Ochotona curzoniae are preyed upon by birds of prey, including common kestrels (Falco tinnunculus), black kites (Milvus lineatus), upland buzzards (Buteo hemilasius), and weasels and polecats (Mustela). They avoid predation primarily through their vigilance, cryptic coloration, and tendency to remain under cover of foliage or rocks when active.
Known Predators:
Anti-predator Adaptations: cryptic
Black-lipped pikas are small, chunky, and lack a conspicuous tail. They have characteristic black lips and thick fur which is brown to reddish tan on the dorsal side and light gray on the ventral side. There is no sexual dimorphism in size or coloration and it is difficult to determine males from females by the external genitalia.
Range mass: 0.1 to 0.2 kg.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry
Sexual Dimorphism: sexes alike
The life expectancy of O. curzoniae is short because this species faces harsh winters and high parasitosis. Few members of each family group survive to the next spring. About 15.7% survive to breed during first year after birth, and only 1.5% survive to breed during their second year.
Range lifespan
Status: wild: 957 (high) days.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 119.9 days.
Average lifespan
Status: wild: 119.9 days.
Ochotona curzoniae prefers to make burrows in flat to gently sloping terrain and silty to sandy-soiled meadow lands with few rocks and good drainage at elevations up to 5300 meters.
Range elevation: 5300 (high) m.
Habitat Regions: temperate ; terrestrial
Terrestrial Biomes: tundra ; desert or dune ; savanna or grassland ; mountains
Black-lipped pikas are found in the Alpine meadows and steppes of the Tibetan plateau in the Chang Taung region of the People’s Republic of China.
Biogeographic Regions: palearctic (Native )
Black-lipped pikas spend the majority of their time foraging for food. Those that live in meadows can store large amounts of forage in hay piles, for later consumption. Desert dwelling O. curzoniae cannot easily create hay stores because high winds blow it away, and less cohesive social structures make it more difficult to protect caches.
Plant Foods: leaves; seeds, grains, and nuts; flowers
Foraging Behavior: stores or caches food
Primary Diet: herbivore (Folivore , Granivore )
Black-lipped pikas feed on seeds, and they disperse those seeds to some extent. However, since they have a limited home range, the seeds are not dispersed far from where they were collected. They are reservoirs for parasitic species such as fleas. Poisoning of Ochotona curzoniae by local people to reduce the destruction created by burrows has lead to the death of several bird species, for example Montifringilla and Pyrgilauda as well as Pseudopodoces humilis>. These birds are known to nest in black-lipped pika burrows and are harmed by the poison used to cull the pika population.
Ecosystem Impact: disperses seeds; parasite
Commensal/Parasitic Species:
Ochotona curzoniae in low densities eat the foods untouched by livestock, and their excrement fertilizes the plants that livestock do eat.
Positive Impacts: produces fertilizer
Black-lipped pikas have been blamed for soil erosion caused by burrowing and also for eating the vegetation normally fed upon by livestock. Generally, soil erosion is present before burrows have been created. At high densities, O. curzoniae populations do compete with livestock for vegetation.
Pastoralists have used zinc phosphate to poison black-lipped pikas in hopes of reducing competition with livestock for vegetation. These pikas are not currently threatened, but further persecution and habitat changes may threaten populations in the future.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
State of Michigan List: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Black-lipped pikas communicate with family members by grooming, boxing and other contact to maintain social bonds. There is also frequent vocal communication informing the family of potential threats.
Communication Channels: tactile ; acoustic
Perception Channels: tactile ; acoustic ; chemical
Black-lipped pikas employ several mating systems. Most commonly, black-lipped pikas live in monogamous family groups made up of and adult male and female, juveniles, and younger animals. Both polygamy and polyandry have been recorded among O. curzoniae; this most commonly happens when an adult black-lipped pika dies and its mate joins another family group. Promiscuity has also been observed, though it is not common.
