2013. Arquivado do original (PDF) em 10 de novembro de 2013 A referência emprega parâmetros obsoletos |coautor= (ajuda)
Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Serralhinha: Brief Summary ( portugali )

tarjonnut wikipedia PT

Serralhinha (Emilia sonchifolia (L.) DC. ex Wight), também conhecida por flor pincel, é uma erva pertencente ao gênero Emilia (Cass.) Cass., família Asteraceae. Encontra-se distribuída em todo o Brasil.

Na China, é utilizada como planta medicinal, onde é conhecida como yang ti cao e yi dian hong.

Nasce com maior frequência no período de maio a novembro. Recebe polinizadores de tomates, pode hospedar o vírus da mancha-amarela do abacaxi que é transmitido por tripes, e os capilares da raiz podem hospedar nematóides como Meloidogyne sp..

Autores e editores de Wikipedia
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Rau má lá rau muống ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Rau má (định hướng).
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Dương đề (định hướng).
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Chua lè.

Rau má lá rau muống hay còn gọi rau má lá rau muống cuống rau dăm, dương đề thảo, tiết gà, cỏ mặt trời, rau chua lè, tam tróc, hồng bối diệp, nhất điểm hồng[3] (danh pháp hai phần: Emilia sonchifolia) là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) DC. ex DC. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1834.[4]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932”. African Plants Database. South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica. Truy cập ngày 21 tháng 5 năm 2008.
  2. ^ “The Plant List: A Working List of All Plant Species”.
  3. ^ Trang 111, Những cây thuốc và vị thuốc Việt Nam; Gs-Ts.Đỗ Tất Lợi; Nhà xuất bản Y học - 2004
  4. ^ The Plant List (2010). Emilia sonchifolia. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

Tham khảo

 src= Wikimedia Commons có thư viện hình ảnh và phương tiện truyền tải về Rau má lá rau muống  src= Wikispecies có thông tin sinh học về Rau má lá rau muống

Bài viết tông Vi hoàng này vẫn còn sơ khai. Bạn có thể giúp Wikipedia bằng cách mở rộng nội dung để bài được hoàn chỉnh hơn.
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Rau má lá rau muống: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

tarjonnut wikipedia VI

Rau má lá rau muống hay còn gọi rau má lá rau muống cuống rau dăm, dương đề thảo, tiết gà, cỏ mặt trời, rau chua lè, tam tróc, hồng bối diệp, nhất điểm hồng (danh pháp hai phần: Emilia sonchifolia) là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (L.) DC. ex DC. miêu tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1834.

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一點紅 ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科

一點紅(學名:Emilia sonchifolia), 又名紅背葉羊蹄草野木耳菜花古帽(貴州)、牛奶奶紅頭草(雲南)、葉下紅片紅青紅背果(海南)、紫背草(台灣),是菊科一點紅屬的熱帶開花物種[2]。本種廣泛分布於世界各地的熱帶地區,是亞洲本土的原生植物 (例如中国印度東南亞等),並成功歸化於非洲,澳大利亞,美洲和各種海洋島嶼等地[3]






種子由瘦果的顏色分成兩種。[5] 首先,是花頭小花的外圈,產生紅色和棕色的瘦果。其次是內部灰白色的雌雄同體小花。[6] 大多數種子適合在27°C發芽,但從外部小花發育的種子會在深色的樹蔭下發芽。植物只會從地表附近的種子中發芽,然而,約4%的種子可以在深埋4公分時發芽。一項研究表明,當種植在土壤下0.5公分處時,29%的種子會發芽,而埋在1公分處時,只有3%的種子發芽。[5][7]種子帶有一簇毛,是利用風作為傳播媒介。


一點紅通常被認為雜草作物。在大多數地區,皆不認定其有害的。然而,在一些棉花產區,它被視為最有問題的雜草。它對特定作物有一定的影響,如萵苣重量減少70%和芥末白菜減少30%,番茄果實減產18%。與一點紅相關的病原體也會對某些作物產生影響。種子是野油菜黃單胞菌英语Xanthomonas campestris英语:Xanthomonas campestris)的宿主,引起巴西和古巴的豆類細菌感染。


