
Distribution ( englanti )

tarjonnut ReptileDB
Continent: Asia Europe
Distribution: Austria, Switzerland, Germany, France, Denmark, Sweden, SE Norway, Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Hungary, Bulgaria, Greece, Albania, N Balkan, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxemburg, S England, NE Italy, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegowina, Serbia, Macedonia, Bulgaria, N Greece, Romania, E Poland, Belorussia, Belarus, W Russia (in the north up to S Karelia and SE Finland, NE Caucasus), Russia (north of the Caucasus Mts., east up to Lake Baikal), Ukraina (east of the Dnjepr River and W Ukraina), Armenia, NE Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kirgistan (south up to Issyk Kul), NW China (W Xinjiang) Caucasian coast of the Black Sea in Russia near Sochi, Georgia (coastal region and upper Iori River in the Caucasus Mts.), Moldova, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Azerbaijan, NW Mongolia boemica: S Russia (Dagestan), NE Caucasus bosnica: Bulgaria, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia-Hercegovina brevicaudata: NE Turkey, Armenia, Georgia; elevation up to 1900 m. chersonensis: Carpathian Mountains eastward, Romania. exigua: Caucasus grusinica: Georgia, NE Turkey, Caucasus ioriensis: Georgia mzymtensis: Russia (Western Caucasus, high-mountains of the upper basing of Mzymta River; vicinity of Sochi).
Type locality: South Sweden
Peter Uetz
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