Mating System: monogamous ; polyandrous ; polygynous
Female black-lipped pikas breed and produce litters every three weeks during summer months. As the summer continues, more food becomes available and each successive litter becomes larger throughout the summer. During the mating season, there is intense male-male competition for females. Once family groups are formed, intergroup aggression keeps families together. Also, social interaction via grooming, boxing, communication and other contact helps to maintain social relationships. Communication reaches its peak during the weaning period of a new litter so that juveniles maintain strong social bonds with each other and their parents. Female O. curzoniae can, and often do, breed within the same summer of their own birth.
It was once thought that black-lipped pikas practiced a great deal of inbreeding to maintain family ties. However, it has since been discovered that roughly 97% of males leave their family range during the spring just before mating season. These males usually move to neighboring family groups. Some females also disperse from their natal family groups to join neighboring ones. This behavior helps to reduce the negative effects of inbreeding; however, the most successful matings usually occur between family members.
Breeding interval: Breeding can occur every three weeks during the summer months.
Breeding season: The female is in estrous for one day during the week that copulation occurs.
Range number of offspring: 1 to 8.
Average number of offspring: 4.8.
Range gestation period: 21 to 24 days.
Average weaning age: 21 days.
Average time to independence: 3 weeks.
Key Reproductive Features: iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; viviparous
One unusual feature about O. curzoniae is that males invest heavily in offspring. Their behaviors consist of vigilance and awareness of the surroundings. They look out for potential predators as well as help maintain home range boundaries. The majority of juvenile-adult interactions occur with adult males rather than the females.
Females have limited interactions with offspring outside of nursing. A mother spends the majority of her time foraging so that she can provide enough energy to feed her young and prepare for the next litter, which quickly follows.
After three weeks, the offspring are weaned and go through a period of learning, generally with an adult male. The litters usually remain with their family for the first winter and disperse in spring before the reproductive season.
Parental Investment: altricial ; pre-fertilization (Provisioning, Protecting: Female); pre-hatching/birth (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Female); pre-weaning/fledging (Provisioning: Female, Protecting: Male); pre-independence (Protecting: Male); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning
Ochotona curzoniae és una espècie de pica de la família dels ocotònids que viu a la Xina, l'Índia i el Nepal.
Ochotona curzoniae és una espècie de pica de la família dels ocotònids que viu a la Xina, l'Índia i el Nepal.
Der Schwarzlippige Pfeifhase (Ochotona curzoniae) ist eine Säugetierart aus der Familie der Pfeifhasen (Ochotonidae).
Schwarzlippige Pfeifhasen weisen den typischen gedrungenen Körperbau der Pfeifhasen mit den kleinen, runden Ohren und den vergleichsweise kurzen Gliedmaßen auf. Ihr dichtes Fell ist an der Oberseite rötlich-braun und an den Unterseite grau gefärbt, wobei das Winterfell wie bei anderen Pfeifhasen eher gräulicher ist. Namensgebendes Merkmal sind die schwarz gefärbten Lippen.
Die Schwarzlippen-Pfeifhasen bewohnen das Hochland von Tibet und angrenzende Gebiete im westlichen China, Indien (Sikkim) und Nepal. Ihr Lebensraum sind Gebirgsregionen bis in 5300 Meter Seehöhe.
Diese Tiere leben in Familiengruppen zusammen, die sich aus einem Männchen, einem oder zwei Weibchen und fünf bis zehn Jungtieren aus mehreren Generationen zusammensetzen. Sie bewohnen komplexe Baue, die aus mehreren Tunnel und Eingängen bestehen und ihnen sowohl zur Nahrungssuche als auch zur Flucht vor Feinden dienen. Es sind territoriale Tiere, die ihr Gangsystem vehement gegen andere Gruppen oder Einzeltiere verteidigen. Schwarzlippen-Pfeifhasen können sowohl am Tag als auch in der Nacht aktiv sein. Wie alle Pfeifhasen halten sie keinen Winterschlaf, sondern legen Nahrungsvorräte an.
Schwarzlippige Pfeifhasen fressen überwiegend Gräser, Kräuter und Pflanzenstängel, aber auch Wurzelwerk.
