Setzer's hairy-footed gerbil is one of the more robust gerbil species. Its head is larger than the head's of other Gerbillurus species and its body length is longer. The average total body length is around 233 millimeters with the tail comprising an average of 127.4 millimeters of the total length. The hairy-footed gerbil also has the largest auditory bullae of all Gerbillurus species.
As the common name implies, the soles of the feet are covered with hairs, an adaptation seen in many desert dwelling mammals. The pelage is long and thick and matches the color of the desert in which it lives. The dorsal side is a light brown or beige color. The ventral side, limbs, and mouth region are white. The hairy-footed gerbil has a long bushy tail ending in a tuft of gray hairs.
(Dempster et. al., 1998; Nowak, 1999)
Range mass: 30 to 40 g.
Other Physical Features: endothermic ; bilateral symmetry
The hairy-footed gerbil is a desert animal. It is most frequently found on gravel plains without vegetation. These animals prefer dry river beds where top soil is loose and gravely and the lower layers are compact. If population densities become too high, G. setzeri will create burrows in sand dunes.
G. setzeri creates burrow systems below the surface of the desert to avoid the harsh desert climate. Below the surface, temperatures remain constant near 26 degrees Celsius during the day and at night. The humidity is also higher in these burrow systems.
Ninety percent of the burrow systems created by the hairy-footed gerbil are complex. Complex burrow systems contain numerous side branches and multiple entrances. For diagrams of these burrow systems see Downs and Perrin (1989). G. setzeri burrows are among the longest and deepest of the Gerbillurus species.
(Dempster et. al. 1998; Downs and Perrin, 1989)
Terrestrial Biomes: desert or dune
Gerbillurus setzeri is known throughout the Namib Desert in Africa. It ranges northward from the Kuiseb River to southern Angola.
(Dempster et. al., 1998; Wilson and Reeder, 1993)
Biogeographic Regions: ethiopian (Native )
Gerbillurus setzeri consumes arthropods, plant material and seeds. Field researchers in central Namibia found leaves, dried flowers, dried fruits, seeds, chewed grass, remains of insects and beetles, and twigs in food caches from several G. setzeri burrows.
(Dempster et. al., 1998)
Gerbils are popular pets.
Many gerbil species do not come into contact with humans because they live deep in the deserts, but where humans and gerbils coexist, the gerbils can be very destructive to fields and crops. They can also carry deadly diseases.
(MacDonald, 1984)
One of the largest problems for desert-dwelling animals is conserving water. Gerbils conserve water by producing concentrated urine and feces which allows metabolic water to remain in the animal's system. Due to the physiology of its kidney, G. setzeri is able to produce more concentrated urine than any other Gerbillurus species.
(Dempster et. al. 1998)
Perception Channels: tactile ; chemical
Gerbillurus setzeri lives in the Namib Desert which is inhospitable for most mammals, including humans. Therefore, this species is relatively safe from habitat destruction and habitat loss.
US Federal List: no special status
CITES: no special status
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: least concern
Gerbillurus setzeri breeds year round. During copulation the male inserts a copulatory plug into the vagina. The gestation period for a litter is 21 days. Litters range from one to six altricial young. Their eyes are closed for the first 18 days of their lives. The young are weaned between 23 and 28 days after birth. Information about the postnatal development of Gerbillurus setzeri has been difficult to observe primarily because they are difficult to breed in captivity.
(Dempster, E.R. and Perrin M.R., 1991; Dempster et. al. 1998)
Key Reproductive Features: gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual
Gerbillurus setzeri ye una especie de royedor de la familia Muridae.
Alcuéntrase n'Angola y Namibia.
El so hábitat natural son: desiertos templaos y templaos.
Gerbillurus setzeri és una espècie de rosegador de la família dels múrids. Viu al sud-oest d'Angola i el nord-oest de Namíbia. Els seus hàbitats naturals són les planes de grava, les planes de sorra i els llits de rius secs. Es creu que no hi ha cap amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie.[1]
L'espècie fou anomenada en honor del mastòleg estatunidenc Henry W. Setzer.[2]
Gerbillurus setzeri és una espècie de rosegador de la família dels múrids. Viu al sud-oest d'Angola i el nord-oest de Namíbia. Els seus hàbitats naturals són les planes de grava, les planes de sorra i els llits de rius secs. Es creu que no hi ha cap amenaça significativa per a la supervivència d'aquesta espècie.
L'espècie fou anomenada en honor del mastòleg estatunidenc Henry W. Setzer.
The Namib brush-tailed gerbil[3] or Setzer's hairy-footed gerbil (Gerbillurus setzeri)[4] is a species of rodent endemic to Angola and Namibia. Its natural habitats are sandy and gravelly plains. It stays in its burrow by day, emerging at night to feed on arthropods, vegetable matter, and seeds.
