
Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( valencia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids. Viu a Colòmbia i l'Equador. El seu hàbitat natural és bàsicament frugívor. Una amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie és que no es protegeix la zona.[1]


  1. Velazco, P.; Aguirre, L.. Platyrrhinus chocoensis. UICN 2008. Llista Vermella d'espècies amenaçades de la UICN, edició 2008, consultada el 19-04-2013.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( valencia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis és una espècie de ratpenat de la família dels fil·lostòmids. Viu a Colòmbia i l'Equador. El seu hàbitat natural és bàsicament frugívor. Una amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie és que no es protegeix la zona.

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Choco broad-nosed bat ( englanti )

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The Choco broad-nosed bat (Platyrrhinus chocoensis) is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is native to Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, where it is found in the Choco region lowlands.[1][2] It is threatened by habitat loss.[1] In 2013, Bat Conservation International listed this species as one of the 35 species of its worldwide priority list of conservation.[3]


This species was first encountered in 1984 in Colombia. Its species name chocoensis is derived from the region where it was found, the Chocó Department.[4] A morphological study suggested that it may be the most basal (earliest offshoot) of its genus,[5] however, another study using DNA suggested that the Platyrrhinus of the Chocó region diverged from Platyrrhinus of the Amazonian Craton, and that the white-lined broad-nosed bat was more basal.[6]


Their forearms are 47–51 mm (1.9–2.0 in) long. They have a single whisker on their upper lip,[7] and seven whiskers surrounding their nose-leaf.[8] They have dark facial stripes. Their ears have well-defined folds.[8] They have narrow dorsal stripes. Individual dorsal hairs are tricolored, with the base, mid, and tip of the hair different colors; ventral hairs are bicolored. The third metacarpal is shorter than the fifth metacarpal. They weigh approximately 30 g (1.1 oz), making them "medium-sized" for their genus.[8]

Biology and ecology

They are frugivorous,[1] but are also known as pollinators.[9] They are likely polyestrous, as pregnant females have been encountered throughout the year.[10]


This species has been documented in two sites in the lowland of southern Panama. It has been found in over twenty sites in both Colombia and Ecuador. They live in the Pacific-facing side of Colombia and western Ecuador. They are found in lower elevation habitat, from 1–1,000 m (3.3–3,300 ft) above sea level.[1]


In 2020, this species was listed as endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, based on a projected decline of 50%. However, the decline appears more moderate now, and it is listed as vulnerable due to a projected decline of 30%. Its range includes protected areas, such as Utría National Natural Park and Los Katíos National Park, both in Colombia. Areas where the bat occur are being converted to agricultural use, particularly cocoa farming,[9] which threatens the species. Illegal mining in Colombia is also responsible for its habitat destruction.[1]


  1. ^ a b c d e f Ramirez-Chaves, H.; Suárez-Castro, A. (2020) [amended version of 2015 assessment]. "Platyrrhinus chocoensis". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. 2020: e.T17568A166501543. doi:10.2305/IUCN.UK.2020-1.RLTS.T17568A166501543.en. Retrieved 29 July 2020.
  2. ^ Simmons, Nancy B. (2005), "Chiroptera", in Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M. (eds.), Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed), Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 312–529, ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0, retrieved 13 September 2009
  3. ^ "Annual Report 2013-2014" (PDF). batcon.org. Bat Conservation International. August 2014. Archived from the original (PDF) on July 7, 2017. Retrieved May 1, 2017.
  4. ^ Alberico, M. S., & Velasco, E. (1991). Description of a new broad-nosed bat from Colombia. Bonner Zoologische Beiträge, 42, 237-239.
  5. ^ Velazco, P. M. (2005). Morphological phylogeny of the bat genus Platyrrhinus Saussure, 1860 (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) with the description of four new species. Fieldiana Zoology, 1-53.
  6. ^ Velazco, P. M., & Patterson, B. D. (2008). Phylogenetics and biogeography of the broad-nosed bats, genus Platyrrhinus (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 49(3), 749-759.
  7. ^ Velazco, P.M., A.L. Gardner and B.D. Patterson. 2010. Systematic of the Platyrrhinus helleri complex (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae), with description of two new species. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 159: 785–812.
  8. ^ a b c Velazco Garcia, P. M. (2009). Historical diversification in the neotropics: Evolution and variation of the bat genus platyrrhinus (Order No. 3381066). pp 16-28. Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global; SciTech Premium Collection.
  9. ^ a b Regan, E. C., Santini, L., Ingwall‐King, L., Hoffmann, M., Rondinini, C., Symes, A., ... & Butchart, S. H. (2015). Global trends in the status of bird and mammal pollinators. Conservation Letters, 8(6), 397-403
  10. ^ Gardner, A.L. 2008. Mammals of South America: Volume I. Marsupials, xenarthrans, shrews, and bats. University of Chicago Press, Chicago.
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Choco broad-nosed bat: Brief Summary ( englanti )

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The Choco broad-nosed bat (Platyrrhinus chocoensis) is a species of bat in the family Phyllostomidae. It is native to Colombia, Panama, and Ecuador, where it is found in the Choco region lowlands. It is threatened by habitat loss. In 2013, Bat Conservation International listed this species as one of the 35 species of its worldwide priority list of conservation.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( kastilia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis es una especie de murciélago de la familia Phyllostomidae.