Die Fortpflanzung der Schwarzlippigen Pfeifhasen erfolgt während der Sommermonate, dabei trägt das Weibchen oft mehrere Würfe pro Jahr aus. Die Trächtigkeitsdauer beträgt dabei 21 bis 24 Tage, die Würfgröße eins bis acht (durchschnittlich 4,8). Die Jungtiere wachsen sehr schnell und werden nach drei Wochen entwöhnt.
Der Schwarzlippige Pfeifhase (Ochotona curzoniae) ist eine Säugetierart aus der Familie der Pfeifhasen (Ochotonidae).
Il-Pika tax-xofftejn suwed (Ochotona curzoniae) hija speċi ta' mammiferu plaċentat tal-familja Ochotonidae, fl-ordni Lagomorpha.
Din l-ispeċi tagħmel parti mill-grupp tal-piki tal-isteppa li hu magħmul minn disa' speċi u miġburin fis-sottoġeneru Ochotona.
Il-Pika tax-xofftejn suwed hija speċi li tħobb tgħix fil-bejta li tħaffer hi stess taħt l-art. Din bħala speċi qiegħda klassifikata mil-Lista Ħamra tal-IUCN bħala waħda mifruxa u stabbli, b'hekk din qiegħda mniżżla fi stat ta' "l-inqas ħsieb".
Din l-ispeċi għandha distribuzzjoni maċ-Ċina (mifruxa fil-provinċi ta' Gansu, Quinghai u Sichuan), l-Indja (mifruxa f'Sikkim) u n-Nepal.
Il-Pika tax-xofftejn suwed (Ochotona curzoniae) hija speċi ta' mammiferu plaċentat tal-familja Ochotonidae, fl-ordni Lagomorpha.
Din l-ispeċi tagħmel parti mill-grupp tal-piki tal-isteppa li hu magħmul minn disa' speċi u miġburin fis-sottoġeneru Ochotona.
Il-Pika tax-xofftejn suwed hija speċi li tħobb tgħix fil-bejta li tħaffer hi stess taħt l-art. Din bħala speċi qiegħda klassifikata mil-Lista Ħamra tal-IUCN bħala waħda mifruxa u stabbli, b'hekk din qiegħda mniżżla fi stat ta' "l-inqas ħsieb".
कालोमुखे ठुटेखरायो नेपालमा पाइने एक प्रकारको जनावर हो ।
கருவிதழ்ப் பாறைமுயல் (Ochotona curzoniae), பாறைமுயல் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு பாலூட்டி ஆகும். இவை சீனா, பாகிஸ்தான், இந்தியா, நேபாளம் போன்ற நடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.
கருவிதழ்ப் பாறைமுயல் (Ochotona curzoniae), பாறைமுயல் இனத்தைச் சேர்ந்த ஒரு பாலூட்டி ஆகும். இவை சீனா, பாகிஸ்தான், இந்தியா, நேபாளம் போன்ற நடுகளில் காணப்படுகின்றன.
The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), also known as the black-lipped pika, is a species of mammal in the pika family, Ochotonidae.
It is a small diurnal and non-hibernating mammal weighing about 140 g when fully grown. The animals are reddish tan on the top-side with more of a whitish yellow on their under-belly.
They prefer to live in elevations of 3,100 to 5,000 m, mostly in the Tibetan Plateau, which is where the common name originates from. The species is found in China, Pakistan, India, and Nepal in high alpine deserts, steppe and meadows, as well as tropical and subtropical montane forests.[2]
Plateau pikas are considered to be a keystone species as they play a role in recycling nutrients in soil, providing food to predators such as; foxes, weasels, falcons, Asia pole cat, upland buzzard, and owls. They also provide microhabitats by increasing plant richness and their burrows provides nests for small birds and reptiles.