The Namib brush-tailed gerbil is the largest species in the genus Gerbillurus, growing to a head-and-body length of about 110 mm (4.3 in) with a tail of around 130 mm (5 in). The dorsal fur is a pale sandy brown colour, individual hairs having a grey basal half and a sandy tip. The flanks are paler than the back, and the face, chin, throat and underparts are white. The eyes are surrounded by indistinct whitish eye rings, the ears are colourless and scantily furred, and the whiskers are black and white. The legs and feet are white, with the soles and the undersides of the digits being densely clad with hair. The tail is sandy-coloured above and white beneath, and is tipped by a long tuft of grey hairs.[4]
This gerbil endemic to southwestern Angola and northwestern and western Namibia in a strip of land running parallel to the coast. It typically occurs in sandy and gravelly areas, sand flats, bare gravel plains with thin, semi-compacted soils, and dried up riverbeds. When population densities rise, some animals may move into nearby dune areas.[1][4]
The Namib brush-tailed gerbil is nocturnal, spending the day in a branching burrow with several entrances that it excavates. It prefers bare areas with little vegetation, and the position of its burrows is often made obvious by the heaps of excavated spoil of a different colour from the surroundings. The burrow may be as long as 2 m (7 ft) and contains a nesting chamber, lined with shredded herbage, and storerooms for food. The gerbil feeds on arthropods, plant material and seeds. It does not need to drink, as it is very efficient at concentrating its urine and is thus able to retain as much moisture in its body as possible. It is more sociable than some related species, but aggressive encounters sometimes occur, with chasing and boxing taking place; there are some vocalizations, including ultrasonic whistles, which are associated with sexual behaviour and communication, and foot drumming is also used.[3][4]
This gerbil is a common species with a moderate-sized range and is presumed to have a large total population. Much of that population is found in protected areas, and the gerbil faces no particular threats, so the International Union for Conservation of Nature has assessed its conservation status as being of "least concern".[1]
The Namib brush-tailed gerbil or Setzer's hairy-footed gerbil (Gerbillurus setzeri) is a species of rodent endemic to Angola and Namibia. Its natural habitats are sandy and gravelly plains. It stays in its burrow by day, emerging at night to feed on arthropods, vegetable matter, and seeds.
Gerbillurus setzeri es una especie de roedor de la familia Muridae.
Se encuentra en Angola y Namibia.
Su hábitat natural son: desiertos cálidos y templados.
Gerbillurus setzeri Gerbillurus generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Gerbillinae azpifamilia eta Muridae familian sailkatuta dago.
Gerbillurus setzeri Gerbillurus generoko animalia da. Karraskarien barruko Gerbillinae azpifamilia eta Muridae familian sailkatuta dago.
La Gerbille de Setzer[1], Gerbillurus setzeri ou Gerbillurus (Gerbillurus) setzeri selon les classifications, est une espèce de gerbille. Ce sont des rongeurs de la famille des Muridae, localisés en Namibie et Afrique du Sud.
La Gerbille de Setzer, Gerbillurus setzeri ou Gerbillurus (Gerbillurus) setzeri selon les classifications, est une espèce de gerbille. Ce sont des rongeurs de la famille des Muridae, localisés en Namibie et Afrique du Sud.
Gerbillurus setzeri (Schlitter, 1973) è un roditore della famiglia dei Muridi diffuso nell'Africa sud-occidentale.[1][2]
Roditore di piccole dimensioni, con la lunghezza totale tra 217 e 263 mm, la lunghezza della coda tra 113 e 145 mm, la lunghezza del piede tra 30 e 35 mm, la lunghezza delle orecchie tra 12 e 16 mm e un peso fino a 48 g.[3]
Le parti superiori sono giallo-brunastre con la base dei peli grigiastra, i fianchi sono più chiari mentre le parti ventrali, le guance, il mento, la gola e le zampe sono bianchi. La linea di demarcazione lungo i fianchi è netta. Sono presenti delle macchie bianche ben definite sopra ogni occhio e dietro ogni orecchio. La coda è più lunga della testa e del corpo, scura sopra, bianca sotto e con un ciuffo di lunghi peli grigiastri all'estremità. Il numero cromosomico è 2n=60 FN=76.
È una specie terricola e notturna. Si rifugia di giorno in tane profonde.
Si nutre di artropodi, parti vegetali e semi.
Si riproduce durante tutto l'anno. Le femmine danno alla luce 1-6 piccoli alla volta dopo una gestazione di 21 giorni. Lo svezzamento avviene dopo 23-28 giorni.
Questa specie è diffusa lungo le coste dell'Angola sud-occidentale e della Namibia nord-occidentale e centro-occidentale.
Vive nelle pianure ghiaiose, piane sabbiose e letti dei fiumi asciutti.
La IUCN Red List, considerata la popolazione numerosa e la presenza in diverse aree protette, classifica G.setzeri come specie a rischio minimo (LC).[1]
Gerbillurus setzeri (Schlitter, 1973) è un roditore della famiglia dei Muridi diffuso nell'Africa sud-occidentale.