一點紅可以從海平面到1000米的任何地方生長。它從熱帶地區到草原,廢棄區域,路邊和部分陰影區,原野、路旁、 園圃、荒地及田邊都可見著。它耐受酸性物質。








一點紅含有致瘤性英语tumorigenic雙稠吡咯啶生物鹼英语pyrrolizidine alkaloids(pyrrolizidine alkaloids),可能造成肝臟中毒的現象。[17]


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    一點紅的葉片,攝於海得拉巴 (印度)

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  1. ^ Emilia sonchifolia record n° 95932. African Plants Database. South African National Biodiversity Institute, the Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève and Tela Botanica. [2008-05-21].
  2. ^ Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS). PLANTS Profile, Emilia sonchifolia. The PLANTS Database. 美国农业部. [2008-05-21].
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Flora of China, 一点红 yi dian hong, Emilia sonchifolia (Linnaeus) Candolle
  4. ^ Emilia sonchifolia (red tasselflower). CABI. CABI. [24 October 2017].
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Emilia sonchifolia (red tasselflower). CABI. CABI. [24 October 2017].
  6. ^ Marks, M.K, and C Akosim. “Achene dimorphism and germination in three composite weeds.” Invasive Species Compendium, CABI, www.cabi.org/isc/abstract/19840767937.
  7. ^ Pemadasa M; Kangatharalingam N, 1977. Factors affecting germination of some Compositaes. Ceylon Journal of Agricultural Science, 12:157-168.
  8. ^ Atlas of Living Australia
  9. ^ Biota of North America Program 2014 county distribution map
  10. ^ Nicolson, D. H. 1980. Summary of cytological information on Emilia and the taxonomy of four Pacific taxa of Emilia (Asteraceae: Senecioneae). Systematic Botany 5(4): 391–407
  11. ^ Nelson, C. H. 2008. Catálogo de las Plantas Vasculares de Honduras 1–1576. Secretaria de Recursos Naturales y Ambiente, Tegucigalpa
  12. ^ Berendsohn, W.G. & A.E. Araniva de González. 1989. Listado básico de la Flora Salvadorensis: Dicotyledonae, Sympetalae (pro parte): Labiatae, Bignoniaceae, Acanthaceae, Pedaliaceae, Martyniaceae, Gesneriaceae, Compositae. Cuscatlania 1(3): 290–1–290–13
  13. ^ Humbert, H. 1963. Composées. Flore de Madagascar et des Comores 189: 623–911
  14. ^ Tanaka, Yoshitaka; Van Ke, Nguyen. Edible Wild Plants of Vietnam: The Bountiful Garden. Thailand: Orchid Press. 2007: 43. ISBN 9745240893.
  15. ^ DC, L. Emilia sonchifolia. Plants For A Future. Plants For A Future. [24 October 2017].
  16. ^ 濫用除草劑 美國各地水井檢測出6種污染物. TEIA-環境資訊中心. [24 November 2018].
  17. ^ Fu, P.P., Yang, Y.C., Xia, Q., Chou, M.C., Cui, Y.Y., Lin G., "Pyrrolizidine alkaloids-tumorigenic components in Chinese herbal medicines and dietary supplements", Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2002, pp. 198-211 [1][永久失效連結]
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一點紅: Brief Summary ( kiina )

tarjonnut wikipedia 中文维基百科

一點紅(學名:Emilia sonchifolia), 又名紅背葉、羊蹄草、野木耳菜、花古帽(貴州)、牛奶奶、紅頭草(雲南)、葉下紅、片紅青、紅背果(海南)、紫背草(台灣),是菊科一點紅屬的熱帶開花物種。本種廣泛分布於世界各地的熱帶地區,是亞洲本土的原生植物 (例如中国印度東南亞等),並成功歸化於非洲,澳大利亞,美洲和各種海洋島嶼等地。




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