According to the Chinese biologists who have studied the wildlife of the Hoh Xil (northern part of the Tibetan Plateau), plateau pikas are the favorite food of the area's brown bears.[3] In addition to its role as a prey base, the plateau pika is important for soil health in meadows; the burrowing of the species helps to aerate the soil. The species is currently considered threatened, mostly due to aggressive poisoning campaigns by Chinese populations, predominantly to eliminate competition for food with livestock.[2]
Plateau pikas have mating systems such as monogamous and polygynandrous groups, which contain about three males and 3 to 4 females per family along with their offspring. Females can produce 2 to 5 litters of about 2 to 7 offspring with a three-week interval in between each litter which is why this group of lagomorphs are known to have the fastest growth rates of their order. Their breeding season lasts from April to August and the young do not disperse in the year of birth. Males form hierarchies and females are usually philopatric forming reproductive alliances, helping each other in the care of their offspring, males also contribute in parental care when deterring a predator by emitting an alarm call. Pikas are social animals that live in families of two to five adults and their offspring.[1] Males and females both contribute in protecting their family groups from intruders displaying aggressive behaviors towards others who are not part of their family.[4]
Since plateau pikas live in such extremely cold environments and are a non-hibernating species, they have acquired physiological adaptations to better assist with their survival. These adaptations include their high resting metabolic rate and non- shivering thermogenesis along with the production of leptin which is a thermogenesis regulatory hormone.
Unlike hibernating mammals, plateau pikas do not merely rely on excess body fat to combat extremely cold climates. One important physiological adaptation is their ability to alter the type of their adipose tissue, from white to brown, which promotes non-shivering thermogenesis.[5]
The plateau pika is considered a keystone species[6] and also considered a pest because of the degradation it causes to crops. This causes a competition in foraging[7] with the livestock of farmers such as yaks, sheep, and horses, which in turn affects their livelihood. Conservation efforts for the Plateau pika have focused on a number of strategies. One approach has been to raise awareness among local communities about the important role that the pika plays in the ecosystem and to promote more sustainable farming practices that do not rely on exterminating the animals.[8] This can involve providing alternative methods for protecting crops, such as using fencing or other physical barriers.
Another strategy has been to establish protected areas where the pika and other wildlife can thrive without interference from human activities. For example, the Sanjiangyuan National Nature Reserve in China,[9] which encompasses much of the Tibetan Plateau, has been designated as a protected area for the pika and other endangered species.
Finally, some researchers have been studying the biology and behavior of the Plateau pika in order to better understand the species and its role in the ecosystem. This information can then be used to inform conservation efforts and management strategies.
Overall, conservation efforts for the Plateau pika are aimed at ensuring the long-term survival of the species while also promoting sustainable development in the region.[10] By working to protect this important component of the high-altitude ecosystem, conservationists hope to maintain the ecological integrity and biodiversity of the region for generations to come.
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: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) {{cite journal}}
: CS1 maint: uses authors parameter (link) The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae), also known as the black-lipped pika, is a species of mammal in the pika family, Ochotonidae.
It is a small diurnal and non-hibernating mammal weighing about 140 g when fully grown. The animals are reddish tan on the top-side with more of a whitish yellow on their under-belly.
They prefer to live in elevations of 3,100 to 5,000 m, mostly in the Tibetan Plateau, which is where the common name originates from. The species is found in China, Pakistan, India, and Nepal in high alpine deserts, steppe and meadows, as well as tropical and subtropical montane forests.
La pica de meseta o pica de labios negros (Ochotona curzoniae) es una especie de mamífero de la familia Ochotonidae.
Se encuentra en China, India y Nepal.
La pica de meseta o pica de labios negros (Ochotona curzoniae) es una especie de mamífero de la familia Ochotonidae.
Ochotona curzoniae Ochotona generoko animalia da. Lagomorpharen barruko Ochotonidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Ochotona curzoniae Ochotona generoko animalia da. Lagomorpharen barruko Ochotonidae familian sailkatuta dago.
Ochotona curzoniae
Le pika à lèvres noires[1] (Ochotona curzoniae) est une espèce de la famille des Ochotonidae. C'est un pika, petit mammifère lagomorphe.
Au Tibet, il a fait l'objet de campagne d'empoisonnement par les Chinois qui le considèrent comme nuisible pour les cultures. Cependant, les études récentes de Andrew Smith (université d'Arizona) ont montré que ses terriers ralentissent l'écoulement des eaux d'orage, constituant un frein efficace à l'érosion. Ainsi, là où le pika disparaît, des inondations se produisent[2],[3].