Gerbillurus setzeri is een zoogdier uit de familie van de Muridae. De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort werd voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd door Schlitter in 1973.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesGerbillurus setzeri é uma espécie de roedor da família Muridae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Angola e Namíbia.[1]
Os seus habitats naturais são: desertos quentes e desertos temperados.[1]
Seu nome popular em português é gerbil de pés cabeludos de Setzer.
Gerbillurus setzeri é uma espécie de roedor da família Muridae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Angola e Namíbia.
Os seus habitats naturais são: desertos quentes e desertos temperados.
Seu nome popular em português é gerbil de pés cabeludos de Setzer.
Gerbillurus setzeri[2][3] är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Duane A. Schlitter 1973. Gerbillurus setzeri ingår i släktet Gerbillurus och familjen råttdjur.[4][5] IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig.[1] Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.[4]
Denna gnagare blir med svans 21,7 till 26,3 cm lång, svanslängden är 11,3 till 14,5 cm och vikten varierar mellan 33 och 48 g. Djuret har 3,0 till 3,5 cm långa bakfötter och 1,2 till 1,6 cm stora öron. Mellan den mörka ovansidan och den vita undersidan förekommer en tydlig gräns. Gerbillurus setzeri har en liten tofs vid svansens slut.[6]
Arten förekommer i västra Namibia vid havet och i Angolas sydvästra hörn. Den lever där i öknar och halvöknar med glest fördelad växtlighet.[1]
De flesta exemplar gräver komplexa underjordiska bon där temperaturen ligger vid 27 till 29 °C och några individer skapar enkla bon. I det översta jordlagret varierar temperaturen däremot mellan 10 och 40 °C. Det centrala rummet fodras med gräs och det kan finnas ett förråd med frön. När honan inte är brunstig lever varje individ ensam. Artfränderna är aggressivare mot varandra än hos Gerbillurus vallinus men inte lika stridslystna som hos de två andra arterna i släktet. Utöver vanlige läten har arten läten i ultraljud. Födan utgörs av olika växtdelar samt av insekter och andra ryggradslösa djur.[6]
Hos denna gnagare finns ingen fast parningstid. Efter kopulationen lämnar hannen en lock på honans könsorgan. En dokumenterad hona var 21 dagar dräktig och hon födde tre blinda, döva och nakna ungar. De första håren var synliga efter cirka 5 dagar, öronen öppnades efter cirka 7 dagar, framtänderna kom fram efter cirka 11 dagar och efter cirka 25 dagar slutade honan med digivning.[6]
Gerbillurus setzeri är en däggdjursart som först beskrevs av Duane A. Schlitter 1973. Gerbillurus setzeri ingår i släktet Gerbillurus och familjen råttdjur. IUCN kategoriserar arten globalt som livskraftig. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
Gerbillurus setzeri — рід гризунів підродини Піщанкові (Gerbillinae) родини Мишеві (Muridae). Вид поширений у Намібії та Анголі. Полюбляє гарячі пустелі та напівпустелі.
Гризун невеликого розміру, із загальною довжиною 217—263 мм, довжина хвоста 113—145 мм, довжина стопи 30—35 мм, довжина вух 12 і 16 мм і вагою до 48 г.
Gerbillurus setzeri — рід гризунів підродини Піщанкові (Gerbillinae) родини Мишеві (Muridae). Вид поширений у Намібії та Анголі. Полюбляє гарячі пустелі та напівпустелі.
Gerbillurus setzeri là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chuột, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được Schlitter mô tả năm 1973.[1]
Gerbillurus setzeri là một loài động vật có vú trong họ Chuột, bộ Gặm nhấm. Loài này được Schlitter mô tả năm 1973.
나미비아붓꼬리저빌 또는 세처털북숭이발저빌(Gerbillurus setzeri)은 황무지쥐아과에 속하는 설치류의 일종이다.[2] 앙골라와 나미비아에서 발견된다. 자연 서식지는 뜨거운 사막과 온대 사막이다.
작은 설치류로 꼬리 길이 113~145mm를 포함한 전체 몸길이가 217~263mm이다. 발 길이는 30~35mm이고, 귀 길이는 12~16mm, 몸무게는 최대 48g이다.[3] 등 쪽 털은 갈색빛 노란색을 띠는 반면에 옆 구리는 좀더 밝은 색을 띠고, 배 쪽과 볼, 턱, 목, 다리는 희다. 핵형은 2n=60, FN=76이다.
땅 위에서 주로 생활하는 육상성 동물이고 야행성 동물이다. 낮 동안에 깊은 굴 속에 숨어 지낸다. 먹인 절지동물과 식물, 씨앗 등이다. 연중 번식을 한다. 암컷은 약 21일 동안의 임신 기간 이후 한 번에 1~6마리의 새끼를 낳는다. 젖을 떼는 시기는 약 23~28일 이후이다.
앙골라 남부와 서부, 나미비아 북부와 서부, 중부와 서부 지역 해안가를 따라 널리 분포한다. 자갈 평원과 모래 평원, 메마른 강바닥에서 서식한다.