Distribución geográfica

Es endémica de Colombia y Ecuador, donde se encuentra en la región del Chocó.


Se encuentra en altitudes desde 35 hasta 305 metros.

Estado de conservación

Se encuentra amenazada de extinción por la pérdida de su hábitat natural


  • SIMMONS, N. B. Order Chiroptera. In: WILSON, D. E.; REEDER, D. M. (Eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. 3. ed. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005. v. 1, p. 312-529.
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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( kastilia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis es una especie de murciélago de la familia Phyllostomidae.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( baski )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis Platyrrhinus generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Stenodermatinae azpifamilia eta Phyllostomidae familian sailkatuta dago


  1. (Ingelesez)Mammals - full taxonomy and Red List status Ugaztun guztien egoera 2008an
  2. Alberico and Velasco (1991) 42 Bonn. zool. Beitr. 238. or..

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( baski )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis Platyrrhinus generoko animalia da. Chiropteraren barruko Stenodermatinae azpifamilia eta Phyllostomidae familian sailkatuta dago

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( Italia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Alberico & Velasco, 1991) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nell'America meridionale.[1][2]



Pipistrello di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza della testa e del corpo tra 75 e 78 mm, la lunghezza dell'avambraccio tra 48 e 49 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 14 e 15 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 18 e 20 mm e un peso fino a 32 g.[3]


La pelliccia è corta, densa e soffice. Le parti dorsali sono marroni scure con una sottile striscia dorsale più chiara che si estende dalla zona tra le spalle fino alla groppa, mentre le parti ventrali sono più chiare, con la base dei peli scura. Il muso è corto e largo. La foglia nasale è ben sviluppata e lanceolata, con la porzione anteriore parzialmente saldata al labbro superiore. Due strisce giallo-brunastre sono presenti su ogni lato del viso, la prima si estende dall'angolo esterno della foglia nasale fino a dietro l'orecchio, mentre la seconda parte dell'angolo posteriore della bocca e termina alla base del padiglione auricolare. Una lunga vibrissa è presente su ogni guancia. Le orecchie sono larghe, triangolari, ampiamente separate e con diverse pieghe poco marcate sulla superficie interna. Il trago è piccolo ed appuntito. Le membrane alari sono marroni scure e attaccate posteriormente alla base dell'alluce. I piedi sono ricoperti di peli mediamente densi. È privo di coda. L'uropatagio è ridotto ad una sottile membrana lungo la parte interna degli arti inferiori, con il margine libero leggermente frangiato e a forma di U' rovesciata. Il calcar è corto.



Si nutre di frutta.

Distribuzione e habitat

Questa specie è diffusa nelle regioni del Chocó in Colombia e nell'Ecuador nord-occidentale.

Stato di conservazione

La IUCN Red List, considerato il severo declino della popolazione, stimato in oltre il 50% negli ultimi 10 anni a causa del degrado e della distruzione del proprio habitat, classifica P.chocoensis come specie in pericolo (EN).[1]


  1. ^ a b c (EN) Velazco, P. & Aguirre, L. 2008, Platyrrhinus chocoensis, su IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, Versione 2020.2, IUCN, 2020.
  2. ^ (EN) D.E. Wilson e D.M. Reeder, Platyrrhinus chocoensis, in Mammal Species of the World. A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3ª ed., Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005, ISBN 0-8018-8221-4.
  3. ^ Tirira, 2007.


  • Diego S. Tirira, Mamíferos del Ecuador: Guía de campo, Ediciones Murciélago Blanco, 2007. ISBN 9789978446515
  • Alfred L. Gardner, Mammals of South America, Volume 1: Marsupials, Xenarthrans, Shrews, and Bats, University Of Chicago Press, 2008. ISBN 9780226282404

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( Italia )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis (Alberico & Velasco, 1991) è un pipistrello della famiglia dei Fillostomidi diffuso nell'America meridionale.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( flaami )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de bladneusvleermuizen van de Nieuwe Wereld (Phyllostomidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Alberico & Velasco in 1991.