Ochotona curzoniae
Le pika à lèvres noires (Ochotona curzoniae) est une espèce de la famille des Ochotonidae. C'est un pika, petit mammifère lagomorphe.
Au Tibet, il a fait l'objet de campagne d'empoisonnement par les Chinois qui le considèrent comme nuisible pour les cultures. Cependant, les études récentes de Andrew Smith (université d'Arizona) ont montré que ses terriers ralentissent l'écoulement des eaux d'orage, constituant un frein efficace à l'érosion. Ainsi, là où le pika disparaît, des inondations se produisent,.
Il pica dell'altopiano o pica dalle labbra nere (Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson, 1858) è un mammifero lagomorfo della famiglia degli Ocotonidi.
La specie è endemica dell'altopiano tibetano: per questo motivo viene a volte chiamato anche pica tibetano, tuttavia tale nome può originare confusione con la specie Ochotona thibetana, talvolta denominata allo stesso modo. Predilige le aree pianeggianti prative o steppose, con vegetazione rada.
Misura poco meno di venti centimetri di lunghezza, per un peso che sfiora i 200 g.
Si tratta di animali di costituzione massiccia, simili a dei grossi criceti. Il pelo, corto e folto, è grigio-brunastro con sfumature rossicce su spalle e posteriore, mentre il ventre è di colore grigio chiaro. Attorno alle labbra la pelle è nera: da questa caratteristica deriva il nome comune della specie.
Questi animali sono diurni e vivono in gruppi familiari, comprendenti una coppia riproduttrice ed una decina di esemplari giovani: ciascun gruppo delimita un territorio di circa 10 ettari, all'interno del quale scava una tana che si può ramificare per oltre otto metri, pur non scendendo mai al di sotto dei 40 cm di profondità nel terreno. Ciascuna tana ha generalmente un'unica entrata e alcune uscite adibite a latrine all'aperto. La difesa e la sorveglianza del territorio sono competenza esclusiva del maschio, mentre la femmina passa la maggior parte del tempo a nutrirsi, per far fronte al suo stato praticamente perpetuo di gestazione e allattamento.
Si tratta di animali erbivori, che si nutrono di qualsiasi tipo di materiale vegetale riescano a trovare, dalle erbe ai licheni. Durante le settimane antecedenti il periodo invernale, questi animali tendono ad ammassare il cibo per farne una scorta da consumare nei periodi di magra: tale operazione, tuttavia, può dimostrarsi assai ardua sia a causa della naturale scarsità di cibo di alcune zone, che a causa dei venti che spazzano frequentemente queste aree.
Questi animali sono prevalentemente monogami, tuttavia sono stati osservati più di una volta casi di poliandria e poliginia: questo avviene perché quando uno dei due partner muore, il restante si unisce solitamente ad altri gruppi.
La gestazione dura, per l'appunto tre settimane, età alla quale avviene anche lo svezzamento dei cuccioli e la loro virtuale indipendenza dai genitori: i cuccioli, infatti, passano generalmente un altro periodo coi genitori, in particolare col maschio, per imparare come cavarsela da soli. La femmina va in estro una settimana dopo il parto: durante i mesi estivi, essa arriva a tirare su una cucciolata ogni tre settimane, ciascuna delle quali comprendente dai quattro agli otto cuccioli.
A causa di questa prolificità, un tempo si pensava che fra questi animali l'incesto fosse una pratica assai comune: recenti ricerche sul campo, invece, hanno dimostrato che il 97% dei cuccioli lascia il proprio gruppo natale in primavera, appena prima di raggiungere la maturità sessuale, abbattendo così il rischio di incesto.
La speranza di vita di questi animali raramente oltrepassa i due anni, a causa delle condizioni climatiche proibitive nelle quali gli animali vivono e delle numerose malattie a cui sono sensibili (in particolare le parassitosi. Studi in proposito hanno dimostrato che solo il 15% degli animali sopravvive al primo anno, ed un decimo di coloro che ci riescono vivono anche oltre i due anni.
Il pica dell'altopiano o pica dalle labbra nere (Ochotona curzoniae Hodgson, 1858) è un mammifero lagomorfo della famiglia degli Ocotonidi.
De zwartlipfluithaas (Ochotona curzoniae) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de fluithazen (Ochotonidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Hodgson in 1858.
Deze fluithaas heeft een zandkleurige-bruine rug en een dof-geelwitte buik. Achter het oor bevindt zich een roestkleurige vlek. Neus en lippen zijn zwart. De lichaamslengte bedraagt 14 tot 18,5 cm en het gewicht 125 tot 175 gram. Het dier heeft geen staart.
Deze in groepsverband levende dieren bouwen burchten, elk bewoond door een uitgebreide familie. In sommige streken zijn ze zo algemeen dat ze als plaag worden beschouwd.
Een vrouwtje kan jaarlijks 5 nesten van 8 jongen krijgen, die door beide ouders worden verzorgd.
Deze soort komt voor in de open habitats van Oost-Azië.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesDe zwartlipfluithaas (Ochotona curzoniae) is een zoogdier uit de familie van de fluithazen (Ochotonidae). De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Hodgson in 1858.
A pika-de-lábios-negros ou pika-do-platô (Ochotona curzoniae) é um lagomorfo encontrado na China, Índia e Nepal.
A pika-de-lábios-negros ou pika-do-platô (Ochotona curzoniae) é um lagomorfo encontrado na China, Índia e Nepal.
Ochotona curzoniae[2][3][4][5] är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Brian Houghton Hodgson 1858. Ochotona curzoniae ingår i släktet Ochotona, och familjen pipharar.[6][7] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade.[6]
Arten når en absolut längd av 14 till 19,2 cm.[1] Svansen finns bara rudimentär och vikten ligger mellan 100 och 200 g. Ochotona curzoniae har en ljusbrun päls, vanligen med röd skugga, på ovansidan och ljusgrå päls vid buken. Kännetecknande är svarta läppar.[8]
Denna piphare förekommer i Tibet och i andra kinesiska provinser som Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan och Xinjiang. Dessutom når arten angränsande regioner av Nepal och nordöstra Indien. Ochotona curzoniae vistas i bergstrakter och på högplatå mellan 3000 och 5000 meter över havet. Habitatet utgörs främst av bergsängar och alpina stäpper eller öknar. I Indien och Nepal hittas arten även i bergsskogar.[1]
Individerna gräver underjordiska tunnelsystem och de är oftast aktiva på dagen. Födan utgörs uteslutande av växtdelar. Enligt en studie av Bagchi et al. 2006 förbättrar arten liksom gnagaren Alticola stoliczkanus grogrunden för större växter. I pipharens bon vilar även ödlor och mindre fåglar. Arten är ett viktigt bytesdjur för predatorer som lever i samma region.[1]
Mellan april och augusti kan honor ha tre till fem kullar och per kull föds två till åtta ungar. Ungarna blir könsmogna före vintern.[1]
Ett föräldrapar och ungarna från en eller två kullar bildar en flock. Tunnelsystemet har flera ingångar och alla gångar hopräknad kan vara 8 meter långa. De ligger vanligen 20 till 40 cm under markytan. Arten håller inte vinterdvala.[8]
Hos arten är det huvudsakligen fadern som lär sina ungar hur de klarar sig i vildmarken. Fadern försvarar dessutom reviret mot andra pipharar. Honan ger ungarna di och sedan samlar hon föda.[8]
Ochotona curzoniae är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Brian Houghton Hodgson 1858. Ochotona curzoniae ingår i släktet Ochotona, och familjen pipharar. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade.
Ochotona curzoniae là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Ochotonidae, bộ Thỏ. Loài này được Hodgson mô tả năm 1857.[2]
Ochotona curzoniae là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Ochotonidae, bộ Thỏ. Loài này được Hodgson mô tả năm 1857.
Черногу́бая пищу́ха[1] (лат. Ochotona curzoniae) — млекопитающее рода пищух отряда зайцеобразных. Иногда этих пищух называют тибетскими по местам их обитания, однако, это неверно, так как тибетская пищуха (Ochotona thibetana) — это другой вид того же рода Ochotona.