De soort komt voor in Panama, Colombia en Ecuador.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( flaami )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis is een zoogdier uit de familie van de bladneusvleermuizen van de Nieuwe Wereld (Phyllostomidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Alberico & Velasco in 1991.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( ruotsi )

tarjonnut wikipedia SV

Platyrrhinus chocoensis[2][3] är en fladdermusart som beskrevs av Natalia A. Alberico och Arturo Velasco Negueruela 1991. Platyrrhinus chocoensis ingår i släktet Platyrrhinus och familjen bladnäsor.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4]

Arten förekommer i västra Colombia och nordvästra Ecuador vid Stilla havet. Vid två tillfällen hittades denna fladdermus i Panama. Den lever i låglandet och i bergstrakter upp till 1000 meter över havet och vistas bland annat i skogar.[1]

Individerna äter frukter och kanske pollen och nektar. Honor parar sig kort efter ungarnas födelse igen. Antagligen kan de ha flera kullar per år. I Colombia hittades mellan juli och september inga dräktiga honor.[1]


  1. ^ [a b c d] Ramirez-Chaves, H. and Suárez-Castro, A. 2015 Platyrrhinus chocoensis Från: IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2 <www.iucnredlist.org>. Läst 2016-04-20.
  2. ^ Wilson, Don E., and DeeAnn M. Reeder, eds. (2005) , Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference, 3rd ed., Platyrrhinus chocoensis
  3. ^ Wilson, Don E., and F. Russell Cole (2000) , Common Names of Mammals of the World
  4. ^ [a b] Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (24 april 2011). ”Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist.”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. http://www.catalogueoflife.org/annual-checklist/2011/search/all/key/platyrrhinus+chocoensis/match/1. Läst 24 september 2012.
  5. ^ ITIS: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Orrell T. (custodian), 2011-04-26

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( ruotsi )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis är en fladdermusart som beskrevs av Natalia A. Alberico och Arturo Velasco Negueruela 1991. Platyrrhinus chocoensis ingår i släktet Platyrrhinus och familjen bladnäsor. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som starkt hotad. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.

Arten förekommer i västra Colombia och nordvästra Ecuador vid Stilla havet. Vid två tillfällen hittades denna fladdermus i Panama. Den lever i låglandet och i bergstrakter upp till 1000 meter över havet och vistas bland annat i skogar.

Individerna äter frukter och kanske pollen och nektar. Honor parar sig kort efter ungarnas födelse igen. Antagligen kan de ha flera kullar per år. I Colombia hittades mellan juli och september inga dräktiga honor.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( ukraina )

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Середовище проживання

Країни поширення: Колумбія, Еквадор. Знаходиться в низинах біогеографічного регіону Чоко на висотах від 35 до 305 м


В основному плодоїдний.

Загрози та охорона

Чоко регіон в даний час швидко перетворюється сільським господарством, яке становить серйозну загрозу для цього обмеженого виду. Живе на природоохоронних територіях.


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Platyrrhinus chocoensis ( vietnam )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi mũi lá, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Alberico & Velasco mô tả năm 1991.[2]

Chú thích

  1. ^ Velazco, P. & Aguirre, L. (2008) Platyrrhinus chocoensis Trong: IUCN 2009. Sách đỏ IUCN về các loài bị đe dọa. Phiên bản 2009.1. www.iucnredlist.org Tra cứu ngày 13 tháng 9 năm 2009.
  2. ^ Wilson, D. E.; Reeder, D. M. biên tập (2005). “Platyrrhinus chocoensis”. Mammal Species of the World . Baltimore: Nhà in Đại học Johns Hopkins, 2 tập (2.142 trang). ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494.

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis: Brief Summary ( vietnam )

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Platyrrhinus chocoensis là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Dơi mũi lá, bộ Dơi. Loài này được Alberico & Velasco mô tả năm 1991.

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초코넓적코박쥐 ( Korea )

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초코넓적코박쥐(Platyrrhinus chocoensis)는 주걱박쥐과(신세계잎코박쥐과)에 속하는 박쥐의 일종이다. 콜롬비아에콰도르의 토착종으로 해발 35~305m의 초코 지역 저지대에서 발견된다.[1][2] 서식지 감소로 멸종 위협을 받고 있다.


  1. “Platyrrhinus chocoensis”. 《멸종 위기 종의 IUCN 적색 목록. 2009.1판》 (영어). 국제 자연 보전 연맹. 2008. 2009년 9월 13일에 확인함.
  2. Simmons, Nancy B. (2005), 〈Chiroptera〉, Wilson, Don E.; Reeder, DeeAnn M., 《Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed)》, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 312–529쪽, ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0, 2012년 9월 26일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서, 2009년 9월 13일에 확인함
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