Черногубые пищухи — массивные животные, внешне похожие на хомяков. Шерсть короткая, плотная, серо-коричневого цвета с желтоватым оттенком на плечах и спине. Брюхо светло-серого цвета. Особенностью является чёрная кожа вокруг губ, что и дало название виду. Длина тела взрослых особей до 25 см, вес около 200 грамм.
Черногубые пищухи обитают в горных районах Тибета и прилегающих районах, то есть в западной части Китая, в северной части штата Сикким, (Индия) и в северном Мустанге (Непал). Встречается на высотах до 5300 метров над уровнем моря[2]. Распространено мнение о возможности обитания этого вида Восточном Иране, в провинции Сеистан. Оно основано на описании О. Томасом в 1922 формы Ochotona seiana, которую позднее продолжительное время рассматривали как подвид черногубой пищухи. Однако позднее было показано, что это ошибка[3].
Активны в дневное время суток. Живут преимущественно моногамными семейными группами (случаи полигамии наблюдаются только в том случае, если один из партнеров погибает)[4] состоящими из одной взрослой пары и 5—10 молодых особей первого и второго помёта. Норы черногубой пищухи могут достигать восьми метров в длину. Однако, вглубь почвы норы не уходят более чем на 40 см. Каждая из нор, как правило, имеет один вход и выход. Охраной территории и наблюдением за возможной опасностью занимаются исключительно самцы. Самки большую часть времени занимаются добычей пищи и обустройством жилья.
Питанием черногубой пищухи служит любая растительная пища, от трав до лишайников, которую им удается найти.
Черногубые пищухи очень плодовиты. Беременность длится 21—25 дней. В одном помете рождается от 2 до 5 детенышей. Период вскармливания длится около трех недель. Весной, в возрасте 5—10 месяцев молодые особи покидают родительскую территорию и образовывают новые семьи. Средняя продолжительность жизни этих животных редко превышает два года. Это связано с суровыми погодными условиями в местах обитания и подверженностью вида ко многим заболеваниям, в том числе паразитарным.
Черногу́бая пищу́ха (лат. Ochotona curzoniae) — млекопитающее рода пищух отряда зайцеобразных. Иногда этих пищух называют тибетскими по местам их обитания, однако, это неверно, так как тибетская пищуха (Ochotona thibetana) — это другой вид того же рода Ochotona.
高原鼠兔(学名:Ochotona curzoniae)为鼠兔科鼠兔属的哺乳动物,是中国的特有物种。又名鳴聲鼠、石兔,歷屬兔目動物,但與普通兔科不同,屬鼠兔科。分布于青海、西藏、四川等地,多栖息于高山草原、荒漠、草甸。该物种的模式产地在西藏南部。[1]高原鼠兔是典型的草食性動物,在草原上以青草為食。
高原鼠兔(学名:Ochotona curzoniae)为鼠兔科鼠兔属的哺乳动物,是中国的特有物种。又名鳴聲鼠、石兔,歷屬兔目動物,但與普通兔科不同,屬鼠兔科。分布于青海、西藏、四川等地,多栖息于高山草原、荒漠、草甸。该物种的模式产地在西藏南部。高原鼠兔是典型的草食性動物,在草原上以青草為食。
고원우는토끼 또는 고원우는피카(Ochotona curzonia)는 우는토끼과에 속하는 포유류의 일종이다. 작은 주행성, 비-동면성 포유류로 다 자랐을 때 몸무게는 약 140g 정도이다. 주요 서식지는 해발 3,200-5,300m의 티베트 고원 목초지로 온도 14도 이하의 저온 건조한, 혹독한 기후 지역을 포함하고 있다. 붉은입술우는토끼 또는 붉은입술피카로도 불린다.
고원우는토끼 또는 고원우는피카(Ochotona curzonia)는 우는토끼과에 속하는 포유류의 일종이다. 작은 주행성, 비-동면성 포유류로 다 자랐을 때 몸무게는 약 140g 정도이다. 주요 서식지는 해발 3,200-5,300m의 티베트 고원 목초지로 온도 14도 이하의 저온 건조한, 혹독한 기후 지역을 포함하고 있다. 붉은입술우는토끼 또는 붉은입술피카로도 불린다.